a M MTrtTiiiTMMII We Have Moved Our great stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Gent's Furnishings to our New Store. The Grocery De partment will be moved about May 1st. We welcome you to come bring your friends and show them Ontario's greatest store. Our rest room is ready for your use, it's a nice place to meet your friends. Our Stock is growing larger in every department and the newest things prevail. Don't forget the Slogan, "MEET ME ATRADER'S REST ROOM. i 9 9 -&- POULTRY BY kC.MBARNITZ UIVTRSIPE n& l& mil Mincer iw m Hit tJk I m ' a SOLICITED U .A. aaaamPC W-.6. ' A SaV-WaSH- Tht world-:! cninuinptloii f K-trv leum Is I.OMMKX) hnrrela per day. The I'nlti'il St it prodOMd M 111 abaWI of tin' irorMVl output 00.000,000 Imrreln 111 IMS, ami Of tliix large amount the lata of California fomiahad BTflOftMB barrahv A t'allfnrnla rancher who evidently batlaraa M the atrenuoua iifo managea 0 woiU MH Iniiil twenty four hour a day during the busy enon. He er ates three shifts of melt mid team l;;ht hMM each mid provide tirlltlclnl light for those working between aun down mid stump. The article and Illustration must not be reprinted without pclal porml RADERS Nemo Corsets ONTARIO, ORE. Fownes' Kid "Gloves OH, YOU 8WEET, 8WEET MARIARI Marlnr hn1 the grenteat hen To lay. lay. lay! She wouldn't lay off laying egga L'pon the Sabbath day. But thl hen, too, flow or the wall Sim was an awful tiler Ab.1 when he dug the gardens up She raleed tho neighbor Ire. And o the women came acrosa To lay the la loWfl l"t, If she didn't kill that hen at one They'd do It on the spot H irlur baard tli"m with a smile. Ni Ml r siisird them b Bho too the ax right then and ther. And gave thut hen a whack Then, klaslng all their wrath away. She roiM.t In dulcet tone!, "I'nme o 1 1 . now. tomorrow, denra. And to pick her tmnea." Thus threatened war did not occur. Marlnr beat The Hague Bo, neighbor, go and do llkcwlt It your hen la n plIM C. M. 1IAKNIT7, THE 1EAUTIFUL WHITE EMBDEN. The gooae. Ih sure nil utithpie MoliutluMita allow that gooae? goose) guilder has l'eii following tiinn up and down i reiitlon for over l,l en rn. The Toulouse, eotnlng direct from the wild gray, la oldest The beautiful White Kmlalen l claimed by Home to originate from the nintlng of n white wild awiin nml the (irny, while others claim It la uti nl MM from the Toulouse, Just as the White Hoek comes from the Marred. Whatever It blatory, the EabiM I" superior In mini) respects to the Toulouae, nml we ndvl.se our readers to carefully select breeders to preserve the eharacterlatlea of this splendid wti ter fowl, which has gnlued much la sl.e beauty. itiitllt ami populMttJ alnce It waa brought ov.r to America Us) year ago The gander should Im- pure white, two to five years old. have erect car rlage. largo bend, long neck, blight, largo him "'' stout oriinge bill, long Photo bf 0 M Bnrnlta. FMUPKNH, WntTR AS SNOW, stfitlglit, braid buck; Wide, round, Tllll breast; compact, deep body; strong, large, well rounded wings, folding ainoothh to sides; stout thlgha, strong shanks, toes and webs of deep orunge color He should :ippeiir nuis-ivo, be not overCat nor thin, nor should he have developed huge abdominal pouch nor prominent keel. The goose should be Ills copy, but nnoe rellmsl; from two to twelve years old nml not too closely related. Two to threo geese to the gander Is the limit. The Kmbdeii nfTords n flne quality of Mesh. Is n good ln.ver, 1ms no dark pin feathers, ami Its white plumage la nhiiiidiiiit and brings the highest price. The goslings tire very rapid growers and innke aplcudld green geeso for Thanksgiving ami Christinas STANDARD WKIUHT8. Pounds. Touads Adult gander 10 Adult goose II Young gandah II Young gooa. M Many folks In their relation to the need of n comprehensive nml sensible program of permnnent road building are altogether too much like the Arkan sas philosopher who when It wis rain ing couldn't fix his leaky roof and who when It wasn't ruining thought the re pair entirely unnocetisiiry. Tor clearing tip n pice of brush lanfl there Is nothing that will do the busi ness more effectively or satisfactorily th:tn a flock of Angora goats. The goats will not only kill practically ev en shrub In the tract, but they will gain enough in weight to mote than give Interest on the money invested In them while the.v are at work. DON'TS. Don't proclaim jour voting birds that win at the f.tlrs phenomenal" and "sure winners" at the coming winter shows Those that show precocity oft io tO iii.