The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 08, 1913, Image 6

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    Local News.
Dan Murphy and his sister
wore in from Hculah this week,
accompanied by Miss Barlow
who tftttght school thore the past
year. Miss Florence Omalia
was down from Parma, visiting
. ith them.
The (tilkey family have sold
their property near Hoise and
moved to Portland.
Lytta. Howard and son Prank
are home from Portland, where
they went a few months ago.
Uncle Lyte is feeling line and
anxious to get Lusy again.
Fred Bailey has finished seed
ing some 300 acres this season,
Home of this is to alfalfa and
some to grain.
There will be a meeting of
the leaders of the state in the
several lines held at Fugene to
determine what progress the
state is making.
James Blanton sold seven
horses to the Boise polo players
this week. Good polo horses,
are very hard to rind.
Farl Blackaby, who is at the
Eugene University, has qualified
for Ihi two mile run in the con
test with Washington.
Manager Orr, of the Idaho
Oregon Light and lowtr
Company stated a few days ago
that the company is installing a
few small pumping plants this
year. W. J. Pinney and A. W.
Trow are using pumps on the
lands recently seeded and plant
ed to trees.
William Leroy is planning a
new home.
Wheat Club. 87c; blueitem, 98c;
red Russian. 86c.
Hay Timothy. $16; alfalfa, $11
Butter-Creamery, 28c.
Errs Candled. 21c.
Hop- 1012 crop, 14c.
Wool Kaatern Oregon, lio; Wll
lain. tt valley, 18c.
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A rfrfl1Q OffifP
Butter Wrappers to the 1XJJ1IH VJ111VC
Tuesday, May
M I Fu . m mm mm eBaN.
aK- t aejaTeM ui T -A
tWlmf' Mn Laal Laa "S " V aaaaal SAlj' XaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 1
ita 1 w ? arv aii r- m . h
m BbbbbV. .f
to m tmj.-w
. .
Mm 1 ijr . N all mrjr-i a
FreeCircus Street Parade 10:30 a.m.
1 i . -AL n open dens of wild animals.
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Big Conference to Be Held In Eugene.
Salem. The fffth annual common
wealth conference will be held under
the auspices of the University of Ore
gon May 16 and 17 at Eugene, and It
la predicted that the conference will
be better and greater thin year thin
ever before. The discussions held nt
these conferences with relation to dif
ferent atate problems are Integral
parts of the university's regular curri
culum, and are for the purpose of
demonstrating to the students, as well
as to the people, the true relation of
university education to Industrial and
Boclal progress In the state.
Koduccd ratoB of one and one third
fnre have been granted the university,
on the certificate plan. A special
excursion train Is to be run from
Whont Bhieatein, 8c; club, 87c;
red Russian. 86c.
Kggs 20c.
Mutter Creamery, 2!c.
Hay- Timothy, $16 per ton; alfalfa,
L2 p" ton.
Birth of Provisional American Govern
ment In Oregon Country Observed
Buttevllle. The 70th anniversary j
the establishment or the flrHt Amerl
can government In the Oregon country
was celebrated at Old Chumpoeg, on
the site made historic by the Ittle
band of Americans at the celebrated
"Wolf Meeting." on May 2, 1843, when
by a vote of 52 to Ml the settlers de
cided for American sovereignty In tho
territory of Oregon, embracing, as It
did. the pre .ent states of Oregon,
Washington, and Idaho, and a part of
They gathered there the old grU
tied pioneers nnd their descendant
by the hundreds and paid a trlbut
to the founders of that provisional gov
ernment which eventuated Into the
government of Oregon Territory, ami
later Into the state of Oregon, and paid
a tribute to the cm., Ire builders of
nearly three quarters of a century ago.
Judge Peter D'Arcy, of Salem, pro
aided at the celebration, and a number
of pioneers delivered flvemlnuto
apeeehes. On Hie platform. Ill the MBl
of honor, aat F. X. Matthleu, aged 93,
the only aurvlvor of the historic 51
who voted for American sovereignty.
