The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO--The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
(&ntati& 'Atgrn
fl Ontario Argus
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres ia
marketed from On
tario each year
iii Mi i ii
JjJ, and Cireula
jjon. Watch us grow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 15
Iprssidenf Wilson Advises ths
Extra Session.
,( Iiseutivs 8y Rscsnt Elections
Uld Duty Upon ths Dcmocratio
Pirty, Which Must Lighten the Bur
t,,, of the People 9sys It Would
UnwiM to Move Forward Headlong
ir With Reckless Haatai That Busi
mm Mutt B Encouraged, Not De
atroyod, but That Everything That
Hit Semblance of Prlvilaga Must
ItAsslishtd Promlaoa Bpetial Mas
Mfe Dsaling With Naadad Banking
iid Currtnoy Laws.
,tbt Senate sod House of Itepre
lure called the congress together
txtrnurdltmry session becauee a
wis if I upon the party now In
IK It tin recent election Wllk'lt It
ibt to i'i iiii in promptly In order
It ths Inn ilen carried by the eople
xlstlnit law may be lightened
noon ii possible nnd In order, nlso.
It lbs business Inlereata of the couu-
toijr not ln kept too lonu lu ana
u to what lln fiscal changes
ri" twin which tbey will be requlr-
lo iiljusi tliciiiMclvca It la clear
i tb whole i'iiiiiiIi) Unit the lnrlfT
Me) uiuit tie altered. 'I'he.v must In)
snpd to nicer the radical nlteriillon
Ittt coodltkuia of our economic llfs
rb tbt country haa wltneaaed with-
Ibt Hit veneration. While the
oH lice and method of our Indue-
ii and ctirniueri'lnl life were helm;
safe) ueyuml reenKtiltlitii the tariff
dulr. luivc rciiiiilued what they
i btforu the change beirau or have
la ttiu direction they ware glv-
fssn no large circumstance of oar
stai-tiil ilevelnpinent waa what It la
7 Our tusk la to square them
i tbr actual rni'ta The sooner that
1 4m the siMiner we shall ewcape
i lufcrlni: from the facta and tba
our men of bualneaa will be
lo thrive by tba law of nature
Mtur or free business! Instead
tbf tbs law of legislation and artl-
W ITniiireinent
It bi seen tariff legislation wan-
itry fur afield In our day-sry far
from the field In wblch our
1tr inlirht have had a normal
ttb iiml Minniliitlon No one who
lib farts - pin rely In the face or
iiiyt'ilin; that Ilea beneath tba
of action can full to perceive
iarln'iiic upon which recent tariff
"lion lino lieeii based We loug
I ,.) beyond the modest notion
("rweetliu;" Hie Industries of tba
fj aini moved boldly forward to
Mw Hint they wore entitled to the
patronage of the goverunient-
' long time -a time ao long that
1 Mj in tlvo In public llcy
M reniemiiei the condltlona that
kieli-d It v nave sought In our
' Mil , - to Hive each group of
asaYafera or producer what tbey
Haa thought that they needed
to maintain a practically ex- m against the reat of
taorid Co ,s, lously or unconacious-
Iwhare hunt up a set of )rlvllegea
'"HDiitioi,, from coititxetltlon be-
'ol('ti It was easy by any. even
"rudest, forma of combination to
moimK)ly. uutll at laat notb-
S DOrillHl iinlhlns la nkllnul to
'to teM- of efficiency and econo-
'kvlir a il) of hlir himlneaa but
aa thriven hv concerted ar-
""t Only new principle of
ill luve ua from a final hard
laatlon of monopoly and a com-
" of flie Inrluelipea tlittt oulck
rWae and keep independent en-
r a.ji e
Mutt Abolish Prlvilaga.
'Plui wbnt thoae principle muat
" Bast abolish everything that
TtU tlte smiihlaiMA . nplvlliM
"'D. klliil ,,t ,1.1111.1.1 xloanlaira.
Put our i,i.. . .j .
-..1ICT1 UJDU HUH yv
"Mer the atluiulatlon of a con-
"ssltv to tut ttffieiant vnnulll-
h "wriii-lslug. uiaater of com-
1 upreinicy. better worker and
"hi II. ,1. uiiw In Ka wnrlit
f tlie lllllltt. I.I.I .lnnn artl.
t'tl . . I, . n.. anil ntwina Iklv
PfodUi-e. thfnafnna a nit I ha
kl Ulioil Iiih-1m mwJk mum!
, . uf the revenue tney yield.
." ui uie tartrr dnHaa hanra.
kl OlUlit rva MM. ....M
, " ul American wiia vj
'"b the wit of to reat of tit
L . 0l1 lie UDWiaa to moM tnwanl
'd bs,ii,. .,.. .. . LT
1 ijv " iiu recaiea uaaiu
trokea that cut at the rery
ajthju grown up among
The Malheur Oounty Pomona
Orange will meet at Kysaa Friday,
April 18 with tba following program:
10 a. m,. to 13 Bualneaa session.
