The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 10, 1913, Image 6

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Oeorge Tnllpy, a deputy fish warden
Of Portland, wns arrested and arraign
ed In the Justice court at Roseburg; on
a charge of fishing without a llconno.
landed with a $1200 cargo of gro
ceries for the town of Keno, the steam
r Cnnby. Cnptnln nail, wag caught
In a gale and Rank on Iake Ewauna.
Captain Ball and crew of five escaped
Notwithstanding the exceptionally
tormy weather the horse fair held at
Woodbura wns n pronounced success,
nearly 100 high class horses being
shown, regardless of the rain, before
large crowd of interested spectators.
Senator Lane filed a written appeal
with the board of engineers of rivers
and hartars, protesting against the de
cision of that body against dredging
the Bluslaw from Florence to Acme,
and requested an opportunity to make
oral presentation in the Nedds case.
B. R. Green, editor of the Ashland
Tidings, was acquitted of the charge
of criminal libel by a Jury In the cir
cuit court at Jacksonville. The charge
was brought by County Judge Tou
vllle. and grew out of the publication
of articles during the campaign hut
President Fletcher Homan. of Wil
lamette University, was the recipient
of a check for $60,000 from James J.
Hill. This completes $300,000 cash
endowment for the university, meet
ing the conditions of Mr. Hill when
he subscribed the $50,000 to the in
stitution. The treasury department assured
Senator Chamberlain that the customs
house at Astoria will be retained and
a deputy placed in charge. Empire
and Yaqulna will be allowed $300 each
annually for the payment of someone
to keep records and make reports to
The Jury In the case of Marcellus
Thomas against the city of Eugene to
recover over $3000 damages on ac
count of rllrged Injury to the plaint
iff's land because of seepage of water
from the city's power ditch near Wal
tervllle, returned a verdict In favor
of the city.
The owners of the Humboldt mine,
lying sis miles east of Malheur, after
making hundreds of feet of develop
ment work, run into a very rich strike
at the 400-foot level. The mine now
Is a producer of $60,000 a month. Pre
parations are being made for the en
largement of the plant.
The large spray plant of the Hood
River Spray company was burned to
the ground and It Is thought the loss
wilt aggregate $10,000. The factory
has been running at full cupaclty and
the stock carried was very large.
Thert) were iibout 750 barrels of spray
In i. tock u the time of the Hre.
No legal obstacles stand In the way
of the city of Salem holding sn elec
tion to vote on the question of abol
ishing saloons If the city council Is
of a mind to call the election, accord
ing to an opinion given by Attorney
General Crawford to Attorney W. H.
Trindle, campaign manager for the
Representative Slnnott has designat
ed Addison Y. rinkelberg of Baker,
principal, and Angus McDonald of
Hood River, alternate, for appointment
to cadetshlp at Annapolis He had
previously designated Eugene Hanford
of The Dalles as principal. All three
will take examinations at a place to
be dealgnatsd April $6.
Owing to a lack of Interest smong
the fruitgrowers near Albany, the as
sociation directors voted to disband
the organisation. It Is stated that the
discord came about through some of
the members desiring to continue their
former method of supplying the local
trade and residents. Instead of dis
posing of all their crop through the
The sheep men of Wallowa county
report on account of the long period
of snow and cold weather that they
have fed all of the hay that was put
up last harvest, and as the snow cover
ed the winter pasture so that It was
Impossible for the flocks to feed on
the bunch grass, the sheep are poor
and there will be a heavy loss. It Is
feared the wool clip will be light and
a very poor quality.
According to an opinion rendered
by Attorney Oeneral Crawford, com
merclal or Industrial Institutions can
not engage in the banking business
under the state laws The opinion
was rendered at the request of State
Superintendent of Banks Wright, who
represented that the Wasco Ware
bouse and Milling company was en
gaged In the banking business at Waa
co and Mora The attorney general
sajg that if the company conducts a
banking buslnesji It must be a a sep
arate fustitutlon.
k. The total coaf of keeping supervis
ing wardens and other field men in
the field during the forest fire season
of lt12, was $13,301. An additional
expense of UeVM was Incurred In
fighting fires.
Of the total amount
.w- low ruires that me coi.ui.o-
IJ1U ! v - -
Hhall pay one. i'. ' o the state treas
urer is sending out a statement and
notice to the various county clerks
calling attention to the amounts due
from the counties. The amount due
L the counties for 191 M..
nd $2266 Is overdue on unpaid 1911
3 Miles South of Nyssa,
Oregon, Commencing at
10 O'clock A. M.
18 Mend high grade Jersey cows.
IB giving milk; 1 6-year old. fresh
1 4 -year old fresh In May; 1 3-yenr
old giving milk, fresh iti August: 3
2-year olds fresh in August: 12 2-year
olds fresh; 10 Jersey calves. I heifers
and 5 males Yon ars invited to ooroe
and see these cows milked before sale.
