The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 05, 1913, Image 2

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38 Candidates
Now in the Field
Young and Old Have Enter
ed the Race
An prophesied in our opening
announcement the candidates
are not confined to nny one sex
nor does there seem to be any
age limit in either direction. It
is difficult to tell who displays
the most enthusiasm; the young
folks or their usually more de
liberate elders. When the door
opens with a rush, we know it
is an excited candidate with in
quiries concerning the contest
"We are at a loss, DOWtver,
whether to look up to sro the
tall angular form of neighbor
John Jones nlling the doorway
or to look down nt a blue-eyed
curly haired tot who lisps,
Tleath thir, how many votes
for a thubscription'"
Tho list of candidates this
week really does not tell any
thing about the race. The con
test is so youug yet and has so
long to run that the votes cast
the first week form merely a
stepping stone. I'ndoubt'edly
this is true, but it should not
lead anyone desiring to become
a candidate to linger: neither
should it encourage the candi
dates already entered to put off
work in earnest. It should be
remembered that constant drip
ping will wear away stone and the stiiy. consistent,
systematic worker will have the
best chance of winning. The
old maxim that "A rolling stone
gathers no moss," is reversed in
a contest, for here it is the roll
ing stone gathers the most votes.
A candidate who sits down and
waits for her friends to do it all
is extremely liable to gather
moss instead of votes.
should be as elegant as the parts
of those big honest priced cars.
In design, in material, in work
manship, in fiinish, in grace and
riding quality, and in every
essential it is up to the highest
As stated in our opening an
nouncement of this joint contest
there will bo other
Timely rain have fallen tn Sher
man and Gilliam counties and the crop
outlook la regarded aa vary promis
ing. A ngw gold saving machine haa boon
t up on the aanda at Oold Beach.
It will handle 150 ton In 20 hours!
Those Interested hop thev hare
aolved the separation problem.
The state engineer has approved
application of the Harney Valley Re
clamation company to Irrigate 64,000
acres. Four to all reservoirs will bo
required for storage purposes.
On the request of Senator Lane, the
war department haa ordered the sea
going dredge Chinook In commission
aa soon aa poasible, on account of the
high water on the Columbia bar.
A full classification of the govern
ment land In the Metollua river valley
has been started by the United States
government, following the Mllnga of
many appllcntlons for homesteads In
that territory.
The department of commerce has
Informed Senator Chamborlaln that It
has requested the trenaurv department
Rer. Rob't J. Davidson D D Pas
tor. Services at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
pm Sablath school at 10:00 a. m
Mat KAMon tut and rd Snnday
of each month. On all other Sundays
at W AM. "
H. A. Campo, Rector
onqreqdtlotal Church Notice
Sunday Harriots,
Sunday School 10 a m
Preaching Services 11am
C E Meetiug 7pm
Preaching Services 8 p
Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock
Philip Koeulg, Pastor.
Every Saturday
siilihath School 10:30 a m
Bible Study 11:30 a ni
Young pecples meeting 1 :30 p m
to hhsIkh )i revenue euttnr tn ..... i
pn.os given ,ha nr ,.,.. ,. ....,. ' .
... ...- . uio naiunu AlOIOIIIOiil
uwaj from time to time, which stab raamtta.
prizes will go to the most ener
getic candidates.
We print below a list of can
didates in order of their stand-
Ten striking linemen accused of en
gaging In a riot at Oswego have been
bound over to the grand Jury. One
of tlietn was shot In the groin and an
other hit with a Irnid nxe by non un
ion men.
at the first count. If vour iiumo ',.nn y " PP",,,on'
mum-, inive oeen voie at K .miath
Kails to take up the outstanding war-
or that of a friend is not in
cluded see that it is added to ' rant Indebtedness. The city will be
the list before the next count ' n ' ?."h ba,l " 'oon " th" bon1'
,r , " are sold.
Use the ballots printed else- A rancher from Illinois river walked
where. A candidate may nom- ' out of the third story of the Oold
inate himself or may be noini- HeRcl1 holel whlle aaioep. falling about
........ y .. ...u, uununoBHoiKiou, ad ,)H(lly shaken
win the name of the
revealed .
the candidate be
rsK thk rot'i'o.vs
A nominating ballot good for
20UU votes when used to nomi
nate a uuw candidate appear
herein, ami abo a coupon good
for 100 votes for any candidate
already nominated. No candi
date may receive credit for more
than 2000 nominating votes.
