n k NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL New Tariff Must Provide Rev enue Sufficient to Run Government Washington. When the gavel Mil at noon on April 7 the ways and means committee of the house will be prepared to submit a complete IjritQI f revision an. I ask for its approval. Truth Is that the men charged with directing the tariff fight have some misgivings about the bill to be pre Matetfj and recttgntae tliat it may be subject to materia amendment when It gets to the senate. In fact, the house leaders will be glnd to have the aen.-ite BaatlBM part of the responsibil ity for the bill. NOV 1. is realize that they must do two things. They must make such revision a will be In keeping with their pledges to the peoplle. and at the same time m:ist provide for ample ' revenue to run the government. They I ,"'"' al covered already that they will need fully as much revenue as has been nvailahl.. during the past few years, for they find they cannot in my material way reduce the expenses of the government. Revision Must Produce Revenue With n certainty that a certain amount of revenue must be available each year, tariff revision must be so shaped as to produce that revenue over and above what can be raised under the Income tax. How much the Income tax will produce will not be known, even approximately, until the tariff bill has passed both branches of congress and been approved by the president, for there Is more difference of opinion about this feature of the new tariff bill than over any one other section. The. pl.in as finally passed upon Is understood to provide for raising the Income tax revenue on n graduate! sea I.', exempting Incomes under $4000, beginning with a 1 per cent tax on In OMNI of 4noo and running as high as 4 per cent on Incomes of $100,000 and upward. It was said that the plan retains the provisions for free raw sugar and free raw cotton and the 15 per cent tax on rnw wool. A fight Is expected in both houses for n change to free raw wool. Suffragists Ready to Besiege Wilson Siege Is to be laid to the White House by the suffragists, it was announced at national headquart era, as a result of the refusal of President Wilson to Include In his in ii',i to consrtM some reference to the rjffraga cuiiso. The president's declination was based on his belief that congress should take the first steps, and that he would not be Justi fied In inaugurating such s sweeping reform through recommendations. Representatives Kent, of California, Lenroot of Wisconsin and Anderson of Minnesota, progressive republicans, made a formal annouuement that they would not join the house progressives in a new third party organisation and would not vote for Representative Murdock for speaker. Indians to Get Interest Secretary Lane has signed an order, effective July 1, 1913, providing that all Indian fuuds on deposit to the cred it of superintendents of the various agencies over the United States that hitherto have not drawn interest shall be placed on an interest bearing basis at the rate that prevails in the local itles where the money Is deposited Heretofore these funds have not drawn any Interest. It is estimated that these accounts aprpoxiinate $1,000,000. National Capital Brevities The first formal dinner by President and Mrs. Wilson will be given April 16. in honor of members of the cabinet. Clay Tallman, an attorney of Tono pah. Ne.. has been appointed legal adviser of the reclamation service by Secretary of the Interior Lane. Secretary of War Garrison. Wednes dav. ordered that 50.000 tents and 1,000,000 rations be rushed to Ohio from Philadelphia for the relief of the flood sufferers. One of the best jobs at the disposal of the Wilson administration, that of chief forester, has been placed under the civil service. This position, wow held by Prof. Henry S. Graves, a re publican, appointed by Taft to succeed Oifford Pinchot. pays $5000. On the requtst of President Wilson, Secretary of War Garrison went to Ohio to personally survey conditions in the flood district. He was accom panied by General Wood. Presideut Wilson waa going himself, but later decided to send Garrison as his person al representative. The special session of congress, it is predicted by democrats of the sen -in k o i. minuted affair. It Is ill'' Will Wm " assumed that President Wilson will ask consideration of the currency uues tlon and other matters of pressing Im portance insofar as their discussion would not interfere with the right-of-way of tariff revision. Democratic 1 ,,.Ur UnderWOOd believes that the tariff will be disponed of iu the house by liaj I. "' bolh D0U July 11. Uhl. Alias Summons In the Clteuit Coi.it of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, (iilhett L. King. Plaintiff, v. W S. Carey Bnd Benj T. Uln. Defendants. i" " Carey and lienj. T Defendants. In thp name of (he state of Oregon. Von ami each of you Hre hereby re.iii el to appear and answer the complaint Had against you and each of ynu II the above entitled case mid cau-e in the above entitled Court on or be fore six (61 weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. which first publication Is on t ho i0th day of February. 