w a Ontario Pharmacy Keep the Moths Away From your Furs with Our Moth Compound 25 Cents per Can Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR "The car of the hour" it has been many seasons! But it's more than that now. It stands alone "the universal car. " Nothing but a won derful merit could have created so enormous a demand for it. Better get yours today. There are more than 220,000 Fords on the world 's hijrhwaya -the best poiisible testtmony to their unexcelled worth. Price runabout 6()o tour injr car $075 town car $8711 f. o. b. Ontario with complete equipment. Ford Garage Ontario, Ore. Market Day Bargains It pays to trade here because we give the Most of the Best for the Least Box Perfumed Toilet Soap, Reg QKn ular 25c, 2 Boxes for - - OOL BOOK S Fiction, Regular 65c rfin this week ... OUL Rirger's Celebrated Perfume, all OCp odors. Soecial Saturday onlv -iOC Try our Pure Olive Oil 25 and 50c Intmiaiioital ." i-ck Kcmediea, Talbot ' Chicken Remedies oz. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS Sold on the Installment Plan Bermele's Drug Store LOCA LITEMS "Mof inn viiiiUK led lea bad ooce to Man a neighboring town a I time m ud took advantage of il-Tiuiinv to viitt aouie of tbe thsre. She waa thiuking of P';o i oloak .uid priced aoma of a main- that are carried OoUrio uud fouud that tbe mer M btrs MM HlUBfl oouts for 1 1 0. 50 t ttie ut-iiit ,,r m uskiug 120 for aeut thiciiipib tbe entire line "lQnd tt.e ...une difference lu prioe " Unresu it ttiut.be bought a cloak " rtturoed home and waa much eVl .1 with u, ufter having ",tH higher price iu tbe neigb "on loan i ,c Ontario werobauta 'aaat'sjsjosjs, light aud the buyers 11 Hod that out t tbey Investigate "uiihlj pM Nome Baking Easy w WlM0 POWDER osolutely Pure zr ""om Royal 404 Local News Friday ia your day to vole for tbe new oily ball aud tbe drainage of tbe town. (Saturday ia Tradera' day and you are supposed to In lug somethlun ia tbat you want to get rid of aod buy something tbat you need. Look over tbe meuy onlunms of advertieinenta lu tbe Argue uud aee what the merobauta have for you. Tiiey wilt appreciate it if you look over tbeir atooks. J. B. M. AVhli i. r baa goo to Jor dan Valley after spending the wluter in Ootario. lie baa aonie iniulug property be ia goiog to work tbia auuioiar. Bob Ivera waa iu trom Wataou sever al daya tbla week. Mr. aud Mra. I. W. Claon bavegoue to Alma, Nebraaka, tbelr old borne. Cbarlea Tbebuud waa dowu from Vale looking after bualneaa bere. H. N. Ford, formerly In buaineea bere. now with tbe Oregon aud West ern Colonization company, waa calliug on old frienda bere a few daya ago. Mra. J. W. Allieou and obiidreu. who bate been viaitlng with beraiatera tbe Misses Orautt, lett for ber borne in Salem Saturday evening. Tbe 8. aud C. olub will meet with Mra. Stoetzel and Miaa Sage. Ill Oregon atieet Tbursduy, Mercn '2 . Jen Billiogsley buapurohaaed 2300 lambs fro'm Udmuud Butler and aon and atarted tbem for the range Mr. Alexander aud bia aeaietaut, Mr. Ulbmn, of Boise, have been bere aeveral daya tbia week looklug after buaineea natters. Foi Sale Barley at It, l per bun dred 0 I Reeee. Local Items Did you ever think what a large amount of curmaity the average In dividual haaatored around bis system? John Weaver baa been rutting down aome old apple treea on bia plaoe and baa left tbe stomps standing ao tbey can be easily pulled out and it baa been a pionlo for John and the boy to bear tbe commenta of tbe people who pass. Tbey have had those stumps doing more fanny stunts than a band of monkeys. Cbarlea Peteraon Is in from tbe