The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 10, 1913, Image 2

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Remodeling an
old dairy barn
Frequently n fnrtner or a dairyman
In help or advice in remodeling an
old bam, write II. K. McCartney In
National Rtookman. Hecently the writ
er waa railed out on auch an errand.
The barn waa found to be a very aub
etantlnl frame affair, onee a beef cat
tle feeding bnm. but a few yeara no
put to Ita present uae. The chief fault
of the barn from the atandpolnt of. a
dairy baru wer:
"There waa au Insufficient supply of
light There wnn really no light on the
eouth at all. The mnugera were of
lumber and built rather high, ao that
the cowa breathed agalnat them In
tead f a bore them. The atall parti
tion WM f lumber and rather high,
making tliem not only Insanitary, but
rery serious obstructions to light and
air in g. barn. Then there waa no
ayeteni or effective moans of ventilat
ing the building. Such condition ex
ist in a great many herda, but they
may to overcome quite readily when
It la undertaken ayatematlcally.
The plan worked out for the renova
tion of the barn In question and which
the owner expects to follow la to dls-
Jrar ?fm aW ves aw
5 Wt '''SmiLMj
Guernsey rattle ara gaining a
iti.-ii i fin i: ...n In thla country for
milk and butter production. The
cowa ara economical producers, nnd
IK. ir vitality and conatltullon make
thfin aatlefartory on l ha average
farm. Guernsey oattla ara vary
pntotnt ninl will rapidly Improve
tha milking capacity of natlva harda
on which they ara ciokbocI. Olsn
coa'a ii.i.. p. tha (luninnry cow
ahnwn, I on of tha mom famuua
cowa of hi r hrwl. She wna drat In
the na') '" claas at ('IiIciikh In
mil inn! hits won ninny priSM In
competition with tha beat In ilia
land Bin la owned by w v
Mai all. Wnlorloo, la.
ani Interior furnishings of wood. All
the high wooden niiiiiM'rs ami stall
partitions will In torn out nnd floors
ami maimers of cement constructed,
A single curved Iron In will lie usihI
for atall partitions. 'Jims the interior
will in- miiile light, sanitary and easy
to clean. The south end and the eust
mid west sidea of the burn will Inj
npctu'il up and almost continuous glttsa
thirty Indie high put In. Then for
ventilation two open shafts will be cou
strueted It) the middle of the bant and
from some distance below the celling
to the roof. Fresh air will enter
lliii.ugli the outside wlinlows nnd the
foul air pass out through the ceutrat
Along with clesulng up the baru we
inn well consider cleaning up the
y.-i.-' rieitii milk cannot be scured
fro it iws running In a dliiy ynul. for
If tlie yurd Is dirty the cows will be
also, l-'t t iiifittly we tiud cowa during
a wet season almost to their knees In
manure nnd tilth. Such conditions are
tiulienlili the cows and mean
coutamlnail.' I of the milk. The muuure
bad best U hauled I" the field aa fust
as a load accumulates. The cows
tdioitld have I tiry. I lean place to ruu
during Ihe day. It means better milk
and more milk and more healthy cowa.
Buy tha Hard Boar farly.
. One of Ihe greatest advantages that
the fininir i an have in the early pur
chase oi bis herd boar lies in the fact
thai he has tlist choice from am uu
the animals offered. No breeder has
vet succeeded lu producing a ptrfMI
lot of pigs. The i"t ucceaefol
breeders are those who produce ihe
largest number of food pup, bal ail
breeders produce Inferior pi;; and
those SThl h have only a mediocre
quality. Pb wiBwr who wui ,lt"
he I ready to use the hoar is-fore buy
lug him is forced b. Ink.- wiiul Is left
Of the breeding herd after all other
sales have taaM BMOa from It. He
max pos-lbh get a good animal, but
Ute .-bailees are against him, and the
small COB of feed which the hoar COaV
suiues during the months before lie is
actually ueed to ,IV ,htt" ofr"et by
this opportunity for fin . ejholce and
by Ihe fact that the termer can train
the ls.c-,knsclf and lltim to his en
vlronmofit In his new home. There Is
prolit to 1h had in buying the isjars
young for these reusons, as well as for
the added and iinis.rtant reasou that
be ioes uot cost so much when bought
young as be does wheu growu to maturity.
Strum For Calf toouro.
In the irnst considerable loos
l..n sustained by Wlseouelu
breeders .from a fatal disease of calvee
known as white scours or calf dysen
tery The vetertnury science depart
ment Of tbe college of agriculture of
the University of Wisconsin calls at
tention to a serum which no beeu
found especially reliable as a preren
tlve treatment for this dlseaae. White
-scours occur in the newborn calf ana
Is manifested by a very profuse, mal
odorous white diarrhea. wbU uauolly
results in death wlthlu a few hours.
