The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 10, 1913, Image 7

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The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
S Our Bank Your Bank ? If not, we cordially
invite you to make our bank your bank. We
have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault,
Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employees, and do
business in a conservative manner. - - - .;.
Gapital and Surplus, $80,000
Realty Exchange
Kiirm and olty proprrty bought and
nld. All klndt of property to trade.
Wa write insurance in the bait ootii
panias to tba world. Wa will not iat
your insurance ran out without
Dotlfyiog yon. Many a man baa loat
all ba bad by not beiug insured. Keep
yoar property insured. It la Rood
btitlness. Our rata are alwaya right .
Realty Exchange
Will Practice in all Courta
Notarv Public. Office orer Poatofflce
A Bargain
3. 600 fruit treat of the three
following varieties: Jonathan, Room
Heanty, Wloaaap. For further partlc
ulara phone Mra. Uoldbacber.
J. H. COOK, Manager.
Capital Stock 50,000.00
-- i
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
Stimuli agreeable, doi it notf
That it what 'Standard" bathroom
faturei art.
lUthing ! ntcestary, but a bath ia
beautiful white enameled bath ii a
luiutiiiui nectuity.
A completely equipped bathroom
ihniiM hr in every homt which makri
any en tone of being modern. If
your liome it not to equipped let tit
nuke you an estimate on a new bath
room outfit at once.
U. S. Plumbing & Heating Co. ;
TWadanT "OcdttW Be L
talaris lit., 'int. I .. ii
loor. K.l i.l i
Old papers at the Argua office So
oenta par hundred. Juat what you
need to line your cabina and place
under tba carpet.
- m m ii
60 thnrei Owyhee ditch stuck for
aala oo long time. A. I Hoyer, On
tarlo. Oregon.
I rain Service.
Waat bound.
No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd 6:16 a m
No. 25 Huntington l'ata 9:20 a m
No. 0 Katt Mall 6:16 p
No. 27 Huntington Paaa 0:83 pa
No. 6 Oregon Wash Express 7 :60 p at
Eaat bound.
No. 18 Oregon Waah Ltd 2:61 a m
No. 20 Bolaa passenger 8 :60 a m
No. 10 Faat Mall 1 1 :2t
No. 28 Bolaa paaaengar 3:50 p m
No. 8 Oregon Waah Bxpreaa 4:40pa
Vale train leaves at 9:30 a. m. re
turning at 8 :.'() p. rn.
Local Market Report.
1)H. i'st'l.INK HKAKR
Graduates American School of Os
' teopathy . Kirkaville. Mo.
Wilton Block
Telephone. 154 Blk.
Office In I. O. O. F. Bldg..
Ontario, - . - Orboon
Corrected Feb. 27, for tba benefit
of Argua readera by the Malbeor Mer
cantile Company.
Eggs, per dozen. 26o.
Butter, per potiud, 30o.
Oats, per hundred, 11.50
Wheat, per hundred, 11.60.
Hay, per ton, 16.
Potatoea, per hundred, 60.
Onlona, per hundred, $2.00.
Applea, per box, $1.00. to 91. Qw
Oblokena, dteaaed, per pound, So.
Pork, dreeeed, 0 to lOo.
Pork, lite, ro to UHc
Veal, I to 10c
H.-.f. lie to 12c.
Attornsyb at Law
Rooma 13. 14, 15. 16, Wilton Bldg.
Ontario, . Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
Office In New Wilton Block.
Gaa with Extraction
Phono. No. 138 R in Wllaon Block
J W McCulloch R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch eckhardt
Rooma 1-2-8 Firat Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices,
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
H. M. HORTON, Sec.
Burnt, Oregon
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
Dr. W. G. Ho-we
Telephone No. 73i
Pint National Bank Hid.
Ieave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt'Attention Given
All Order.
To Have And
To Hold
To have a cuatomer meana to hold
him at tbia atore. We hold him by
never giving him reason to go else
where. We carry what people want,
we give the kind of servtee that
people like, and we make prices tl .it
always please.
We want your trade, and aa a baa
it for this trade we want you to feel
that it it worth while (or you to
come here (or druga.
Bermele's Drug
Rob't Udell, Ontario
U H High, Vale.
C. C. Morton. Old's Ferry.
John Mathews, Weiser Bridge.
J. E. Holly, Kiverview
W S .Skinner, Jordan Valley.
Fred Wilkinson, McDeruitt
T. A. Barton. Nyaaa
AKvays on the M
If yon bate job of hauling yon
rent dona, large or assail, yea een
alwara dpeod on John Lead log bat
taring ready for you. Call bin at the
Moore Hotel.