The weekly coupons which will
appear in tho issues of the Ar
gus for I time only, will be
numbered and must be cast be
fore the next counting of votes,
or they will not be gredited.
This fact should he. remumbertrd
by all candidates and their
friends. Act now! Do not h -i-tate.
The present is the best
time to enter the race. No
thing can be gained by delay.
Use these coupons at the pres
ent time for it should be re
membered that the nominations
will close in a short time after
which no candidate will be ac
cepted unless by special arrange
ments with the coutest manager.
The weekly ballots crediting U'O
votes also will not appear regu
larly except for a short time.
The prizes in this contest are
of extreme durability Tho first
one is the splendid I06Q full
equipped Mclntyre. It will go
absolutely free to some fortunata
The Mclntyre is designed to
appeal to motorists who want
none but the best ears. It is j
car that can be driven with sat
isfaction by the man who has
driven only the highest priced
cars. To t$bU$ tllis "",!il1 '
it is necessa: y that ecry part ,
now tiiky ntani
Mrs. Winnie Wisdom
Mrs. W. II. Haver
V. Winston Erickson
Miss Maliel Wanton
I red Buttler
II. It Metz
A. C. Manemau
R, 0. McAnnick,
V. W. Marsden
Miss Eva Hoydell
I. H. Neilson
Miss Mae Simon
Miss I Ice Kol'Clt-
Miss Aldula Gregory
Miss Ethel Hussell
Miss May Myer
" Velva (jrimes
" Emma Johnson
" Ora Nott
" Erma Deal
" Marion Hobinson
" Ora Harkham
Harry Ooabtrt
Miss Gertrude I'ouuds
Mrs. J. I. Houston
Miss Anna Robertson
Miss Georgia Lewis
Mrs. C. K. Etnison
Mrs. 11. ('. Whitworth
Miss Ella Brosnan
V. V. Hickox
Miss Huth Test
Mrs. Joe Staples
Mrs. A. Zimmerman
Mrs. L B. Ery
Eddie King
Mrs. John Weaver
57,740 ' t'"Bl bank
but appar
ently not seriously Injured.
With a larg' number of ledgers.
Journals and others books In evidence,
the grand Jury hegnn nn Investigation
i into the aiiini . of the Koaeburg Na-
The bank suspended bus
iness about n year ngo.
Referendum petitions against the
1 uitrLmiiiin' iniiiiiiii.'ii Ii.m nr tk
.. w. n.... .... ...... ,-. .. .... . .,.,. .i, IIIV
8,550 county attorney bill and the sterillsa-
8,600 ,lon ''"' l,ttVi" D'n presented rat the
'' I'll S(',r,,"ry "f xiare's office for filing,
and the names are being checked.
At'" Representatives of over 60 publish
'2,070 Ing firms have appeared during the
()((i) past few months before the Oregon
' I text book commission, which wilt
"jmeet at Salem for the purpose of
2,000 , adopting text books for the schools of
9 (inn! the state.
Sunday School 10 A M
Preaching Service -11 AM
Junior League iiPM
Kpworlh League 0 MO P M
Preaching Her vice 73:0 P M
Thomas Johns. P4STOR.
Vala 0198 Duma 01011
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Offloe at Vale, Oregon. May
L'tli. 1913.
Notioe Is hereby given that Men in
6. Hpaulding. of Payette. Idaho, who
nn November 27th. 1908, made Home
stead Application No. 01988. for 8EJ
Neet i.ii, 5. Towush'p 178.. Range
e7E., Willmette Meridian haa died
notice of inteotiou to make Dual
tliree-yettr proof, to ettstlltli claim to
the land above deeerlbed. before the
Register and Receiver. U. 8. Land
OttVe. at Vale. Oregon, oo the 'J3rd
day of .luii.'. 1913.
Claimant uamea aa witnesses :
Chsrley Darnell. Ira Rook. Levi
Crull. J, C. Stewart, of Payette.
limiH I;. Kester, Register.
The Most Qualified Judges
It la announced at Marshfleld that
the Southern P.iclfie has Issm-'l .r
2,200 ,1,-r for two more tunnels on the Wll
2 000 , lamette Pacific line between the Slus
' w
law and the I'mptiuu. thus disproving
the rumors that the line was to come
in by wuy of Drain .
Si-naior Chamberlain baa written to
Secretary Lane Informing htm that ac
cording to the statements of Engineer
llapson the estimated cost of floo per
acre for the Weel Umatilla extension
will be the outside cost of the project,
and that the first unit could be com
pleted for 175 an acre.