1913. and the time within which you shall appear and answer will expire April 3, 1913, this being the time mentioned in the order directing the publlention of this sum mons, and If you fall to appear ami answer said complaint on or before sltl six weeks, the defendant will sppkf to tbs Court for the relief prayed for in . his complaint, towlt : For a decree and judgment fore uloing that certain mortgage made nod delivered by ynu on the .mtb dBy of April, 1010. to Gilbert L. King and given on Lot number 15 in blank number seveutj six, Iu the City of Ontario. County of Malheur, State of Oregon, to secure the tuytm-nt of a oertslu promissory note of even date therewith, for the sum of one hundred dollars and iuterett at 10 per cent per annum from date and for such other relief as the Court may deem jut aud reasonable. This summons is published by order or Hon. Dslton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the st.it. of Oregou. for Malheur County, which order Is dated February 13. 1013. and directs that this summons be served upou you by being published once each week for a period of six Irt) consecutive weeks In the regular Issue of the Ontatio Argus. Oste of first puHicatloti February 20, 1013. Oate of last publication April 3, 1013. Uilbert I. King, Plaiutlff. illNSO NOTICE FORPUBLI NATION I ''a-MI t ll lit Itf tr,.. I. .4. ....-- ft rt ' . . t 1(T- init-i ittr, j, o iua utnee at Vale, Oregon. March 20th. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Nelson Wilier, of Payette. Malm, who ou May '27th. 1011, made Homestead application, No. 01880, for NJ SK. NKJ HW, and If W. Section 2, Township 17 R. Range 40 E.. Wll. lamette Meridian, has tilarf notloe of intention to make final Commutation oroof to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver. U. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May. ll'l.t. claimant names as witnesses: Charles D. Warren, Angus Mo Donald, Aug. H. s.nkbeil, of Vernle, Oregon; D. It. Stokely. of Payette, Idaho. Hruce Kester, Register. Summons In tli iNrrnlt CYurt of the Stite of Oitogn. for the County at .Malheur. A. J. Steward, Plslntlff, vs. George Benjamin, Defendant. To George Benjamin. Defendant. Iu the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear aud aoswer the complaint tiled against you In tbe above entitled suit Friday, the 0th day of May. 1013. cr for waut thereof Plulntitf will spply to the Court for tbe relief therein de manded, namely for a decree, requlr iug sod commanding the said George Benjamin, defendant, to couvey to tbe plaintiff all of tbe following de scribed lands towlt : An undivided half Interest In tbe Nortbeust (Quarter ot Section Thirty, iu Township six. teeu south of Range forty-seven. Fast Willamette Meridian, In Malheur County, Oregon, iu fee simple, sub jeot to tbe lien of a certain indenture of Mortgage to secure the repayment of 4)800. 00 in favor of Joel Rouillanl, as shown by exhibit "A" of the com plaint ou tile herein, refereuce to which is hereby mads. Tbis Sum mous is served by publication thereof i for six cousecutive weeks iu tne uu tario Argus, a weekly newspaper of general circulation iusaidoouuty aud State, by order of tu Hou. Daltou Biggs, dated March '25th. 1013. Date of first publication Marob 27tb, 19 13; date of last publication May 8th 1013. Harris A Smith and C. McGouaglll, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County. Jacob Prinzing. Plaintiff, vs. R. M. Beard and Lena F. Beard, husband and wife. L. A. Corey, and J. B. McClelland, Defendants! To U. M. Beard. Lena F. Beard, L, A. Corey and J. B. McClelland, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon. You nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 4th day of April, 1913, and if you fail to so appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint on file herein; the said relief being the foreclosure "f plaintiff's mortgage upon the following described real property, towit: All of lot 14, 15, 15, 17. 