The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 17, 1913, Image 3

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The Fruit Grower & Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Kimball's Dairy Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Poultry Culture
Regular Subscription Price
Woman's World
Regular Subscription Price
Ontario Argus
Training and Feeding Oxen.
Experience has demonstrated that
DtVOB oxen nrp to lie preferred to
tbOM of other breeds, owing to the fact
that they niv more active, snya Hoard's
Inlrjiiiiin. oxen from the Hereford
ntiil Susex I. reeds luive also nnirnl
themaelroa very O0d workers. QfBtdt
Item make very food oxen, but tire n
little more refined thnn they would
be If they were not castrated. It is a
general practice to use n yoke where a
team Is BOOB hnrness belnit fenslhle
only where single nnlmnls are to be
hit' lied. The training cannot be begun
lOO young, but as n rule they are bro
ken as yearlings and not put to heavy
wink until two years old. They can be
trained by yoking two steers nnd hitch
ing them to a log or some such object
to be pulled around In nn open lot. To
teach the steers "gee nnd haw," It Is
necessary iti some Instances to use a
halter on one of the animals for a short
time. As a usual practice oxen are fed
on grain and liny varying In amount
according to their also nnd their work.
Care of Swine.
Two things which should he avoided
with swine In cold weather nre, first,
do not let them sleep In or upon heating
manure, because they liecome wnnn
and then rush Info the cold nir. fre
fluently contracting colds, coughs or se
vere pulmonary disuses that are some
times fatal: second, bed them well In
dry .piarters where there la no drnft ef
Ir blowing across them.
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Capilzed Mlml Drop From View
finy City- "Ships thnt pnss In the
night" whs an expression which cverv
shoreman hereabouts recalled when
they awoke to find thnt the Herman
bark Mlml. which turned turtle, hnd
dropped out of sight completely.
Whether or not the high sens have
carried the III fated craft further o
Ben Is not known, ns all hands have
given up the Idea of recovering Cap
tnln Westphal's papers, or recovcrliu:
any bodies of the several snllors who
passed to watery gravel.
A Hoston man propose aluminium
hats for women Quite an Idea! When
the hats were not In use they could
be turned Info stew kettles
All Five Publications for only $X.50
A Saving of $2.00
!.' Hob't J. Davidson I) I Fas
tor. Services at 1 1 :P0 m and 7 :.'10
pui Habt.atb ichool at 10:00 a. m
Mass at. NAM on 1st and Hrd Sun. lav
if each in. mtli. (in all other Sundayi
at 10 A M.
II. A. Campo, Rector
fonqreqatlonal Church Notice
(Sunday Services,
Sunday School 10 a m
Preaching Kervloee Ham
O K Meeting 7 p in
Preaching . i Ice H p tn
Midweek Lectures every Wcdnriday
even iu K H o'clock
Kvery Saturday
Hnbliath School 10:30 a m
liible Study ll:.T0 a m
V unii pet plea meeting 1 :II0 p in
Fbllip Koenlg. Faator.
Sunday School 10 A M
Freaohlng Samoa 11 A M
Junior League 'A F M
Kpworlb League ti.lnF.M
Freaohlng Service 7.1:0 F M
Thomai John.. PX.STOK.
Pendleton Water 8ource Held by We-
nix and Red Elk
Pendleton. Another chapter In the
famous case of City of Pendleton vs.
Wenlx and her son, lied Klk Cayuse
allottees on the I'matllhi reservation
wni added when the city of Pendlc
ton filed suit against the aged squaw
nnd her Hon, praying for Immediate
ejectment of the Indians from the
property on which their tepees nre
now pltflhcd and wJioro they are ll
ing. nnd for 11'fiO damages.
Through condemnation proceedings
(wo years ago the city acquired title
to a small portion of the Wenlx al
lot tn n 1 . on which there Is a aprlng,
nnd $:'.'. en was given her for same by
the court. She has never drawi
a dollar of the money awarded her.
Ml lis she made any attempt to mm I
from tin i pot where she hns lived fm
a great number of yeura. Her ami.
Red Klk. also has refused lo move
The same aplrlt of resistance ex
hibited from the tiOM the first OTi
turc was made for the purchasing d
the laud until the mailer had I
Battled in court is still in evidence
Qaiollne Schooner Sticks on Spit.