12 to 1 :30 p. m. Dinner hour. 2 p.
m. leoture boar, address by H. H
Harlan, Muster Idaho State Oraoga.
Music, Kingman Kolony orchestra.
Address ,1ns. H. flugbei of tbo Agrl
oolture extension bureau of Idaho.
4 p. m. boalnaaa session. Lectnr
hour, open aesalon. to wbiob everyone
la Inrlted. K. M. Dean, b-cturar.
Will Make Both Butter and
Cheese Have Installed
Ice Cream Freezer
Continued on
page 4
Tha Ontario Creamery la now recelr
Ing cream and la ready to batidl all
that you oun deliver litem. Tha
creamery Is (Hied with a complete
plant for maklog Ice oream. having
one of tbe continuous freezers, also
butter, bavins' a churn of large capa
oity and vata for handling cbes.
Their equipment is the best money
oau buy, strictly ihe latest tblog lo
oresmery machinery and tbey will
turn out a llrslolasa article.
Tba farmer being now aaaured of
a bom matkat for all tha craam they
ail produce can buy all tba oowathey
bate room and feed to car for.
bV9bbI bb9"
Dr. F. F. Friedman, the Berlin spe
elaliat, whose tuberculosis cure haa
created wide-spread interest.
Noted Men From All Over the World
Coming to Citizenship Meeting
Portland Reperta from official
headquarters, both In Pittsburg and
Philadelphia continue to Indicate that
the BMBBl World' Christian Cltiaen
ship conference, to be held In Portland
June M July ti, will be a gathering
very largely attended and one of com
manding influence. Tbe namea of
tho- who have agreed to give ad
dreabea, the subject assigned for dia
cuasiou, the number of delegatea re
porting their desire to be present and
the inquiries that are being made con
cernlng thl great conference Indicate
tha. the conference will urpaa any
thing that haa preceded It In lta far
reaching effecta upon society.
Portland haa now forwarded $12,600
of the $16,000 pledged by thla city for
ih. antertalnment and publicity fund
of the conference. The local fluanc
committee ia devlalng mean for raid
ing the balance.
The waatner bureau baa arranged fo
service to the fruit men and farmer.
in this aeotion from tbe Bolie otnee
to give warning of probable frcet
nd watbr disturbance. Thla may
sve your gardeu or fruit orop.
Thar waa a carload of O. W. R. A
N. railroad officials over the Unas wt
of bare laat week, hut tbey bad nothing
for publication ao we are compelled
to report only rumor.
A paaaenger and freight service bee
been atartad from Vale to Harper.
Tha tunnel la now within a hundred
fact of being through with one band,
bat tbtre le muob work to be don
yet. This will drain the west end of
the tunnel, when through, and atop
the necessll y of the big pomp to keep
tbe water down.
Anot her contract haa beeo let which
will connect with the previdua one
and extend tbe line to tbe Deeobute
river i os 1 and form the link to tbe
coast. The country through wbiob
this passes baa no heavy work and the
grade can be completed before the
line ia graded through tbe canyon,
and aa work la to be prosecuted from
tbe west od It I evident tbey are
going to rash tha work through.
Wbll no announcement was made,
tbs officials did not go beyond tbe
present junction and It Is safe to etat
that there will be no new junction
as tab 1 1 shed, real aetata boomers to tba
contrary not withstand ing.
The Dominican Biatera wlab to
tbank all tbe people who aogeuerously
contributed to the Shamrock aale on
tbe 17th of laat month. Toalr ape-
alal thanka are due to thoae who aided
in tbe selling of the Hhamrooks. The
amount realised la aa follows:
Ontario :i7.r.t. Vale, 26.10, Pay
ette, 17.45 Total 171.05.
Alleys and Yards Must be
Cleared Up Covered
Garbage Cans Also
The mayor, oity marshal and other
officials are husy notifying the ult i.sns
to make a thorough cleaning up of
tba city on Krlday. All alleya muat
be cleaned, street will lu clsaued
and all yarda and alablea will be In
spected ami muat be lu a thoroughly
aanltary ooudltlon. Tnecoanull will
alao take action and arrange for all
to use covered garbage oaua to lessen
tin- fly pest aa much aa possible and
take other necessary ateps to that end.
It has been estimated that during
tbe Ufa of the fly from April to
August- tbe progeny of on femsls
fly would uomber 240,000,000,000.
If you do uot "swat tbe fly" to
begin with, you must eliminate their
breeding places. This has been none
most effectively In ths Osnal Zone.
In tbe future tbe presence of tiys
will be as much of a disgrace as la
vermin today.
