The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 15, 1913, Image 4

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Entered in the postofflce at OnUrio,
Oregon, for transmission through the
mail aa second -class matter.
Editor and Proprietor
If consumers buy food cheap
er farmers must sell cheaper.
IsrrU that logic?
Watertown (N. Y.) Standard.
They evidently lost sight of
the middleman, who frequently
takes more than the farmer.
James Mahon and wife came
over from Anderson Valley
Tuesday. He reports the lamb
ing season about over and prep
aration being made for shear
ing. The weather has caused
some loss to the sheepmen, the
increase in lambs not being as
high as in former years.
Burns Herald.
To stimulate interest in grow
ing corn in this state, the Ore
gon Agricultural college offers
ten prizes for the best ears of
corn grown by boys and shown
at the State fair. Entries must
be made not later than Septem
ber 22.
When Ontario lott the third sue,
oesslve Knni of the season at Welter
last Sunday, there was weeping and
walnnn and gnashing of teeth. In
order to catch the laat afternoon train
for home, the local team quit the
name at the eud of the 7th inn ins,
leaving Waiter in the lead. 12 to 8.
Both teams hattded heavily and
Ontario had baaea foil aeveral timet
but railed to get the necessary bitt
Brookmao tor Welter, weakened to
ward the laat and It it qtitte probable
Ontario wood haTe woo the game If
the other inn luge had been played
Stein replaced Bruno inn in the
hox In the third Inn inn; Brunning
waa oat of forms 8tein did good
work considering he waa oat of hit
poaltlon J Maneman did splendid
work abort: The batteries for Wei
aer were Brock man and Brookmao
fot Ontario pltobera. .Smith. Brnnnlng
and Stain; umpire. Spenoer Ontario
playa at Vale next Sunday
An Oregon lad beat tho best
record mndein England in rais
ing the greatest number of pota
toes from a single tuber. An
English boy raised 220 pounds
from 11 potatoes and the English
papers saw something in that to
crow about. An Albany buy
winning tho state contest among
school children last year grew
660 pounds from one potato by
transplanting sprouts from the
original, which had 1 "- eyes.
The annual meeting of the
Ontario Woman's Club huh held
Wednesday, May 7, at the li
brary. The results of the win
ter's work shown in the reports
of the officers and standing com
mittees were listened to with in
terest and were very gratifying.
The election of officers resulted
us follows: president, Mrs. II. II.
Whitney; first vice-president,
Mrs. G. A. Pogue; second vice
president, Mrs. H. W. Clement ;
recording secretary, Mrs. S. D.
Dormau; financial secretary,
Mrs. H. O. Punt; treusurflr,
Mrs. W. H. Brooke; auditor,
Mrs. L Adam; Director, Mrs.
E. A. Eraser; Director, Mrs. C.
0. Dodge.
Dr. Printing performed what la
known na a Caaaarean aectlon operation
the botpltal this morning on Mr. S
A. Seeley and tba mother and child are
both doing well. Tbla la tbe aaeond
operation of the kind performed by
Dr. Prlnalng and about the fifth in
tbe atata. For the bonefJt of tbe
pnbllo we might My that thla opera
tion oonaitta In making an opening
Id the abdomen and removing the
child In that manner.
There waa no celebration of the
National holiday in Ontario laat year
and It aeetua to be the Impreatlnn
among the hiialneaa miui that a more
ahotild he started for a great biu
grand ceUibrat Ion here it. Is tear and
they have called a meeting fur Mon
day night In the Commercial club
rmimi at 8 o'clock to take the matter
up and outline a plan of work. Come
out and help the movement along.
Old phi i m at tho Argue nrBoo 3d
oenta per hundred. Jutt what you
need to line your cablut and place
under the carpet.
Tba aobool year will eloaa wltb the
commencement exerolaee tomorrow
evenlug. Ou Sunday tbe baccoalau
reate aermon waa preached in tba
Metbodiat oborcb by Rev. De?idaou.
wltb Bay. Joboa and Koeolg eeeieting
and a apeoUl oboir. Tba boose
ailed and tbe speaker referred to tbe
"Open Door" before the claaa and tba
opportunities and reeponelbllltlea to
be eooouutered.
Tba olaas day exercieee oo Wedoea
day tilled tbe auditorium and tbe
eaveral oumbera ware well received.
Follow lag waa tba program :
Song Eighth grade; Salutatory
Laona Kader; Claaa biatory Spragua
Adam; Duet Eva Vauderboof. Haaal
Lackey ; Class Propheey- Oolde Mo
Gee; Claaa poem Fred Lackey; Ore
tion Shells Lackey; Instrumental
Villa Butler; Claaa will-Villa but
ler; Valedictory- Uolda HoGee; Ad
diesa-Sup't. Bslley. Claaa song
Closiog out Isdiee suits aod costs
at Lampklu'a.
