The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 17, 1913, Image 2

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The farmer Is the lnt man in the
World who should take n hostile ttl
tude toward the levying of I tax h:iv
lug for Its object the building or per ronds. mid yet there are tight
(vvads not n few who put up a holler
When anything In the way of a tax In
pmpnao.1 to make Rood roads poaaltlla.
MOM Iowa grangers belonging to the
alaive class object to the one mill tax
which baa been proponed to provide
gOOd rOftdfl for the Ilawktne Stiti. and
thereuxn some one got busy with a
pencil, and the figure which nn BB
pended should be MMMtrad carafBtly
by these e.'.inoml.'ai grnnccrs. On In
qnlry It wni found that the BlSvOQO
farmers of the state were fit linn ted as
worth In 1101! ll.OBi.WT.BJI. It was
found that the taxable value of the
nvernirt' farm was 1,P.'I1, nnd I one mill
tax on this would be t P.'l. If Tinners
ns a class cant dig up P2 a yvnr for
the construction if food roaili, the
bOtldlng "f which will result In BtBBtBf
saving and convenience i, tlicm tliau
to any other class, they should be ;il
lowed to wallow in the mud during the
rainy seasons until thejr MB so the
advantage of the linpro enicnt and th..
reasonnbleness of a tux ley which will
make better roads possible.
It Is likely that the coming prlne.
a In seasons past, there will be di
tributed under the signature of vari
ous congressmen hundreds of thou
sands of packets, of er.v punk :md
mediocre garden and flower seeds.
Time may have leen when this method
of free seed distribution was used by
the department of agriculture to Intro
luce new and valuable varieties of flow
er and vegetable seeds, but that time
Is past. The fact that the seeds are of
varieties that are more than a quar
ter of a century old and practically
worthless as compared with other
varieties that have been Introduced
since makes thla feature of the free
seed distribution very much of a fiasco.
A irood many folks are wondering If
there Isn't some congressman In one
of the two houaea who has the nerve
and gumption to Introduce a bill which
will pat a stop to this practice and
make it possible for the funds which
have Ims'h heretofore squandered to ,
lie used In some legitimate ami needed
channel for the promotion of agrl
A contributor to an ngrh ultiirnl pa
per thpt tho writer was scanning the
other day recited the fact that In the
vicinity In which he Hc. I the wolves
Were so troublesome that it win not
worth while trying to raise sheep, and
In closing he suggested that the state
pny a bounty of $u per head for every
wolf killed. This might do the busi
ness, but If this man and his neigh
bors are at all like some grangers
whom the writer knows this proposed
large bounty would merely result In a j
lot of farmers going Into the business
of raising wolves for the Nullity, with i
the raising of sheep put a good deal In
the shade. This matter of bounty for
wolves, except In rare Instances, seems
to be of very questionable expediency. ,
The New Senate.
It Is now practically certain tbat tta
DtBMcrata will control the new senate
by a rff narrow margin. They are
virtually assured of forty-nine mem
bers, which will give them a majority
of two. They may have one or two
more. In addition they can doubtless
count on a few of the more radical Ite
pnbllcan votes on at least a part of
their measures.
It Is also probable that what is
known as the progressive element of
the IVmocratlc membership will doml
nnte. This condition may be reached
Without any revolutionary overturning
of senate precedents. The press Indl-
lies that an agreement baa been
reached by which the older Democrats
will bo given the committee chairman
ships according to the seniority rule,
but that all the important committees
will have a majority of their member
ship made up of the progressive ele
ment. It is understood that the agree
ment goes further and Includes a prom
Ise. express or Implied, to block no
important legislation demanded by the
Comparatively few of the old mem
Iters have been re-elected, something
like ten In all. Of these Bankhead of
Alabama. Ha con of Georgia, Slmmous
of North Carolina, Owen of Oklahoma.
Tillman of South Carolina and Martin
of Virginia are Democrats, and Hornh
of Idaho, Kenyon of Iowa. Smith of
Michigan and Nelson of Minnesota are
Itepuhllcsns. All of these reelected
ItepuMlcnns. except Smith, have been
classed as progressives, although not
altlliatcd with the new party.
The new members so far choaen are
si in and Thomas of Colorado,
Thompson of Kansas, Jamea of Ken
tucky, Ransdell of Louisiana, Varda
niiin of Mississippi, Walsh of Montana.
I'ittman of Nevada, Hughes of New
Jersey. Lane of Oregon and Sheppard
of Texas, Democrats, and Hurlelgh of
Maine. Weeks of Massachusetts, Norrls
of Nebraska. Colt of Ithode laland and
Sterling of South Dakota. Hepubllcans.
At tins writing senators yet remain to
! chosen as follows: Two from Illinois
and one eiidi from Arkansas. Dela
ware. New Hampshire, New Mexico.
