The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 03, 1913, Image 4

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Enteral in the postoflloe at Ontario,
Oivifon, for InamlMlM through tb
niHils an second-class matter.
Kditor and Propriet rr
The Ohio legislature has Mi ft
bill appropriating $600,000 for the re
lief of flood sufferers.
The lower house of the Minnesota
legislature is on record as favoring 11
minimum wage. The bill passed by h
ood majority. It Is also likely of sue-
oesi in the senate.
Congress will be naked by the Cali
fornia legislature to offer financial aid
to Dr. Frederick Franz Fried mann,
4lscoverer of tin alleged tuberculosis
cure, if a bill by Senator Cohn now be
fore the legislature is favorably acted
That 76 per cent of th. revolution
ary element In Mexico is now pacified
and that the pacification of Sonora Is
only a matter of time, waa the atato
ment of the Mexican government to
the T'nlted States government.
Plans for a comprehensive drnlnar.e
ystem for the country which would
prevent floods and make Impossible
recurrence of the recent disaster In
Ohio and Indiana will be considered nt
the National Drainage congress in St
Louis, April 10.
The Illinois Central rnllrond com
pnny was sued for $500,000 by the
Southern Illinois Coal A Coke com
pany at Chicago In the United State
court. Loss of $597,000 from failure
of the railroad to provide cars to ship
coal between Auguat. 1909, and the
present, ta charged.
The aiater ship of the Imperator, the
largest ahlp In the world, was launch
ed at Hamburg and christened Europa.
The Rurppn will be 950 feet long and
100 feet b,eam. Both vessels are to
be employed In the transatlantic ser
vice of the Hamburg American line.
Adrlanople, the western stronghold
of Turkey, fell to the onslaught of the
Balkan allies after one of the most
stubborn defenses in the history of
warfare. Adrlanople was fired by the
Turks, Inn. after much trouble, the
victorious armies succeeded In pre
venting n general conflagration.
The funeral tor tup .aie King ieort;o
took place March 30, at Athens.
Sir Garnet Joseph, the Viscount
Wolseley, field marshal, and one of
Britain's greatest soldiers of modern
times, died in France, aged nearly K0
Colonel Roosevelt, speaking at a
progreaalve party, announced the in
tention of that party to strive for the
election of women delegates to the
next constitutional convention.
The second trial of Clarence Darrow
on a charge of bribing Kobert Bain, a
juror in the McNamara trial, waa put
over to June 16.
Sylvia Bankhurat. youthful militant
suffragette, won her release from Hoi
loway prison by a hunger strike. Au
thorities decided that further impris
onment would endanger bar life.
Physicians are taking extreme cau
tion with Pope Plus X. lila heart Is
very weak, and the recent Illness
caused physicians to believe that fail
ure of that organ will follow the
slightest unusual exertion.
The German kaiser haa abandoned
the trip he usually takes to Corfu, in
the Mediterranean, off the Oreek
coaat. in the month of April, because
word has come, through the Qreclan
government, that Turkish emissariea
have gone to Corfu, and have aworn
to blow up the kaiser's residence while
he Is there.
The long Illinola eenatortal election
deadlock In the legislature waa broken
with the election of James Hamilton
Lewis, democrat, and L. Y. Sherman,
republican. Sherman Is elected for
the Bhort term. With the election of
these two. the United Statea senate is
sow complete The democratic
frength Is 61. against 43 republicans
and two progreasivee.
Circuit Judge Guthrie of Kanaaa
City, who recently cited W. R. Nelaon.
editor and owner of the Kansas City
Star, for contempt, testifying before
C. C. Crow, commissioner for the state
supreme court, admitted that he had
written bla declalon finding Mr. Nel
son guilty lu advance of the hearing
at which the editor appeared before
State Mine Bureau Choaen by Weet
Salem. Governor West announced
the names of the men he will appoint
as members of the bureau of mines
and geology, created by an act of the
last legislature.
They are N. H. Lawrle of Portland,
secretary of the American Mining eou
gresa and an alumnus of the school M
mines. New York; W. C. Fellow. i
Granite, superintendent of he Ben
Harrison Mines company of hat city
J u an alumnus of the Colorado school
of mines; T.S.Mann of Portland, with
the Hhclflc Stoneware company, Dr.
j K.Reddy of Medford.. mine owner.
c T Prall of Portland, an engineer
and good roads advocate. In addition
S. Sw-M-nla of the Universl y O
Oregon and of the Oregon Agricultural
College are ex officio members
A clever arrangement of paint cans
and appropriate advertising material
form the basis of an exceedingly at
tractive window iu the MoBratney
McNolty company store this week. A
speolal feature of the display is a set
llf 11.1 Hnnll..,.' - A I
... .....,,,., ....,,,,- rarringe sppges
with half of the snrfaoe of the spokes
treated to one ooat of Acme Quality
Carriase paint each spoke abowing
a different color of the paint Tbe
following statement is made on one
of tbe display cards: "You can
make your old buggy look new for a
dollar by tbe use of this paint."
With this suggestion nnd the very
small outlay necessary, we are sure
that all of tbe shabby vehicles in tbia
territory will Immediately take on
a new nppearnnoe.
Beaides being good for all klnda of
vehioles, attractive display signs 11ns-
trate in colors a great many other
uses for this wonderful paint in and
about the borne. Tbe display ia a
creditable ooe and well worth inspect
Ing. Pd. Adr.
