The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 17, 1913, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Keep the Moths Away
From your Furs with Our Moth Compound
25 Cents per Can
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Local Items
Ben Brown, tbe deputy sheriff,
was down from Vale this week aod
expressed surprise and pleasure at the
large amount of work being done here
on Main street. Tbe new aldewalka
and store fronts looked good to him.
Oar I 10 and 15 cent oountera are
loaded with articles jou need every
day. The Variety Store.
IV 8tb grade examinations will b
lld tbe r.h and 7th of May. All
tubers requested to get their
,rdcri in 'n t'me. A- " Maonherson
jMrVVil 1 imim shipped another car
intd of bones this week this lot going
wTln FalU.
For bsrgalns try oar shoes. We
. . ..I.,,. ., nn Tho Vnrlelv Ntnrn
WD,W The railroad bridge gang is bare
Tbe policy of tbe Union Pacific le pi,0ig new ties on tbe bridge over
to under" a radical change in the the Snake river.
Bioner in which they will treat tbelr
territory. Hereafter they will have
idtpsrtmeut to assist In tbe build
Ion op of tdeir territory, colonizing,
,lfi 1 1 k power and introducing
fietoriet where advisable. This
policy aiH do reat deal to build
op the territory.
Go to tbe PottofUce News stand
ind tret one of those Street and
Smith ti.vele.
J, K, Hlackahy Is In Boise this week
ittfoillng I meeting of the board of
foreroors of I he Payette Lukes club.
lalirluii nwua a large acreage around
1st lnln hiwI is having tbe same
in I out for siimnier homes, with all
tic I'oreMoriae such aa golf links,
tinnii courts, ball grounds, club
omN, pari 1 1 Ion aud boat housos.
n tlir new road up tbe Payette
ftll7 ( completed Mr, Dunn will
isauguratte an owl service so that you
tan itj to the lakes while you sleep.
Tip stul fifteen cant novels at tbe
Pwt'itllcc Newsstand. A new supply
jast rceivel.
The Ontario croamery report n very
atufictoiv increase lu the milk
Mtiir anil u'oimi prospect lor me
hi" it. Tiiey als report that there
ki good demand here for the butter
nil olhfi products of the factory.
Tbt I'ottnrttcc news stand has just
Mtirnl s hoys shipment of Street
soil S'jiiki lo uud 1 u cuiii unrels.
T. 0. Hurtle, of Jordan Valley, was
mitiog bis son, Loots Hurtle this
k. Mr. Hurtle baa been doing
unr good work among the coyotes tbe
Mwloter catching aome 300 of them
ad b alto bought moat of tbe fuia
ntirrwl in that section. Mr. Hurtle
a?i tbe free trade agitation has
eVud the fur mai ktta and prices
ill otf at preaeot.
Buy your alfalfa aeed at the Moore
I Lifsry sud Uralu company, f cents
Mr. and Mrs. lieu Wood have
ll o Juutura, where Mr. Wood
I' bars charge of tbe townaite.
Kricksun fur good shoe repairlug,
I with nf Outario Furniture company
A foundations are In for a Hoe
I illn tu tin homo of UucleUeorge
I'lr.i ,.,i ., cents u pjuud at the
will Llrerv and (Sralu noimmuv.
"l Conant is here from tbe Wil
I Its Villey visitiug her slater,
m. Uutler.
Wt receive luahipmeut of bedroom
io blue. piuk. brown, greens aud
! Outario Furniture couipauy.
W Russell, uf Holae, la now with
F tarlo 1'burmaoy in charge of tbe
Try Conkey'a lice powder for your
poultry. 25 and 50 oents, at Ever
hart Drug Co.
Mlas Irene Gould. Of Welter, Is the
guest of her Ontario friends this week.
The taxpayers are Invited to bring
their notices of taxes due. to us and
let us send In their payments and
take care of the receipts until called
for. Ontario National Hank.
