The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 05, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
.p Ontario Argus
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
loads'" Pre siige,
merit, and Circula
Watch us grow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 23
plans Under Way to Irri
gate 40,000 Acres of
New Land.
A meeting of those interacted in
.. u i r .-lirn t If hi rirnin.'l waa
bald at Nytta Tuesday. Ool. Pardunnt
reseating SlU-k Bros., waa preaen.
,n ! announced that he wo.tld be pre
Mrf( to make them a detinue propo
. i la -a LI. aamawmaaai aatftaW.
iltion in nenait 01 u uuiuimu wi.u-
liweak THlmage lirm. alio Dad
i representative present who stated
that ti.i-v would probably make aome' propoaitloo Id a abort time.
Tin' laud in be watered Ilea above
tbi Shoestring canal and southwest
olOaUrlo aod contains about 40.000
icret of line land lnoludlog tbe King
bio Kiil'iny. Big Beod and Mitchell
Tbe i r posltloo aa outlined at
present will oonalit of a big pumplog
pliot capable of pumplog water for
the entire acope of country mentioned
tbieli includea one of tbe flneat
bod it of laod Id tbla section.
Today a Record Breaker in
the History of Of Ontario
Wool Arrivals.
Tot wool market Id Ontario la a very
beer pitcc thte waek, aa thera are a
rmt many clipa arriving for the first
wool ml' which will be held nrxt Mon
day, Juno u. Tbara la mora wool is
wan tod than there baa ever bean at
t time in the hiatory of Ontario.
laadav rning when the warehouae
ratted t receive wool from the team
am there ware 60 wagone loaded
with wool standing in the etreete of the
tinbou.o diatriot waiting to be uo
loaded, and beaidea. teveral cara
tending on the aide track that bd ar
med from interior point by rail.
Tbw week the wool ia mat beginning
to come from the Stein Mountain dia
tnetand the Wild Horae country. Thia
atUr wool all went to Winnemucca.
Nevada, until the laat few yeara, when
tea growers ware convinced that On
tario waa a far better market than
inoeniucca. becauae tbey were alwaya
able to make from one to four cenU a
Pound more for the wool here than
tWy could at Winnemucca. And at
taoaanie time able to buy supplies a
poat deal cheaper than they could at
w Nevada town.
While it ia nearlv impossible to get
11 exact ri'ureOD the amount of wool
td in the aeveral warehouaea. a
tboeeatimate ahowa that there is prac
tically li.uuu.UUO oounds on hand await-
KC the uimnim aala). The uuallty of
too wool tun never been aa good aa it
ton tar The staple ia longer tnan
tr bet. re and the wool is much
Whl!.' I ia h..,l tn nr.-di.-t what UTIce
til be uifVreH on Monday, it ia the
IwJeral opinion that the pricea will be
otiafactory to the growera.
The wool industry ia one of the big-
foot indos tries in Eastern Oregon, and
OVerv bbbMb. tki. Mr....., ia mArp or less.
4 .vtlll .MB IUUI..1J w
9 octed hy the aucceaa or failure of
" industry.
Ther, waa 1000 teres of state land
l0ld In tin. ( li...lnn ilatrlel ,t
Hbllc .HI., I, -1,1 in ll,.,n.iliila .in Sat-
oy. l t,u uu,j -0 j at prioea ranging
"'"J 130 to S3 a an acre . Water
'ill QQat 7 .... .. ..-.A I. nna. avaallw
m m 1 1... . I .... ,1... I-...1 friui. aha
vm mo in. pji -
Huk i laut installed by the Crane
"0 Ci,n,i,.inTj
b- taiiroad ia oompleted from
S Vest it.,.-. 1IAJ.I .! lr ia
--- .uiu iiuuieiiuio an -
Mldsred signitJeaut that the Short
l mum down a tine quality of
"Poao.,1 rail on thia line.
Ue).a.ii,l a. LI-.atai.UJ unl ia u
--.- is living UCiOIU)t'U ajuoj
I rttict vitb great domIUU.ic..
