( I ' Martyr of Science. Every few days the press tells of ome eminent phvMiclim who sacrifices henlth or life itself In the ennse of clem e. Tims he loses life Hint others may find It. The In test cnses concern one iiiiin who became Infected with leprosy IhrmiKh cnrlng for lepers, and another who lost his hand ns a result of experimenting with Hoentjien rays. 8ir George Turner wns knighted be cause of his eminence as a physician and his heroic self sacrllke In working among the lepers of South Africa. His effort has hecn to make the lepers more comfortable and to retard the advance of the disease. Whllo engag ed In this work he himself became leper. He now promises to give the remainder of his life to the task and has hopes thnt lie may find a cure for the dread disease. 1 Dr. Simon, director of the Radio graphic Institute at Geneva, has con tributed much to the knowledge of the X ray. Recently his perilous experi ments made necessary the amputation of his left hand. His partner had al rendy lost two Angers. Despite the danger, both are continuing their work What liner example Is furnished by modern civilisation than that of these patient seekers nfter truth, who liter ally give themselves for the good of their fellow men? Since he became governor general of the Philippines In MM It Is estimated that President Taft has traveled 318. 000 miles. At thirty miles an hour, which is a fair average as between railroads and steamships, this would require one year and nearly three months, running night and day. and without stops for banquets, speeches or receptions. Vet. barring one trip around the world and another to Home, practically all of this travel has been In tin- United Slides or Its possessions. A somewhat sizable country! An educational expert says that "the foreign born mother is beating the American torn mother two to one In the bnby Industry." In this connec tion a recent Investigation shows that more than three fourths of the families In Hnston'a aristocratic Mack May sec tion have no children. These facts are too MM'lollS I'm IlL'Ilt inliilllcllt The should shock the American people Into a sense of their duty to their country and to the future. A Massachusetts man who recently dlc.l at the age of eighty seven claimed to have been kept alive for many years by eating molasses Got so saturated with It that be sort of stuck to life, aa It were. Pnvriilcsl Research it I llurvurd. The popular idea o( psychical re search Is that It consists chietiy of ghost hunting. Huch a view Is ulaxit us near the truth as the general im pression that the new psychology deals mostly with mental heullng. In both Instances the public has taken one fea ture of tbeae Intensely Interesting and import ii nt new Holds of knowledge, or, rather, of Investigation, us the whole thing, it Is true that the new psy chology does touch mental healing, but It relates to the power of suggestion and of the subconscious mind over the formation of character, efficiency, mental poise and moral tone, as well as bodily health. It la likewise true that psychical research has concerned Itself with so culled spiritistic phe nomena, but It bus ulso Investigated unusual psychic fscts. whether presum ed to relate to the deud or the living. Kvery new science has brought upon Itself ridicule because In the uuture of things It had to go Into realms of shud ow where knowledge was vugue. Hy patient Investigation, however, the shadows were dispelled and the knowl edge became more definite In St. Augustine's du mathematicians were looked upon as not quia respectafte. During the middle ages ull sorts of scientists were regarded as magicians and as being slightly oil color. There Is no reason why little under stood facts concerning the human mind should not be Investigated as are the facts of the material universe. It Is lntlultely hopeful, therefore, that Har vard university bus accepted the $10. Ooo endowment Mud for psychical re search and lb t make It a memorial to the late Dr. Ulchard Hodgson, sec retary of the American Society For Psychical Research for eighteen years. Harvard Is the nrst college to take such a step It assures not only that the investigation of ghoat stories and of psychic phenomenu is to be respect able, but that It is to be carried for ward in a dentine spirit. A Chicago bandit says that women nave more nerve than men. Quite right Women go through bargain day crushes from which mere men flee in terror. Mexico I. like a man with bad blood. He sooner Is one Insurrectionary toll cured than another break, out In a d.f ferent place. was the lowest ever recorded. Death m$ yet become unfashionable. Old