Cettlnje. The little kingdom of
Montenegro hat thrown down the
gauntlet to the Rtx great powera. She
declines to yield to the demanda of
the powera to abandon her attempta
to gain poatettlon of Scutari, and haa
officially announced that "there will
be no departure from an attitude
which conforms to the neceaattlea of
the atate of war exletlng between the
alllea and Turkey."
An International fleet, cotnprtalng
warthlpt of Austria-Hungary, Italy.
France, Germany and Great Britain It
now blockading the Montenegrin port
of Antlvart. The fleet Includet four
Auttrian warehtpa, the Drltiah crulaert
Yarmouth, Inflexible and Olouceater;
the German crnlaer Brealau, the Ital
ian crutaer Plaa and the French crula
er Edgar Qulnet.
Russia la not represented by a war
ahlp, but haa acquiesced In the naval
A brigade of Auttrian troopa from
Cattaro haa been maneuvering near
the Montenegrin boundary.
The cuatomary note haa not been
given tbe .Montenegrin government,
and Auatrta't action la conaldered un
friendly and menacing.
OHIO DAMAGE IS $100,000,000
Work of Rehabilitation la Progressing
Columbus. O. The work of rehabil
itation of the flood twept eltlea of Ohio
It procreating rapidly. Everywhere
optlmlam prevalla. The death roll la
Mt in unknown and will probably not
be complete for months, but It will not
reach over 800 throughout the entire
atate. All of the atricken dlatrlcta
have been reached with food and other
auppllea, while the Ohio national guard
aaalated here and at Dayton by federal
offlcera, haa the altuatlon well In hand
aa far aa order and aanltatlon are con
cerned The total property loaa can
only bn roughly estimated at preaent.
Ii v those who are In close touch with
the . Hinitlon It la placed nround $100,
000,000. Hating their figures on reporta re
oelved from the field aKenta through
out the Ohio flood dltlrlctt, officiate
of the Red Croat Society. In chance
of the relief workera, leaned a state
mi'iii estimating that 464 persons loat
tlit-ir Uvea lp laat week'a flood.
(Miliums numbering 77.1:13 need aid,
according to tba statement
London.- With the promised "reign
of terror" In retaliation for Mra. Km
mellne I'ankhural's conviction already
Inaugurated by the burning of race
oourtet, blowing up of railway atatlon
and tr.iln and the destruction of an
other country house by suffrage! lea,
1. 1. in ion was under the cloaeat police
surveillance that the preaent genera
tion could remember.
Scotland Yard detectlvea were ev
erywhere and alt the uniformed re
aerves were on duty watching the
militants wherever they held meet
Ingt. Kvery woman suspected of be
ing a militant who appeared on the
atreet carrying aultcaaes, grlpa or
packagea. waa made to give an uccount
of hi-rself.
Parliament bulldluga, museuiua and
places once public, where the nation's
treasures are housed, were under strict
guuru, to preveut militant vandalism
No arreata had been reported In
connection with the Ayrshire race
track fire. The grand stand, stables
and other buildings of the course uear
Ayr wre completely destroyed and
the police claimed to have clues Unit
in. nit- it (ii'ialn that women did the
work. The loss was li,0oe. At Kel
... ii Scotland, two women were taken
by the police just after they bad set
(Ire to some rags under the grand
put out without damage and the wo
stund of a race track.
Samuel H. Nlchott Diet.
Kverett, Wash Suiuuel II. Nichols,
formerly secretary of state of Wash
ington, and before thut a Republican
leader in Minnesota, died here, agei
S3 years. He aerved two full terms us
Htnctary of state, beginning in 1101
and had begun upon a third term when
In 1609 bla office waa charged with
Irregularities and he resigned.
Mtdford'e Mayor Qlvee up Fight
Medford. Worn out by tbe contln
nal opposition of tbe city council May
or Klfert, after a conference with a
i '.Itueii a committee, gave up the fight
i:4 turaai over to the council the
airy government.
' i haven't tbe means nor the physl
oal atrengtb to carry oa tbe fight
longer." said tbe mayor. "I am
through. Tba lour members of tbe
city council who have opposed me
tbroufhout are now the city govern
I give my appointive power to tbem.
My only hope la that this move will
reetore harmony In municipal affairs."
