The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 08, 1913, Image 7

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The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
IB Our Bank Your Hank ? If not, we cordially
invite you to make our bank your bank. We
have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vrault,
Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employees, and do
business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- .;. .:.
Capital and Surplus. $80,000
J. H. COOK, Manager.
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
Vale 01156, Burn 04008.
Department of tbe Interior. U. 8.
Lund Office i.t Vale. Oregon. April
28th, I'M.
Notice li hereby given that Charles
Carter, of Ontario, Otegnn. who on
December I3tb,l!00. made Homestead
Application. No. 01156. for 8EJ, Seo
tion 17. Township 10 &.. Range
40 E., Willamette Meridian, bnaflled
notice of iutentlon to make final
three -year proof, to patabllah claim to
tbe land abure deaorlbod, before Harry
B. Urnuel, U. 8. Commissioner, at
Ontario, Oregon, on tbe 4th day of
Jane, 1913.
Claimant namea aa witnesses;
F. R. Welch. John Lynch, Ontario,
Oregon ; K. W. Davis. M. B. Ramaey.
Welier. Idaho.
Bruce R. Keater. Reglater.
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Vale 0711, Burna 02524. H E 3454
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at Vale. Oregon. April
25th, 1013.
Notice la hereby given that Joanllna
Major (formerly .Jnaalina McClelland)
of Ontario. Oregon, who on April f!th,
100N, made Homeatead Applioation,
No. 0711. for Si NKJ, NJ ski. Sao
(on 20. Township 18 8.. Range 40 lv.
Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice
of Intention to make Unal Ave year
proof to establish claim to tbe land
above described, before th. Reglater
and Receiver U. 8. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 0th day of June,
Claimant namea as witnesses.
John Waltera. Rex Manilla, Edwin
Berry. William Butler, of Ontario,
Bruoa R. Kester. Register.
lor Sale
I motor. 3 II. P. 3 phase 1.700
R. P. M. No. 3 Krougb centrifugal
pump. Pump and motor are on ona
ii-. and have direct ahaft. tiauamla
aioo. practically new and just the
kind of au outfit for llftiug water for
irrigating pin posea. TblN outfit must
be sold aud will go at a bargain.
Write or Inquire of R. W. Larson.
Ontario, Oregon.
Vale 07 CI Burn Iffitvi li E MO?.
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office nt Vale. Oregon. April
25tb. 1013.
Notice is hereby given that Isabella
McClelland, of Ontario. Oregon who
on .Line 1st, 1008, made Homestead
Application, No. 0743, for 8 8,
8ectlon 20, Township 18 8., Range
MA, Willamette Meridian, has Hied
notice of intention to make final
II vi year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Reglater and Receiver U. 8. Land
Office at Vale. Oregon, on the Otb day
of .lune. 101.1.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
John Walters, Rex Marquis. Edwin
Berry. William Butler, of Ontario.
Bruce R. Kester. Reglater.
Field Worker Harrington
Here to Induce School
Children to Take Inter
est in Industrial and Agri
cultural Affairs.
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. . Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drugstore, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
ia built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Burns, Oregon
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
L. P. Harrington of Salem,
Field Worker for Industrial anil
Agricultural affairs for the state
was here Tuesday ami addressed
the city schools. Mr. Harring
ton in his talk to the schools of
Ontario said in part:
"A groat industrial, agricul
tural, education movement was
started last your in Oregon to
encourage hoys and girls to do
the things that count in life, to
have a garden, to have the cure
for chickens or stock in a word
to he useful. The work started
lust year was state wide and
proved a great success. Oregon
was talked ahout from the I'aci
c to the Atlantic ocean. We
are planning on more and hetter
work this year. Shall the hoys
and girls of Malheur county not
he in this contest to show ami
prove that they can do this
work' 1 have not visited u
school anywhere that shows u
larger percentage of children
who have gardens of their own
The superintendent ami tenchcis
in the Ontario schools are alive
to the value of this praelnal
work. The rooms in all tie
grades show the hands have heeii
If Ontario and Malheur MMUV
ly would make a display " the
state lair, of the Inn- and girll'
product, it would attract the at
tention which this section of
Oregon is trying to get. If the
commercial dubs of Ontario ami
Vale w ill gi ve the lov and u is
then rapport by raising some
money for prizes, and in fitting
business men to contribute from
their slocks of meicliamh-e, the
county will be ussured of a tine
exhibit. 1 know the boy and
girls are interested. The soil
will produce everything. Now
the (jtiestiou is will you get it
ready and send it in'.' To be
sure Salem is I long way from
Malheur county, but Ibe 0094 Ol
sending will be no more than if
it were to Huntington, li we
do not get something from Mal
heur county, I ihftU be disap
pointed. The county superin
teudent is u III in believer in the
gospel of work. He will rapport
this movement and give it the
benelit of his ripe experience.
