The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 22, 1913, Image 2

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Lumbtr Tariff Removal No Cause for
Worry, Saya Weyerhaoueer.
8pokane, Wash. In an Interview at
Sand Point, Idaho, Charlea A. Weyer
haeuser, member of the world's great
est family of lumbermen, declared that
t the removal of tariff on lumber would
have little or no effect on the Industry
In the United State.
"I can see no reason why the lum
bermrn of the United 8Utes cannot
ally adjust themselves to the remov
al of tariff without any apparent ef
fort," stated Mr. Weyerhaeuser. "The
tariff, ns it stands, Is so low that the
removal will not seriously affect thr
Industry. We are not worrying."
Australian Beef Cuta Living Coat.
San Franciaco A nation-wide fight
on the beef trust through the impor
tatlon of Australian beef, which has
lowered the price of meats here from
tO to 26 per cent, is believed a cer
tainty. The first big shipment from
the south seas, 200 tons, which arrived
here, immediately found Ha way Into
nearly 200 butchershops. The foreign
beef has met the requirement of the
United State Inspection laws and Is
In great demand by San Franciaco
San Francisco. Details have just
been made public here of the plan of
the secretary of war to hold two ex
perimental military camps of Instruc
tion for studenta of educational insti
tutions during the summer vacation
period, coupled with the announce
ment that If they prove a success
they will beheld annually, one In each
of the four sect ions of the country.
The announced object of these
camps la, primarily, to Increase the
pre Tit Inadequate personnel of the
trained military reserve of the United
States by a clasa of men from whom.
In time of national emergency, a large
proportion of the commissioned offi
cers will be drawn, and on whose mill
tary judgment at such a time the llvei
of many other men will In a measure
Wags Cut Is Threatened.
Chicago. A cut to the starvation
point In lite wages of women workers
In Illinois, provided an eight hour law
Is passed, was threatened In opeu hear
Ing before the state senate sub com
mlttee on labor.
Brief Newsjf the Week
The bill Incorporating the Rocke
feller Foundation to promote the well
being of mankind throughout the
world has been signed at Albany, N. Y.
by Governor Suiter.
A fierce tornado swept through
district one block wide and 16 blocks
long In Seward. Neb., killing 10 per
sons and Injuring 40 more.
Harpers Weekly has been sold at
New York to "Norman Hapgood and
assoclatea," according to a statement
given out by Colonel George Harrey.
Its editor.
The first meeting of the executive
committee of the Republican national
committee since the November elec
tion will be held in Washington Sat
urday. Fairbanks, Alaska, Is on an enforced
vegetable diet, Its entire supply of
meat having been exhausted. No meat
will be available until the arrival of
a cattle shipment June 10.
The Canadian government demands
about $500,000 from the United States
for lumber used In 1900 to construct
the military barracks at Eagle City,
Kan. Canada claims that the United
States bought this lumber from a man
named Howard Page, who cut It from
her domains without a permit.
In what la said to be the first decis
ion of Its kind, the Wisconsin Rail
way commission ordered a physical
connection made between the locnl
lines of the La Crosse Telephone com
pany, an Independent concern, and the
toll linea of the Wisconsin Telephone
company, and the American Telephone
ft Telegraph company.
It was developed at Chicago at the
hearing conducted by a legislative
committee to Investigate charitable
Institutions that only 47.3 per cent of
the money received was actually pnld
out to relieve distress by the United
A number of Important conventions
are scheduled for this week, among
them the anniversary meetings of the
Unitarians, In Boston; the Northwest
Baptist convention. In Detroit; the
National Association of Railway Mall
Clerks, In Cincinnati; the Brother
hood of Hallway Trainmen, in San
Francisco; the National Association
of Retail Grocers. In St. Louis
Arbitration Wlna Cincinnati Strike.
Cincinnati. Conferences between
representatives of the Cincinnati Trac
tion compuuy and leaders of the strik
ing street car men's union ended In
an agreement by which the strike was
declared off.
Wheat Club. 0c; bluestem. 01c;
red Russian, 17c.
Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $11.
BuitT Creamery, 28c.
Egg Candled. 21c.
Hops 1912 crop, 14o.
WoolEastern Oregon, Ito; Wil
lamette valfey, 18c.
Wheat - Bluestem, 9c; club, 89c;
red Russian. 88c.
Egg -20c.
Butter- Creamery, 29c.
Hay Timothy. $1$ per ton; alfalfa.
$12 per ton.
People in the News
Gen. Mario Menocal, a comparative
ly young man. who was educated .it
Cornell university, was Inaugurated
president of Cubs on Tuesday.
The big event of the week abroad
will be the marriage of Princess Vic
toria Louise, daughter of the German
emperor, and Prince Ernst August,
son of the Duke of Cumberland.
