rT ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon (Btftnvio &vgn& e Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula m The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year - tion, nauii "" Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. irjtUME XVI ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1913. NO. 22 ONTARIO CREAMERY MAKING REPUTATION for Quality of Butter Being Turned Out Ice Cream footer Here Soon. TIP Ontario Cremuery ha made I petition for the flutter they turn .. , I I,. tve the highest price tut ill iflMtana mri 1'nrtiand, where thay i shipping ovar taoueaaci pound s.w ml ucw niistmiicra are Lnertnl "i" tint of the month nii'l r'it "it will Iip materially In .,,1 aw He yjaaanri will hita a bow It. -m frtivr i i iMf mI I,m next week unl I n - - - L.i i thi'ii t . hi shape to turn nut t.,. 1 1 1 in for the traile. (Vltli mi unlimited market here fur i l.i (hI the farmer can pro Lr flinB is tin excuse for tint keep Inn m oft 1'iwN, with the hog and Ltirkrnx "-t tf" with them ami make L,u:ntiiii' mg combination. MASONS WILL HAVE BIG MEETING NEXT MONTH On June 5th the Ontario Mmnoi Hre going to have get-together meet log of the M.i- -ii- of this section. The third degree work will be e empliitled liy Maanne from the Wciser lodge. All the Masons in ihi- ,,,, tino are Invited to attend n I they re atatired of n evening of prollt mid pleasure. The lornl lodge has been making much headway daring the , list yeir, developing In ii Imlieta ami proficiency in the work. WORK ON CITY SEWER MAKING GOOD TIME CREATES SOME EXCITEMENT There vH runaway Friday morn Ii.'. I ii r in i- r lentil tearing inriiugii Ibntreet and into the depot where feolli'h'd with one of the Segulne into, I'Nii.ing some damage. There ma llvi lv Kcatterlng whan the team U fur a Htnall crowd of men ami mm el tliiin turned the corner, ran iiidiinrway or fell into the cellar. tint opvulng that iipiwurcd to Drainage District Should he Extended to The South Part of City CTION TO E I CITY BOUNDARIES The aewer nutlet for the city hut made big hesdauy dining the pent week ami they now have some 700 feet of the pipe In 1 1. It ban been fouud that there la a lied of cement gravel running east and welt ill the northern part of the city and thii effectually atupa the natural drainage Of tile KI'Cl M. The drain hai now reaclied a point where the hunk are not an high and the workmen can make better head way. It ia to be hoped that a dratuage dlatrict will hn organ l.ed at ouce to extend thia tyatem to tbe extreme OBtkata 1 inula of tbe city and cleau out tboae alougba that are breedlug plaoea fcr tnillioua of luosquituci and other iuaeot pests. n n t j m ranicanv unanimous- Only Two Votes Being Cast Against It Thsre was au eleotiou bold here liN'tiv to determine bow tbe people tilt about i-xieuding tbe boundaries f tbe city witb tbe result that it wai loot'l there are two votera here who ""I : . ..-I to the city growing. Of wins Here la much speculation to I'-os jii.t who tbe auenilea of prngreea Mm it waa not known tbe city had ingle individual who did not waut Id Mr the city expaud ami develop. In the territory that waa to beau mi1 it waa fouud that two-thirda of tit r, , ,.:it, wanted to enter tbe city xl bare tbe advantage that go witb Ions waa about 600 acre added to I'U city .on! aome 500 people. About fur B,.,t u.ult of tbe election will tathe irnteotlou of tbe lawua aud '" . 