The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 17, 1913, Image 8

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1. W. W.'t J.Med by 0,v.r e0e.
"enver-Eighty-seren induBtrllu
Worker. 0f the World were .rnnt
here by tbe police. The jail, are over.
O Nei declared that the entire "army"
of Industrial Worker, would be held
in Jail no matter what the sanitary
oondltlons might become. The "Work
er." did not re..t .rt, bat.rin
the officer, with declaration, that
rentually they would .peak on the
street, of Denver.
It I. not a pleasant thing to talk or
think about cancers, yet If one detects
a persistent .ore that doe. not heal one
hould consult a reliable physician at
once Thtupnly hope of relief by sur
gery la an Wly operation, by mean, of
which the trouble mav he n.i.nii . !
Wheat Club. 86c; blue.tea
red Ru.alan, He.
H iv -Timothy, $15; alfalfa, $11;.
''"iter -Creamery. 37c.
Bfta Candled, 21c.
Hop. 1912 crop, 18c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, i$e; w
lamette valley, 20e.
Wheat-Blueatem, 974c; club, 88c:
red Russian, 86c.
Egga 20c.
llutter Creamery, 37c.
Hay -Timothy, $i per ton; nff.
$12 per ton.
The winner offer, result; the loaer
V ft It 'AJk
iaP l nana
Guaranteed for 20 Years,
and from the first night you sleep on it until the last a
Sealy Mattress is a bed of comfort. Unlike other
mattresses, it does not have to be broken m -it adapts
itself to the form of the user the first time it is slept
on, and the same feature is true regarding it through
all its years of service.
Let us send you a Sealy Tuftless Mattress. Use
it 60 nights, and if you can truthfully say it is not the
most luxurious bed you ever used, why, send it back.
It will never be sold again, but returnea to the makers,
for their instructions are to send back the Sealy which not satisfy. Well, we have been selling Sealy
Mattresses for over 7 years now and none have gone
back. You see it's a safe mattress for us to sell and a
safe one for you to buy.
Cleanly, luxuriously comfortably and lasting.
When shall we send you a Sealy.
Ontario Furniture Co.
Owir. (o sickness Sandy McNeil could not appear
advertised, but he will positively appear on the
8.50 train Saturday morning. Look for the Kiltie.
Sat, and Sun., 19 and 20
3 Big Acts 3
The Celebrated Scotch Comedian
from Edenburg, Scotland
This little girl is only o years old and shows re
markable talent as a Monologist, Singer
and Impersonator.
Comedv, Singing and
Talking Artist
FOR $00,000,000
Action Started by the State of
Texas Against Huge
Now York. With th .rain. -. .
subpena on John D. Archbold It waa
learned that the state of Texas haa
begun Nft against Standard OH Inter
eata to recover approximately 100
000,000 for alleged ylo,lton of th;
anti-trust statutes of that atate.
Substanoe of the allegations of tie
attorney. general of Texan la that the
Standard Oil companies of . .- v.i.
New Jeraey. Kentucky, Ohio and Indi
ana practically are under one control
In ahort, It la set forth that tke "8Und
ard Oil truer still exists and operates
the Magnolia Petroleum company as
Its Tcxaa branch.
It was learned that subpenas had
been served on John D. Rockefeller
on the I.akewood golf links and H. C
Folger, Jr.. president of the Standard
Oil company of New York; Samuel
u. uaync, president of the Seaboard
National bank; Howard Bayne. vice-
president of the Columbia Knicker
bocker Trust company; Caartea W.
Hurkness and Lewis Cass Ledyard.
The suit la declnred to be the out
BB8M of disclosures made at the hear
ings on the Waters Pierce Oil company
litigation In thla city a few months
ago. The action Is not for damagea,
but for penalties for alleged Infringe
ment of I cxns laws.
Workmen Protest Against Government
Refusal to Orant Manhood Suffrage,
nruaaels. The great strike of work
Injtmen In Ilelgium to force the mv
eminent to grant manhood suffrage
began quietly, and It was estimated
that 200,000 men throughout the coun
try had unit work. This number Is at
least 100,000 short of the Socialist
predictions. Nevertheless, the strike
luiH shown greater strength thnn was
expected by Impartial observers. It la
believed generally the strikers will be
reinforced by several thousand.
Thousands of women and children
have been sent out of the country by
the workmen so that they may not
suffer. The strike leaders say they
have $3,000,000 with which to carry on
the movement.