On amount of Its Infectious nature af
. . . . . . i, 111111111 must be
reeled caivea " i . -
1...1 1 I., iiivuiil tne Uiseaw
,,..tiiitf to other animals.
Ji.infonllnn of the navel
luated aurroundluge wuat not be neglected.
A sow that N raised on con
centrated food without sufficient
exercise will never make a profit
nhle brood now.
Hows will grow sluggish and
lazy If allowed to grow too fat,
and this condition will work hav
oc nt farrowing- lime.
The more comfortable you keep
your hogs the more profit they
will return to you.
Feed the boar for vigor, not for
fat, and let elerclse enter Into
his development
Uae the dlahwater for fertllla
Ing purposes and give the piga
pure, clean water to drink.
Olve the hogs every day all the
clover hay they will eat.
Sugar beets are a moat valu
able addition to the pig ration.
If the hoga aqueal, Dud out
why. Comfortable hogs never
squeal. There Is no money In
squeals.- Farm Journal.
and contain-
Sheep Require Proper Feed and Banal
bla Care te Thrive.
The farmer who canles bis first
flock through the winter Is apt to run
up agnlnat tbe rocka of lneiperience.
If the owner la wlae he will llrat
consider tbe condition of bla flock.
For Instance, ewea that are pregnant
will not receive the same attention
as ewea that are not. nor will young
iamb.s being raised for ewea receive
the same treatment as tbe others. Thla
en lie for three different bunches. To
secure the best reeults these three
classes should be separated that Is,
the pregnant ewes by themselves, ewea
not pregnant and wethera for fatten
ing together, and lambs for breeding
purposes lu another flock. When all
ure allowed to ruu together none seems
to make the progress It ought to.
Knocked around, the'uting lambs will
not make the growth necessary to de
velop the good, hen It In breeding- ewes.
the pregnant ewes will not bring foith
as strong, healthy young, nor will thoee
being fattened for market make the
growth they should.
The ewe flock should start Into win
ter In good, thrifty condition In fuel,
what many farmers cull fat and dur
ing the winter they should he so ban
died and fed (hat they continue thrifty.
Consideration must be given the lamb
which the ewe Is growing. Feeds
Department of tbe interior, U. S
Land Office at Vale, Oregon. March
20th, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that Nelson
Wllber. of Payette, Idaho, who on
May '27th. 1911, made Homestead
application. No. 01880, for N 8BJ,
NBJ BW and HK, NWt. Nectton 2.
Township 17 8, Range 46 B., Wil
lamette Meridian, baa Sled notice of
intention to make final Ooaimutation
proof to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Kooalvar. U. 8. Lead Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles D. Warren, Angus Mc
Donald, Ang. H. Senkbeil, of Vernie,
Cregon; 1). B. Htokely, of Payette,
Brace R. Kestsr, Register.
fael aW
feL JK
--asH aV
Vale 027H, Burns 01808
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at Vale. Oregon, March flth,
Notice is hereby given that Ony P.
Morgan, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on
January 22nd, 1909, made Homestead
application No. Vale 0278, for EH SE
Sec. 14 and WH SW, Sec. 18, Tp.
17 S, Range fl E., Willamette Meri
dlan, haa filed notice of Intention to
make Pnal three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, V. S. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the lHth
day of April, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses
Frank Welch, Joseph Little, Charles
F. Hager. of Ontario, Oregon; John
Taylor, of Payette, Idaho.
Bruce R. Hester. Register
Empire Lumber Company,
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal.
The Moat Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario.
l-li.iii by fnlverslty of Idaho
Tim pur bred Humpahlre yearling
wether I luxom Boy Is from tha flock
of tha I'nlvaralty or Idaho. Ita was
champion wnthar at the orvKim
and Waalilnston alata fulra of Wi
In competition with Houthdowns,
Hhropahlrea and lioriittd lorai.
At tha time tha photusriipli waa
takan Iluxom liny ui-iulied SB
i ! inula. Ha waa brad iy tha Unl
vurahy of Idaho and was dropped
In FotMiiuiy, 1911
whleh proilnce growth ahould be aup
plied ami iilao plenty of exercise. Both
lire lmportunt.
One method which gives geuerally
sntlHfnctor.v reemlta la to have u Bked
which there Is a good aieil yard adja
cent. Hero once a day, preferably in
the mornliiK. eornviiilks may he fee
upon the Kioiind and pooi clean straw
lu racks, lor the evening tei-d clover
hay is liest, lieitiK' fed in the racks In
(lie slnil A lecil of Kiulll. two narts
oats .inl one part corn, ue h;ilr pound
par head, H I goesl saypaMaMsl to the
Oteriiiuii reesV If 'he hay Hhoiild be
pserae or oeotele bum h ttiootavi " foi
pnrtl 'f hraii. .i H MUailer In hulk.
can profitably Im- aUiled.