18, 19 snd 20 m Block 158 iu the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregou; for judgment against the defendants, R. M. Beard and Lena F. Beard, L. A. Corey and J, B. McClelland, for the sum of 80, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 191". and for the further sum oi ltii attorney s fees and for the costs and disbursements of the suit; that a decree may be made for the sale of the said premises by the sheriff of Malheur county, Oregon, and that the proceeds of said sale may be applied in payment of the amounts due to the plaintiff, and that said defendants and each of them, and all persona claiming by. through or under said defendant or either or any of them, either a pur chasers, incumbrancers or otherwise, may be barred and foreclosed of all rights, claim or equity of redemption in or to the said premises; for judgment against said defendants, K. M. Beard and Lena F. Beard, for any deficiency which may remain arter applying all the proceeds of the sale of said premises properly applicable to the satisfaction of said judgment; (hat the plaintiff or any party to this auit may become a purchaser at said sale, and that the purchaser be let into the im mediate possession of said premises, You will also take notice that this summons is served upon you by publica tion in the Ontario Argus, a newspaper printed and published weekly at Onta rio, Malheur County, Oregon, and of general circulation in said Malheur County, by virtue of an order of the Hon George W McKnight, Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Malheur County, which order bears date the 17th day of February, 1913, and by which order it is directed that this summons be served upon you by publication in the above named newspaper for six full consecutive weeks, and that you appear and answer the same on or before April 4th. 1913. The first publication of this summons will appear in the issue of said paper of February 20th, 1913, and the last pub lication will appear in the issue of April 3d, 1913. Dated this 19th day of February, 1013. McCulloch A EckhardL Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Empire Lumber Company, WHOLESALERS OF Sash, Doors and Weatherproof RETAIL DEALERS IN a Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and The Most Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario. Limited Roofin g Coal. Vale 01950 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Icterinr, U. 8. Lbii I Office at Vale, Oregon, February 20th. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Mary F. Wrlnales. of Ontario. Oregon, who. on August 10th, 1911. made Home stead Application, No. 01660, for l IfBJ andSWJ NKJ, He.- 17 Tp. 17 8.. Range 47 K. . Willamette Meridian, bss tiled notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before tbe Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the Ml da? of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: M. W. Jones. i; . ... E. laaam, Pcnrl Crane, of Ontario, Oregon; Melvin 8. Hpaulding, of Payette, Idaho. Bruce R. Kester. Register. Vale 01130. Bums 0394 4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land (Xfloe at Vale. Oregon. March 6tb, 1913. Notice is hereby given thst .lames E. Rusk, of Outario, Oregou, who, on N' vember 22nd, 1909. made Mome nt.,. I Application. No. Vale 01130. fot NWL section 22. Township 17 8.. Ratine 40 r". . Wlllsmctts Msrldlnn. I.NN ill.., notice of Intention to make Final three-year proof, to estsbllsb claim to the Isnd above described before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, ou the i Mi. day of April, 1913. claimant namo as witnesses: Frank Welch. Joseph Little. Blaln Maya, cf Outmi,. Or-guu : Jobn Tay lor, ut Payette, Idahu. Bruce K. Kester, Register Electric Power FOR PUMPING PLANTS Irrigate your high land with our Electric Motor driven pump. Simple and economical to operate. Reliable and Satisfactory in Service Let us figure on your complete installation. Write or phone to the Idaho-Oregon Light & Power COMPANY Ontario, --.... Oregon Administrator's Notice Vale 027:t, Burns 01308 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at Vale. Oregon, March "th. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Guy P. Morgan, of Ontario, Oregon, who. on January Bad, 19tV, made Homestead application No. Vale 0273, for El8 SEJ Sec. 14 and W, SV4, Sec. 18, Tp. 17 S , Range 46 K., Willamette Mcri dian. has filed notice of intention to make Fnal three year .roof, to establish claim to the land alve described, be fore Register and Keener, u. o. i"u Office, at Vale, Oregon, day of April. 