240 Men at Work Upon South Jetty.
Astoria. While operations on the
south Jetty at the mouth of the Colum
bia river have been going on alnro
April 16, the wort has now started In
I lull blast, with about 240 men on the
1 work.
Refuses to Tell of Cadaver Palmed Off
at His Own Body
Portland. J. C, 1 .11 Franco and wlf".
who were arrested at Murshfleld. Ore..
In connection with a charge of swind
ling three life Insurance companies of
approximately 115.000, all told, waro
brought to Portland.. District Attor
ney Walter H. Kvana subjected Im
Prance to an examination which lasted
until late at night. Afterward the dls
trlct attorney aald La Prance made u
"clean breast of everything, except to
tell where the Saduvar. palmed off as
bis. came from."
To newspaper men who talked with
biin l.u France freely admitted his
, lentil), told of his experiences In
Portland arter his supposed demise, of
I), in recognlxed by various friends
hen ami ol bis investments In OSSfl
ooun umber land, which he aald he
b liexed won! I eventually be disposed
.r aj prist iliat would reimburse in
full 1! n.iianles for their losses.
v ..1 ions IS the bod ami Questions
as to where It was obtained and how
it was "planted " 1" the rugged country
along the OlsakSMBl rtfBf wt,re '"
noiv.l by the prisoner.
Self Defense Plea Wins for Qault
Origin City. Glenn tiuult, who kill
ed his stepfather In the course of a
quarrel at their backwoods home near
Scott's Mills on June 19, 1911. was ad
judged not guilty of murder by a Jury
in Judge Campbell's department of the
circuit court after the 12 men. nearly
all farmers, had deliberated 45 miu
He left Astoria In November. 1913,
almost a year after he bad killed D.
C LelUel. his foster-paren, and gave
himself up to the Portland police, con
teasing hla deed. Later he took Clack
amas county officials to a spot in the
woods SOO feet from the scene of the
killing, and showed them where he had
burled the body.
Peoria Forger Caught.
Portland. After 18 months resi
dence in Portland, during which time
he galued a large acquaintance with
police officials. "Billy Hughes." bar
tender in a aaloon at Williams Avenue
and Russell street was found to be
Harry Bradley, of Peoria. 111., wanted
there for forgery. He waa arrested
and locked up as a fugitive from Just
ice. He admitted hia identity and aald
b would not fight extradition.
Always on the Job
If you have a job of hauling you
want done, large or small, you oan
always !peud mi John Landingbam
being ready for you. Call him at the
Moore Hotel.
The Most Qualified Judges
LbbbbV I UaaVaaaal Laa'aaaaaaa!
m vw3 eTB mA
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stoni W ilskey the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up. and many other
Good brands, bv
L. B. TETER, Wholesaler,
Printers ink wont make the car
go. There's only one reason why
200,000 new Fords can't possibly
satisfy . this season's demand.
The car itself is right with a
rightness that is unmatched any
where at any reasonable price.
Our great factory has produced nearly a
quarter of a million Model T's. Prices: Kun
about, 1600; Touring Car, $675; Town Car,
$876 f. o. b. Ontaiio with all equipment.
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - - Oregon
Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords
100 Acre Ranch
For Sale or Trade
Some improvement. 100
acres choice land, cannot
be beat anywhere. First
class water right. Good
terms on full amount.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
Wing Chong Laundry
New man in charge who thor
oughly understands the business.
Washing & Ironing
West of 1st National Bank and Telephone Office.
Clearance Sale
The Crowds are Here!
And all appreciate the money-saving
opportunity. If you have not yet
taken advantage of these low prices,
on our whole stock, come prepared to
load up. We intend to put in new lines
and every shoe in stock must be sold
out and our line is complete with men's
women's and children's. These low
prices will be given for fifteen days only
and should interest YOU. A number
of free prizes are given each day and
the hunt is creating much interest.
We cordially invite you to investigate.
Cash Variety Store