The season for making gardeua has
urrlved and all cbickena will have to
be kept up. so tbey will uot bother
the efforts of tbe usigbbors.
I .el tUU eeilm it nil. I I lleall I II bbel
trimmed and burn up all trash.
The city has arranged to have tbe
street sprinkled with oil and tbe old
water wagon will soon be on tbe
move settling tha dust with ttrude
oil. Oo your part to make tbe olty
The Dreamland baa had soma high
class eiitertatuers thla weak in tbe
Mel lure. Tbay have exoelleut volet.
aud good selection. Soma thought
tbem a little too classy for Ontario,
but tbe muaio lover oerlaioly enjoyed
and appreciated tbem.
Ou Sunday and Monday evedinu
tbey have tbe McNeils in singing ami
comedy, Scotch coetume and selec
tiona. They are highly endorsed by
tb e press and publio lu tbe oitlea
tbey have visited.
Brewing Company Loses a
Car Leoad of Beer and
Other Goods
Houaeboat Lives on Umpqua Trip
Roaeburg. information haa been re
oeived In Roaeburg that tbe Schlegel
milch party of aeven person who left
her In a houaeboat on March 1$, have
completed their journey down the Um
pqua river without accident. Seven
teen days were consumed In making
the journey. Thla la 10 daya longer
than tbe party calculated It would
Thus paaaes a feat never before ac
complished on the Umpqua river. Few
persons believed that tbe beat could
aurvtve tbe aerie of wild rapids on
tba river or that tbe voyage would be
completed without loas of life
Tbe Hrewlug oompany'a
wairh.iuse was burned tbls afternoon.
Ths fire originated from a apsrk
from the eulgus of the 3:n0pnuy,
etching tbe dry weeds aod working
so and under the warehouse.
When tbe fit-emeu arrived It was too
far goue for the the obemical to do
any good aod there waa in. water sys.
tem, that section enly having joind
tb olty tbl week and the water mains
have not beau extended to Ii With
any water bead tba fire could have
been put out ea-ily.
About half a oarload of bottled
good owned by Combe ami Htutler
were taken ont aud tully aa much
more waa destroyed.
lbs mi I lu lug oost about 12,500,
with little, if any. Insurance.
Twenty Ave oows on 20 acre of
Uud and yielding a net profit for tba
owner of I2&00 Is tbe record made by
J. 8. Stilus.. ii. of Nauii'ti
Professor K. F. Kbiashart.'wbo baa
charge of tbs dairy experimental
Mirk for tbe Idaho Agricultural col
lege, baa been making a careful teat
of tbe work done by Mr. Htlmsou's
cows. A oomplste record waa made
tbiougbout tbe whole of laat year
every oant tbe cowa cost iu the way
of feed snd cara waa recorded, and
every cent tbey brought iu fur butter.
1 ci earn and milk waa credited to them
lUia record a just bseu completed
o nder tbe supsrvlslou of Professor
Kbiuebart. It shows that tbe BBM
made ao average profit for their
owuer for tbe year of 1100. There
waa a wide divergence iu tbe coat
of tbe feed, alao in tbe Income from
trie different oowa.
Tbe 1 100 a year Is tbe average for
tbe 2& cowa and tbey were maintained
ii Vit) acres of land tbat oost tbe owner
- -on an acre. Theee cow beloug to
the Jersey family. Tbey ar not
i astured at all - Mr. Stimaon bold
that bl land I too high priced for
I tbat. Tbey ar fed silage through
tbe winter and fed pataund peas ruid
i on three aoree through tbe summer.
Tbe axoeea mil not needed for tbe
! calves la tba herd la fed to bogs and
tbls add to tbe income of tbe little
' fara.
The time of No. 17 baa been
changed ao tbat train will now arriv
oo and a half boara eerllsr, wbeo
on time, aod arrive at Portland at a
much better hour. 0 p. m.
Saturday was tba second aalca day
held here and the attendance of buy
ers was much better than the articles
offered for sale. Many of tbs things
were so 1. 1 before ths sals at Isss thao
they would have brought at auotloo.
A week from Saturday there will
be another aale held and all are In
vited to bring in anything tbey wish
to get rid of. Make a clean up around
the bouse and farm and get tha money
not of your discarded article and yoo
may be able to buy something you
Ore Assaying $1200 to the
Ton is Found largest
Strike Found There.
New baa leaked out that tba Hum
boldt mine In Mormon liasln bad taken
out ore ou the 400 foot level assay ing
1200 to tbe ton. One car alone
y ladled mora than tbat amount.
At tba earns ttms lessors on tha
100 foot level found ore equally aa
rich. No atilka bus ever been made
In the mine to surpata thl laat one.