1913. In the Couuty Court of the state of Oregon for Malheur County. In the matter of the estate of Clemeo tine Chambers, deceased. Notice is hereby given that tbe the undersigned bss bsen duly sp pointed by the County Court of tbs State of Oregon, for Malheur County, administrator of tbe estate of said Clementine Chambers, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said Clementine Chambers, deceased, are herebj required to present tbe same to the undersigned with proper vouchers as b? lsw re- itbin six months from date Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, D. B. Purcell, Plaintiff va. The Oregon Short Line Railway Com pany, (Oregou Short Line Railroad Company successor in interest) The Idaho and Oregon Land Improvement Company, James W. Virtue, Robert K Strahorn, trustee, snd Mary Jane Jsnney, Defendants. To The Idaho and Oregon Land Im provement Company, James W. Virtue, Robert E. htrahorn, trustee, and Mary Jane Janney, of the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint riled against you in the above entitled suit by Fri day, the 4th day of April, 1913, or for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief therein demanded, namely, for a decree forever barring any right or claim which you may have in the following described real property towit: Lots lb, 17, 1 and 19 iu Block No, 21, in the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, in the Ontario Argus for six consecu tive weeks, beginning on the 20th day of February, 1913, and ending on the 3rd day of April. 1913, by order of Hon. Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge of the above entitled Court Dated February 18th, 1913. C. McGonagill. Attorney for Plaintiff. Moore Livery & Grain Co. Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff, Grain Finest Livery Turnouts in City Come in and give us a chance. Phone 95 W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman on the Wh 'i.oi.i .,,t num.-M :is witnesses Prank Welch, Joseph Little, Charles F. Hager. of Ontario Oregon; John Tuylor, of Payette. Idaho. Bruce R. Kester, Register NatkHidl forest Timber tor Sale Sealed bids will be received by the District Forester. Portland. Oreou. up to and includluu April 21. 1913. for all or auy part of 8.605.000 feet of B. M.. more or less, of western yellow pine saw timber upon a desig nated area within T IT .. '' 35 E., aud T. 18 S.. R. 35 K-. W, M.. Aute lope creek water shed. Malheur Na tioual Forest, Oregou. No bid of lt. thanl'J.50 perM.. will be cnmiJered. Deposit with bid 200. Vale 0708. Burns02.')17. H. K. 447, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Iuterior. U. 8. Land Office at Vale. Oregou, April ltt 1913. Notice is hereby given tbat Angus MoDonald.oi Veniie. Malheur couuty. Oregon, who, on March 30tb. 1908, made Homestead Application No. 0708. for NU't. Sectiou 6. Towoshlp 17 8.. Range 47 E. . Willamette Meri dian, bss tiled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to estab lish claim to tbe laud above described, before Harry B. Orauel, U. 8. Com missioner, at Ontario. Oregon, on tbe tith day of May, 1913. Claimant names as witness: lieman W. Clement, of Ontario. Oregou; Roy B. Kelley. of Weiser. Usorge Tbiel, of Payette, A. R. White, of Ontario, The Most Qualified Judges Idaho; Idaho; Oregon. Bruce R. Kester. Register. for Sdle I motor. S H. P. 3 phase 1.700 K. P. M. No. Kroub eeutnfujal pump. Pump and motor are ou ous OS & M fl Pronounce Taylor & WiMans Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE in'quantities from One gallon up, and many other Good brands, by L. B. TETER. Wholesaler. ONTARIO. OREGON The nxht base aud have direct shaft, tiausmis- quired hereof. Dated at Ontario, Oregou. this 27th day of February. 1913. Oeorue v. nauiuer. Administrator of the estate- of Clem !.. lknn.lVd ilttCMMliM.'l- t' el. III." - umm'.-", -.-- . to reject auy aud all bids reserved. Before bide are submitted full iufor nistion concern iu tbe timber, tbe couditious of sale and the submissiou of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervi.or, Join Dav. Oregou. sion. practically new and just tbe klud of an outfit for lifting water for irrinatiuK purpose. This outfit must be sold aud will go at a bamais. Write or inquire of R. W. Laraou. Ooiorte, Oracasv Farm Loans On Improved Propertv At current rates Any amount. For straight term or with In stallment privilege. Clagett Oregon Thomas Ontario W. J 4i .LlBiLLM-r-HLLMeelH