The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 10, 1913, Image 5

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" aa i aajsjajaj sxaatsl
III ' ' ' "
Ontario Pharmacy
Keep the Moths Away
From your Furs with Our Moth Compound
25 Cents per Can
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Local Items
Mrs. Joe Snplea Rod eon are borne
C. Hnrey nnd Mr. Btreet. of
Irmoant. Indiana. ba?e bought in
thCook Orchard tnicta nod are well
PllWi.l with wbiit tbex ee here. I
mh bfltter than represented. Their
fcB1llies fill rrlT here tbii ML
U'inilow, of Jonesbnro,
bin moved onto the fralt
t be recently purchased.
Mn. Mnry Richardson hai been
reeverl 1av tbii week looking
,ftrber interest in this section.
pnT vi'iir alfalfa seed at the Mnore
utj sod (.rain company, 5 oente
p, w . .... made a trip to Ironsides
,(,. inyi RU" "d Is much impressed
iltli Mi' 'iniiunillcfiit distances In thla
Alfalfa icd .' cents a pound at tba
Mom Livery and Ureln company.
The Hi'flulni' Auto oompany will ran
in into atsKciiud express Una to Vale,
IdTiDS Ontario after the arrival of
So. t. Liitpr in' y win run a line m
Farait" and Kiuitlnnd.
Thr ')' of the Crank bankrupt
tocV will In- over after Huturday of
thu week Mr. Nawton bought (he
Hock from Oik truatea and will oloea
HOOt till week.
For a pleasant plana to spend th
aVrnnoii pome to the Hllrer tea at
Hi t'nnk'ri'iiHtloiinl oburch Wednesday
ifUrnooo April US.
Erirktiiii for good ahoa repairing,
iirtli f Ontario 1-urnltur oon a my
UwhI ilme repairing at Urlekson'a
aVoc limp, north of poatotiltu-.
Osorts Wright haa bean Ip town
aifril day t Ida week from the Big
ami raorh He any the llend la
atklng Improvement thla season.
Cuakay a Liquid live killer lor
Nultry mill stock, (luanioteed by
TV Ktrrlno ' Drug Co.
Mn. Hart.l Wallace will apaak
a tba I mi- I Presbyterian ohurob
Sua.lar in nl m at l 1 o'clock and In
tattrralugal tbe Mathodlat church
o'clock. I tin. will be a nnion
Fire destroyed the building owned
and occupied by J. L. Powlle, who
conducted a pool hall, on the flth.
Tbe loaa la about II oOO and the In
surance $1000.
The Hth grade exiiminatlona will be
held tbe 0h and 7th of May. AH
teachera are requested to get their
ordera In in time. A. B. Maopberson
Eplacopnl On I Id confirmation aer
vlce will be held In the Maaonlc hall
at 7:30 Sunday evening, April 13, by
Biahop R. L. Paddock.
Tbe Knlghta of Columbua have an
nounced their first aemi annual ball
for the 1 of April In the Wileon ball.
Tbe committee inaure a good time to
all who attend.
For bargains try our aboea. W
want to olean up. The Variety Store.
Go to the Foatoftlce Newa atand
and get one of tin-.. Street and
Bmitb novels.
8. B. Newton, a manufacturer of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ia here vlalt
lug bin nephewa M. K. and Percy
Nawtou Mr. Newton spent the winter
oo tbe coast aud la on bis way borne.
Mrs. William Mnole, ot Payette,
waa the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
R. O. Payne, laat week.
Henry Blnckwell bus turned out a
few huudrcd head of cuttle on the
range near Huntington. Henry is
wondering what free cattle aud free
meal is going to do to tbe cattle In
dustry. i
Tan and flfteeu cent novals at the
Postofrloe Newsstand. A new supply
just received.
W. J. l'liiiiev ia planting 5000
prune trees uu bla place weal of
town. The prune orubarda In tbls
section have been good mouey makera
aud more orchards will protmhly be
Tbe i i.Mt ill. -. news stand baa just
received a large shipment of Street
aud Sin ah 10 and 0 cent novels.
J. P. Smith, of Iroualde. la baviue
ii Hue Dome erected in me iiurmeru
part of tba city
Tbe MoCoy brothers, re.-eut arrival
from Haioee are having homes built
in Riverside addition.