11 dor.. Brown Leghorn hens. 135
thoroughbred White Leghorn ohloks,
4 weeks old ; 1 sow and 10 pigs, 4
weeks old ; 3 red sboats. about SO lbs.
esoh; 2 young sows about 100 lbs.
each; 1 sorrel mare, weight 1500, 9
years old : 1 black horse, weight 1700,
4 years old ; 1 roan mare, weight 1100.
4 years old ; 1 sorrel mare weight 1000,
7 years old. All broke to work and
ride. 1 black ooaoh filly 2. years old;
1 horse oolt, 1 year old.
McCormlck 5-foot mower, Deerlng
-loot mower, Champion hay rake, 4
horse rresno. slip scraper, 14-ioch
John Deere walking plow, single
shovel plow garden cultivator, lever
barrow, small blacksmith outfit. 8
loota Winona wagon oomplste, 2 hay
racks. Fremont buggy, pole and hafts.
3 set double harness, single bsrneis,
scalding vat. sickle grinder, grind
stone, 200 egg incubator, large barrel
spray pump, iron wheelbarrow, 60
rods 3 20 rolls Pane chicken fence.
2 horse potato digger, double trees.
singls trees 3-bnrss eveners, scythe,
pitchforks and rukee, 1000 lbs. cleaned
eed wheat. 1500 lbs. Little Club
wheat, ssrly and late potatoes.
4 Iroo bedstesdn sod sprlogs. 2
dressers, bookesse. I piece sot Mission
furniture, stand tsble. extension table
cblon I'lipboard. steel daeoport fold
lug bed, refrigerator, kitchen cabinet,
beatlog stove, 4 burner oil stove wltb
oven. 3 rocking chsirs. 7 dining
chairs, wasblng machine aud wringer.
8 gallon churn, new No. 12 Delaval
separator, 10x12 linoleum, art square
9xlli, copper bottom wash boiler,
tub and washboard, olotbea baskst
Tsrms Bums under $10 cash.
Hums over $10, 6 month's note wth
iiiiroi-d security H er cent liitrr.t
from date. 5 per cent discount on all
sums over $10. Nothing to be removed
until terms of sale are complied with.
Will furnish conveyance for people
coming on traio. Free lunch at noon.
Ira M Rutledge, proprietor.
Dickens and Miller, auctioneers.
For sale-House and two lots for
rant or sale in Villa Park. Prloe
cheap for Immediate sale. A. T.
Castor. Carson. Oregon.
Hats and Shoes
We are simpy overstocked
- in hats and shoes and have
made prices that will move
them, if you will call and
New York Store
North of Postoffice
Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Auto Extras
The only complete line of extras
between Boise and Baker.
Auto Repairs
We have a shop equipped with
the tools and machinery neces
sary to repair or rebuild any
part of your auto and employ
only first class mechanics. If
you want guaranteed work at
reasonable rates give us a trial.
Segine Auto Co.
Ontario Agents for the Buick
The 'IniinlnM" " brothers haft
turned out their bands of sheep on
the Dead Ox Flat ranges and will
drift them to Willow creek in time
for shearing at Brogau. Their lamb
crop was over 00 per cent.
A few pairs of men's and boy's
overalls; a few pairs of apron over
alls; a few water bags; a few noee
bags at a bargain at The Variety Store.
Trees -Trees -Trees!
Idaho Grown Nursery Stock.
Fruit, Shades, Vines, Roses
Profitable results assured. Plant
only the best. Buy direct from the
grower at reasonable prices.
Chas. P. Hartley. Proprietor
Emmett. Idaho
A complete stock now on hand at
Ontario, Oregon Sales Yard
On the Corner - from the Carter Houae
CHAS r HARTLEY. Jr.. Resident Representative.
o am - - Ontario, Oregon
P. O. Box 487
The New Spring Styles
In Ladies' Oxfords
For your approval and selection
Every pair the latest style
Satin Pumps, Patent Pumps, Tan Button
Oxfords, Gunmetal Button Oxfords, Lace
Oxfords. We save you from 25 to 50c per
Economy is a very great consideration.
The New Curtain Draperies
are here in full assortment.
It is the most effective showing we have
ever made, including as it does patterns,
colorings and the extremely low prices we
are making.
Now on Display
Malheur Mercantile Co.