H. E. .Vnglll. recently appointed city
clerk of Oakland, Cal., committed sul
clde by jumping from the fourteenth
atory of the new city hall.
Ex President Taft has delivered an
other political lecture at Yale. He
aald that atate-wlde primaries are "ex
treme measure of political reform,"
and that a national primary for the
election of a president an. I other na
tional officers la "almost beyond
Bishop William Cresswell Doane, of
the Albany diocese of the Protestant
Eplacopal church, Is dead at the Hotel
Manhattan In New York. w '
Countess Ladlslaus Ssechenyl. for
merly Gladys Vanderbllt. Is expected
to return to America with her hus
band, who, accordlug to advice re
ceived from Budapet, leave that city
because he ha lost more than $4,000,
000 of the Vanderbllt fortune In disaa
trous speculations.
"It's all ready, John. Sit right down. Dinner doesn't OT
take a jilfy now that 1 have thia I
JVew Pbrfectiort
Oil Cook-Stove
There's no coal or wood to fuss with; no waiting for the fire to "get
atarted." It's so quick and convenient. and yet so complete. 1 can
bake, bioii, or roan on jw
well as on a coal range.
How did we ever get along with
out one of theae NEW PER.
Far Beit Rstsiti W. Rnuauau
SolJ in bulk
and il"
For iu By Dmatmr vrwhi
Vale Olliifl, Burns 04008.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, April
28tb, 1913.
Notice la barebr given that Charles
Carter, of Ontario, Oiegnn, who on
December IStn.lOOO. made Homestead
Application. No. 01166. for SEi, Seo
Ho 17. Township If. &., Range
40 E., Willamette Meridian, ha filed
notice of Intention to make tlnal
three year proof, to establish claim to
tbe land above descrlbod, before Harry
B. Uranel, IT. H. Commissioner, at
Ontario, Oregon, on the 4th day of
Jnne, 1013.
Claimant name a witnesses:
F. R. Welch, John Lynch. Ontario,
Oregon; F. W. Davis, M. li. Ramsey,
Welter, Idaho.
Brnce R. Hester, Register.
Vale 0711, Burn 02524, H K 8454
Department of tbe Interior, (J. S.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, April
25th, 1013.
Notice I hereby given that Josalioa
Major (formerly Jnsallna McClelland i
of Ontario. Oregon, who on April 0th,
1008, made Homestead Application,
No. 0711, for SJ NE, NJ HE. 8eo
Con 20, Township 18 B., Range 46 E.,
Willamette Meridian, has Bled notice
of intention to make final five-year
proof to establish claim to the land
above described, before tbe Register
and Receiver U. 8-. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the Otb day of .Line.
Claimant names as witnesses.
John Walter. Hex Marquis. Edwin
Berry. William Butler, of Ontario.
Hi uce R. Hester. Reg later.
Vale 0271. Bum 01304.
Department of tbe Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at Vale. Oregon. April
5tb. 1013.
Notice I hereby given that Holla
V. Ruk, af Ontario. Oregon, who oo
January -Jnd. 1000 made Homestead
application. No. Vale 0271, for W'J
SKI and K. SWl Section 14. Town
hip 17 8. Kange 40 E., Willamette
Meridian, haa tiled notloe of Inten
tlou to make final three-year proof,
to establish claim to the laud above
described, before the Hegister and
Receiver. U. 8. Land Office at Vale
Oregon, oo tbe 20tbday of May, 1013.
Claimant names a witnesses:
Ooy P. Morgan, Frank Weloh.
Joseph Little, John Taylor. ofOnta
rlo. Oregon.
Brace H. Hester Hegister.
Vale 0743 Bam 02654 H E 3607.
Department of the Interior, IJ. 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon. Aprl
25tb. H13.
Notloe 1 hereby given that Isabella
uloUlellaod. of Ontario. Oregon who
ou Juue 1st 1008, made Homestead
Applloatioo. No. 0743, for Si Si,
Section 20, Township 18 8., Range
SL, Willamette Meridian, h-s tiled
uutlce of Intaution to make final
flvc year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Hegister aud HeoelverU. 8. Laud
office at Vale. Oregon, on tbe Oth day
of June. ISIS.
Claimant. names as vitue:
Jobu Walter. Rex Marquis-. Edwin
Berry. William Butler, of Ontario.
Bruce H. Hotter. Heglste-i
Vale 0108 Burn 01033
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Laud Office at Vale, Oregou. May
10th. 1013.
Notice I hereby given that Melvln
8. Bpauldlog. of Payette. Idaho, who
on November 27th. 1008, made Home
tend Application No. 01088. for BE
Section 5. Tuwuah'p 178.. Kange
47E.. Willuiette Meridian has Sled
notice of ' intention to make dual
three-year proof, to establish Ststl. to
the land above described, before the
Register snd Keoeiver. U. 8. Land
Office, at Vale. Oregou. on the 23rd
day of Juue. 1013.