Pare fresh ere tor aevukj be tcesoaable
at at) limes if It is ome Utile dla-taii.-
from i lie yard. Just ao that It is
eahilv Rcceaelble, it will give the ewes
good MOfCsM l traveling to it. The
water inUbt be clean
The yard is necessary, for in it the
ewes .an sc ure needed exercise, und
it should be for Ihelr sole use. Do not
lurn lu the cows and hoax "ml horses
ami expect the twee to tlirhe. Then.
too, one must m-c that there arc no
harp comers nor small doors nor opeu
hms in which the ewes csu crowd or
injure t liemselves. This yard should
l,o so located that it Is protected from
the prevailing wind, ami the ewes
should have access to it at all times.
Vale 01136. Burna 03944
Department of the Interior. U. 8
Land Office at Vale. Oreeoe. March
..Hi. 1913
Notice la hereby given that Jamas K.
Rusk, of Outsrio, Oregou, who, on
November 2Und. 1909. made Home
stead Application, No. Vale 0U3B.
lot NV. section 2'J. Township 17 8..
KanKO 4(1 r'. . Wlllametts MerHlao.
haa tiled notice of intention to make
liual three-year proof, to establish
claim to tbe land above deaerlbed
before the llealater and Receive? U.
S. Land Office, at Vale, Orofton, on
the lHtn day of April, 1013.
Claimant name as witnesses:
Frank Welch. Joseph Little. Hlsln
Mays, of Ontario Oregon; John Tay
lor, ot Payette. Idaho.
Bruce K. Keatar. Reeister
si I in '- i '
Vals 0271, Burns O1304
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Vale. Oregoo, April 1913.
Notice ia hereby given that Holla
V. Kusk, of Ontario. OreKo, who on
Jatiiisrv VS2nd. 1909 made llom. t. ,..i
a. plication. No. Vale 0271, for W
8E1 and E. 8WJ Section 14. lowu
ablp 17 8, Ramie 46 E., Willamette
Meridiuu, has filed notice of Inten
tion to make final three-year proof,
to entsiliHti liiiin to the laud above
descritiHil. iri.oe the KsKlster and
Keceirer. U H Land Office at Vale
QreflOdi "" """ 20th day of May, lfla
t'Uimatii ames as wltucstes:
tiuy P. Morgan, Frauk Weloh.
Joseph Little, John Taylor, of Onta
rlo, Oregou.
Bruce K. Heater Reiilater.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Malheur,
D. B. Pureed, Plaintiff
The Oregon Short Line Railway Com
pany, (Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company aucceesor in interest) The
Idaho and Oregon Land Improvement
Company, James W. Virtue, Robert
E Strahorn, trustee, and Mary Jane
Janney, Defendants.
To The Idaho and Oregon Land Im
provement Company, Jamea W.
Virtue, Robert E. Strahorn, trustee,
and Mary Jane Janney, of the above
named defendants.
In the name of the Htate of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed againat
you in the above entitled aait by Fri
day, the 4th day of April, 191S, or for
want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief therein demanded,
namely, for a decree forever barring
any right or claim which you may have
in the following described reel property
towit: Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 in Block
No, 21, in the City of Ontario. Malheur
County, Oregon. This summons is
served upon you by publication thereof,
in the Ontario Argus for six consecu
tive weeks, beginning on the 20th dsy
of February, 1913, and ending on the
M day of April. 1918, by order ot
Hon Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge of
the above entitled Court
Dated February 18th, 191S.
C. McGonagill.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Electric Power
Care of Fall Calvsa.
Fall caivea will require a little more
care ami attention. However, freah
aklmmllk, alfalfa and allege will keep
them growing nicely. Wheu apriug
comes they will be ready to be turned
out on grass and will be large enough
to gel along nicely without additional
food Calvee that are intended for
sale have a dletliict advantage If they
are dropped In the fall. They are
lancer nnd preseut a more attracUve
ap.earauce to any prospective buyer.
otter Peers Butter Pat.
Butter fat will make more pounds of
butter than you have fat. because the
butter coutslus decidedly pure fat.
water and salt and casein. There are
about 10 ih'i cent of water lu butter,
1 to m per cent of casein and from
1 to S per cent of aait.