Tennessee, West Virginia, Wyoming
and Idaho, or the new men already
chosen James. Hnusdell, Hughes, Hliep
pard. Hurlelgh. Weeks and Norrls have
been or still are members of the house,
while Shu froth. Thomas and Vanla
i mi ii have been governors of their
We are probably witnessing our last
senatorial elections by legislatures, as
toe amendment providing for popular
election Is now before the status
Tin- otublnation ut present existing
through practically all of the cru belt
of BsMftunlly hlh prices for feeders
ami uullnlslied cattle stuff and tbe rel
atively l-w pii sg of corn OSa luirdly be
viewed is anything less than a caiiim- i
fly f.oi.i till s;audsint of lb" fumier
who would be glad to feed aud rrou.
that of the -oil, to which should be re I
turned In the shape of manure as much
as iiosslble or tbe fertilising elements
coutalned In crops produced. As the
situation Is. even though corn Is low
priced, one ruus u good deal of risk
feeding for several months when the
prbe he may get at the end of that
time or n lon-'er Interval may B04 Ut
any more per hundredweight than in
pays for the feeders to begin with.
Now and then 0S "in ,'l";" "
granger of the I.Uc that I DSStl
to suit. Following u season In which
stock bus boas kept "ll Btfulwuia
of feed end cure and "hen tlu harg
taassd everything thai waa worth
anything from pasture aud eorntleld.
one of these .hups was bemoaning the
fad that there bud l-cii SSSd lf BB
llltlo of the stored feed bemuse or
the that that be would t be BMS
to get so much for has hay. if It had
BBOWBd taafJ IB November and this
farmer bud hud to food all this hay ha
would probably have kicked SSSSSSS
bis feed was gone and he had to buy
blgh priced buy. in a mighty hard
Job to please some folks.
Just because potato prices were so
low lust fall that many growers at i
points a considerable distance from
market centers preferred to let the
tuber rot in the ground rather than
dig them should not be considered
a VslM reason for not planting as large
an acreage of potatoes as one would
Jave planted had the price tbe past
season tieeu satisfactory. Aa a result
3. low Prices which have prevaUed ,
thousands upon thousands of those,
who were not In potato raising as a
business will curtail acreage and hence
production. Other things being IQUSi.
this will mean that prices will be like
ly to range higher the coming season
than the last
When Doctors Disagree.
The magnates of high finance who
were examined by the I'ujo committee
In Washington did not agree one with
another either as to what tbe country
now has or w hat It ought to have. Mr. J.
riernourMoigan said there Is uo money
trust aud never can be one Mr. George
W, HuUer. who. second to Morgan. Is
tbe Idggest noise In Wall street, ad
mitted that com entratiou bad gone
a bout tar ugh. but could uot tbluk
it dangerous unless In "bud bauds."
s It is now m tbe bands of Morgan,
ilul.ei el at and as they have no pres
ent iiiieiition ot rellnipilsblug their
grip, he -ouid not think It possible
that II would ever get into bad hands
Thus it would seem a matter of view
Mr. Jacob 11. Schiff thought that all
monopolies would eventually fall or
their own weight, like the tower of
Naiad, but did not know what would
become or tbe rest of us ieudiug or
during the tall Mr. George M. ICcyn
olds, president of the leading bank or
Chicago, believed all monopoly bad.
was opposed to concentration and In
terlo.Uing directorates and winded
comis-tltlon restored not only between
hSBka, but in all lines ot big business.
Mr William RocLc'eller might have
given yet another opinion but for his
sore throat
Inasmuch as all these financial doc
tors disagree, it would seem tbat tbe
only course left Is for the people to
go ahead and regulate banking and big
business In the way that seems to
th.-iu right and necessary.
Last Novemlier Gaby Deslys reported
a UBwWOOO loss In gems and In January
said that $75,000 worth more had been
stolen, making X).000 In all. This
sounds like old times. Back In the
eighties American actresses lost their
jewels in that way. but the pres
agonts ran short of sparklers, or Imagi
nation, or something, and stopped work
lug the newspapers for that sort of ad
vertising. It E -aid that old joke.
come back every few years, and It
must be the same with burgling from
No. Reginald, the name of the new
president of Franca Is not pronounced
RScbS SStthSf t. called Punkerb.
, my look like th.L but appearances
Ire sometime, deceitful a. the
.aid who tried to cook a bunch of rub
ber tubing for spaghetti
When caught at It he "
was "for fun." Great Joke! Ha. ba.
. in tail That 1 funnier
He Is now In jail
till. Us. ns. hal
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at Vale. Oregon. March
20th. 1913.