'ill. Park from a band of Lofee that have been turned out there 't'Uuiiy tiie people by running over " law in, and destroying tbe trees Mihrtib and gardena. Sidewalks, uhts hh utber conveniences will be JUnle.l to the new aectioua ut once. PROMINENT VALE ATTORNEV MARRIED 0N WEDNESDAY I '..I mi .M iy, tbe youngest daughter of Mra. Alio Williams, of Jurdan Valley, was married to Itobert M. Duucan, of Vale, at tbe borne of tbe brlde'a mother oo Wsdnesdsy morn ing In tbe presence of a few Immedi ate relatives. Mlsa Williama wea a resident of Ontario for several years, atterdliig tbe school bsre and making bar borne witb Miss Smith and sbe bus hosts of friends here. Mr. I inn. n practiced law hare some time and is uuw In tbe abstract bust ueea at Vale where ba ia winning friends by bis ability aud character. Tbe newlyweda will make their borne in Vale. DR. PRINZING IS APPOINTED RAILROAD HOSPITAL SURGEON l Dr. Jacob Prluzlug waa appoiuted ( hospital physloiuu aud surgeon this week for the O. W. K N oouatruo tion eampa west of here end all 'he boapital cases from the camps will be treated l the hospital here. They have been goiug to Naiupu and Salt Lake. nwior ta UAurniic .mm it u nuntUHLi WILL BE STARTED JUNE FIRST s uiiced exclusively iu the uui Iu,' week, there is to he attain avles uie.i from Outerio to Home tbe tJrat of the mouth. Tbe 1 cul offloads have not received J trail i-cbedule. but for tbe present ill be only two or three trains week, to give tbe people along the la au c i j.ortuuity to get supplies 0 and ibe sheep tneu and other 'PPei. can aeud their stuff to mar Ut. ail i vice ahuuld bring several naaiid pounds of wool here that " been goiug to Caldwell and other P0l0l In tbut aectiou. At (te.ent there ia oo siding for ' People between Nyssa aud tbe Ue river, but this will be remedi- o as aooa as tbe officials Uud the tle u.ere have something they waut oj to market. BIG EXCURSION WILL BE RUN TO TUNNEL TOMORROW The railioai people have advertised en excursion to the tuuuel on Friday of this week and there are hundreds beie who have uever been west of Vale and areanixous to see that sectiou of tbe county aud learn more of iu resources. The building of this rail road will bling tbe wsstern seotiou of tbe oouuty iu eloser touch witb Onta rio and it is the duty of the local meroheoU to study their needs aud be prepared to take care of them. There will also be au excursion In the uear future over the Hue receutly completed to Homedule and tbe looel people will lie given au opportunity to see that virgio territory, where tbay ere briogiug 30.000 acree of land under water and where mlllious of pouuda of wool and other stun will be marketed. Tbeae opportunities have been pree.uted to tbe people of Ontario and they oun now take advantage of tbem. s&Mr m,D mmmm Navi i 3 lolht Boy Scout U JAMES AR.THU -'copaiOMT, ieis ex miw IC1 psisi kiiocikrioa ivviri Xej3 O ) 'OaT! yjj(jry j4iL f$ftJnimB9f2lJMji af aTjKrPAaaSlCma rV! J fcXa aaW aW aaaaaB aaLjaV aT aSa aaV bH V I aattalTwBBaX V " ' aWaA " J " I 7 lasyCay'' ' J"WJ, aWCS!' 'OTaaBsS" ' " . aStaWeaaWlJ ( - - 5?aaaaW at f " -- - ; t L- i " .. I HkgCfl 'U aalBaSBTBaaaaBBBl ""aT && " uaSWSl S I J M Oi m f sflkJU T tes your uniform. MM When I put on the blu v4 My r,r1 w y"9. mV boj;se vssrs high. I wee e boy IOwj you. I thought thet it wea great to doe Che bright end breve sersy. But Cfncls Sawt'e rsgslte taea Msnt aovnstMwg more thee play. It mtent long year from Ball Run'e field. (Oners revr troop fslt the breath Of Itadtn atorme. srnooe lightning flaehsd Hnd thundsre Bons of dseth. Co Hppomattoe, whsre eowesOj Her femoue eppls tree Che eun vrsnt down upon the hops Of thooe who fought wtth Les. It meant long marchee mi a had Upon the froicn ground Chs open eby our only unta, Chs slcmsnta around. It meant scant clothing, slimmer fere Hnd Inesct teeming dee. It meant dleaaae and fever ceenpe Hnd southern prison pen. It meant the fiercest righting Chte old world hee teer earn from fair Oaha to the (JOlUsmeso Hnd all the wey tweew, Hnd thto with brothers) of the blood, from tommon Urcagc sprung, lUtth the eame eacred msmortso, Chslr apecch a comeaon tongue. HII that to over now, aT lad. Chs paealone hare surcease. ttlc have one flag -" "p. one land. Hnd U our ways are peace. 