Notice for Bids
Sealed propossls will be received
by tbe City Recorder of tbe City of
Ontario, Oregou, for tbs construction
of a city hall in uid city In accord
ance with tbe epeoiflcationa therefor
ou tile in the office of tbe said City
Recorder up to 8 o'clock p. m. on
April 17tb, 1015. Bids must be
sealed ami marked "Proposals for City
Hall," and must be addressed to tbe
City Reoorder, Ontario, Oregon. Eech
bid must be eoooropauied by a oei titl
ed oheok to the amount of 6 per cent
of tbe bid Ou tbe 17th of April,
1913, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.
tbe city oouuoil will meet aod exam
lue said bids aud tbe contract for tbe
oonstruotiou of said oltv hall will be
awarded to tbe lowest responsible bid
der, .subject to tbe right, reserved by
tbe Oouuoil, to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1913.
By order of tbe City Council.
Harry B. Urauel,
City Reoorder.
(Jet tbe Argus, only 91.00
In the Ciroult Ccnrt of the State of
Oieogn. for the Couoty ot Malheur.
A. J. Steward, Plaintiff,
Ueorge Beo Jamie, Defendant.
Totleurge Briijamiu. Defendant.
In the name of tin-Stale of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer tbe complaint Hied
against you in the above entitled suit
Friday, the 0th day of May, r.'i.i. cr
for want thereof Plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief therein de
inaiided, iiamelv for a decree, requir
ing aud commanding the said (leorge
Bcujumio, defendant, to couvsy to
tbe plaintiff all of tbe following de
scribed lends towit: Au undivided
naif interest In tbe Northeast Quartsr
of Section Thirty, in Township six.
tesu south of Rsuge forty-seven. Esst
Wlllsmetle Meridian, lu Msihsur
Couoty, Oregon, in fee eitupls, sub
jeat to the Hen of a certain iudcuture
of Mortgage to secure tbe repsyuent
of iM'H.i ii in favor of Joel l;. .in Dm I,
as shown by exhibit "A" of tbe com
plaint ou tlie herein, reference to
which is hereby msde. This Suua
Bions Is served by publication thereof
for six consecutive weeks iu tbe On
tario Argus, a weekly newspaper of
geucrsl circiil.itii.ii iu said county and
State, by order of th Hon. Dultoo
Higgs, dsted March 25th. IfJleV
Date of Hi i publication .Match 27th,
1913; date of last publication May Hth
Harris A Smith nod C. McConeglll,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice
lu the County Court of the state of
Oregon for Malbeur County,
lu tbs matter of tbe estate of Clemen
tine Chambers, decessed.
Notioe is hereby giveo tbst tbe
tbe undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by tbe County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Malheur County,
administrator of tbe estate of said
Clementine Cham bare, deceased. All
persons having claims against the
astute of sold Clementine CLambere,
deceased, are hereby required to
present the seue to the undersigned
with proper vouchers aa by law re
quired within six months from date
Dated el Ontario, Oregon, this 27th
day of February. 1913.
George W. Chambers.
Administrator of tbe estate of Clem
ntlne Chambers, deceased.
Irrigate your high land with
our Electric Motor
driven pump.
Simple and economical to operate.
Reliable and Satisfactory
in Service
Let us figure on your complete installation.
Write or phone to the g
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power
Ontario, Oreron
Moore Livery 4 Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnout in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Vsle 07UH, Hums 02517. 11. U. M17.
Depsrtmeut of tbe Iuterior, U. S.
I. hii.i office at Vale. Oregon. April 1st
Notioe M liciwl.y given tbat Angus
MoDonsld.ot Vcrtns, Mslheur oounty.
Oregon, who, on March 30tb. 1908,
msde llouieetesd Application No.
U708. for NWft) Sectiou 6. Township
17 8.. Range 17 K. . Willamette Meri
dian, hue tiled notioe of intention to
make final three year proof, to eetab
I Ub claim to the lsud above described,
before Harry U. Urauel. U. S. Com
missioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on tbe
otb day of May, 1913.
Claimant names as witness:
liemsn W. Clement, of Ontario,
Oregou; Koy B. Kelley. ot Weleerfc
Idaho; Ueorge Thiel, of Payette,
Idaho; A. K. White, of Ontario,
Bruce K. Hester. Register.
tor Sate
I motor. 3 H. P. - 3 phase 1.700
K. P. M. No. U Krougb centrifugal
pump. Pump and motor are oa one
base and have direct shaft, tisusmis
sloo. practically new and just tbe
kind of an outfit far ilftiog weter for
irrigating purposes. This outfit must
be sold aud still go at a bargaie.
Write or inquire
Ontario, Oregon.
of R. W. Lsrsou.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor k Willi
Straight Yellow Stoat Whiskey tie BEST
FOR SAI.K in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, by
L B. TETER. Wholesaler.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any smoua
For straight term or witt w
aiallment privilege.