The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 17, 1913, Image 7

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The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
IS Our Hank Your Wank ? If not, we cordially
invite you to make our bank your hank. We
have the Urual Snfonards of Fire Proof Vault,
JUirtihn" Prod Safe, Bonded employees, and do
business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- .;-
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
J. H. COOK, Manager.
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
Realty Exchange
Fiirm niid city property bought nnd
Bold. All kinds of property to trade.
We write insurance in tbe belt com
pnnies in tbe world. We will not let
your insurance run out without
notifying you. Many a man baa lot
nil be had by not I - injured. Keep
your property insured. It is Rood
business. Our rates are always right .
Realty Kxcbsnge
A llinuin
2.500 (rait treei of the three
following rarietiea: Jonathan, Rome
Beauty, Wlnesnp. For further partic
ulara phone Mrs. Ooldbacher.
Soumlf agreeable, docs it notP
That ! what 'Standard" luthroom
fitturei are.
Ilathing ! Herniary, hut a hath in
i beautiful white enameled hath ii a
luaurioui neccMity.
A completely equipped bathroom
ihould be in every home which makei
any prrtcnie of being modem. If
your home it not to equipped let lit
make you an estimate on a new batlt
iiiin cm in at once.
I), S. Plumbing & Heating Co. yssj
iLjt 1
"gliasW "OccMtM" tMh
'- In II
ii I mi luf. I'll.
Door. I ..' of
Old papers at tbe Argue office 26
oenla per hundred. Just what you
need to line your cabins nod place
under the carpet.
- -
50 eharea Owyhee ditch stock for
aale on long time. A. F. Boyer, On
tario, Oregon.
wMa sx
I rain Service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregon Waah Ltd r I r. a m
No. 25 Huntington Pass 9:20 I
No. 9 Faat Mail 0:15 p
No 27 Huntington Pase 6:33 p m
No. 5 Oregon Waah Kx press 7 :50 p tn
F.aat bound.
No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd 2 :61 I m
No. 20 Bote paaaengor 8 :60 a m
No. 10 Faat Mall 11 :24 I m
No. 28 Bolae passenger 3 :50 p m
No. 6 Oregon Waah Kxpreaa 4:40 pm
Vale train leavea at 9:30 a. m. re
taming at 3:30 p. m.
ii -
Local Market Report.
Corrected Feb. 27, for the benefit
of Argua readera by tbe Malheur Mer
cantile Company.
Kggt. per dozen. 25o.
Butter, per pouuJ, 30a.
Oats, per hundred, 11.50
Wheat, par hundred, $1.00.
Hay, per ton, $6.
Potatoes, per hundred, 00,
Onions, per hundred, $2.00.
Applea, por box, $1.00. to f l.'n.
Chickens, d leased, per pound, 8c,
Pork, dressed, 9 to lOo.
Pork, life, 64 to OXc
Veal, 9 to lOo.
Beef, llo to 12.
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
and implement houses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices.
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
alley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Burns, Oregon
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
Will Practice in all Courte
Notary Public. Office over Postollice
Du. Hahhikt Khars
Da. PaVI.INK Si iiii.
(iraduates American School of Os
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 1"4 Blk.
i 'Hue in I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Ontario, - . - Oregon
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 13, 1 1. II, 16, Wilson Itldg.
Ontario, - Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Gu with Extractions
Phone. No. 138 R in Wilson Block
J W MeCulloch R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Dr. W. G. Hoie
Telephone No. 7U
Firat National Bank Bid.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Order.
To Have And
To Hold
To have a customer means to hold
him at this stum. We hold him by
never giving him reason to go else
where. We carry what people want,
we give the kind of service that
people like, and we make prices that
always please.
We want your trade, and us a bas
is for this trade we want you to feel
that it is worth while for you to
MM hen. ior drugs.
Bermele's Drug
Rob't O dell, Ontario.
II H High, Vale.
C. C. Morton. Old's Ferry.
John Mathews, Weiser Bridge.
J. E.. Holly, Riverview
W 8 Skinner, Jordan Valley.
Fred Wilkinson, MvDeriuitt
T. A. Barton, Nysee
Always on the Job
It you nave a job of hauling you
want dono, large ur .uiall, you oao
slwata depend on John Land Ingham
being ready for you. Call him at the
M"Ore Hotel.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Idaho Pie Yet Uncut.
