U- Ontario Pharmacy Special this Week Floating Castile Soap 24b. Bar 35c Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks Local Items LOCAL ITEMS Local News r Mr. ind Mrs. R. V. Ecklmrdt fffr' pSIMBftfl t Vftle Monday. Po-tinnster Sproule is home from Hot Lake aud is feeling quite I'ort for a young fellow. ,. ityl another week of mend jng and hi will be tit again. Mrs. Tonningsen is home from Pendleton, where she tauglit school the past year. She wjl spend the summer here. Mrs I. W. McCulloch return- ed Monday from a trip to Spok Agent Drnne was a visitor to Boise on Sunday. William Isaacs, the Succor creek rancher and stockman, was an over Sunday visitor here. A trial is being held in Michi gan to determine how drunk Roosevelt gets. Therejdoes not seem to be any question about nis drinking, merely one of effect. Miss Leah Henson visited her mother at Weiser over Sun- am', -tapping over at l'endleton I T Miss Pauline Billingsley at tended a party at Weiser to visit friends. ('. M. Stearns has returned from his trip. He started for California, but when he reached Portland learned that California it a good place to keep away from a they are suffering from I prolonged drouth. Ad ram Davis, a son of Dick Pnvis fill at the skating rink on Saturday and fractured his arm. John Houston, the county clerk, was a passenger to Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moody were down from Vale over Sun day visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook were visiting with Mrs. Cook's people, Mr. and Mrs. George l.ycll several days this week. They are moving from Haker to Boise. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whilworth were visitors to Hoise a few days H", H"il;g Up to hey Ml -.8 Anil ToiiiuiiijHen, who graduated from the school for nurses. L J. Chapman returned from Pocutello for his family a few days ago and moved them to Lin new location. He likes the new work and is well pleased with the country. 11 niiriv ai Vt emer on Friday evening of lust week, the guest of Mrs. Lloyd Hurbridge. Earl Snyder, who is wanted on a white slavery charge, was picked up here a few days ago by Officer Noe and turned over to Deputy Sheriff Day, from Hoise. The man had escaped from the officers at Star. Lost At the Maze, Sunday evening, a chrochet hand bag. Return to Argus and get liberal reward. Mrs. McHratney and son were passengers to Weiser this morning. At the election in Weiser on Wednesday the city and county voted dry. 20 Jersey cows and heifers for sale, 10 milking, others yet to freshen. Call at Conklin's ranch Hi miles southwest of Ontario, inspect cows and out put. E. IV Conklln. For Rent 5-room furnished house. Address) C. C. Dodge, Box 246, Ontario, Oregon. Mrs. Rose came down from Boise Wednesday for a visit with her husband, who has the contract for the new cold stor age plant. Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate ChmkalTetb: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each fcr the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; 1 100 Per Cent Digested Bread made with phosphate powder; 684 Per Cent. Digested! Bread made with alum powder: "674 Per Cent. Digested J These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream ot tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion ot the looa maae irum them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it the source of very many rxxmy Hunmua. i H. E. Smith, of the Pavett- Packing Company has arrange! to build a $6,000 home on lbs Fruitland bench. Judge J. T. OltmWl is build ing ii "l-room bungalow on his lots on north Oregon street. R. M. Duncan, of Vale, ih here Monday to meet his mother and brother, who came up from Portland to attend the wedding. Mrs. White nnd daughter. Miss Vivian, were visitors to Boise Monday. There will be a cooked food sale at Knder's Satuaday by the ladies of tho ( atholic church. W. F. Homan went to Weiser Sunday, possibly to see the ball game, bin he admits he did not see the game. George W. Newman and daughter, of Kmmett, were visit ing Ontario relatives a few days ago. W. J. Pinney has gone to the Burns section to look ofter land matters of the Oregon k West ern Colonization company. Mrs. Lee Cross, of Welse, is in the city visiting with relatives and friends several days. Don Piatt has gone to Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver came down from Vale Wednes day for a short visit. Boyer's Department Store All kiiicIh of fc'irU iIii-ii OO till St Lampklo'a this Husk. Slieefl to 14 Oik- to $1.50. MRS. GRE1G GIVES LUNCHEON Mm. K. M. i iiriK Hiiva ' luuoheoo MiimiIiiv for Mil. Katiout enrt Mra. Sli.itt.ltl I'll.