You will soon U- thinking of taking
U the '.opsin aud rug and will ueel
u few hundred old imperii to place
under llieui to nave the carpet aod
deaden lit sound. Tbe Argus bus
tbeiu tiad up iu huudles of loo each
bleb we sell for 'l'i -fiitai.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Higher Water la Predicted.
St. Maries. Conditions prevailing In
the mountain regions of northern Ida
ho Indicate that the high water for
the season Is to come yet, according to
R. It Hammond of Oshkosh, Wis.,
timber Inspector for the Diamond
Match company.
"The entire 8t. Maries valley la ona
immense lake, and the snow has not
begun to move In the higher levels
along the headwatera of the stream."
said Mr. Hammond. "The beginning
of operations by the sawmills in that
locality will be retarded from six
weeks to three months because of the
floods, hut the cut will not be curtail
ed, aa the plants will run later this
fall and will increase the daily output
to catch up with their schedules. Tho
RprlngHton Lumber company's plant
at Sprlngstnn, Idaho, Is the center of
a lake, both the yards and the mill
being several feet deep in water."
Annual Statement Shows Sin Com
panies Earned $3,305,000.
Coeur d'Alftie. -The year ended D
cember .11. 1912. was the most pros
perous In history for the mining com
panics operating In the Coeur d'Aletie
district In Idaho, according to the an
nual statements Just filed with the as
sessor of Shoshone county by the six
largest companies, showing net proflta
of I3.3US.65I. as against $2,820,779 for
seven companies In 1911. This Is up
proximately $1.2(10,000 greater than
the record for 1910. The total of ore
extracted was 2.412.100 tona.
The Hunker Hill and Sullivan com
pany leads with $1,019,020 profits.
Federal, which held second place .n
1911. Is surpassed by the Hercules,
credited with $7ir..7fl3
The Morning is the only one of the
Federal holdings to show an Increase,
$:'.'.'.. e, ii The Wardner mine of the
Federal decreased $107, 765, and the
Mare properties $400,000.
The Success Mining corn puny shows
a gain of $122.4.r0, in the face of heavy
expense for betterments.
Among the companies reporting
losses are the Caledonia, which was
Idle the greater part of the year be
cause of the litigation with the Hunker
Hill and Sullivan company, the Oold
Hunter and the Marsh, the two las'
having turned their profits back Into
the properties In development and
Foes of Boise Mayor Active.
Ilnis. Complaint v. us filed In dls
trlct court here demanding removal
from office of Mayor Arthur U
HodgeH, under a state statute, which
provides thiit refusal or neglect to
enforce the laws of the state and the
ordinances i the city shall lie cause
for nummary renins. il from office by
iln- .ti-iiii i iniirt The Information
is signed by J. I. Mills, who, it Is
iiudcisiond. Is acting in hi half of a
Will Practice in all Courts
Notary Public. Ofllce over Poetoftlce
Pa. I'iiiim Sim,-.
Graduates American School of Os
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. IMJBlk.
Office In I. O. 0. F. Bid.
Ontario, - . Orcron
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 13. 1 1, i:. 10, Wilson Bldg.
Ontario, - Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
OfiVc in New Wilson Block.
