The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 24, 1913, Image 2

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Newest Classy Garments
to be had are all the time coming in
New Suits, New Millinery New Dresses, New Dress
Goods, New Skirts, New Suits
Boyer's Department Store
Excursions East
Union Pacific System
Very low round trip fares to DENVER,
other points.
May 7, 8, 10, 17, 24, 31; June
3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28; July 2, 5,
10. 19,23, 31; August 1,9, 10;
11, 16, 22, 28; Sept. 10, 11
Limit: October 31, 1913
for further details
Reaches Omaha and Points East
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
The spring term of circuit court far
Malhenr county will convene at Vale
next Monday, April 28.
Grand Jury.
Thefcrand jury met at Vale laat Mon
day . They already have one murder
case and fifteen minor caiea which will
be conaidered before court convenea
next Monday. The penonal of the
grand jury la: W. H. Cecil, foreman,
N. A. Peacaok, Amoa. Johnaoo, J. D.
Thomae, Ontario; I. C Kelaay, Weet
fall, I.B. Quieenbery, C. T. Boynton.
Petti Jnrort.
Following ia the jury lint drawn for
the term:
Chae. A. Adama, farmer, Ontario.
J. D. Billingaley, stockman, Ontario.
W. D. Billingaley, farmer,
E. B. Conklin, '
Rex Marquis, "
Frank Rader, merchant, "
J. S. Thorp, farmer,
Thos. Canahan,Jr.,real estate, Nysss.
C. V. Mitchell, farmer, Nyeea.
C. C. Hunt, "
L. Spier, merchant "
Jerry Hurley, farmer, "
A. D. Moray, " Owyhee.
A. G. Kingman, " "
C. E. Peck, "
E. F. Pratt,
BenJoaepha, ' Snake River
Sam Hill, ' M M
Elmer Haworth, " "
A. T. Young, merchant, Vale.
J no. O. Pederaon, farmer, M
M. J. Anawalt. farmer, Jordan Valley.
F. R. Miller, banker, "
Hugh O'Donnell. farmer, Brogan.
J. L. Pope, merchant, Jamieaon.
I. K. Worahnm, miner, Malheur.
C. F. Wiae, farmer, Ironalde.
Lex Anderaon, farmer, Weatfall.
Harry Fairman, " Riveride.
F. L. Parker, farmer, Rlverview.
W. P. Allen. " Juntura.
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Notice of Special Election
Notice la beieby given that at a
pedal election will he held in the
Cli v of Ontitrln, Mall in County,
Oregon. Mt lie Council Chambers In
nil! city, mi.. I In the territory pro
posed to be annexed to said City, at
bonst .11 lot K anil 0. block !, Klver-
Ide Add. to Outurlo ou the J .Hi day
of May, 1013, for the purpoae of
voting upon the ipiestinu : "Shall
the bouudariee of the City of Ontario,
iu Malheur County. Oregon, be mi
hnrged so aa to enihiMcn ami Inrl-.nie
Hie following oeseribed territory:
Beginning at the nortlieaat corner "
Lot 2 lo Sect i. .ii 3, Township 18
South, Range 47 Kant W. M.. thence
South to the Sou t beet corner of tbe
NKi of SWI of aeotlon 10. aald town
abip and range, thence west to the
Southwest corner of tbe K4 of si- i of
NKI of HVVt of aeotlon 0. aaid town
ship and nun,',., thence Nor b to the
Northwest corner nf KJ of SKI of
Si: ..f NWi of nu nl sec. 0 ; thenoe West
to the Southwest corner of NK of
SKI of NWI of aald seotlou l thence
North to tbe Northwest oorner of NEJ
of NKi or NW, raid section 0; thence
west to tbe Southwest corner of Sec
tion 4. said township ami range;
tli. 'in-. North to tbe Northwest corner
of the SWi of SWi of said aeotlon 4 ;
tbeuce Kast to tbe Northeast oorner
of SWi of SWi of attid section 4 :
thence North to tbe Northwest corner
of the NKi of SWi of said seotion 4;
thenoe Kast 1000 feet on tbe North
line of the NKi of SWi of said section
4: tbeiioe North 000 feet to tbe North
hoe of tbe SKi ui SK of NWi or Hid
seotion 4; tbence Kast to tbe North
east ooruer of SKi of SWi of NKi or
aaid seotlou 4; tbeuoe North to the
Northwest comer or SKi of NKi of
said seotlou 4; thence Kast to tbe
section Hue at the Northeast corner
of tbe SKi of NKi of aaid section 4 ;
thence North oo the section Hue to
Snake river, at the Nortbweet comer
of Lot 1 In Section 34, Township 17,
South. Kaoge 47 Kast W. M. ; tbeno
on tbe South side of aaldSouke river,
along tbe meander line, to tbe place
of begiuulug. "
The ballots used at said -lection
will contain tbe description of tbe
property and tbe worda "For Auuexa
tioo" and the words "Against Annexa
tion." All qualified electors or me
City of Ontario aud of tbe territory
proposed to be annexed, are invited
and requested to vote at said election
by marking their billot either "For
Aune.atiou" or "Against Annexa
tion," as tbe case uiav be.
The judges and olerks of aaid eleo
tiou shall be as follows: In the ( ny
of Outario, W. J. Pinuey, Con Evan
aud J . Staples shall be judges and
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and
The Most Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario.