In a natural amphitheater formed by
2,000 aloplng hlllsldee. with the grass-cover-.,
( )( )( , ed hollow at their base aa a atage and
"' i the blue eky overhead aa a celling, the
2,000 , agents of the Unlveralty of Oregon
2,000 will this year present Henrlk Ibsen's
Portland. ,
Wheat Club, 3o; blueatem, $1.00;
red Rusblan, 92c.
liuy Timothy, $18; alfalfa, 12.
Rutter Creamery, 28c.
Kggs Candled, 21c.
Eggs Candied. 19c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 16c; Wll
lumette valley, ltic.
ii.-iii Klu. (.ni. 99o; club, 89c;
red Russian, H8r.
Egga 20c.
Rutter Creamery, 2c.
liuy Timothy, $18 per ton; alfalfa,
$13 per ton.
T 2T3 1 4L6T7
8 9101112111
. i -
1516 J71
drama, "Peer Oynt," before the visit
ors to the commencement exercises.
The people of Qardlner, ScotUburg
and Elkton have decided to Incorpor
ate the Port of by a majority
of 80 ot,: A bond leaue will be
floatfd for the purpose of building a
Jetty at 'he mouth of the Umpqua.
The proposed port will have an as
sessed valuation of over $4,000,000 and
contains about 650 aquare miles.
Officials ot Milwaukle have an-
2,0001 nounced that the town will proceed at
once to sell the water bonds of $20.
000 authorised at the receut special
election and erect a new plant, refus
ing to purchase the two private plants
! at the prices the owners demand. The
bonds run 20 years and bear five per
cent Interest.
Full negotiations have been conclud
ed with un Kngllsh syndicate through
W. J. Wllsey for the aale of part of
Major L. D. Kinney's Coos bay prop
erty for $too,000, and a deal is pend
ing for the purchase of the remainder
for $475,000, making a total million
dollar sale. The m'nor portion of the
Kinney property which has not been
purchused haa a guest ionable title ac
cording to the WMfi and when this
has been settled in the courts, the
English people expect to purchase the
J. C. La France, accused of subsn
i tuting a dead body for hiruaelf to ae
j cur.J insurance money, was held U) the
Kiaud jury In the rauaicipal court at
l'ortiuud. The Modern Noodmen of
America are the plaintuts iu this
June is. l!Il!, l France disap
rsd frem Coiilaad, a body being
found a lew days luier ou the CUcka
rher, which body was claimed by
his wile and buried. The ineurauce
CNDinpgglee ioak up the case and had
him arrestvd four weeks ago at Ban
don. Coos county.
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight YiIIm Still Wjls.i til BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, by
L. B. TETER. Wholesaler.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W.
Ontario -
100 acres of tine sage brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
right. S miles from Ontario. Price
$40. per a.rc Terms given wiih
low rate of interest or would trade
for stock or other property. Must
be disponed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
We Please Your Friends
Let us please you. Our portraits
combine the most pleasing charact
eristics of the subject with our high
standard of quality and workman
ship. Make the lppoinlmcnt Today
The Burrell Studio
You've observed that in front of
the finest homes Ford cars are
numerous. We are selling an
ever increasingly greater part of
our gigantic output to experi
enced automobile owners who
have tired of the exorbitant ex
pense of big car up-keep.
More than a quarter of million Fords now in
service convincing evidence of their wonder
ful merit. Runabout, $00; Touring Car,
$675; Town Car, $S76-f. o. b. Ontaiio with
all equipment. Get interesting "Ford Times"
from Dept F, Detroit.
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
New Grocery
We have opened up a stock of new
groceries in the Wilson Block and
would be pleased to have you call
and get acquainted.
McCoy Bros.
Wilson Block
Moore Livery 4 Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnouts in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Marred Surfaces
Made New
A scarred or scratched table, or a cnair on which th
finish is marred, or any woodwork where the finia
isn't what you would like, can be made new with
It's also good for floors. It will stand hard weaf,
becauseit made from the best floor varnish. Varno
Lac not only renews, but it also stains and varnishes at
one application. You can change oak or pine to
mahogany or walnut or dark oak finish, or any of the
expensive hard wood finishes. And it's easy to do
you can do it yourself.
Our book, "Home Decorating" tells you how to do
all kinds of home painting at trifling cost.
Ask for a free copy.
McBratney-McNulty Hardware Co.
Ontario, Oregon