. I OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. oi(l-r to Ret away from the scene of the burglary. Ho is a brother of James V. Parks, ex-mayor of Aberdeen, and head of the Pacific Fisheries and Packing company. I O. A. C. Boys for Strikebreakers. Corvallls. The department of lectrlcal englnecrlnK at the Oregon agricultural college wishes it under Stood that the students who gave up their college course to become wireless professionals and help the Marconi Company through the present opera tors' strike, did so in spite of the earnest advice of the professors against such action. "I do not consider that it is fair to organized labor and on this grouml as well as on the ground of the per sonal loss to the students in sacrific ing their college educational oppor tunltles, I urged the young men not to take the Btep." said Professor . V Hlllebrand. "The Marconi company offered kucIi glittering inducements to the boys, however, and they were so Inter in the work, that I could not keep them." CADAVER FEATURE PUZZLES District Attorney Is Unable to Lesrn Where Swindler Obtained Body. Portland. To explanation, neith er of them credited by the district attorney, have been given by .1. ('. La frnnee regarding the cadaver which, dressed In l.nfrnnce's clothing, win found on the upper Clackamas river and used In Jui.e, 11)12, to defrau I three Insurance companies of u total of approximately $15. on". In the first story LaffSMS said that two medical students obtained the body, took It to the point where It was found, dressed It In l.nlrun clothing and urrnngi'd so that It should he (.hi.. I to the attention of passim fishermen. The gaeond was that Lafrntue had sectt i .1 I tliiough the assist. une of a hill collector In Port land and Hi it they had parked It lino the ClacK.n.i.iH country, where they dressed It In a khaki hunting suit attd Itsd purchased a similar salt, ami "' ' making sure that his acquaintances should he Informed of his depart ui-. hud ot. ntatlously gone up the Clack amas on a fishing trip. SHIPPERS DEMAND ROUTES Oregon and Washington Join In Op posing Harrlman Plan. Portland. On the grounds that the plan of the Harrlman roads, to close the gateways at Walluls, Bllver Bow, Spokane and Denver against their competitors, will adversely affect the service by eliminating competition In routings, cause car shortages, limit the scope of the markets and In some cases actually force an Increase In the rates, representatives of the West "'oast Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation, the Northwestern Fruit Ex change and the Portland Chamber of Commerce presented vigorous protest against the railroad's proposal before James W. Carmalt, examiner for the Interstate commerce commission. While the evidence showed that the shippers have not been much inclined to use the routes alternative to those of the Harrlman system, the testimony made appnrent the fact that thee shippers want these various rout.-.. left open so thnt they can use them In case they become dissatisfied with the Union Pacific, Oregon Hhort Line and O.-W. R. & N. Co. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON 3 Medford Merchant Accused of Theft. Mcdford. Ppon a specific charge of stealing $40, H. ('. Kentner, a lead ing dry goods merchant here, has been served with a wurrunt. Business as sociates, upon whose move the warrant was issued, say that Kentner's alleged peculations will amount to $12,000. Kentner Is alleged to have raised his salary from $175 to $.100 a month with out authority rrom the directors of the 11. C. Kentner company, of which He was the majority stockholder, and Is said to have drawn heavy amounts from the company In addition. Contractors Win Big Dsmags Suit. Portland. Judgment for H4MMJI nst the city and In favor of Hob- it Wakefield and his associates, con triiciois for the Mount 'labor reser voirs. In their action for $408,000, was returned h. the Jury. It was Just five iI.ivh, lacking hull an hour, since they . .1 io deliberate. Loot-Loaded Man is Killed. Koseburg. -Carring two suits of clothes, four pairs of shoes and other articles of wearing appurel, which comprised the loot taken from the store of ill' tfutherlln Mercantile com pany at Butherlln, Hoy Parks, of Arle ta. a suburb of Portland, was struck and killed by a northbound passenger trr.lti which he attempted to board In Suffragists Pay No Taxes. London. Tax resistance as a means of protest against the failure of the British government to grant woman suffrage is spreading throughout the rouutry among women who are reluct nut to employ the more violent Puuk hurstlan methods. Old papers st the Argus cilice 25 oeuls per hundred. Just hst you ueed to Hue your cabins and place under the carpet. You get all the cream if your separator is li.' a Ued with Standard Hand Separator Oil Specially prepared for cream separators. Sold by dealers everywhere and the V :. ' V' l-il.-ll VM A!N I KArvk.l3W " .,, ':::-. -'- PAYETTE Tuesday, May 27 m F w .... If v I L E BV , R.'v'V,! SA f sT "-' sT. . 1 . . IF.sf m:. t 25! 4 TO VJafe f Y Vv ALL Mty- .r: P..raHp 100 a.m. free UrCU& X il open dent of wild animals. O hRndSe 250 hOrSeS, XJhant. camels-400 V DHUe AV.V lUBia, wi be shown in parade, people of all clime, .n J ni ht at p. door open .t 1 JSpSStt Admi Jon 25 cents to 5 ,t dL Bakers council Is proceeding with plans for the establishing of a munici pal lighting plant. Grants Pass city council has named nine women to act as Judges and clerks of the city election. When the next school year opens Myrtle Point will have a fine new schoolhouse, to cost to the neighbor hood of $16,000. George Messlnger, who has been on trial In the circuit court of Crook county charged with larceny of cattle, waa found guilty by trial Jury. With the arrest of Frank J. Allen, with $640 worth of opium on his per son, the Baker police have uncovered a big smuggling business. The proceeds of Yoncalla's school building bond Issue of $20,000 are