Washington- -Secretary MM nnd
the postofflce department are disin
clined tO make federal appointments In
Idaho at this time, because the Demo
cratic party of that state in split wide
open and leaders of tbe two factions
arc unwilling to compromise on eundl
d it", and get together.
National Committeeman Elder Is
claiming the right to control patronage
as the leader of the Wilson wing of
the party, nnd State Chairman Cray,
original Clark man, is claiming as
much right to pntronnge us Elder.
Both factions have made recommenda
tions ami each bus preferred charges
against the meu recommended by the
other i. ii in mi
Forces Cashier to Enter Vault Where
He Was Locked Several Hours
Priest River. The Cltlsena' State
bank was robbed by n lone bandit, who
entered the bank by the front door,
covering the cnshler, Lee Berry, and
taking nearly $2000 In currency from
the till.
Mr. Berry was busy at his desk op
poslte the cashier's window when the
bandit entered. The man walked to
the cage mid drew his revolver, level
ing It at Mr. Berry, and commanded
"llanda up!"
The robber then took nearly $2000
In currency nnd stuffed It Into his
coat pockets, directing Mr. Berry to
gel In the vuult, where he wiis locked
until liberated by a man who entered
the bunk nnd heard him rnpplng on
the vault.
Burned Forest to Be Replanted
Wallace. Kd PiilnakI, chief ranger
of the Coetir d'Alene forest, has an
nounced (hat an soon us weather con
ditions will permit the replanting of
approximately 7on acres of the area
burned over In DUO on I'lacer creek,
neur this city, will be commenced.
Coeur d'Alene Drive Big.
Coeur d'Alene. According to lum
bermen the largest log drive known
to the Coeur d'Alene luke region Is
now on Its way down thu streams
tributary to the lake. The drive, In
the aggregate, will approximate 180,
oi.ii unit feet. The Coeur d'Alene river
and Its tributaries will contribute be
tween 4.0,000,000 and 60.000,000 feet,
the si Maries river ubout 100.000.000
feet and the St Joe river from 10,000.
000 to 16,000,000 feet.
Most of this Immense drive will be
sawed at the mills In Coeur d'Alene.
Lumbermen ure optimistic aa to
prospects. They consider the market
conditions unuaually fuvorable and
will operate their plants to capacity.
Clearwater Short Line Mixed From
Lewlston to Stitee Orope In Water
I., wii ion Conductor I'eter P. Pop
linski was killed and six persons were
Injured when a mixed train on the
Clcurwaler Short Line from Lewlston
to Silies plunged over a 40-foot am
ineiit, two mils ttusl of Peck.
The passenger car, which Jumped
the truck. Is lying in six feet of wuter,
and the body of Conductor 1'oplliiskl
pinioned beneath the wreckage.
The injured are; Brukeinan It 'J.
James, Brukeinan J. A. Ilevln, N. 1..
Wakcley, travillng sulesniau for the
Moire) Meal company of Oinuha, with
In ailijuarters In Sokane; K. I..
Holmes, (raveling saleMnuii for the
Knight parking ompuny of Portland,
with heudn.11.tH1r. In Spokane; H I.
Kine, a fanner ai Peck; Murk White
bull, It MM r.n Indian who resides
at Ahsahka
All of the men are painfully In
jured, hut their wounds are not of u
serious char, uier
Summer School at Idaho June 1$
University of Idaho, Moscow. The
second annual summer session of the
University of Idaho will be held this
year, beginning Monday, June 16, and
closing July 25. The first annual ses
sion wus held lust summer and was
such u success thst the university
authorities have decided to extend tbe
scope of work for the second year.
Will Determine Chenea'a Sanity
Lewlston Prosecuting Attorney
Johnson said 'In the case of Frank
I'heneu, acquitted on the charge of
murdering Hlunche Oordon by reason
of Insanity, the law will be followed.
A Jury will be culled and witnesses
who appeared lu the case will again
be summoned to testify before the
Jury. If the Jury decides that Insunl
ty continues he can be confined in the
Insane asylum If they find him at
the present time to be sane he will
be released " No date has yet
set for ('Leuea'a hearing.