In order to get Hrat lmn.l informn
ttoo In regard tn the amount of water
used Mini the results aod coats, tbe
government haa O. E. Lyman In tbe
Held here wbo has weirs In tbedltchaa
of the Advancement oompaHny. also in
the wait ditches, so that be can de
termine tbe amount of water aotaally
uaed and what it coats. Thia work is
lining dooe by tin. Irrigation sectloo
of the agricultural department.
Suit of Clothes and Several
Smaller Articles Taken
Thief is Captured.
A young mno giving the nnme of
Hoy Edwards, was arrested at Wal
ser Mnoday aod brought back here
for burglarizing tbe Toggory at this
plaoe Sunday ulght He Is about 20
yeara old and claims that bis bome ia
Id Wlscouelu. At the time of bta
arrest he was wearing the salt of
clothes stolen from tbe Toggery, a
description of which had beeu sent
to iliil'i lent towns along the line
A man at Weleei recognized the
suit from the dsscriptloD seat In
which waa the primary cause of bis
He denied tba tbaft very vigor usly
iDtll be was brought hack to tbla
olty, but seeing that tbe evldeuoe waa
all against hiiu be plead guilty aud
was placed In tbe county jail at Vale
to await tbe action of the grand jury.
Tbe gooda taken would probably
amount to about 150, which consisted
of a suit of clothes, hat. suit oase ami
a few other aitlolet. He forced an
entrauce by pry lug tbe door opau with
a rod of iron taken from a farm luiple
maut belonging to tbe M. M. Oo.
Marquette. Mich t'oinplete exoner
ation for Colonel Roosevelt, former
presldeut, from charges of drunken
nesa made against him in an editorial
by Oeorge Newett, editor of tbe lab
pemlng. Mich., Iron Ore, came here
wbeu Newett, after Roosevelt's case
was rested, took tbe wltneaa stand and
made complete surrender, and with
drew the charge of his paper that
Roaoevelt "gels drunk and that not
In a long atalement read In cpen
court, he admitted he had combed the
country, hut had found not one single
wltneaa who could teetlfy he had Been
Colonel Roosevelt take liquor to ex
ceaa. To all lnteuta and purposes he
tbrew himself upon Rooaevelt'a mercy.
Roosevelt, unwilling to assess upon
Newett tbe heavy damagea he bad
claimed, uroae in court and declared
he had achieved hla object, dlaproved
tba tale that did him much Injury In
the laat campaign and asked the court
I to direct a verdict in h lavor ror
1 nominal damagea only-which In Mich
lgan la 6 cents.
The six cents were paid and the col
onel will settle his own costs of close
to $10,000. . m
Miaa LeU U. Slaley aod H. L.
Holcomb were married June 1 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs K. aj. marine,
lu tba preseoce of Immediate frienda
aod relativea. Rev. Johns performing
I tbs ceremony.
The young couple are wall known in
Ontario aud have a host of ti i. uda
who wish them a very prosperous and
bapppy journey through life.
Bbady IJeard and Miss Ethel Blanch
Oowen were married at the home
of the bride's pareuts last Sstunlay
morning. Rev. I'hilip Koeuig ottViat
Banquetted by Prominent Citizens
And Taken for Automobile Trips
Around Country.
On Tuesday eveninj? and Wed
nesday morninR Ontario enter
tained the most distinguished
jruests who have ever visited
As to what prompted the visit
must be conjectured as the guests
had nothing to announce.
The visitors were entertained
by a banquet at the Carter house
and automobile trips around the
country, investigating the irrigat
ing plants and developed lands
and left for the Twin Falls sec
tion. It may be significant that the
Hill interests have acquired ter
minals at San Francisco and the
Western Pacific have announced
they are going to build to Twin
They were piloted across Ore
gon by Wm. Hanley and left for
the east in their private cara.
J. W. McCulloch acted as toast
master at the banquet and Mr.