Klori nee, The gasoline achooix i
Anvil Mont II. union, who li ran ne.i omul
In re In hie the mouth of Slilsluw ri . W
loi.i In r rudder and hi l ln-i on Mm
nnrlli spit nl I linn Minis below th.
end of the j.f t . The boat Is high
and dry at low water and Is (lose to
the place where the llerwlck wiih
wracked aome years ugo.
The I'mpqna llfesnvin n.' put ni
anchor out from tin I it toward th
river channel The rari-.o Is being ta
en off nnd efforts to (mat the VOBBbI
Means Not Only
Time But Money
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the
distance from your house to tne Doctor and Merchant
andwhat timeyou save by Telephonirg? If your
time is worth anything you cannot afford to be
Without fl TplPnhnnp
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
Trees -Trees -Trees!
Idaho Grown Nursery Stock.
Fruit9 Shades, Vines, Roses
Profitable results assured. Plant
only the best. Buy direct from the
grower at reasonable prices.
Chas. P. Hartley, Proprietor
Emmett. Idaho
A complete stock now on hand at
Ontario, Oregon Sales Yard
On the Corner across from the Carti-r House
CHAS. P. HARM.. Jr.. Resident Representative.
P. O. Box 487 - Ontario, Oregon
With Organiitton Fixed, Contract!
May Be Let Within Three Weeka
Salem nnoiimi liicul tons llindt
by John h MiN.ui. attorney fin lb.-
inup.iiiy, that n Kanunllon ul tin m.
gnu Italln itl i'inni .n war. iili.iul -1
f. i I'd ami that within three week
Ik tof cum.tnn ting a portion
of the road bed W Id he aw nil. i
'Hi. . (.mi n i to poses to eoiiMtrurl
a roan Inn latest '" Mend by way
of Stayton ainl through the Mlntn
I'UHH, one ol the lew HVUllullle railroad
passes IhroiIKh till' Mum.
Just who Im bucktui-, ihe load Ih not
i . 1 1.. in it i in in v.- .in 1 1 1 I. n, ii.'. Uon
here with Hill and llarrlinun propm
ml a ill have Hie hhiiii ai
It will tiii the UoH.'d.ilf dutrlet, no
throiiKh the Wi-hi Stayton irrm.ii. .1
illhtiicls and will t;.i OM of the rn li
eat tlmli. H .1 at a( kMU in th
aloiiK the Saiiilain ami the llrultua
Critlcitm of Garibaldi Crew In Wreck
Hay City lofl ol tkv
eii in el tin- ii.iiiii.iidi Ma aat "
new, C.iitain I'iiIiV, in col..
iili tin itlMlM whin Hie Ciiiii'i
b.nk Mm. i eapalaadi drawBlM ' ,
Witt bt'Kun ut (iarlbaldl. Captain yim
nen of the I'nlted Stateh i in
CritieiHm of the lifei-awrH waw Be
vere ainouR the ipaCtatOW dmiiiK Hie
loli wait between the lliriilllK j'I
of Ihe Mlml, abuiii I u'i link April 7,
and the ii-hi ui- ot iln- four Hiirvl'.oit
Imur.s later. It wuh aid that i .m
tain Karhy refiiM-d to en out lo fl
certain wlulher the men were at I II
ilin.iiil ami he did not leuch Hie
wreck until Monday momiiiK. abort
l lii'ture the arrisal of tl.e 1'olnl
Adams life .-;a n I . i. ..
Big Filing 8yatem Needed.
Halein What wiil b Ih.
moMt elaborate filing fyalem in ihe
htate Is bciiiK MHel b) H A,
auhlutant a0f o lie uaed
in couiiectiuii with i.on mull r
tin- OU1 law.
I'li.l.r thai law, which Koi" inio if
J . . !, the , oi aiaie
uiuot keep an I of all the
rih Hi thl
. w llr
nag apace
C. U RmbM, Of Medford. has beaq
Im - I'M for Cnited States Attorney fol
the dlKtriet of OroKon.
The Mount Hood Railroad company
hns hemin the constnirtion of nn exi
tension of Its line from Doe, Into the:
I.nst Lake country.
Aci'onlini: to advices reii. 1 byt
Senator I. line from Secretar TuiiiiibI
ty, Praildant Wllaoa will M1 b abl
to accept vnrlonn Invttatlotih to vlslj
Oie;nn this summer.
Will It. KIuk. nntlonnl eonirnlttew
mini from Oregon, hna been I IB) ni
a member of the hoard of appraisers
for New York, and will draw a salary
of $9000 a year.