-i I n . I It.v Don t s i- at the woman whoshows agaliis' you. If the female of the ape ties 's more deadly than the male, of nurse Hi lie who sneers at I" i will meet a sail llnale 1 1. n't stoop to little tricks In bust ness The small man always comes out the little end M the horn. Don't have too many Irons In the fire. The spei Inllst In a good line tins a rich vein of gold to mine, but he who dabs at that and this la always sure success to miss Don't put off culling the flock till lho Ml their heads off. To tb. cu llmiry cook pot with thciu. (iood plii cs thai are belni: received for blooded cattle at numerous sales seem to bo due to the mm milly high prices that are being paid for baaf iml iiimIs ami to tin Increasing Interest on the part of many stock raisers In tho raising of pure bred cattle as a means of Increasing the farm receipts If a fellow has the money he can tie up In It there would seem to be aoDM good inonev to be made by baling a good uanllty of this line blight straw that is going begging at a low prtoa. If It Is dry when lulled It will keep Indefinitely and Is bound to fetch a higher price In the nevt two or three years. SKImmllk ami buttertnill. hue l.ont eipml fissllng value for plg The full value of these feeds can not be obtain ed unless fed with grain The value varies with the pioporllon of sklmmllk liven When from one to three pounds for each pound of grain Is fsl. the milk is worth more lliau when a larger amount Is given It Is a tribute to the worth" of agrl culture as a profession that so many men manage to shin along ami make a living with exceedingly r and slip Hh'Hl management The fads noted tend merely to omphnslco the truth that there Is no vocal Ion ill which the expenditure of a given amount of en erg and brains will pnalme larger re sult than In farming Paint Keeps mmrnmKmmmammmammmmmmmmmmmama wm Home the Bright A LITTLE paint here, a touch of enamel there, a brushful of varnish yonder everyone can see a dozen or more such opportunities for brightening and beautifying the home. Perhaps it's the outside of the house that needs protection from the ravages of the weather; perhaps it's a chair, or dresser, the floor or wood work that has become worn and shabby, or perhaps at am aM - bL . 1 - a r it's the family carriage, the tarm wagon or uic nw.i swing that has ceased to be a source of pride. No matter what it is that has become marred and unsightly from age and wear, there's an Acme Quality paint, enamel, stain or varnish that will exactly fit the need. We are agents in this vicinity for ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES the most scientifically prepared, the most satis factory in appearance and wear, made in the largest paint and varnish plant in the world. Simply tell us what you want to do, ask for the proper Acme Quality goods for that purpose and you are sure to get the best that can be made. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells what Acme Oualitv Paint. HnameL Stain, Varnish or Finish to use, how much will be required and how it should be put on. enables you to tell your painter or deco rator exactly what you want, but makes it easy for you lo refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would not bother with. Ask us for a copy. Its Free. It not only mmmmmW ViAJJZJ mm Willi f mm mmLmWi McBratney-McNulty Hardware Companj