Montenegro Left to Battle Alone
Cettlnje, Montenegro. Plucky little
Montenegro has been left to tight Its
battle with the powers alone. The
Servian army that has been assisting
the Montenegrins In the siege of Scu
tarl has been withdrawn and la march
Ing back to Servla Much bitterness
lu felt throughout Montenegro,
Madrid. For the third time in his
reign. King Alfonso narrowly escaped
being the victim of au anarchistic at
tempt against his life. Three shots
were fired at the king In the streets
of the capital by a native of Barcel
ona, itafael Sanchez Allegro, who was
Immediately overpowered.
King Alfonso owes his escape to his
courage, quickness and skilled horse
manship. Accompanied by his staff
he was riding along the Calle de Al
cala, returning from the ceremony of
sweurinx ll recruits, when a man
sprang (ran '"' sidewalk and seized
the bridle Ol the king's horse with
one haul 'Mtitlug a revolver polut
l,i dj wan the other. The king, real
izing the situation with lightning ra
pidity, dug his spurn Into his horse,
which readed violently.
His quickness biived tils life. The
bullet, instead of burylug Itself lu Hie
king's breiiht, struck the horse. So
close was the range that the king's
left glove was blackeued by the pow
der discharge.
Before the assailant was able to
pull the trigger again a secret service
muu sprang ui'on him. The two men
fell to the ground locked in each oth
ers arms, smugglings furiously. The
assassin freed his revolver arm
and fired two more shots in rapid suc
cession, but the officer knocked his
arm aside and the bullets flew harm
lessly through the air.
Surgeon General Blue 8ays Claims for
Serum Must First Ba Upheld.
Washington. Surgeon Ueneral Blue,
f the public health bureau, told Dr.
Krederich Krani Krledmanu that until
the exact nature of kls tuberculosis
virtue and the method of Its prepara
tion had been revealed and the claims
made for It substantiated by official
tests and Investigations, a license for
Its sale In interstate commerce could
not be Issued. This waa the surgeon
gsnerals answer when the Berlin
..ientlBt asked what steps would he
necessary for him to lake to tbtalu
such a license.
Tie Hew President of France.
The presidency of the French repub
lic Is somewhat different from oura.
With us a presidential election occupies
about a year, divided into the cam
paign for the nomination, the cam
paign for the electlou and the cam
paign of the oltiee seekers after elec
tion. Our president In not Inninriii ... I
till four full months after the people
choose blm.
In France there Is only one month
from election to Inauguration. Popu
lar excitement la lacking since the
cunmher of deputies and the senate
choose the president. The French
chief executive has five times the sal
ary of ours, does about one fifth the
work and has less than one-fifth the
power. The ministry governs In France.
as In England, nnd Is responsible to
the parliament, not to the ruler. The
French president remains In office sev
en years unless sooner forced out In
the past he has been an amiable and
more or less Impressive flgsrebead.
With the election of 1 mond Poln
care a change Is foresh: s-ed. Theo
retic illy the chief executive of France
has considerable authority, but has
neglected for various reasons to use It
Most of these reasons were beyond his
own control. Polncnre Is In the prims
of life, has been one of France's great
est nnd most popular premiers, Is a
first rank figure In the diplomacy of
Europe, has very definite Ideas as to
election reforms nnd promises to make
the presidency lu fact what It Is In
Polncare originally Intended to be
come a literary man and. Indeed, has
written many books, on the strength
of which be was made one of the "Im
mortals." lie became a member of
the chnmber of deputies In 1887. was In
the cabinet twenty years ago, but re
fused to serve during tho Dreyfus un-
beavnl, be. nun- an acknowledged lead
er of the Paris bur, waa electsd to the
senate, was chosen premier a year
sgo and guided France through a part
of the Moroccan Imbroglio and the Bal
kan war and before the end of Feb
ruary, at the age of fifty-three, goes
to the Klysee palace.
Will Move
Frost and His Four Associates Free.
Chicago. Albert C. Frost, former
pn Hlilent and promoter of tho Alaska
Cent nil railroad, and his four code
fendunta, George M. Seward. Pierre O.
Beach, Frank Watson and George C.
Hail, all Interested In the development
of the road, were found not guilty in
the federal court here of conspiracy
in o'ii.iih illegally minions oi dollars
worth of coal lunds In the Mutnnuska
Valley, Alaska.
April 21st
Watch for Special an
nouncement of Opening
in New Store.
Wing Chong Laundry
New man in charge who thor
oughly understands the business.
Washing & Ironing
West of 1st National Bank and Telephone Office.
I Mm 'JBVhE J. sja
Economy in Painting
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the
lowest price per gallon. It means getting the
paint that covers the most surface per gallon
and gives the greatest number of years of service
in other words, the best value for your dollar,
costs less because it takes less and lasts longer.
Let us show you pleasing color combinations.
estimate quantity needed, or be of
any other service we can, whether
you buy or not.
Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting
Guide Book and some color suggestions.
WsWef F' W aCaCaflf M