A few aoore of people took adrant
age of tha excursion train ruu over the
railroad to the tuouel last weekend
were given an opportunity of Inspect
lug tbe gieat tuuue).
The trip was a revelation to many.
It being their first glimpse of the
country eet of Vale aod from the
time tba train started uutil it reached
the t iinm i there waa much of Interest,
as most of tbe poiots bad beeu read
about, but uever seen.
Tbe valley from Vale to tbe mouth
of tbe canyon ia one big patch of
green aud abowa tbouaauds of 'acres of
fertile lauds io cultlvatioo. Tbecau
yon It rugged aud ebouuds lu beauty
aud gruudeur equal to any lu the
west. Tbe Harper basin and the
smallsr ranches aloog tbe route, with
tha river wiudiug through, nakea up
a p. nun una of rare beauty.
Tbe big tunnel will be oompleted
before tbia ia printed as there was
only a small amount of rook to be
removed oo the Mattj with power
drills aud four shifts of men working
at it.
Tbe tunnel is about 2501 feet long
and tbe apex of tba hill aome ti00,feet
bove It. Much talk haa beeu made
about the tunnel befog wet, tut it i
no more so than any miulug tuuuel.
There ia a stream of sixty inches of
water running out at the east approach
aud about tbe aama quantity is being
pumped out at tbe weat portal by large
centrifugal pumps driven from the
big power plant at tin east eutrantv.
Tbe excursiouiata were giveo au
opportUUIty Ol Inspecting tbe tunnel
aud tbey found a flue piece of work.
it ia 20 feet wide aud 2o feet high.
all lined with timbers 12x12 aud
plauking two inches thick and tha
timbrring ia right up with tbe works
ao tbat it will require but a day or so
to have tbe train ruuuiug through the
tunnel toon at tbe rock is removed
The grade be) on. I tbe turn. el is
completed to mile poat SO. uear the
Duncan McKae place, but there ure
aome nineteen bridaea to be built
from tbe tuouel to tbat point. Home
tales work bas beeu constructed aud
temporary budges will be erected and
iothle manner the work cau be cai i law
on on seoaral ol tbe bridge at ouce.
The steel for tbe bridgea Is about
all in toe yards aud cau be mow 1 It
tbe site us needed, witbout any delay.
All tbe ties aud rail- for tbe bfty tulles
of road aud tbe tide tracks is io the
yards at Vale so tbat n delay is ex
pected in (- uipietiug the work.
Uhile toe contract for tbe line to
Dog Mountain bas been let. no tub
Hill and Mr. Hanley made the
principal talks.
The party was made up of the
Louis W. Hill, chairman of the
board of directors of the Great
Northern; W. P. Davidson, of
St. Paul, president of the Ore
gon & Western Colonization Co.;
J. H. Young, president, and A.
M. Lupfer. chief engineer of the
Hill Oregon lines; K. C. Leedy,
chief of the Great Northern im
migration department; F. W.
Graham, Hill representative in
Portland; Edward O. Rice, of
the First National bank, of St.
Paul, William Hanley, Burns;
J. R. Stinaon, Prineville, Presi
dent Elliott, of the Northwestern
Trust Co.. St. Paul and L. P.
Howe, president of the Imperial
Elevator Co. and director in the
Washburn-Crosby Milling Co., of
contracts are being made and it is the
general Impreeaiou tbat tba ueoettary
inn. I will not ba available until
after the annual meeting of tbe rail
road 'Hi. ial tbia mouth. From mile
poat HO to Dog Mountain there is but
one abort stretch of heavy work, tba
Craue creek gap, where there ia a rut
of thirty fe.-t for a mile or ao aud
from that point west it is atraigbt
work over a comparatively level couo
The town of Harper ia the moat im
portant point on tba Hoe aud will get
tba trade for tbe Weatfall aectioD.
There is one store there and au ex
.Hem dapot bulldiug, wilb good
Mo. k yards aod it is announced that
tbe flrat ebipmeut of sheep will be
made from there tbla week. Their
uew hotel building waa burned last
week, but we underelaud tbey will
atart work at once ou another oue.