Get tbe Argue, paly 100
Don't forget tbe Silver tea at Ibe
Congregational oburcb Wednesday
fterooon, Msy 21.
Admiral of International fleet Enter
City Evacuated by Vlctora.
Vienna. The admlrala of the Inter
national fleet that blockaded Antlvarl
and the Montenegrin coaat, will take
formal possession of Scutari In the
name of the great powers of Europe
and resolving themaelvet into commlt-
aion, will govern the city until such
time aa the powera arrange for Ita per
manent dlapoaltlon. It will ultimately
become the capital of autonomut Al-
bina; if preeent plaus are unchanged.
Reluctantly, the laat of the Montene
grin aoldlera, with their alege guua
and lumbering wagona. left the cap
tured city.
Apparently peace ia now almoat es
tablished fn the Balkan unleaa Bul
garia and Greece fight over Salonika
and the powera have their armlea en
trenched and a few alight bruahea have
been reported, but theae differences
will be arbitrated.
Faction Agree on Idaho Office.
Bolae, Idaho. The warring demo
orattc faetiona In thla etate have
reached an agreement ou tbe dlvlelon
of federal patronaaV the terma of
which are that in return for the United
State district attorney and United
Statea marahal plum which are to go
to the aelected onea in the Hawley
Perky faction, all other federal ap
polntmenta outside of the poatofflcea
will go to the Nuget-Pence faction.
Ben R. Gray, etate chairman of tbe
party, la to be United Statea marahal.
according to the terma of tbe agree
ment and Frank Moore, of Moeoow,
la to receive the appointment of Uol
tad Statea district attorney.
Typhoon 8wp Phlllpplnee.
Manila. The worat typhoon experi
enced iu eight years atruck tbe lalanda
Sunday, oaualng meoy deatba and
wracking aeveral email ateamera and
nuineroue lighter craft. The known
fatalities at aea total 68, but the total
death Hat from the atorm la awelllng
with Incoming reporta.
You will aoou be thinking of taking
up tbe oarpett sod ruga and will need
a few hundred old papere to place
under them to tave tbe carpet and
deaden tbe sound. The Argaa ha
them tied ap in bundlea of 100 eacb
wbiob we eell tori
" The a and C. olab will meet at
7he home of Mra. Ward Staufleld
Thursday afternoon, May 22.
The corner stone of the new
Baptist church will be laid next
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The other churches are invited
to attend this service.
H. R. Frost's nre the possess
ors of a fine automobile It wai
given to them by Mrs. Frost's
father, who lives in Minneapo
lis, Minn.
The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. C. E. Deal.
The subject of the meeting was,
"Health and Heredity," lead by
Mrs. O. K. Wilcox.
Miss Edna Harris returned
from Long Valley, Idaho last
week. She taught school there
the past term.
Mother's day was observed
Sunday at the Methodist church.
District Superintendent Oillilan
gave an interesting address in
the morning. A special pro
gram was given in the evening.
The Baptist Young People's
Union gave a social last Friday
evening on Mr. Notts' lawn.
The proceeds will be lined in
buying a window for their new
The orchardists are enthusi
astic over the prospects of sell
ing their apples. They have
intend into the organization of
the North Pacific Fruit Distri
buting Association. The offic
ers of this district association
are: B. F. Tossing, president;
ii nd A. (J. Rogers, secretary
The prospects fur a hig crop of
tho bent ctuumt i ial varieties
aro very good.
Tho members of the fruahimni
class and eight members of the
eighth tirade pupils pleasantly
surprised Grant (Jnrdner lust
Monday evoning, and helped
him celebrate his birthday.
Earl Cotton und Mrs. Rouse
Mere elected by the Methodist
sunday school last Sunday to gc
to the Sunday school conven
tion Muy 19 und 20 to be held
at Nampa. Mrs. Ourdner and
Mrs. H. K. Robinson were elect
ed alternates.
The electric light company
have been busy extending the
electric lines, and several more
families are supplied with the
Mr. Charles invited the phys
ics class to spend Tuesday even
ing at his home. The first part
of the evening was spent in per
forming a physic -experiment.
The remainder of the evening
wu8 spent in making candy.
After the candy pull, dainty re
freshments were served by Mrs.
Charles. The class agreed that
Mr. and Mrs. Charles were roy
al entertainers.
The Y. M. B. C. of tbe Meth
odist1 sunday school met at Ep
worth hall Tueaday evening.