O. P. Dearborn and E. M. Urelg,
cle rka. In the territory propoaed to
be annexed, T. W. Brown. E. G. Har
ternnd Amoa Johnson, shall be judges
and H. L. Peterson and Ray Wilson
clerks of said election. '
Dated at Ontario, Oregon, this 21st
day or April, 1013.
By Order of City Council.
Marry B, Uraucl.
City Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oieogn, for tbe County of Malheur.
A. J. Steward, Plaintiff.
(Jeorge Benjamin, Defendant.
To Oeorge Benjamin. Defendant.
In tbe name of the State of Oregon:
.You are hereby required to appear
and answer tbe complaint filed
against you in tbe nbove entitled suit
Friday, the 0th day of May, 1013. cr
for want thereof Plaintiff will apply
to tbe Court for the relief therein de
manded, namely for a decree, requir
ing and commanding the said Oeorge
!' n i. hhIii, defendant, to convey to
the plaiutiir all or the follnwiug de
scribed lands towlt: Au undivided
lut If Interest In the Northeast Quarter
of Section Thirty, in Township alx.
tee,, south if Kange forty-seven. Kast
Willamette Meridian, In Malhnur
County, Oregon, iu fee simple, suli
ject to tbe lien of a certain iudcntiiie
or Mortgage to secure tbe repayment
of 1800,00 In favor or Joel Roulllard.
a shown by exhibit "A" or the com
plaint ou tile herein, refereuce to
which Is hereby mile. This Sum
moiiM Is rcrveil I iv publication thereof I
for six Consecutive weeks i:l tilO ll-
tarlo Argus, a weekly newspaper or
general olroulatlou in aald oouut.v and
Suite, by order or th liou. Oaltoo
Biggs, dated March 2&tb. 1013.
Date of first publication March 27th,
1013 ;dato of last publication May 8th
Harris .-. Smith and C. McUonaglll,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Electric Light
At Home
It Means
'Phone Our Solicitor.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power
Ontario, Oregon.
Vale 0271, Bums 01304.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Laud Ofllce at Vale. Oregon, April
6tb. 1013.
Notloe is hereby given that holla
V. Rusk, of Ontario, Oregon, who on
Jauuary 22ud, 1000 made llomeetead
application. No. Vale 0271, for H
SKi and El, SWI Section 14. Towu
ship 17 S, Range 40 E., Willamette
Meridian, hss filed notloe of inten
tion to make final three-year proof,
to eetablisb'oleini to the land above
described, befurs tbe Register aud
Reoeiver, U. S. Laud Office at Vale
Oregon, on tbe 20tb day of May. If IB,
Claimant names as wltuestea:
Ouy P. .Morgan. Frank Welob.
Joseph Little, John Taylor, of Outa
rlo, Oregou.
Bruce R. Hester Rogister.
Department or tbe lutenor, U. S.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon. Merob
20th, 1013.
Notice la hereby given that Nelson
Wilber. or Payette, Idaho, who on
May 27tb. 1011, made Homestead
application, No. 01880, ror Nft SKi,
NKi SWI aud SKi NWi, Section 'J,
Township 17 S, Range 46 E., Wil
lamette Meridlau, baa tiled uotioe of
lutetitlou to make final Commutation
proof to establish claim to tbe land
above described, before the Register
aud Reoeiver, U. S. Laud Ottice. at
Vale, Oregon, ou the 3id.!oof.May
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles D. Warren, Angus Mo
Donald, Aug. H. Senkbeil. of Veruie.
Oregon; D. B. Stokoly, of Payette,
Hruoe R. Ulster, Register.
Moore Livery & Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnouts in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Vale 0708. Burns 02517. II. E. H447.
Department of tbe Iuterior, U. S.
Laud i ntlcc at Vale, Oregon, April 1st
Notioe is hereby given that Angus
MoDonald.ot Veruie. Malheur oouuty,
Oregon, wbo, on March 30tb. 1008,
made Homestead Application No.
0708. for NWi, Seotion 6. Township
17 8.. Range 47 E.. Willamette Meri
dian, has tiled notioe of intention to
make final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before Harry B. Oraoel, U. S. Com
missioner, at Ontario. Oregon, on tbe
Otb day of May, 1013.
Claimant names aa witneat:
lieman W. Clement, of Outario,
Oregon; Roy B. Kelley. of Weleer.
Idaho; Oeorge Thiel, of Payette,
Idaho; A. R. White, of Ontario,
Bruoe R. Kester. Register.
ror Sad
I motor. 3 B. P. -- 3 phase 1.700
K. P. M. No. 2 Krough centrifugal
pump. Pump aud motor are on oue
base and have direct abaft, tianamis
suu. practically new aud just the
kind of au outfit for iittiug water for
irrigatiug purposes. This outfit must
be sold aud will go at a bargain.
Write or inquire of R. W. Larsou.
Ontario, Oregou.
The Most Qualified Judged
Pronounce Taylor 4 WUHi
Straight Yillow Stone WMsin ttJ1
FOR SALE hVquantities fro
One gallon up. and many otter
Good brands. OV
I . B. TETER. Wholes
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any aau
For straight term or with
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Claftt
rwarin - - 0ren