Notice is hereby given tbst Nelson
Wllber. of Payette. Idaho, who on
May 27th. 1911, msde Homestead
application. No. 01880, for NJ HhJ,
NE 8WJ and BE NWi, Section 2.
Township 17 8, Range 46 E., WIN
lamette Meridian, has tiled notice of
intention to make Hnnl Commutation
proof to eatabllih claim to the Isnd
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May,
Claimant names an witnesses:
Charles D. Warren, Angus Mc
Donald, Aug. H. Kenkheil, of Vertiie,
Oregon; D. B, Stokely. of Payette,
Hnico R. Hester, Reglttsr.
Vale ()27:i, Rufns 01308
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Vale. Oregon, March ath,
Notice is hereby given that Guy P.
Morgan, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on
January 22nd, 1WI, made Homestesd
spplicstion No. Vale 0273, for E,4 SEJ
Sec. 14 and WJ, SW, Sec. 18, Tp.
17 S, Range 4H E., Willamette Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention to
make Fnal three year proof, toestablish
claim to the Isnd above described, lie
fore Register and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 18th
day of April, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Welch, Joseph Little, Charles
F. Hsger, of Ontario, Oregoti; John
Taylor, of Payette, Idaho.
Bruce R. Kester, Register.
Vsle 01135. Burns 03944
Department of the Interior, U. 8
Laud Office at Vale, Oregon. March
th. 1913
Not ii is hereby given that James E.
Rusk, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on
November 'J'Jnd, 1909, mads Home
stead A ion. No. Vale 01135.
foi NVVJ. section 22, Township 17 8.,
Rsogs 40 E . Wilbmi. tte Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
Final tbree-yesr proof, to estsbllsh
claim to the land above described
before the Beglster and Receiver U.
8. Laud Office, st Vsle, Oregon, on
the 18tb dsy of April, 1913.
Clslmsut name sa wituessst:
Frank Welch. Joseph Little, Blsin
Mays, of Outsrlo Oregon: John Tsy
lor, ot Payette. Idaho.
Bruce K. Hester. Rsgitter
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal.
The Most Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario.
Report of the condition of the First
National liauk at Ontario, in the Siate
of Oregon, at tbe olose of business,
April 4th, UIH. No :,H-i-i.
liiaaaa-ifl dlaaoata sut 219 7o
Overdrafts, secured aud
unsecured 8 389 97
l' S IhiiuIs to wcure circu
lation -WO H)
0 S Isuuls to secure Postal
Savings 1 100 00
Bonds, securities, etc. 14 789 43
Hanking bonne, furniture
and fixtures. .. .. 6 Ml !'l
Other real estate owned 2 742 III
hue troin national banks
(not reserve ageiitsi 27 18". .r6
Due from approved reserve
taenia 67 749 Ik
Checks an. 1 other uash items 193 14
Sotes of other National
banks. tmm
Fractional ipat currency,
aiokrls, rii' i cents 301 31
Law . i : Mo tat Bsasai I
IN liv.SK, M.
Specie ttUttt
Legal-tender , iWX
liol(. BM 'Hi 22 797 20
Redemption fund with I' B
I i. usurer i per cent of
circulation) 1 IM ""
Total 545 195 93
Capital tock paid iii 30 b" M H
Surplus fund ''' (HMJ 00
UudiNide.l profits, less ex-
pauses and taxes paid 40.J av
National bank notes out-
standing M M 01
Due to other national banks
Due to state and private
banks ami latukers o ',90 4
Dividends unpaid II 0t)
Individual deposits sub-
ject to check 292 .127 4
Demand oertittcates of de-
posit 1 ', "
Time certificates of dessit 73 429 80
Cashiers Checks out-
standing fj
Postal Savings deposits IM X3
Bills payable, including cer-
money borrowed 30 000 00
Totai M0 490 93
State ofOregou. t -
County of Malheur, 1
1 C K Kenyon, cashier of the above
uamed bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
' CE Kkkyom, Cashier
Correct Attest.
A. L. Cockrum,
H. B Cockkrum, Directors
T Turnbull, I
Sulsk'rilied and sworn to before me
tX lUV ' V W3 McCulloch
llM J Notsry Public
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe Stste of
Oteogn, for the County of Malheur.
A. J. Steward, Plaintiff,
Ceorge Benjamin, Defendant.
To George Benjsmln, Defendant.