6ons are the hatred of th past Che angutoh anJ the toere. Chs battU ocars are buried nsetb Che enow of fitly year. JUay you, my grandson, never know Such fractrlclUal suns, Bui keep alive their memory, Co teach what freedom mean. Chrougb them tbU. land, a Lincoln said, 6ew liberty' new btrth. Chrough them she now he soma to be Che leader of ibe earth. a? NEW TOWNSITE Of ADRIAN : WORK ON COLD STOR- WILL BE OPENED JUNE 12 i m nminc onuf HUL TLHIll 10 ULII1U loll-.- Mei i. iiv wih a visitor to OutariiS Tuesday from Adrian, one of hc new towns on the Ontario iiome lale line. The poaoflaM of Kirerview was established near there, but the name cnutlictcd with tln-i- ami has leen changed to Adrian. They ex pect to hare a railroad excuraloii to the new town about. June 1 :'. for a t.-wn opening. The tnwnsite is located near tbe ,'ouuty lerry, known as the Miller ferry. FAIR DIRECTORS ARE MAKING PLANS FOR Bigger and Better Fair This Year Than Ever Many New Features Pushed Ahead Rapidly To Be Completed in About Thirty Days. The walU of the cnl.l storage ami ice plant are up and the carpenter are t tisy with tin- roof. This Is to he a niodcin eld Bftongej pi mt, built on the latent Menu 111 insulated walls and it will require about three times the lumber usually used in a build itm of that size. It in generally believed that Mr. I Mitt ou had H.-tne llini.le Infornia tioii ot i icial dcvclopiuents to ho made here ooa to .auc him to uin M iniich li'-le in the erect loll of ttila hull. ling. Ot llnarllv It lake" sevetal moutlm for an entei prise of Ihla kind to be launched, but Mr. Mut ton wan prepared to go ahead when hn iriiv.d here aud has not lout any time. II expects to have th plant completed in thirty days. I I . oi!'c i is ami directors of ths M ilheiir County fair are busy arrang- j ing for the next annual and feci as ci i. d tbej will havei larger ami liett el fair than any of the picviotie .uie. The educational leatiiies ol the fair ; is tbe one that uu-ans bit returns to all the n -pie and this year I'rol I Hal icy has ctirgeol them llesaya the cboolii tht.'iiub"Ut the county arc In tiiested in the woik of providing au exhibit and they an- going to surprise the people with what tiny can how. The hoys ami glrl are going to have an agricultural ami vegetable display that will make all Iheiiii muultiea look to their laurels. The ci j it ii t x has made much progress i inning the i Hat iwu and many liuea will abow improvement. Those in charge of tie enteitaia nieiit of tb visitors will alan bars msii.v surprises for the t housed who ere sure lu lie bare. FIVE TONS OF SELECTED SEED CORN DISTRIBUTER- From tin- tutarest shown in the O. W, K. k V ooru coutest. It appsara that Oregon will become a corn pro docing stale. .More than I totia of eead corn, eoough to plant 1,000 acres, has been distributed free of charge by the company, while the Sniithiru Pacltic haa diatrihued in. .re than two t-.iia adill'loual. Tbls aeeil will b plauted throughout tbe i'aoiUc iiortbwsst and meaua the corn acieage ot this yeai will be twice aa large aa laat. CITY HALL PRESENTS FINE APPEARANCE AT PRESENT The I. rick layers have the walla of the second story of the city hall build Ing completed and it will ..un be leady for the roof aud llnishlug toucbea. The building make, nil liii..ing appi nance and will add much to the prestige of that e.