Ua.s with K tractions
Phone. No. 13K R in Wilson Block
J W McCulloch R W KcMmnlt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Rooms I4M First Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Transfer. BafMe and
Hx press
Meet All Trains
JOHN iwihuium
Dr. W. (.. Hrre
Telephone No. .:JL
Firtit National Hank Hid.
l.tavc Bundles at Any
Hotel or Hail XT Shop
Prompt1Attention Oivcn
All Order.
Shoshone County Commissioners Plan
to Get Money From N. P.
Wallace. Taking the position lliHt
the Northern 1'iiclfic Hallway com
puny is using dilatory methods in
inakllij.-, applications for Hlirvc) mil
securing paii-nis for its vast UN
lieu ami grant lands In Shoi.hon. toon
IV ami Ihal h reason (hereof tin- conn
ty is losing tin- leM-nm (rum pra ii a.
ly $1,001), ikiii worth of assessable prop
ert) eui h ear, die count i oiniiilssloil
er tune taken action which, if sue
eesslul, will mill Ihese lands to the
titr ""' rolls for taxation within
a short dim-
Government Secures Or. Aldrlch.
Mi.m-dw lir Inhn M vlilrh h. In , I
of the department of blolngv at the
Piuversity of Idaho, who was not re
employed at the last meeting of the
regents for nexi year, received a leh
graphic offer from the bureau of entc
mology at Washington I' C tcmici
lug him a position
Dr. Ahlrich will wire his acceptance.
lO take effect immediate! , ifl.-r i olll
me:. i i-'iii-ui in Jvae ' tb university,
! ifer was (eiiilereil i... I. i) How
ard. I'tuted OtAtM ciiloiiu :
was sunt as soon us In- ; i v. Df
Aldrlch was available.
- tin iNspKi mi; in m villi- i i.
Rob'l i.le!l, intuitu.
II II flltfh. Vale
C C Morton, dlil's Ten v.
John Mutllev- W'el-ei Krlilge.
J K. Moil), Uivcrwcw
I ikiDMT, .Ionian ulley.
I- icil W nl.iiiMiii, Mi )i iniill
T. A. Barion, Nyssn
Would Pay For Water.
W. ip!e In the
.: lianno' k i-ouniy, Ida
ho, in ilie u.-iiiitv ol liancroft ami
Chublei Held, bave ina.. application
to the juierlor ile),ii linenl for die
purchase of sufficient wuler from tbe
Blackiooi reservoir to Irrigate from
dunlin it, .in, nun acres of land.
'I lie departments nfi-HI to he tavoru
bly Impressed with the pri leotatlon
of the muitci and au luvestlgatlon
w ill te made at once.
lit li Mdlkl'l Kt'hOrl.
t'oilei-le.l Muy 7. loi the heuellt
ot AHJPM rend. i. by the .Malheur Mer
csntllH i . it. .i.i. v
Kgga. per dozen. I a.
Hotter, per pouo I, ,'oe.
Outs, per boic I red. I1.&0
Wheat per hundred, $1.00.
flay, per ton, 95.
1'otutoes, per bundled, ib.
' Onions, per bundled, 91. . 0 .
Apples, per box, 91.00. to 91.")
Chickens, diesaeil, per pound, 1 He.
Pork, dressed, H to Inn.
Cork, live, to 7 c.
Veal, B to ii'o.
Detf Uu to tli
I rain Nervkt.
West bOSBd.
No. 17 Oregon W'a.h Hi. I i:.i m
No. - lllilltlUgtoil I'lirs ' M a iu
Mo. 9 Past Mail I I.i p u
No 'ii Hnutiiuioii r,is-i 6:81 p in
Oregon W ub Kx press 7 : (i , m
bjkml bmind.
No. IN Oregon I Ad ; a m
No. 0 Uolse ameli.'i I - C a in
No. 10 Past Mail I I '.'i a in
No. "'m Bolre pumm nger :t:50 p m
No. i'. Owgrm Wus' . i i :
Vale (Mil leave, ui ,i ;o u. in. re
turning ti m