Claimaut uames a wltuesaea:
Charley Darnell. Ira Book. Levi
Crull. J. 0 Stewart, of Payette.
Bruce K. Hester. HtgUter.
Get the Argus and four other high
class publications, all fur $1.50
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal.
The Most Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario.
Helps for Busy Housewives
The needs of tbe busy housewife
at house cleaning time are surely met
1b every way tbls spring byourhnstl
ing merchants McBratney-McNulty
company. Their windows have heen
showing almost undreamed of way
for making hoase work easier.
This week they suggest n few of
many uses In tbe home for enamels.
Tbe display baa attraoed unusual at
tention as the sample dlsplsyed I
handsomely finished and a tine ex
ample of what it I poaalble to do
with tbe good they offer.
Notice of Special Election
Notice I hereby given that a
pedal election will be held in tbe
City of Ontario. Malhenr County.
Oregon, at the Council Chambers In
said olty. and in the territory pro
posed to be annexed to said City, at
house on lot 8 and 0. block 0. River
side Add. to Ontario on the 27th dsy
of Msy, 1013, for the purpoae of
voting upon the uestlon : "Shall
the boundaries of the City of Ontario.
In Malheur County. Oregon, be en
larged so as to embrace and Include
the following described territory:
Begloning at the northeast corner of
Lot 2 to Sect i.. n 8. Township 18
South, Kange 47 East W. M., thence
Smith to the Southest corner of the
NEl of 8WJ of section 10. said town
hip snd range. I lieiice west to the
Southwest corner of tbe Ei of SKI of
NEJ of HWi of section 0. said town
blp snd rangs; thence North to the
Northwest corner of M of SKI of
S 1 .1 of N Wi of said ssc. U ; thence West
to the Southwest crnei of SKI "I
SEJ of NWi of said seotlon !: thence
North to tbe Northwest corner of NEJ
of NE of N WJ, said aectlon I ; thence
weet to tbe Southwest comer of Seo
tlon 4, said township and range;
thence North to the Northwest corner
of tbe 8WJ of SWl of said section 4 ;
thence East to the Northeast ooroer
of 8WJ of BWJ of said section 1 ;
thence North to the Northwest ooruer
of the NEl of SWJ of said seotlon 4 ; East 1000 feet on the North
Hue of the NEi of 8WJ of said section
4 : tbanee North 060 feet to tbe North
line of the SEi of SKI of NWi of said
seotion 4 ; thence East to the North
east ooroer of SEi of HWi of NEi of
laid seotlon 4 ; theuce North to the
Northwest comer of SEi of NEi of
said seotlon 4: thence East to the
seotion Hue at the Northeast corner
of the SEi of NEi of aald section 4;
thence North on the section Hue to
Snake river, at the Northwest corner
of Lot 1 In Section 34. Township 17,
South. Rauge 47 East W. M. ; tbenoe
on tbe South side of said Suuke river,
long the meander line, to the place
of beginning."
The ballots used at said election
will coiitalo the description of tbe
property and the words "For Auueaa
tion" snd the words "Against Annexa
tion." All qualified electors of the
City of Ontario and of tbe territory
proposed to be annexed, are invited
aud requested to vote at said election
by marking their b-Ulot either "Kir
Annexstiou" or "Agsinst Aunexa
tlon," as tbe oase mav be.
The judges snd olerk ol sid eleo
tion ahsll be as follows: In tbe City
of Ontario, W. J. lMnuey. Con Rvau
and J. U. Staples shall be judge and
L). P. Dearborn and E. M. lirelg,
clerks. In the territory proposed to
be annexed. T. W. Brown. E. 0. Hur
tei aud Aiuos Jobusou. sbnll be judges
and H. L. Retersou and Hay Wllsou
clerks of said election.
Dated at Ontario, Oregou, tbls 21st
dsy of April. 1913.
By Order of City Council.
Harry I'. Orauel,
City Kecouler.
Gook with Electricity
Our 3 1-2 and 3 cent rates make elec
tricity the cheapest fuel on the
No Smoke No Soot No Odor
Perfect regulation of heat; Utensils
are more easily cleaned; Kitchen is
cool in summer; No danger of ex
plosion or fire.
The user of an Electric Kitchen Range may use an
Electric Iron, Toaster, Percolator, ( 'hafing Dish
or Washing Machine on the range circuit
at low cooking rate.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power
Moore Livery & Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnouts in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Excursions East
Union Pacific System
Very low round trip fares to DENVER,
other points.
May 7, 8, 10, 17, 24, 31; June
3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28; July 2, 5,
10,19,23, 31; August 1,9, 10;
11, 16, 22, 28; Sept. 10, 11
Limit: October 31, 1913
for further details
Reaches Omaha and Points East