The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 08, 1913, Image 8

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Just Received
Tailored Crashes and Cot
ton Corduroys, all sizes
$2.75 to $5.75
Fine, Dainty Fiaxon and Tissues, trimmed in heavy
Laces, all Color and sizes
$2.98 to $4.98
These are Exceptional Values
VERY SPECIAL prices in Ladies' white dress. ' Fine
embroidered dresses as low as
$4.98, values up to $9.00
A special buy enables us to make these exceptional
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres hr.:: been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
1 luilroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Klec
tric pumping' plant can be. installed for
12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of ArOfllS Office
Butter Wrappers to the 6
5 Publication Includingjhe
for the modest sum of $1.50
While rcHlHtlnn arrest for being In
toxicated. K. S. Smith stabbed City
Marshal F. H. McCrea In the buck ul
The Oregon State Sunday School
convention will hold It 1U14 meeting
In La Grande, tuning ' deridrd a.
the convention Juki held In Uuker.
Governor Went ban selected Mar
shall N. Dana to aucceed the late A.
F. Uofer of Salem us member of the
Oregon atate Immlgatton commUnlon.
The contract for hauling the mall
from Prairie (Mty to burns hu bean
let. Ixuls Wolenberg of Canyon City
si-cured the contract for $11,875 per
l'etltlona have been circulated at
Klamath Falls for the retail of Judge
Worden on a charge of cureleaaneaa
and extruvagance In tho management
of the county business.
Myrtle earner, 12. lay quietly be
tween the rail of an O.-W. H. & N.
track at The Dulles while four box
I i pMM4 over her and was only
slightly scrati lied nnd bruit-e.l.
Fire at Haines did damage to the
rucen $15,000 aud $20,-
j ,i ;ng two wurehouses and
l:l.-, ille the fail that cllt-
. rtrttlllT to control tho
lout 80 veterans of the civil war
who served ai Qt ity sbury and live In
Oftfoa, have itnplied to Adjutant Gen-
tr;,i w. i . . r for the ptliUafg of
attending the Gettysburg WMMfll
next July.
Though bure of details. Information
has been received from Honolulu, H.
I., Of the death by shooting of Miss
Klma Snyder, for two years an employ.-
of lUftwU Brothers' store In
men are not as prompt In
payment of their bills as are married
iuJm, according to u credit man who
gave an iMNH 0 the subject of
credit at a dinner of the Portland re
tail merchants.
beginning Muy , a campaign will
be started In Lu Grande for the ruls
lng of funds for the building of a Y.
M ('. A. to cost In the neighborhood
of $30,000. The site for the building
has be. ii selected
Saves half your labor For sale at
Ontario Pbarmaoy. Eight washings
for 25 oents. Money tuek if uot
Garbage Cans?
Ysa tba U. 8. Plumbing aud Heat
iug company muks them. Be sure
aud get our price before buying.
Your every want for Summer
Wear is Here
in selections a plenty to choose from.
5" Jt ryViff '" .. '
I. ...,- I It kr
lVd (nJniaeOw y rk
Mkr of
fieiyanyn Ootlcs
High Art Suits j
None Better Made
$16.00 to $25.00
Other makes $10.00 to $12.50. As large
and complete a line was never shown in
this town before.
Genuine Panama Hats cool, comfortable, stylish.
All aYinnM at $4.00 to $5.W
Sailor Straws Rough Sailors, Smooth Sailors-every
shape the newest. Prices - - $1.0(1 to t
Summer Underwear-B. V. D and Poros Knit these
two famous makes in both two piece and unions i.w
Balbriggan Underwear in two piece and unions, sfton
and long sleeves as you prefer, natural color at 5i-w
Sizes in all makes of underwear to fit every one.
OnP Price Clothier Ontario, Oregon