President Forces Sugar Sched
ule Through House
Washington. President Wilson
scored his first tariff victory when the
house democratic caucus, by a vote)
of IM to It, adopted the tentative)
sugar schedule, making that commo
dity free after three years of 1 per
cent duty.
The otc was taken after Onftlrmnn
of Ways and Means Committee Un
ili'iw noil had warned the house that
the adoption of any of the many
aim lidincnts placed hciore It Would
I I I 1.1 affront to the president,
who had specifically asked the adop
tion of the sugar tariff schedule, and
would seriously Imperil the passage
of the hill in the senate. I
"The sugar schedule In this bill was
not reported from the committee aa
I personally would have reported It,"
he said. "It represents, however, the
wishes of the president." J
The final adoption of the sugar
schedule, which Underwood declared
meant an ultimate saving to the con
sumer of $115,000,000 yearly, followed
a day of stormy debnte.
Persistent efforts to put cattle and
sheep on the free list, to cut the duty
on swine and to otherwise niter the
wnys and means committee tariff re
vision bill were defeated In the Demo
cratic caucus of the house.
The Democratic leadership fight for
the hill as reported was piloted by
Representative Francis Burton llarri
eon, of New York, In the Absence of
Representative Cnderwood. the major'
Ity leader, who Is III.
Senate Reserves Rights on Tariff
The Attitude of the senate towsrd
President Wilson's tariff plans, aa
embodied In the new house tariff bill,
I... uiie fnlrly well defined after u
meeting of the democratic members
of the finance committee
Briefly the senate committee will
Agree to the view of the president and
house as to free wool and one cent
sugar, with the free sugar lu three
years" attachment, hut It will exer
cise Its right to amend other schedules
and provisions of the tariff bill aa It
thinks best.
Wool Fight Becomes Critical
The fight against dee wool has In
come more acute at both ends of the
capltol. and several state delegations
In the house are appealing to seuatora
for support In the fight to retain some
Stubborn opposition to the admini
stration's wool program developed
when 411 democratic congressmen from
wool growing states met uud decided
to vote with republicans aguliist the
house wool schedule which beurs Pres
ident Wilson's stamp of approval.
Republicans Plan Tariff Contest
In u caucus the republican members
of the house laid plans for a vigorous
organised opposition to the 1 ud 1
wood turlfi bill. The caucus ordered
the preparation of amendments to the
indeewiMMl bill providing for a noa
partisan tariff board uud fur provla
Ions of the cotton and wool schedules
of the tariff.
Itepuhllcan members of the hoilue
ways and means committee were in
structed to prepare amendment next
Purs Clothing Wantsd
Representative Murdoch, progress
ive leader in the house, wants cloth
ing uiunulucluivrs who mark good
"nil wool when they are not, fined
and pui in jail lie put in u bill pro
U a series ol labels ranging from
pun- wool,' to mixed goods." which
would hold manulaciurois responsible
for prjipsr labeling of tin ir goods.
The pen. .Ilies range Iroin M$ to
$ill)U line and It year III prison.
House Progressives Assign Work
i 1,, pro! 1 dve 1 uuf i i" ol tlM
hOIHl I 'I out tin- VVUlk Ol pi
p.,i ihe measure that will form 1
pan of the pi" legislative
plan Tin- hou-e eV int.. rs will work
lu conjunction with the legislative
comininee ol the national progrenhiw
. pj whi. h (liffoid I'lnchot, June
Add. mis Dean Lewis, of Pennsylvania
University, Waller Weyl uud other
prominent person sic members.
Ten legislative subjects were as
signed to ihem, und they will lorm the
basis for the legislative campaign uf
the progressives lu the present con
gress. National Capital Brevltiea
A bill to authorise nutlonul bunks
to lend money on leal e: late was lu
trodui ed by Senator Nelson
I'lutis for opening Alaskan I'-suurco
to development as quickly us possible
ure being considered by President Wil
son. Primary elections lor nominal tun of
presidential and vice-presidential can
dldatet, is propotcd lu u hill by Senator
The net earnings of corpora! loas of
the Cnlted States tor the calender
year 1912 weie $;i.000.uoo,0U0. and la
crease of $260,000 over IK 11. This
amount will yield an income to the
federal government under Ihe corpor
UWI uu k Ul IU.SV.0r. Jf