The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 03, 1913, Image 6

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The state board has reappointed A.
H. Crnson ns a member of the sta'.o
fcortlciilturo boar.
Hugh Iteeves of Jefferson fell from
the new tlphon building and sirlk
Ing on his head sustained Injuries
trom which he died.
A. Ohurchhlll. for 20 years super
Intendent of the city Bchools of Maker,
was appointed by Governor West to
uoceed L. R. Alderman us state su
perintendent of schools.
John Onvls. an employe of the Un
ion Champion mine at Cornucopia, loBt
his life in a snowsllde. lie bad been
burled several hours and was dead
when rescuers resetted him.
Wallace Farrow, a half blood Indian
went to Bleep bwMt the railroad track
In the Pendleton yards and was fatal
ly hurt. lie was taken to the hospital,
but died, liis nkull having boen frao
Involuntary manslaughter has been
charged against ttwt Heed, tin- driver
of the automobile which turned OYej
snd killed L K. Battlaggf and badly
injured W H. Haines, two of the occu
pants, at Marshfield.
W. W. Kranels. treasurer of LlM
county, paid Into the tTSUfy the atim
of five rents, this being the amount h.j
wns short when tin gipgfllm of hU
books was recent Ij completed by l-
M. Hedfleld. an act ountant.
Thomas luna. a ranch hand, is In
the county Jail at Hums, charged with
robbing the postofflce at Alberson, I
small town near Juniper Lake, east of
Srelp'B Mountain, of which William
Johnston, his employer, Is postmaster.
E. H. David, aged 82 years, was
drowned In two feet of water on (lien
ada side, while crossing Sluslaw river
sda side, while crossing Sluslaw river.
His boat was seen floating In shallow
water near the shore. The body was
found near In the rough water.
Loaded with 1im,7:'s feet of finish
lug lumber valued at $14,0U0, what Is
declared to be one of the largest car
loads of lumber ever shipped from a
mill In Oregon, left the plant of the
Kails City Lumber company. The load
was consigned to Kansas parties.
Robert lehlebOi nllas John Kline,
who has been In tall al Hums for two
months, charged with the murder of it
trapper and the homing ot a barn and
horses belonging to A. C. Vollmer, la
showing eigne of homicidal Insanity
and threatens particularly to kill a fel
low prisoner.
Charlee Johnson, a rancher living
near Oloverdale, attempted aulclda,
but was stopi" il !. Igliborhig r.iin i
era Juat as he was about to Jump from
a etove In his cabin, having tied a
rope to the bottom of his cabin ami
carried It over a rafter and placed the
noose over his head.
By the provisions of the millage tnx
law passed by the last legislature for
the support oft county fairs there will
be available thin year (Of the various
. .unties, f44.R32.21. Tt hiw provides
i any county that lOM ot bold I
county fair may use Its proportion of
the fund for building roads
Laura Alexander, an allottee on the
Umatilla reservation. Is being held to
the grur.d Jury an answer a charge of
having cbtalned a big sum of mony
from J. U. Bannister, a prominent
Athouu rarmer, through u beejsej lee
to her land. It la alleged she bad .1
ready leased Hff) lan(1 to otter-
H. Brown and H. Uruuo. tvso for
eign laborere, were drowned In the
pond at tli gain l.u:.. company'
sawmill at the Noil tunnel on the ''ns
of the BugeoeCooa buy railway. The
men were walking on logs In the pond
One log turned suddenly and prccipt
tated them into the water and ben gggft
a number of OtkV r loga.
On the old Kerdel Sutherlln donation
land claim are pear tr. vvi ' '
brought from Clinmpoe Il '
Mr. Sutherlln. a ploueer of 1831. t
trees gave not missed a year of bear
ing since MM. the flrat year lhO aOfg
fruit. They never were pruned, culti
vated nor sprayed umil last FOOT. The
duality and yield have compared wlln
the best.
A battle took place with knives
between M Sp.-nce. oa of Dr. Speiic-c,
and Ooerge Galea, of Kerby, oxer put
ting the ban of the turkey trot anl
bunny hug at the dance held theft.
Spence is In a serloue condition, be
lng cut in U Places, the most serious
being a cut on his neck, where a gash
three Inches long grazed the Jugular
vein Gates was not seriously hurt.
Arthur McPherson, a wealthy ranch
er living eeven miles west o. Mal
heur, was bitten on the hand b a calf
whU. feeding stock. ThigJUU noth
ing of it he returned to wh they
were packiwgce. and hileemployod
met with a more severe accident, nav
2 had his arm crushed between
Urge cakes of ice. He was taken to
the hospital at Baker, where he died
wliii blood po'son.
g Benson, millionaire lumbermuu
.nd owner of the Oregon hotel in Por,
Ud. who has been .laying in Long (-al. for the winter, will en
Ever S Procure legislation by con
STJiSSm the manu.acture of
whiskey In the UiKe4 States. Mr.
whlsRt-y 50,000 to tur-
Beuson bus act abiue .
th.r the project, and hie attorney
ow drafting a bill th.l Mr. ""
WJU- to have passed at Washington.