Bishop Paddock and Hector .Innes
were here over Sunday and bald ser
vices In the Mntnnlc hall.
A full atock of trunks, traveling
hage aud suit cates carried by tbe
Kroeasln Harnett company, aucoettora
to Freeman.
Mr. Urogan. who it at the head of
the Bully Creek Irrigation project,
was mi Ontario visitor over Sunday.
Don't wail for some interested party
tu tell you. but hunt out the place
where you can get most value for your
money. The Variety Store can II 1 1
the hill Tiy us.
J"u want some good cows attend
a. u .
I-noutem .ale at Ontario, Satur
h April 2ith.
Mrs. Chas. Tbcbaud. of Vale, was
an Ontario visitor this week.
Wanted Potition on ranch to oook
where there are no otber women.
Address box 274.
Born April 11, to Mr. and Mrs.
O. O. Luehrs, a son.
Kodak Have tho Kiirrlll studio
do your developing aud printing.
Mail orders glvau prompt atteutlon
The Silver tea of the Congregational
church has been postponed until April
I he foundations are In for the new
homes being ereoted by tbe McCoy
Bros, in Riverside addition. These
gentleman will open a grocery store
in tbe new Wllsou block lu a few
Special eale on Sealy mattress.
Ontario Furniture Cn.
Mi. Mortenteu baa arranged for a
residence to be built on the Nurd
trum tract,
Travellug bags, suit oases and
truuka at the Kroesaln Harnett shop.
Buy a Sealy mattress ou easy terms.
Ontario Furniture company.
C. S. Jobuson. who recently moved
hero from Van. has arranged fur tbe
bulldlug of a new aeveu room buiite
on the HO acre tract be bought of tbe
Advancement company.
Tbe Kroesaiu Harness oompauy oan
save you money on tbe prioe of that
harness you ueed.
Dan and Miss Belle Oiikey ware
calling on Ontario friends this week.
Cooker's Liquid lice killer for
poultry aod stock. Guaranteed by
Tbe Kverlmi t Drug Co.
Albert Glenu, tbo Skull Springe
abeep man, was a
bis weak. o In Ontario
hot cakes, made with
ROYAL Baking Powder
are delicious, health
ful and easily made.
Local News
W. F. Hnman was In Boise this
week on Irrigation matters.
Good shoe repairing at Krlckson's
shoe shop, north of postotflce.
. In the report of tbe donations from
the olubs for tbe flood sufferers, the
name of the Tilhcums waa omitted
from tbe communication. Their share
was 14.
Remember the Holttein now sale at
Ontario Saturday, April 2th.
A i ii , man was picked up in
Nyssa a few days sgo and committed
to the Peodleton sanitarium.
Rugs Hugs-Rugs, Outario Fur
uiture company.
A foreign suit peddler visited On
tario a short time ago and secured
many orders and it is the tame wben
a solicitor for outside print shops
visits tbe merchant. It is difficult
lor the average to realize that
tbe local atores are prepared to care
fir all wants at a reasonable price
and guarantee satisfaction and are
here to make tbe guarantee good.
An opportunity is airordcd people
interested in dairying to get a
thoroughbred ilolstelns Ssturday,
April 2fltn. when 50 head will be sold
at Ontario.
The young girl who la around
begging received a good write up Id
one of the neighboring town papers
She Is a fake and not entitle! to any
Fifty bend rf Illinois Holnteln cowa
will arrive In Ontario ucxt Wednes
day, to be sold at auction. .-aturday,
April 201 h.
Win. Lyon, cathlor of the First
National bank In Caldwell visited his
brothsr, W. F. Lyon, last Sunday.
Cuming down iu .i tine in-, until. Mr,
I. von waa formerly catbler of tin
Welser Loan aud Trust oompauy.
Mr. and Mrt. A. W. Atbey are
borne from their honeymoon trip,
which took them to Florida and many
or llie ill inn le wesi ernes. mi niuej
said be was better satisfied with Onta
rio tban aver, after seeing tbe othsr
places. They bad a very pleasant trip,
but are glad to be home again.