Beoause it is found t bat false Im
presslons have been created In regard
to tbe manner in which tbe Oregon
Agricultural College poultry depart
ment furnishes egga from tested laying
stock. Prof, .lames Dryden baa made
tbe following statement:
"The experiment station poultry
department does net charge $1 for
each egs, nor noes It give eggs away
for batching purposes. Kgga are sold
In limited numbers for batching, tint
more than two alttiuga going to any
one person, at II. 5()'a aittlng.
"Rcquests'eoo.n from all counties
in the state, and from various other
states as far nil' as Florida and t'ana
da. High prices sre often offered for
the egga, but until we can furnish
tbe eggs to supply tbe demand In Ore
gon we do not care to semi eggs or
atock to other states
"Tbe sags are from atock that has
been bred moat of it for three genera
tiooa from bens that iiave iaid 200 eggs
a year. We do not set I day old cbloka.
That would interfere witb our breed
ing and other work."
To tbe Editor:
Will yon please explain why tbe
county ofHi'iala do not use tbe casb
on bend to pay off some of tbe oounty
warrants and stop the lntereet charges!
Tbe tak Ing up of the oounty warrants
la a matter that Ilea with the county
treasurer and In case of bis failure to
attend to the mutter then tbe County
Court can issue the order. When tbe
new set of officials took charge tbe
first thing for them to do was to have
tbe booba of the oounty audited ao
they would know exactly bow the
county stood, what amounta were In
the several fuuda and what monies
aval I sole to reduoe tbe outstanding
warrants. Tbe auditing has been
completed aud no aoubt n call will
aoon be made for warrants. It la
possible tbey may wait until tbe first
half of tbe taxea are paid in and make
oue call to cover tbe fuutla then avail
Resolutions of Condolence
Hall of Beatrioe Rebekuh Lodge.
No. 82, 1. O. O. F.. Tdaroh 19. 1913.
To tbe officers and membera of
Beatrice Rebekah Lodge No 82, I. O.
O. F.
We. vour committee, to whom was
referred tbe drafting of resolutions
on the death of Bister Carrie Aruold.
beg to submit the following:
Whereas, cleetn has again removed
auother link from chain of Friend
ship. Love aud Truth.
Resolved. That in recognition of
her loss we acknowledge aoveiiguity
of Him from whom we receive the gift
ot eternal life.
Resolved. That we extend our
sympathy to the bereaved husband and
children and oommeud them to the
care and love of their Heavenly Father,
who kuows evrry grief, "notes even
the sparrow's fall" and will aurely
oare for them In this dark hour.
Resolved. Tbat our charter be
draped In mourn ing, a copy spread
upon the minntea and another sent
the husband of our deceased sister.
"Bo let her sleep that dreamless sleep.
Our sorrows clusteriug 'round her
Be comforted, ye loved, who weep,
She lives with God. she is not dead. "
Submitted In F. L. T.
Sadie Moore,
Daisy Rutherford,
Nellie Piatt
Just Received
For Boys and
SO 2
Need No Supporters,
Button at the Waist -
Up to Stay.
Best for wear, comfort
and economy.
Try them.
Continues at Lampkin's Until I Move
If you want anything in Dry Goods or
Shoes it will pay you to visit this sale
SHOES, $1.69, and
Men's Hats & Pants
Half Price
Shirtwaist, Kimonas, Chil
dren's Dresses, Gingham
Peticoats 35c
House Dresses, Long Ki
monoas, Wash Skirts QQq
Boy's Hats, Waists
and Shirts Very
SUITS, $1.98, $2.48
up to $6.00
WAISTS, 2 for 45c
$2.00 Hats $1.00
$3.00 Hats $1.50
$2.50 Pants, $1.25
in s
"Tk.wilr niiLVsi
MiVtiirA for Them"
Every member of your family will appre
ciate the many handsome, useful presents you
can iret free with the coupons now jacked iu
Duke's Mliture ts one of tbe big favorite brands for
both pipe and cigarettes. Men erery where Preferit be
cause of it. true natural totcco Uste Duke's Mi.ture
IT simply the choice Ictc. of fine Virginia and JJorth
Carolina bright leaf - thoroughly aged, stemmed and
crumbled. It's Impossible to gef purer smoke or a
moVe likeable one than this fragrant Ugge
at Mmti Duke's Mixture. .
One and a half ounce, of this choice f
tobacco cost only 5c-.nd witb ech k you get a book
of cigarette papers FREE.
Thm Prmnt or FREE
They do not cost you one penny.
I .tt MT$ Duke's Miature we now pack a free
bggHt 4 " "JJ oswpons you cn get
present coupon. With Jgg , new
. i .. I. ..... if tirt-u-
iIIiUiaciis-- r;
ents. A ""-'
good daring March
Simply yur nmc
and address.
trom V&K H.UC cutV piedmont
amttlw If mm "--
Premium Dspt
ST. LOUIS. MO. mjll)l
st National Bank
Of Ontario. Oregon
Capital. Surplus and Profits $125,000.00
Known For Ite Strength
With ample resources for all legiti
mate Demands. Owned, controlled
and managed by local men, who
have had years of active banking
experience. This bank stands for
the development and advancement
of Ontario and the surrounding
We offer every accommodation and
service in keeping with safe
Banking and solicit your business.
A Good Bank in a Good Country'
A. L. COCKRUM, President; T. TURNBULL, Vice President;
C. E. KENYON. Caahlsr. H. B. COCKRUM, Ass't. Cashier;
C. W. PLATT, Ass't. Cashier
! aaa
4V t vlMaljfl iitilA
Msfl at SCW
aV S-- ' WJWsbbb
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A r;rim OffiCi1
Butter Wrappers to the & u vrmv