Local News
of Food
Made with different Baking Powders
From a Series of Elratehemical Testt:
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made
with each of three different kinds of baking powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each
for the same length of time.
The relative percentage of the food digested is
own as follows:
Bread made with
Royal Cream of Tartar Powder:
100 Per Cent Diverted
Bread made with
phosphate powder:
feo'A Per Cent. Digerted
Bread made with
lum powder:
fere, Pf 55l 553 1
These tests, which are absolutely reliable and
Prejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it
the source of very many bodily ailments.
The Titan lo disaster ooourred on
toe morning or April lo. one year
Raloh Mulder, who sold his place
to W. O. Armstiong, a short time
ago, will leave in a few daya for
Holland, to visit with his relative
Try Conkey's lire powder for your
poultry. 25 and 50 oenti, at Ever
hart Drug Co.
Postmaster Sprnule baa gone to
Hot Lake to boll out some rheumatism.
Mrs. O. B. Smith, of Milton. Iowa,
Is visiting at the home of her brother,
J. i; Blackaby.
lhe taxpayers are Invited to tiring
their notloee of taxee due. to us and
let us send In their lay men ta and
take care of tbe receipts until called
for. Ontario National Bank.
A teacher from tba Agricultural
collage gave a lecture in the blgh
school auditorium on Tuesday even
Inn on "Tbe Advantages of a Higher
Education." The thought was that
there ia much more In life than money
making and having a peach of a time
nnd 1 1 1 v by tbe study of tbe higher
dranobea ia one fitted to get out of
lite all tbat It baa lo store for us.
Buy a Sealy mattress on easy terms.
Ontario Purn iture company.
Special sale on Sealy mnttrtaa.
Ontario Furniture Co.
Don't wait for some Interested party
to tell you. but hunt out tbe place
where you can get moat value for your
money. Tbe Variety Store can (III
the bill. Try ua.
A full atuck of trunka. traveling
haga and an it caaes carried by tbe
Kroeaain llarueaa company, aucceaaors
to I I ' li '
Kirliur.l Hagatly.dtsd at the hospi
tal last night, aged 22. Ha waa
from Weiser and leavea a yuuug wife.
He recently came from Mlasouri.
Traveling bags, suit oases and
trunka at the Kroeaain Harneaa abop.
The nine montba old baby of Mr.
and Mra. Kd Johnson died April Dtb.
The Infant sou of Mr. and Mra.
Ueorge McLean died on April 4th.
Tbe Kroeaain Harm-as oompany can
save you mouey on the prio of tbat
harneaa you need.
Mr. Maara waa bare tills week from
Portlaud visiting with bla aon.
The address of Prof. D. C. Petrie.
science teaobar ot the Ontario high
school waa very much appreciated by
those present. He discussed bow to
lay out walks, flower bads, tba beat
shrubbery for ornamental purposes,
tbe right kind of abad trees and
The small farmera are all being
urged to get cowaand. bogs and chick
en and get all there Is out of their
farms. The advice is good, but there
ia another induatry that ahould not be
neglected. The demand for good
horses seems aa brisk as ever and tbe
supply is limited. If you have a
place to caie for them, a few good
mares will make you money.
Most any kind of a borae will bring
9125 and from tbat up to 1250 for
liig anlmnla. What tbe colt would
rat around tbe place would never be
missed and lb a abort time he would
bring a good sum. Over .100 horses
were aold through tbe McWllllams
-'ii '. this psring and there was a de
inand for more. The extra large horse
is the one mostly desired, while the
-...I'll., ponies and drivers do not meet
with aa ready aale.
To Roller Skaters
The managera wish to announce
there will he akatlng at the pavllllon
rink from 3 to 5 p. in. for tbe benefit
of children nnd new beginner. Hpe
Ml prloea for children, 14 or uudei
15a, adults 25c. Two competent in
structors. Admission free. Whit
latch.and Akera.
furniture for sale
Will sell at my residence known aa
tbe Burbrldge property In Klvcrslde
on Oregon street, all houaehold fur
niture consisting of 3 Iron beds, new,
1 dining room set, solid oak, 8 pieces,
1 china closet, 1 leather covered coucb,
eh, mi and rrokers, 1 kitchen treasure.