Paisley authotitlei have BienreJ
from the Btnte water rlghta In Hcai
Creek and tho Chewaiicnn rhrr, ami
will pr.M 1 with a itiBtrlhu: on lis-
teni as soon M the time Ih I. '.
The Pendleton round-tip will be hold
September 11, 12 nnd PI. '1 hla Ik the)
final decision made by the director
after considcrltiK the requeat of the
Spokane Pair association officials nol!
to have n conflict with their dates.
Senator Pane Ih belna: deluged w Itti
telegram from Oregon sheep and goat
raisers In protest u iiinsi the propoi-edi
tariff changes In these coniniodttedt
They demand at least 20 per cent ad
valorem on wool and 40 on mohair I
The mall transfer clerk at the I'moii
depot at Albany found a gold nuggel
In the craw of a chicken killed for hid
Siimlav dinner, from MMBfl his fii k.
He thinks the chlcka picked up tba
nuggel In a creek bed In the rear ot
his home
In reply to a query from the. secre
tary of the Oregon Slate Thresher
association. Assistant Attorney Hen,
oral Van Winkle gave an opinion that
the workmen's compensation Inw doea
not Include threshing machine In it'
A'er using four chargeH of dyna
mite, which shattered the safe, wliv
dows and fixtures of the Itogun Hlvoi
Mi . ,! company at llogue lllv. r,
a cracksman escaped with IIMI, using
a Southern Pacific speeder to make
his ectnwiiy.
The Washington lamnl of englneera
agreed to r.di from $100,000 to $10,.
(inn the bond required for maintaining
H in.-unit i lianuel lioui liny City
in Tillamook aad u outer to thia "f-
f. i I will he sent to tin' I'ortland orflce
Company A, Oregon National (iuard,
Will be disbanded about Mm 10. Willi. I
no nil clal notice has hi ii enl out by
the department all Indications nreth it
llllkel Will lore lis Inlllllll Till I III '
Is due to luck of eltlclency and uotl
lltlemlanee ol liielubers
l-ntalllni a loss of $8000, with in
HUM of :H'""i. only on the bull I
Inu th, I i lioti I ai Canuoii
lle.n li. the oldest summer resort ho
lei i. a t'tai portion of Ihe Oregon coaat
was .1. i.mmiI by fire, owing to a d
fei ti. tine. Nothing was auveil from
Iln biiiiiniK Iniilillng.
A movemenl that will be fostered b)
the Poitlaiiil Puss Club unci liewapi
.i rineii '! i- n hunt Orei-.on has been
,i !.. t'ie purpose ol raiding by
public siipM rlpllon funds (or t e ere.
lion in a immune at mil Ihe li nil ol
the bile Homer I l.iveuporl . one of
' i a's iiri.i oii'hIh.
ii.. i lelor of l hi on inw
ml i .iillng In ti 100 fiKl
.1 town tor Uih
purpose of till ' " He main
I. at, t, i e hi lemUain river Into tin
i pan i
c nn!'. in and the Sab in I lourliK Mill
which ' . i
St. i .loll.
Interior Loav latl
itnr i ham In in iiuii hi
has I. i miii 'i gOO
in i thai Hie Hi rinlatou n-
l failim aial he
pi I I I ll 'I I til..
case il would hai.ll) be w Ise lo lay
in Hiut iiciulty In 4
'II- 1 1. .:J
rompaii) who haa returned lo Salem,
from W 'anhluglon, hah amiuticed that
his .ippluaiion for a right ol way In
i i. beeu granted by
the it ti rlOf di.ii'iiient. and that work
on tl.e ptotiei .ill be resumed Tin
application has been held up bei .tu
of charge preferred with tlM depart
iiienl against the company by Hover-
Women moat tell their and ugeg
a lo-n rajglaterlng as voters, say.-- Dp
utv HlHtrlcf Attorney Magulre at Port
land Til :a lhe ale HUT 21
la not sufficient, he declares, and he
says that ll is incumbent upon tho
t ration clerk, to ak aach rotof
- l i -- i', in ami ilia' II I
tin- ..'my of the voter In leapoml in
! not wuh tin- pbrast o.ei J!l"
oi iln- g 'i. gaj. '
l ri I I. KodRera p. i that e
' 'in Turin i Ue
r attraction fe.
Waning for fa-
He unity, al 'rated
ami illy
i i: beer and
ll into g nearl w b IM
i Um
mill ii u.
I i Ui.-.r
Lun.l ,...
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
I -en ;u ' .u of slate a
01 lieu.