- (UNti were Meeilamee K'Ihiii. K. mm, I'liiniy, Kailauu, hii'1 Mleeea Htntth mxl l'lnuey. t'euaiea were need in the ileooratlnui. Lad lea trial) mid linen dreeaea at Lumpkin1, this week S3. 98 and It. 08. If you appreciate a lieh of rlob, aiuootli ii-f i -iraui try the Ontario liakery. - I In- beat of uiuvidk plcturee .it the Maui. Admlealoa lUoeota. Special Showing of Men's Underwear Begins Today -every man, whatever his underwear may be, can supply himself with good underwear at real worth prices. --Balbriggan Two-Piece suits, Poros Knit Union Suits, Balbriggan Union Suits, B. V. D. Union Suits, Poros Knit Two-Piece Suits, B. V. D. Two-Piece Suits, Boys' Poros Knit Two-Piece Suits, Boys' Poros Knit Union Suits, short sleeves and knee length. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Money to limo t Improved im itated far ma. W. H. Doollttle Co. Piiiyiiuc ordera taken at Moure Hotel John Laudtiihain, reeldeuoe phone 424 Three Iota for aale .' hlncka weet of poatofMt-a at a liargaln. Inquire at A rune Mtt It ... Hutu.' obantje of ulght at the Maze. program every Obiludry Kelatlvee and frlenda were ahooked Huuday uioruiug whau word waa re ceived here of the death of Lewia N. "out. Mr. Cook paeeed away May 21. 1913. ut the home of Me .liumh ter. ii . W. H. Starr, at Kewauna. In. liana He had Imen iu falling health all wiuter and on May ' he waa takeu auddeuly worm . Ik- wa taken to the imai'ital at !advrell where ao operation, waa deemed neceeeary, hut which proved frultlete. Ilia BfOtSWi (ieorge. it Uuukiik. Indiana, maiaird ou hla going eaat thinking the ehauge would beiietlt him aud the pliynlimna thought be could ataud the trip. Mr. Cook aud hie wife ielt Caldwell, Idaho. May 11 aud arrived at Ki mm. i wuy i.. Lewis N. Cook waa bum u Kiiigevllle, lud.. October 'J'.'. 1166. lie waa the oldeat aon of William and Catherine Cook. He entered flu lffj demy at Kewauee at the age of 15. and waa a faithful atudeut klwafS fouudat hla hooka iuatead of joining with the boya iu their play at recess. He waa a favorite with eveimue, young and old, having a Kind ud pleaaant diapoaitico. After leaviog Kewaonu he entered college at Kidgevilie, liulia'ia Shortly after leaving aobool he was married to Miaa Kcna ln wey ne obid waa born to them, now Mr. W. B. Starr, of Kewaima. Indiana. Hla Ife paaaed away ut Marlon. Indl 'ia, April 11100. He waa married to Mlal Margaret K.u.iiar. ot Marioi .. Ind , Auuuat 'JO. I'.'lu. at Baker. Oregon. He leave to mourn bia ln. bia wife, hla daughter. Mr. W. B. .Man, I two hrothera. (ieorge. of Dunkirk. Ind.. and Oacar, of Kidgevilie, Ind. audit balf trotber, Frank Col I ma. of Dunkirk and hla couain Mra. i -. Kraue and her !. Charlea. of 0 Bl no. Tbe many frlenda in tbia ily 'and vicinity attend their ayan thy ! to the bereaved eife and relative! Kor aale Honae and two lota fo rent or aale In Villa l"ark. Prion uheap for immediate aale,. A. T. Ceator. Caraon. Oregon. Kor Trade Kquity iu five acre tract of Advancement company, for Iota la t lulu m. 1 n.) ii i r. nl Argue. Kor i;. in 50 aburea Owyhee ditch atock for tbla aaaaou. ' A. K. Buyer Two furniahed rooma fur rent. Private family. K. Cope, tailor. Horee btrnyed Dark brown geld ing weight 1000 . omnia, barbed wire acara on front feet: hrauded O with bar. lnfoiuiatiou to Argut office will be ainlal.lv rewarded. Stray yearling bay colt. Owuer call aud pay chnrgea. A. McDouald. Vernie P. t) Kor Kali i.m laud, cloae iu. Kor further pal (Ionian, ad Ireaa. Waldeu Kiiruelt, MflOtlt, Nevada. iMiiniqc Cm? Yea tin- I'. S. l'liimbing ami Ileal lug company make them. Be aure aud get our price liefoie huylng. i Mf F .w ' The House Comes Down in raptures of genuine applause at every ptvforouutei "i" our moving picture inteataininini Vt- are putting on a constant change ol' Most Attractive Pictures that are amusing, instructive and highly interesting, and young and old derive delight from t liem. Dreamland Theatre Mfe ''-. IsV ill I Vi vT-A'-lWW l FIJI kk sfrA:-" islfttt. SAC Have Just Received a Shipment of R. & (J. Cornets STANDARD PATTERNS You can get them at the New York Store The Star Brand Shoe Is as Good as Ever and Cheaper COLUMBIA Graphophones Grafonolas m atf isfl sLS. flu eksTaBsaaaj2JfcaeBBe No one thin will give so much pleasure, to so many people, for so long a time at so little cost." DOUBLE Disc RECORDS Bermele's Drug Store Excursions to Salt idkc June Ith to Htli I u i 1 1 1 1 v c- via p i. Slurt f.lrie railroad, for Yuoir -i-i i i mm L i Ilea' Mutual liu provatveol sssoslattita io?aHiis. I.i.mi .Jim. MMSh !, HKeota r t riitua mi 1 further i rtlealara,