Work ou tbe uaw drain for tbe city
la expected to etart at once. This
will be one of tbe greatest improve
menu ever msde for tbe oitv. doing
more to improve toe city tbau any
otber place of work.
Tbe bids for tbe oonstructiuo of
tbe uew city hall will be opened this
W. T. Dingmun aud family, of
Grand Junction. Colorado, arrived
in Ontario Monday aud will make their
future home bere. Last year Mr.
Dlogmaii name here to see bis old
friend, L. J. Chapman, of the din
mercial club and auou luvested in
some raucb property. He has dis
posed of bis Colorado holdings aud
comes to Ontario to grow up with the
You will soon be thinking of taklug
up tbe carpel aud rugs and will ueed
a few hundred old papera to place
uuder them to save tbe carpet and
deaaeu tbe sound. Tbe Argue h
tbem tied up in bundles of 100 eacb
which we sell for 25 cents.
Nathan Alexander came down from
Boise Tueeuay moruiog to assist
Manager Creem with the Alexander
atore. Mr. Alexander was here some
time several years ago aud has many
friend here who will will be glut
to aee bim.
Virgil Staples baa been working
ou the ranch uear here getting it iu
shape for tbe summer.
F. H. Caldwell baa moved bis
family to Portland.
W. D. Bllllngaey uaa'goue to .Sher
man. California where be ha
position with a railroad aa oonductor.
If you want printing of the better
! class you get it at the Argus office the
1 price is right
Tbe contractors are busy laying tbe
cement walks ou Maiu street.
Local News.
Ralph Weaver and wife were down
from Vale to attend the funeral of
Clark Weaver.
Trees for commercial planting. See
stock of Emtnett nursery, opposite
Carter honse, Ontario.
Mrs. Boyer wna called to Baker
Friday ou account of tbe death of her
sinter living tbere.
Richard r.ustice, of Burbauk,
California, is visiting bis sitter, Mrs.
Wood Thompson.
The Grants Pass Courier is urging
tbe establishment of a publlo market
now that a cooperative creamery la
assured fur that place. "Tbe cream
ery, the cannery aud the public mar
ket beloug lu the same category," It
Chas. S. Johnson, the Calamity val
ley rancher and fruit raiser, has sold
his property there and nunc. I to On
tario to live, by which Die town on
Simke river receives an addition of a
mighty good man and lilt family.
Hums News.
Frank O. .lacktnn and family have
returned from Ontario, where they
pent the winter Hum News.
Ontario BHkcry give you more
and lictter candy for your money than
any other place iu town.
The Business Man
who wil! i. w minute of his
time to the pnotocrspber of
will please his entire laiaily. His
portrait produood by the present
day method ol photography will be
an agreeable surprise it's done so
iu ckly and cleverly.
Make the j4ppointmcnt Today
The Burrill Studio
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Spring days are Ford days.
When the open road allures.
you'll wapt and need a light,
right and economical Ford. Hut,
unless you get yours today you're
almost sure to be disappointed.
The supply is big but the de
mand is bigger.
Our great factory has produced nearly a
quarter of a million Model T'sfc Prices: Bun-
about, M0j Tbwrfaff Car, Vlf; Town Oar,
f7." f. o. I. Ontaiin with all ciuipincnt.
Ford Auto Company
Ontario. Ore.
Here Is Your Opportunity
Ontario, Oregon, at 10 O'clock
Sat., April 26, 1913
- -
Will Be Sold
Everybody Come
This Herd of High Grade Milky Form, Young Dairy Cows which are being ship
ped from Illinois, are a rare combination of these essential qualities. All bred
to registered prize winning bull and will freshen from 20 to 00 clays. Tuber
culin tested.
This will be a good opportunity for anybody interested in Ilolritein Dairy
Cattle to secure an excellent foundation for a high class herd.
Ontario Commercial Club