Hpeolmena of tbo ore ware ama.lngly
rlob, guld being plainly vlslbls In
tbs rucks.
bbbbbI H
aaaFsgyptatjjjsl V Wjf
William B. Wilaon, of Pennsylvania.
who is sscrstsry of labor In President
Wilson's cabinet.
Reported Attack on Ambassador Wil
aon Without Official Standing.
Washington -Published reports that
Luis Manuel Itojas, second vice-president
of the Mexican house of deputies
aud grand master of the grand Mason
ic lodge of the valley of Mexico, has
filed with tbe etata department
charges that Ambassador Henry Luue
Wilson was "responsible morally" for
the aaeasslnatton of President Madero
and Vice-President duares, brought
forth from Secretary Hryau the atate
ment that no such charges had been
received by him.
It la not Impossible that the atate
department would refuse to entertain
communication of so grave a nature
received through any other than the
uaual diplomatic channels.
Michigan Women Beam to Loss Vote.
Detroit. For the second time in
loss than six moutha on the face of
significant returns available, the con
stitutional amendmeut permitting wo
men suffrage waa defeated In Michi
gan. The Initiative, referendum and re
call amendments to the constitution
and the penaionlng of firemen all ap
pear to have carried.
Mrs. Bourn File Suit For Divorce.
Portland. Charges that be frequent
ly called her vile name and threaten
ed her with phyalcal violence are made
agalnai Jonathan Bourne, Jr., ex Cult
ed Hta(e senator from Oregon, by
Lillian Klisabeth Bourne. In a divorce
complaint filed In the atata circuit
court for Muitoomab county.
Denver Firm Pays a Bonus
$433 For Paper.
A apecial meeting of tb city coun
cil was held Friday svsning to open
bids for the city bonds being offered
It waa found tbey run from tB7 to
4't:i bonus snd they were awarded to
Caussy Foster A Oo. , of Denver, on
their bid.
The necessary attachment for the
sprinkler and an oil tank wars ordered
in prepsration of oiling ths streets.
This Will enable the COQnoll to oil
most of ths si reels of the olty at
about the oost for sprinkling Main
Stteet Id tbs past.
The regular meeting was held on
Monday evening with all members
There was an unuaually large grlat
of bills owing to the work on the hill
to the east of the city.
Ifeporta of recorder, treasurer and
fire chief were read and Hied
The usual applications for liquor
licenses were scted on.
Complete specifications for the new
trunk drain sewer system were receiv
ed from Orei'ii Jt Oo.. and referred to
tbe atteet committee.
Ihe street commissioner waa In
structed not to loan any olty toola In
t be future.
Mr on. representing the Idaho
Oregon Light A Power company stated their company had made a re
duction In rates April 1, which would
spply to city lighting, notwllhstsndlng
the imi I lu. algn will be free to
January 1014. area 15.110, Incandes
cents 11.50 aud similar reductlona
for the atrlug llghta or the adoption
of the clustsr lighting system.
Petitions from residents on ths
property adjacent to the olty were
read praying to be takeu int. the olty
and referred to a committee conalat
Ing of .immci until, Kenyon and Oregg
who were a, pointed to Hx proposed
new bouuadry aud report to the coun
cil Mai lory submitted plana for city
hall which were referred to city hall
committee, ooualatlug of A W Trow,
Zimmermen and A Kraser, who can
vasscd tbem with a committee from
the Commercial club aud accepted
nndlt was ordered that bids foi tin
construction of the city hall Le ad
vertised for to be opened oil April
17 at 8 i in The aelectiou of it
ni ei t- wus left to the build
ing committee.
Council ailjuuriied to April -.
All present at the adjourned meet
lug. tin motion tbe digging of tba sewer
was to be done by day labor aud not
by contract, and mayor instructed to
on lei the sewer pipe aud tbe work will
start at ouce.
The boundary quest Ion was reported
and adopted. It provide for the ox
teusioo of the bouudarle to tin
north west and south
The Work grataV t BIBb fill Ja
regular meeting at the hums of Mrs.
11. w. oieuicut on April I
The president gave report of tbt
in v and aupplfea contributed for
tbe rollsf of tbe flood sufferers aud
stated that the response bud been
very generous. She announced also
a lecture ou Tueaday evening at the
high school on "Tbe Now Kduos
tiou." After tbe reports of committees, tbe
club listened to a vary interesting
paper by Mrs. K. U. Oreig on
" Woman 'a Legal Hiatus inOregoo."
Mrs. Orelg said that Important laws
oonoernlog womsu bad already besu
passed iu Oregon. Many states, such
as California. Texaa aud Tennessee
were worklug bard for tbe aame luwe
and it 1 a matter of pride to all
womeu of Oregon, who have recently
been given the suffrage, tbat such
lawa as the Widow 'a pension bill.
Joint Ouardlaneblp aud community
interest, have already been passed by
tbe legislature of tbls state.