Laboratory Experiments May Cause
Break In American Visit
New York. Dr. F. F. Frledmann will
-(ail (Of Berlin three weeks hence to
OOrnplete laboratory tests unfinished
hell be came to this country a month
IflS to demonstrate fiis treatment fo
tuberculosis, but will come bark to
kmertea again two weeks later. Thie
was announced by hie assistant, Dr.
Maurice Sturm, who will nccompnny
Dr. Sturm said that on their return
the government medical authorities at
Washhmton probably would have com
Dieted their tests of Dr. Frledmann'e
vaccine nnd have made their report.
Lister Ends Death Sentence.
Olyinpia. Wash. Death penalty for
murder will m out of the statute
bOOhg in this state in 80 days unless
a referendum petition Is raised for
Governor Lister appended his signa
ture In .approval of the Gobs bill pass
ed last session.
UttdOf the present law the courts
had the right to either Impose a sent
l in i of death or life Imprisonment for
murder in the first decree. Under the
QOM bill, life imprisonment alone is
the penalty.
110 Saved at Sea
Key West. Fla. One hundred nnd
sixteen passengers, all of whom were
immigrants bound from Simla to Cu
ba, with the exception of two first
class passengers, were taken off the
Itrltlsh steamer Lugano, nshore on the
AJax reef ofr the Florida coast by the
tug Rescue.
Hats and Shoes
We are simply overstocked
in hats and shoes and have
made prices that will move
them, if you will call and
New York Store
North of Postoffice
Woman Asks to be Sent to Rockplle.
I i-rtland. Mrs. Stanley Swalkoskl,
.'.'- Kuncnc street, pleaded with Judge
Taawell of the tuunlcipul court to send
her to the rockplle. Instead of her
husband, who was sentenced te aerre
30 days for carrying a revolver. The
. . oman continually begged to have her
husband released In order to take care
Of i heir 0 year old child
Sot'th Dakota Seta Saloon Limit.
Pierre, S. I). The South Dakota
leghdnlure, just before adjournment of
the session, passed n bill providing
that only one . il.x.n license may be
Issued to each 600 inhabitants with
the exception that two saloons
permitted In each town regardless of
Wheat Club. 86c; bluestem.
red Itusslan. 85c.
Hay Timothy. $1B; alfalfa, $12;.
Butter Creamery. 39.
Kggs Candled, 20c.
Hops 1012 crop, 16c.
Wool Eaatern Oregon. 16c; Wil
lamette valley. 20c.
Who'it Blueatem. 96c; club, Ittc;
red Hit' slim, DSc.
!: ; :'v.
Butter Cieiilliery. J7c.
Hg Tlmoth). 116 per ton; all If.
112 per ton.
Buy your Meat at
and et
the best the market affords
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying now. Be sure
and see the stock ami prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Auto Repairs
We have a shop equipped with
the tools and machinery neces
sary to repair or rebuild any
part of your auto and employ
only first class mechanics. If
you want guaranteed work at
reasonable rates give us a trial
Auto Extras
A full line of extras for the
Buick cars, also for the E. M. F.
and Oaklands.
The only complete line of extras
between Boise and Baker.
Segine Auto Co.
Ontario Agents for the Buick
How Allen Woman Can Be Citizen
Balem- Ilelylna upon that prlnclnle
of law whluh says the civil status of
a husband shall determine the civil
status of hla wife. Attorney-General
Crawford rendered an opinion that the
alien wife of an alien husband who
had declared his Intention to become
a cltlien, may cither make her i If
eligible to vote by declaring her In
tension of becoming a cltlsen, or she
can let the law take Ita course and let
i... ,i. .,-!,..;. il.ui of her husband he ran
'sldered as her owu declaration.
Trees -Trees -Trees!
Idaho Grown Nursery Stock.
Fruit Shades, Vines, Roses
Profitable results assured. Plant
only the best. Buy direct from the
grower at reasonable prices.
Chas. P. Hartley. Proprietor
Emmett. Idaho
A complete stock now on hand at
Ontario, Oregon Sales Yard
On the Comer acroaa from the Carter House
CHAS r HARTLEY. Jr.. Resident Representative.
P.O. Box 487 - " Ontario, Oregon
We Have Just Received a full Line of
Sping Goods, Showing All the Latest
Novelties in Summer Fabrics
Including Ratines in stripes, white and
tan, Mercerized Ottoman, Linen Suitings,
wide welt, Satin Mercette, Dress Linen's
in white and natural colors, Poplins, Mer
cerized Plesse and a very strong line of
Window Curtain scrims, also a large as
sortment of Silk Waistings and many new
A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies of
Ontario and vicinity to call and inspect
the New Spring Stock.
Malheur Mercantile Co.