1 refrigerator, 2 ruga, 1 heatlog stove,
1 cook stove and a lot of smaller
artlolee. K. II. Caldwell
Private s.ih-
f immenca April 5, at It) o'clock
a. m. . 40 head blgh grade Holatelo
puwh, 2 to 6 years old. Some fresh.
others fresh soon.
Payette, Idaho.
ar Hanks feed yard,
Money to Lain Improved Irri
gated far ins. W. 11. Doollltla Co.
Drayage ordera taken at Moore
Hotel John Leudluglisiu, resldeuoe
pbone 424
Tbree Iota for aale 2 blocks watt
of poatofUca at a bargaio. Inquire at
Argus ottloe.
Ladies tailor aud dreaaoiaker
Ktte cope Pbooe 1 04 N. 1.
Tba taxpayer are Invited to bring
tbeir Duticea of taxee dire, to ua and
let ua eond in their pay men ta and
take earn of the receipts until called
for. Ontario National Bauk.
Ontario Bakery givea you more
nnd better oaudy for your mouey than
any other place in town.
Tbe plaoa to buy first class oandlae
Is at tbe Ontario Bakery.
For tbe beat bread and pastry
town go to tbe Ontario bakery.
For Sale Cboloe Kuial New Yorker
aead potatoes. J. Defoe. Ontario,
For sale willow pusta,
4 '-, ml lea west of hospital.
It. rilr.
Now in the time to get a new rug for
thbt room while Kurlev haa a kin atuck
i . . li , ii.. " " - . - .
mauy oiucr posses oi lue auuje. .. no , j0 geieot from.
auswered very readily many questions
that weie asked of him. One oi two
of tbose present offered auggeatlona
alao. Tbe meeting was a very proHl
able on.-. Tbe expectation Is to have
aome atereoptican slidaa on Idaho
acenerv for tbe next meeting. Roh
well Correspondent.
There waa a reception at the borne
of Judge aud Mra. L. O. King on
Wedneaday evening by tbe Indiea of
tbe Episcopal Uuild for Mra. Knight,
miaalonary and daaooneaa of tbe church
who baa been here aaveral daya.
You will aoon be thinking of taking I Oat yoor alfalfa seed now. 5 cents
up the carpets and ruga and will uefl . pound at Moor Livery 'and Qraia
a few hundred old papera to place f oompauy
under them to tave tbe at i- t aod
deaden the sound. Tbe Argus baa
tbem tied up in buudlea of 100 each
wbloh we aell for 25 ceuta.
If you want printing of the better
Ua you get it at the Argus office the
ciaaa you
price la right
For Sale A Ford automobile iu
good abape. Prioa $350. D. U. Booth
at Multnomah rooma.
F..r Italian prunea tee atuck
Eanmett uoraery, Ontario yard.
Snake River Valley council, located
at Ontario, will observe solemn initnt
rion exercise uextSunday, April 13th.
1 wbeu about 25 oandidtes will be ad
jmitted luto tbe order. Tbe oare
monies will be conducted by the state
I deputy of Idaho. J
For Sale - Lawn mower, good aa
nw, cheap for quick sale. Phone
l in-, ta
Koee la variety, acclimated, at
to Emmet nursery, local yard.
Tree for commercial planting. See
atoek of Emmett nursery, opposite
Carter house. Ontario.
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Wing Chong Laundry
New man in charge who thor
oughly understands the business.
Washing & Ironing
West of 1st National Bank and Telephone Office.
1 4BBBaBBa4BBWaWB. - ,vaBW2v7saawriBBe I
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
lot'Hcn lion ft fit and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
Still Coming In
Some of the newest in
Skirts and
Also just received a new lot of
Boyer Bros & Co.
Department Store
There was aa overcoat left in the
B. Hawley aud prean,ialli which the owuer may have
oo proving property.
Own your car don't let it own
you. A new Mr. Dooley rises to
remark that there are only two
kinds of cars "the Fords and
the can't affords." You'll want
a Ford when the season is on.
Then buy it today.
There are more than 220,(10') Funis on the
world's highways the beat poaaible teati
inoiiy to their saWsxaUaal worth. Prices
runabout (flO i touring mi $..7.r town car
$875 f o. b. Ontario with complete equipment.
Ford Garage
Ontario, Ore.