age should not be a handicap to auy thing except an egg. Masculine Pulchritude. A nieilh.il magazine says that men are growing handsomer. The cynic might rcpl. that there Is abundant room. In this the cynic would lo wrong. If American men become much more beautiful the feminine half of creation Is in danger of forgetting sulTnige and everything else In sheer admiration The medical publication does not stop with personal pulchri tude, however. It says that we are lietter housed, better fed and better clothed than ever men were before. If this be true the men who lived before have our undivided sympathy. That they were not up to our standard of beauty may be readily conceded, but that they had worse clothes, bouses and food leaves them In a bad way. Are men growing handsomer? How can they? rosslbly the medical editor who wrote this wns a trifle subjective In his mental viewpoint Most men are. They do not think of mnnklnd in broad general terms, but have some particu lar man In view, and that man Is usu ally the om dblng the thinking. The "ego In his cosmos" gives him an in flated Idea of all masculine loveliness. This Is a form of sex vanity. Heretofore beauty hns been thought a feminine property, and men have prided themselves on other things. Not. a few women admit In secret that their masculine Ideal Is a rough, hnlry creature who Is a cross between a cavo man and a Norse viking. Neither the cave man nor the viking ever saw a bathtub or a burlier Whether or lot the modern man Is handsomer than they, ho at least is cleaner and has less hair. Hats and Shoes We are simpy overstocked in hats and shoes and have made prices that will move them, if you will call and examine. New York Store North of Post office Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the south pole, says his men grew quite attached to their dogs in the antarctic. They oven became so fond of tbo faith ful I. cists that they ate them. Ex King Manuel Is said to be seeking a cure for "nerves." The best cure Is work, but perhaps work Is too vulgar for an ex -king. Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords 100 Acre Ranch For Sale or Trade Some improvements. 100 acres choice land, cannot be beat anywhere. Pint class water right. Good terms on full amount. Post office Box 94 Ontario, Oregon A Money Saver Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale This is a forced sale to raise money and prices have been made so low that you can save money by buying now. Be sure and see the stock and prices. In the New Store Room J. H. Farley Furniture Co. BUICK 40 Auto Extras The only complete line of extras between Boise and Baker. Auto Repairs We have a shop equipped with the tools and machinery neces sary to repair or rebuild any part of your auto and employ only first class mechanics. If you want guaranteed work at reasonable rates give us a trial. Segine Auto Co. Ontario Agents for the Buick KPPr5' zrks A mLf VuWwi x v J i. mgzj m t-m r A'ssvk assr sta mw mm r - sr r.'r.muTeiTrA.-s sv S0.C2-WS This is a Duke's Mixture Umbrella Whether you smoke Duke's Mixture In pipe or clgar ette, it is delightfully satisfying. Everywhere It i the choice of men who want real, natural tobacco. &feyylttynyAAAs i mm In each 5c sack there .re one Otia a nut, ounce, . choice Vinrinta nd North Carolina tobacco-pure, m.ld, ? . best sort of granulated tobacco. Enough to make i ttafvg cigarettethe kind that make. XgTftg each sack you get . pren Coupon -and a book of cigarette paper, free. Get an UmbreUa Free The coupons can be exchanged for .11 .? able nresent. The list include- not only sn.okcrs article. Lb,bTnXUde.ir.bl. present, for JJJJJ-J chddren- toilet .rticles, tennu r.ckets, etcher's glove, .nd mak, etc. During March and April only, w will send our illustrated catalogue of present FREE to any addreis. Alt for it uu a poUl. today. Coupons from PuMt'l Vi (u,, J-, SHOE. J T.. TINSLtVS NATU RAL LEAF. CRANCER TWIST. A, .r- four ggauoft I:hJ.hH iiufm). PICK PLUC. CUT PIEDMONT CIGARETTES, 4 j or nmfoms IMSM Premium DepL TH..---g rata Skis I I jtrm 1aK I l s"1 ' ' 'W """'"?' flWU"".'oss I t & i ( outt Mo :5Stt"i:a5BIBais K New Spring Styles In Ladies' Oxfords FOR YOUR APPROVAL AND SELECTION Every pair the latest style Satin Pumps, Patent Pumps, Tan Button Oxfords, Gunmetal Button Oxfords, Lace Oxfords. We save you from 25 to 50c per pair. Economy is a very great consideration. The New Curtain Draperies are here in full assortment. It is the most effective showing we have ever made, including as it does patterns, colorings and the extremely low prices we are making. Now on Display Malheur Mercantile Co. 1