held up by reason of an Injunction suit, filed on the allegation of Irregularities In the bondltiK proceedings. The trial of Marshfleld Socialists who were arrested recently for violat ing an ordinance prohibiting strett speaking was postponed. Meanwhile the accused men are allowed their freedom on their own recognisance. The Portland city council passed an ordinance appropriating $6102.60 for the payment of the salaries and clerks of the recent election and an additional sum of i" for meals furnished the officials. County .lu.li-e w. S. Worden of Kla m.itli Falls has promised the hardest kind of a flabi against the opponents who are seeking his recall. He Is so anxious for battle that fit has offered to aid them In getting the recall elec tion before the people. "Guilty" was the verdict brought in by the Marshfleld Jury In the case of Stuii- Representative J. S Barton, of Coiiuille, Indicted on complaint of Miss Mini)-.. oiikuni, an employe In his office. The Jury wus out only a few hours. Krunk Matoml, a Japanese, has In Mailed a plant al Independence for the, purpose of making quassia chips, used In spraying hops. He has re ceived 16n tons or logs from Japan at a cost In fr.-lnht alone of $1 Too. and will begin chipping them at once. A cache of dynamite homh has hSM discovered near the old Immigrant road a mile west of Kcho. The bombs were 16 In number, and each consisted of tt stick or dynamite in n lead pipe. 'i hey had been wrapped In an old gunny sack and stuck In a badger hole, 01 ulciit l mouths ago. An effort to Introduce a disease that will exterminate rabbits In the western portion of I'matllla county, Dr. W. H. I.ii ile, state sheep Inspector, went to Kcho armed with a bottle of "culturo of snuffles" with which he will Inom late a number of animals. Declaring that rabies again has up p. ured In Oregon sad that the sit mi tlon In Multnomah und adjoining conn ties Is grave, the stale board of health in a report Issued for the quarter ending In March, reroinuieuded that all dogs be mussled. The four representatives of a Has elan colony in Saskatchewan, who have been touring western Oregon tor lo duys, have closed a deal for tho purchase of 3600 acres, practically In MM hod. In L'nn county. They have filed incorporation papers under the name of the Society of Indepeudeut Iioukhobors, with a capital of $100,000. I.ii families will come from Canada at once, and others -ill follow soon. Timber owners of .'oik county have organized for the purpose of protecting i he forests In this county from fire .lining the coming dry season. W. V. Puller, Ol Dallas, a prominent timber mail ol In- county, has advised all 'iilug the work of forest protect iuii. gad all efforts by the own uiil :.. l.ut torth to lessen the sgteai Ol ''' burned districts this l ..miner. TfM hunii-sti aders and timber claim ants at Klaiii.ith Kails have been awarded the final decision In the long iliawn out j710 land case. The tliu her lands were claimed by A. D. Dan UU and associates, who had placed sorff on them, and also by a number of Individuals who proved up on the la mi under the homestead aud timber laws. The-litigatiou has been in prog ress for about 10 years. Two accidents were caused at The Dalles by the explosion of flashlight posders. One of them may oost Karl Corson. 14 year old. the loss of hla eyesight, as he looked directly inte the Hash while attempting to tak a picture at a oampfire picnic. The kltcuep range of Mrs. B. K. Vlckers was wrecked by the explosion of I box which she supposed was empty, but which contained flashlight pow ders. From VYhltesville. Mo., to Peudletea, a distance of 2000 ssiles. Is the journey completed a few days ago by two fair of naming pigeons. About six weeks tigo Mrs. 1. O Pell of Pendleton ship ped the four birds te N. O. Roderker iu Whitesvllle. He liberated them with his other pigeons and they Imme diately disappeared. Upon receiving a letter from him telling of his loss Mrs. Pell went to her pigeon lofts sad found the four birds resting on taelr home roosts. All were In good ceoal- tlou. It Is not kuown how leas VON Is cwvariug the dTsUUMS Always on the Job If you have s Job of hauling yon want dons, large or small, you can always depend on John Landiogbam being ready for you. Call him at tho Moore Hotel. The Most Qualified Judges ssk I VCB Lr .ssfl Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone w.ilskey thi BEST FOR SALE in quantities frnm One gallon up. and many other Good brands, hv L. li. TETER. Wholesaler. ONTARIO. M E(iON Farm Loans On Improved Property At current rates. Any amount. For straight term or with In stallment privilege. Thomas VV. Clagett Ontario - - Oregon I mm - mn,iT"ir If it's right why change it? A multiplicity of models is evidence that the maker is still experi menting. There is but one Ford model. And for five years our rapidly growing factories haven't been able to make all we could sell because it is right. Our great factory has produced nearly a quarter of a million Model T's. Prices: Run about, 00; Touring Car, W7B; Town Car, 875 f. o. b. Ontario with all equipment. Ford Auto Company Ontario, Ore. Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords 100 Acre Ranch For Sate or Trade Some improvements 100 acres choice land, cannot be beat anywhere. First class water right. Good terms on full amount. Postoffice Box 94 Ontario, Oregon Wing Chong Laundry New man in charge who thor oughly understands the business, Washing & Ironing West of 1st National Bank and Telephone Office. L 1 ZZZ ' igggB I 'fc sssssssssssst'f MMfcWr W W l V a"1 -UlM B Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them u . Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors are easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, jjejr. easy to keep clean and hard to wear isfKfHL out. You can apply it yourseii- It dries in a short time. Offered ;n c.nnroDriate and attractive shades. McBRATNEY-McNULTY HARDWARE CO. ONTARIO, OREGON t nM ',