-t Ion, which will noli be oruauieiied with the library bull. hug and latsr with others of public ualuie. RAILROAD IS ASSURED FROM WINNEMUCCA Business Man From Jordan Valley Seen (iood Future For That Section. RAILROAD MAGNATES ARE ' MAKING INSPECTION TRIP STREET DEPARTMENT IS TWENTY FIFTH WEDDING AN CLEANINC UP THE STREETS WVERSARY IS CELEBRATED Tb etrt department has been busy touching up Main street and the merchants have cleaned up so that it makes a most favorable Impression on visitors. ' .very lot ownr abould take pride iu bis lot and keep it in abape, adding bla mite toward a city beautilul. There was si anuiveraary celehia lion at tb home of Mr. aud Mra. Thuuj. Welsh, io the Bend ou Friday evening of last waek iu honor of the twenty.Bftb auniv erearf of their mar riage. Tom and bis wife have a host of friends and they were out in large numbers to extend congratulations end have a pleasant time. According to tbe papers Louie Hill and W. P. Davidson have left 11. nd for au n spe. tion of tbe cell tral Oregon turlt.r f and it is possi ble that tuuy can be imlieed to to Ontario and lean. .Uielliing of tbe many sdvautsges we have heie. Tlie.-e g nth ti.eu sie eccoiupaiiied by l'ieideiil Vuung, ofttielilli loe. .1. J. Elliott, ot til Northwest Trul Co., I O. Kice, banker of St Paul and Knglueer Lupfer, of the North Hank The party will visit Outai io, be baii'U teil aud kiiown .irouml. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Al DREAMLAND NEXT WEEK ( . ' i ge. us gowns, a wealth of apeoial scenery and electrical effect. - on blued with rare cleverness as au im per. nator of feminine types will be' in evidence dining the engagement of Hsjntrsaa, who oouimeuoee an eu gg. meiit ut the I ireamlaud theatre on Weduesdsv evening June 4. It is impucsibl to do justice to au act of thia kiud aud mut be eu to be appreciated, fur an attempt to dte- jcribe ths beautiful light effects upon hundreds of yards of costly silk aud th marvsluua, rapidly changing .. -elite effects is utterly impoaaible In au an id of this kiud. At Dreamland, Wednesday, June 4. Tom Kabout waa in Ontario aeveral days on business uud visiting relative. Mr. Kahuut la lb manager of the llbokaliy store at .Ionian Valley and Is very enthusiastic over the develop ments under way In that section. I le railroad from Wiunemucca seems aa aiirad. said Mr. Kahout, thesurvayore try rruas eectb.i.u.g tin- line and tbey report an easy, even grade all tte way north Irom Winnemucca to the Knak river at llnuiedale, where they will connect with the Ontario and llubl ,i . ..nd Inter a connection may be built to Vontana. There is aino iiiuoh art IV it y in the develop 1 1. g of the tln.il. in ds of acres of Ural class land In that ectloii. AriangemeiiU have been in ..). toi the Irrigation of aeveial thousand acre at once and other thoiuaiids will be brought under w ( r ai the ettb-m come in and want I he III. lli' etook ami Wool men are in good ehape aj the pat un.tii W8I Hue for th. in it 1 the pri.es are vry delr al le eu that the entire section la in excellent ehape. PAGII1C NORTHWEST IS IN PROSPEROUS CUNDIIION Despite IU unlucky liii.il llgui... tin- year I'll promisee to stt high icon. is foi buninese and iiidu-tiiil progreae. A leport just mail, by a leaiing ouuijnen nil agency state that froiuci for a good yeo weie uever better thioiighoiit tie i'eciilu uortbwest territory. Kalen andiiol leutlona are good, luauiita. lejl nig Is goiug ahead wall and, bent ot all. tbe prospects ioi good crop are cu-clleut. Ao lliillcatloii of taw) confidence Ml in the future is bowii iu tb an nounced expendltuie of sbnut 7&0, 000, 00U by the various oorporatioua in and about Portlaud during tb current year ou impr.ivemeuts, ev teusi.u.e end b.-tl. iii.ent. Hank clear iugs abow a gaiu every mouth over tb corie.i i.uding mouths f former yesrs aud 1911 looks like a big year for tbe whole Oregou oouutry.