There will be much rivalry betweeu
tie of Rlveralde and Juncture
for the next stop of importance, tbe
latter haa the start aud la being built
Up io .i substantia! mauuer. but the
other baa a large section of Hue coun
try to draw from.
Tbe roadbed baa been balla.ted.
truces built, tbe telegraph lines
atruog aud everytbiog is of aUtudard
construction. It waa noticed that the
road beyoud Vale ia as solid aa this
side and ia ready for heavy ti.uus aud
fast time.
June ia tbe roe mouth in Oregon
aod tbia part of the state ia now
showing boehee tilled with tbe fragraut
blooma of tba beat variatlea grown
anywhere. The reaault of tbe cam
paigu made for tba laat two aeaaons
ia noted in a walk urouud the city,
nearly every lawn ahowiug a few bushes
aod aome have tne climbers aud tiee
roaaa aa wad! aa large beds aud rwa.
Tb Improved appearance of tbe
city certainly warrants the ladiea in
keeping up tbe campaign (or more
Tha Pope Is 7t.
Rome. The pop ia 78 yeara old
Monday, aod innumerable telegrams
aud meaaagea from all part of the
world arrived, felicitating tha pontiff,
wishing him a long and happy Ufa.
Word has beeo received hem from
tbe otlh'.-i n of the lets Oil A Gas com
pany tbat they will atart work la a
few daya oo a well at tbelr plant on
Dead Ox Flat. Tbey have large bold
logs aod a Urst olaaa equipment to
work wltb. The company la ooni
posed of Portlaod busloesa men.
There Is a well defined oil stmta
running through their ground aod
there ia every reason to expect them
to get the oil.
Weiser Beats the Ixcals on
Home Grounds By a
Score of 12 to 5.
Ontario lost tba sixth consecutive
game of tbe ecasoo to Weiser laat Hun
day by a aocie of 11 to 5. Tbe game
was lost by a series of errors aqd by
takiug too loog chances at catching
a man at home Alexander pitched
a splendid game making 13 of tbe
rlsitora wbllf tbe at lr aud allowing
telun Ouly Six lilts.
Ontario batted better than usual
maklug ten hlta olf of l.-irv The
features of the wan, were it home run
by Roy Smith ami a dive over tbe first
baseman by Perry In order to rsttnb
tlrst alter faunlug out.
Tbe catchers have found soma
difficulty Id catching Alexander's
speedy dropt. A new catcher will ba
lu tbe Hue up next Sun. lay. The
uame was culled iu tbe eighth inning
to give Weiser a cbanoe to catch the
bomebound train.
flatteries for Outario, were Alexan
der, Anderson and Hlanden, for Wei
ser. Perry aud tirockman.
Payette playa here next Sunday at
4. in . at the fair grounds.
Accompanied by Militia, Com
pels Sheriff to Close Dis
orderly Houses.
The Dallea, Or. Oovernor Weat ar
rived here Sunday wltb Major Smith
iiid 11 state militiamen from Portlaud
and compelled Sheriff Chrtaman to
Imprison 32 womeu who had beeu ar-lest.-ii
In a raid made Saturday night
by apeclal agenta of tbe governor.
Chriainau refused to Imprlaoii those
placed under arrest without commit
incuts and because, he said, agents of
(jovernor West had failed to convince
the sheriff or their authority. After
a conference with the governor Chris
in., ii promlaed Governor West he
would lend every assistance tn hla
pou.r in obey lug the order of the
Sworn In aa deputlea to make the
raid were tour ministers aud they re
mained ou guard with tbelr prisoners
until relieved by militiamen brought
by Governor Weat.