In the iihiiik of the State of Oregon :
Inn nre hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In tbe above entitled suit
Friday, the 9th dsy of May, 1913. or
for wnnt thereof Plnlntltf will apply
to the Court for the relief therein de
manded, namely for a decree, requir
ing and comminuting the said Oeorge
Benjamin, defendant, to convey to
tbe plaintiff ell of the following ds
pci i ...,i lands to wit. An undivided
half interest In the Northeast Cjuartsr
of Section Thirty, In Township six.
teen south of Range forty-seven, Kaat
Willamette Meridian. In Malheur
Couoty, Oregon, in fee simple, sub
ject to tbe Hen of s certain Indenture
of Mortgage to secure tbe repsyment
of $800.00 lo favorof Joel Roiilllard.
an shown by exhibit "A" of ths com
plaint on file herein, reference to
which Is hereby nisde. I in- Sum
Dions Is served by publication thereof
for six consecutive weeks In the On
tario Argus, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation in said county and
State, by order of ths linn. Daltoo
Biggs, dated March 20th, 1913.
Date of tii -! put I lent i. ii March - i h
i i ...bite of lust put iiciitioi. May Hth
Harris Jc Smitb aod C. Mcdnnaglll,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice for Bids
Sesled propossls will be reoslved
by ths City Recorder of the City of
Ontario. Oregon, for tbe construction
of a city ball In BBSs city in accord
snos with the speoillcstions thsrsfor
on Hie in tbe office of tbe said City
Recorder up to 8 o'clock p. m. on
April 17tb, 1913. Bids must bs
sesled snd msrked "Proposals for City
Hall," mid most be addressed to tlie
City Rsoordsr, Ontario, Oregon. Esoh
bid must bs sccompsiiisd by a uei titl
ed check to ths euiouut of 0 per cent
of the bid On tbe 17tb of April,
1913, si the hour of 8 o'olook p. m.
tbe city council will meet aud exsm
iue said bids aud tbe coutraet for tbe
construotiou of said oltv ball will be
awarded to tbe lowest responsible bid
dsr, subject to the right, reserved by
tbe Couucil, to reject sny uud all bids.
listed this Hth dsy of April, 1913.
By order of the City Couucil.
Hsrry b. Orsuel,
City Recorder.
Viilu 0271, Burns 11104.
Department of tbe Interior, U. S.
I ..-.. . i Utiles at Vale. Oregou, April
5tb. lilt.
Notice is hereby gien that Rolla
V. Rusk, of Ontario. Oregou. who ou
January 22ud, 1909 made HoSMStaSi
application, No. Vale 0271, for W'l
SKI aud EJ. SW1 Section 14. Town
ship 17 S. Range 40 K., Willamette
Meridian, has filed uotloe of iuteu
tiou to make tluul three-year proof,
to ssUbllsbJolsim to the laud above
described, before the Register aud
Ksoeiver. U. S. Laud Office at Vale
Oregon, on the 20th day of May, 1913.
Claimant uemes as wltuestes:
Ooy P. Morgan, Frank Weloh.
Joseph Little, John Taylor, ofOnU
rio, Oregon.
Bruce R. Kester Register.
For sale House and two lots for
i r mmI in Villa Park. Price
a vu v w- -
oheap for immediate sale. A. T.
Castor. Carson. Oregon.
A few pairs of men's and boy's
overalls; a few pairs of apron over
alls; a few water bags: a few nose
bsgs ata bargain at The Variety Store.
Electric Light
At Home
It Means
'Phone Our Solicitor.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power
Moore Livery & Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnouts in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Vale 0708. Burns 02517. 11. K. H447.
Dspsrtmsut of tbe lutsrior, U. S.
Lsnd Office at Vsle. Oregon, April 1st
Notice is hereby given tbat Angus
McDonald, ot Wriue, Maibeur couuty.
Oregon, who, on March 30th. 1908,
made Homestead Application No.
0708, for NWJ, Section 6. Towusblp
17 S.. Range 17 E.. Willamette Meri
dian. hsi tiled uotins of intention to
make final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the lsud above described,
before Harry B. Clrauel. U. 8. Com
missionsr, at Ontario. Oregou, on the
Otb day of May, 1913.
Claimant nainea as witness:
llemau W. Clsmsnt. of Ontario.
Oregou ; Roy B. Kelley, of Weiser,
Idaho: Oeorge Tbiel, of Payette,
Idshoj A. R. White, of Ontario,
Bruoe R. Kester. Register.
The Most Qualified Judges
sam A aaWiBKil
bbbbbW1 ' "! aHl ' JBt
tor Sak
I motor. 3 H. P. 3 phase 1.700
R. P. M. No. 2 Krough centrifugal
pump. Pump aod motor are on one
base and bavs direct shaft, tisnsmis
ion. praoticatly new and just the
kind of an outfit for lifting water for
irrigating purposes. This outfit must
bs sold aud will go at a bargain.
Write or inquire of R. W. Larsou,
Ontario, Oregou.
Pronounce Taylor & WUUams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey tie BEST
FOR SALE in qusntities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, by
L. 6. TETfR. Wtolesalef.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount
For straight term or with in
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - - Oregou