Congress Convenes with Dem
ocrats in Complete
Washington. Congrest, opening In
extraordinary session Monday tinder
Democratic domination, was enlivened
by the actlvltlea of the Progressive
organliatlon In the house and an Inva
sion of petition-bearing auffragettea.
Even thete novelties, however, were
oversbndowed by the preparations for
the precedent-breaking event of Tiu-a
day, when President Wllaon delivered
hit tariff message by word of mouth
to the natlon't lawmakers.
The senate healtated when a resolu
tion adopted previously by the house
providing for a Joint aeaalon to Ittten
to President Wllaon waa presented tor
Itt consideration. It waa a atunnlng
proposal. Not In tbe lifetime of any
veteran statesman preaent had such
a thing ever been considered. History,
they tuppoaed, had cloted on that
custom a century and more ago.
The aenate debated for nearly an
hour tbe concurrent resolution for a
Joint aeaalon to hear Prealdent Wll
aon'a meaaage. No aenator of the
doten who apoke oppoaed the paaaage
of tbe resolution, but several on both
sides of the chamber expressed regret
at the departure from the Jefferaonlan
custdm of sending In written mes
sages. President Wilson's message to the
extra session was unusually short.
making only about 1300 words It
dealt entirely with tbe tariff, leaving
to the dlacretlon of congress the melh
pd of handling the leeue.
Congress May Aet on Flood Control.
Champ Ciar Re-elected Bpttktr.
When the house convened, the Dem
ocrats, following their caucus deci
sion, renominated and re-elected
Speaker (lark The Kepubllcana nom
inated Representative Mann of Illi
nois and the Progreatlvet nominated
Representative Murdock, of Kanaaa.
Victor Murdock. leader of the new
Progressive party In the tower hrnuch.
at the very outset stirred up a fight
over the aeatlng of Representative 11.
(Min Young, of Michigan.
Progreaalve strength waa'teated on
the speakership, Mr. Murdock receiv
ing IK votes. The new party, however,
mustered more voles later In the fight
on Representative Young when It at
tempted to prevent his taking the oath
of office by resolution introduced by
Representative Hlnebaugh, of Illinois.
Democrats, led Ity Representative
Fitzgerald, and Republicans marshall
ed by Leader Mann, Joined forces In
sitting upon the new party organisa
tion, the flrat recognised third organ
isation In the houae for 60 yeara. Mr.
Young at. aworn In, a coateat of hla
seat by W. J. McDonald, a Progreaalve,
to be considered later by the electlona
Tariff Bill Cuta Dutlea on Food.
Removal of duty (ruin many articles
of food und clothing; reductions In
the ratea of duty on all accessaries of
life; an increase of tariff on many
luxuries; and a new Income tax that
would touch tbe pocket of every Amer
ican cltUeu whose net Income exceeds
14000. are the striking features of the
new Democratic tariff revision bill,
presented to the house.
Sugar would be free of duty In 1018,
the hill proposing an Immediate 26 per
cent t i'il in linn ami (he removal of the
remaining duty In 1016
Raw wool would be made free at
ones with a correspondingly heavy re
dm :ion in the tariff on all woolen
VII On 1 1 other articles are put on
the free list, namely:
Meats, flour, bread, hoots and shoes,
liimln r, ciinl. harness, saddlery, Iron
ore, milk and cream, potatoes, sail,
awlnc, corn, corumeal, cotton bagging,
agricultural liii.lcuu nts, leather, wood
pulp, bibles, printing paper not worth
mor.- lata -'a cents per pound, type
writers, typesetting machines, cush
registers, steel rails, fence wire, coll on
ties, nails, hoop and band iron, (Itb,
sulphur, soda, tanning materials, ace
tic and sulphuric acids, borax, lumber
products. Including broomhaudlea,
clapboards, hubs for wheels, posts,
laths, pickets, stavea, shingles.
Mtsiurtt Pile Up at Extra Station.
Hills and resolutions to reform the
nation's currency system, to preveut
floods In tbe Mississippi river, to pro
vide for relief of flood sufferers, to
build government rallroada in Alaska
and for a host of other purposes were
Introduced In both houses of congress.
Several currency reform bills ap
peared, one by Senator Hitchcock, of
Nebraska, a member of tbe acnats
committee that will prepare currency
legislation It would eslabllah 20 dis
tinct national reserve association.
with wide powers of note Issue, die
count and exchange Tbe bill devlaed
by tbe National Monetary coiumisalon
was Introduced again by Beuator
lodge, acting for Senator Weeks.
President Wilson baa announced
that tbe "summer capital" will be at
Cornish, N. H., oa tbe Connecticut