They aay they had a delicious
lunch prepared by theroselvea.
E. E. Hunter returned Mon
day from a business trip to
For Sale or Trade
160 acre desert claim un
der Bully Creek project,
will have water next year.
One good 80 acre tract in
Dead Ox Flat, four miles
from Ontario, very cheap
with terms.
Also one good four room
house on three lots with
shade trees, deep well,
barn and garden. Small
payment down and good
terms on Balance.
See or Address
Phone 99 r Ontario, Oregon
IN Bbki3
i.i.i -ri
If vou want printing of the better
claaa you get it at the Argus office the
price is right
We will continue to give our aale
nrleea on eboee. We have eold a goid
many to tbe aatiefaotlon of purobaeere,
but hae aome mora that we wiab to
Upoae of. Tryua. Caah Variety
Card of Thanks
Ullbart L. King aud family deaire
to extend their moat grateful acknow
ledgements to all thoae who ao kindly
miniatered to them In their sorrow
over the d..ath and burial ut wife and
T ' I ' 1 ' I ' I
' I .III
i - i
'Stanrftef "oilt!!" Rub
Certainly, You Are Cleanly
It il not only ingrained in American tn
love aoap and water and rmve that delight
ful free and buoyant feeling which comet
frum bathing regularly and oftrn, but it ii
getting to be an ultra fiuhionahle 'wihit to
take pride in yoar equipment for attain
ing cfeanlineii.
An ultra fanhinnahle nd ultra irrvirr
able bathroom can be had by our inttalling
a "Standard" modem bathroom for yovi.
I lioora Knt of (iiif'irm fir
Ontario Furnltur. Co. VUllHrlt), KtTC.
Money to loan Improred irri
gated farma. W. II. Dooltttle Co.
Draynge ordera taken at Moore
1 1- t ! .IhIiti Landiugliam, residence
phone at
Three Iota for aale 2 blocks west
of poatoftVa at a bargain. Inquire at
Argua office.
Kor aale llonae and two lota fo
rent or aale in Villa Park. Prloe
cheap for Immediate aale. A. T.
factor, Caraou, Oregon.
Now i the time to get a new rug for
that room while Farley baa a big atock
to aelect from.
Kor Sale A Kord automobile In
good ihape. I'rloe $350. D. U. Booth
at Multoomah room.
(Jet your alfalfa aeed now. 6 cent
a pound ift Moore Livery and Grain
For Reut 60 shares Owyhee ditch
atock for tbla aaaaon. A. P. Buyer
Buy'your alfalfa eed at the Moora
Livery and drain company, 5 oenta
a pound.
Two furniabed rooma for rant.
Private family. E. Cope, tailor.
Foi Rent After June lat, five room
furnished bouee. Addreaa box 210.
Ontario, Ore. tf.
For Rent Furulabad rooma for
light housekeeping, oloae in. No
children. Inquire at Argua office.
Alfalfa aead 5 oentea pound at tba
Moore Livery and Grain oompany,
Birthday aud weddinge are common
eventa that are of apeoial pereonal
intereet. We carry a line of gooda
whieb are usually wanted aa mementoa
of these ocosslone. Caab Variety
Garbage Cans?
Vaa toe U. S. Plumbing uud Heat
log oompaay them. Be aure
aud gat our prloe before buying.
Cooked Food Sale
The Woman's Episcopal Guild
will bold a cooked food sale at
the M. If. Co. ou Saturday, May
24, ull day.
- jtBaKj?'v OF ONTAnioRf- 11
April 4, lijy $226,078.74
April 4, 1910 350,636.16
April 4, 1911 320,505.81
April 4, 1912 341,620.99
April 4, 1913 374,293.54
A sti-onr, profrrengive, growing institution, conducted along
absolutely safe lines, by men of more than ten years Weatern
banking experience.
AV'ir ItusincHH Invited
A. L. COCKRUM, President; T. TURNBULL. Vice President-
C. E. KENYON, Caahier, H. B. COCKRUM, Ass't. Cashier
C. W. PL ATT. Ass't. Cashier
Save Your Broken Castings
We Weld Them
Cylinders, Crank Cases, Implement Parts and al
broken castings made new by Oxy-Acetelyne proce s
General Repairs
Phone 24 linker, Oregon
New Grocery
We have opened up a stock of new
groceries in the Wilson Block and
would be pleased to have you call
and get acquainted. 1p
McCoy Bros.
Wilson Block
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of Arrrilfi OffifG
Butter Wrapper, to the AfgUS UUltC
A Complet Line of
tft&ittg gtaiumrg
At the Argus Office