Governor Weat said he had no de
sire to prosecute tbe girls wbo lived
In the houaea or visitors, uud TJ of
tha 12 prisoners arrested will be held
merely as witnesses. The prisoners
are under guard in the Washington
hotel and at one of the cloaed resorts.
hi i. est It Kitigo, of Salem, who waa
appointed s lal prosecutor by (jov
ernor Weat at the time of hla Port
land vice crusade, bas been ordered
to remain here to aasist District At
toru Bell.
Tb Congregational Sunu.iy school
will celetruta Children's Day uext
Huuday morning. Teachers end
scholars have worked bard In pfi
' lion aud a tpleudld program i- l I
' pected. Tbe preaching hour will be
i included la this service. All are
I cordially Invited.
Arrangements Are Being
Perfected For Three
Days Celebration
Plans are rapidly shaping up for a
big Fourth of .Inly celebration In this
olty. A committee Ins i n out tbia
week interviewing the merchants aod
business moo, sollcltiug fnunds and
their retponte bat been most liberal
and a big fund has been subscribed.
A meetlog will be held tonight at
wbioh time cnmoiitteea will be ap
pointed to decide on the bands to ba
hired ami othsr forms of eotertalo
meotfor the amusement of the visitor.
Tbe celebration will probably last
for two or three days.
The looal ttrawbberry patches are
turoiug out many quarta of luciooa
berries at present and thoy are earlier
than the Hon. I Itirer lieldn, something
a little out of the ordinary.
Mr. Ouerlu sent Id a box of One
ooi't to the Argua on Friday Just to
show how nice tbey really are. Tba
Outario berry, wheu grown with care,
is etial to those grown any place. In
alia, color aod llavor.
Beaver River Power Com
pany asks for Light and
Power Franchise
The Ontario city council broke tba
record for the amount of buainaaa
transacted in one night at tha regular
monthly meeting Monday evening.
Besides the regular business one doxen
ordinances ware passed, the largest
number ever passed at a single session.
All 12 ordinance relatea to police regu
lations, as follows:
Ordinance 226 is an ordinance relat
ing to the peace and welfare of On
tario. Ordinance 2.'il fixes penalty for
aaaault and assault and battery. Or
dinance 227 Axes penalty for drawing
fir arms and other dangerous weapons.
Ordinance 22H fixes penalty for resisting
an officer or refusing to assist an offi
cer. Ordinance '-'- prohibits carrying
of concealed weapon- and fixes tha
penalty. No. 290 ia an ordinance pro
hibiting intoxication and drunkenneaa
and fixing penalty for violation of the
ordinance. No '.'Ml is an ordinance
prohibiting violent, riotous or disor
derly conduct, or the use of profane,
abusive or obscene language, indecent
or immoral acts or practices, and pro
vides a penalty therefor. Ordinance
No. 2.'t2 punishes contempt in recirder'n
court. Ordinance '.'.'II prohibits fast
driving within the city limits. Ordi
nance 234 prohibits riding and driving
of animals sTtjB sidewalks within the
corporate limits. Ordinance Z-.', pro
hibits the keeping of awine within the
city limits and provides a penalty. Or
dinance Z'M prohibit.-! the running of
certain annuals at large within the city
limits gad providing fur impounding of
and aale of said animals, providing for
a penalty f r the violation of the ordi
nance and providing fur a poundinaa
tar and providing certain fees.
Mr. Wegg, lepreaenting the Heaver
River company, addressed the council,
asking that a fianchiee be granted l.n
company for the purpoee of furnishing
light ami power within the city of On
tario. The petition for a franchise was
referred to the light and water com
mittee E M. Akers, representing the skat
ing rink, ad Iresaed the council relative
to the renewal of a license. A resolution
waa adopted repealing the present
skating rink ordinance and the recorder
was ordered not to issue any more li
censes thei. under.
Mr. Preaton, representing tho Idaho
Oregon Light & 1'ower Co., stated that
his company would furnish a proposi
tion at the next coui.'il mealing rela
tive to tt.. on of the water
. araide addition.
matter of forming a sewer and
drainage district nyatcu under the Han
croft act waa made a special order for
f the council to be called by
tha mayor.