ranob for a few days. He ssys tbe grass baa not got much of a atart yet. but tbe rain this week will warm things up. Tbe stock haa nil done well tbia year and tbe loaa will be email. Mifts Marvin, state lihrnrlsn. met with the library hoard to aasiat In plans for the new building. K.I i tor 8eabury. wbo Is starting pnpera at Brogan and Malheur, was interviewing Ontario people tbia week. Arrangementa have been muds for drilling at the oil well with an ex perlenoed man In charge, wbo la con fident In- enn locate tbe oil. Another of tbe series of school .-tii.-rf 1 1 n in- iitn waa given at the I ire. mil. no I on Friday evening to a crowded houae. Mlaa Kdna Flelda waa married to Jease Ball by Judge M, -Knight at Vale on Saturday, Both have a boat of friends wbo looked after tbelr enter tainment and extended good wishes. There will be an eutertalnmcnt in tbe Dreamland on April lltb for tbe beneOt of tbe Commercial olub. l'artlcnlara will be announced later. Frank Transper was found dead In hedjon Tueaday morning at tbe Charles Adam place. He was about 45 years of age and bad been srnund here several years. It was known be bad heart trouble, lie left a brother in Kanaaa and sisters In Idaho and Montana. A. Venator wss bere for a lot of supplies for himself and ueigbbora tbia week, lie reports all stock doing well and prospects for a good sesion wltb little loss. Mr. Widger, of Superior. Wiacun slo, is bere vn.it lug bis sister. Mrs. W. K. Lees. He Is looking for a location and Is favorably impressed witbOutarlo. John Wood loaded up several wagoua with auppllea from the M. M. Co. store tbis wsek. Cauued milk, cheese, bacon, hauia uud lard were tbe princi pal items aud they were all shipped lu bere, tbe best bog and dairy see tion lu tbe weat. Aldioe F. Pillabury died ut Mig Beud on March lltb aud waa buried at Kosewell He was a civil war veteran. You will aoou be tbinkiogof taking up tbe carpeta aud ruga and will need a few hundred old papera to place uuder tbeui to ave the carpet and deaden the aouud. Tbe Argus bus tbem tied up in bond lea of 100 each wbiob we sell for 25 ceuts. Prof. Oryden, of tbe Agricultural college advocates trap neaU aa tbe ouly means of determining tbe good layera from tbe poor ones. Tbe acbool bus doubled tbe egg productiou of tbeir fJoeks by nieaus of tbeee nests For Sale -A match' team of maree, weight 2400. at tbe Eagle Livery. P Tfr JaaaiSf bW'' M"sjBsA i i. ,e San BKfcLT l" TtlLBaJsaBafiv n HsJaiB i4iK"s aasfik. tv What are you needing for the spring work in the Implement line? There are no imple ments bet ter than the John Deere line. Boyers' Implement CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale 3 horse power Internation al engine for sale. Inquire of Box 6fl7. Money to loan on Improved irri gated farms. W. II. Ooollttle Co. Druyage ordera taken at Moore Hotel John Landiiigliaui, reeldenoa phone 424 Three Iota for sale 2 blooka west of postoftice at a bargain. Inquire at Argua office. For Sale One Percheou stallion. 2 yearn past, weight IfiUU lbs Souud and K'-utle. A sure fosl gettr. J. C. Fleming. Ontario, Oregon. Ladlee tailor aud dressmaker. Mra. Kite Cope, In the Lamnie house, or Juqulre at Cope and Duuuuck. For Baut Housekeeping rooms. Main street, two blocks uortb P. O. electric lights, telephone. Phoue 804. For Sale -Fifty seta of harness, all guaranteed. Kroeeain llaruesss Co JuHt arrived a dray load of whips aud au it cases. Kroaesin Harness Co. $25 WATCH FREE A 'lh 17-Jewel Elpin Watch will bt gWtfl .iHiiv tn lucky liuinher nt ('rank's liauk t uj-t lloek Bali " Bstfurdt" night. Kwry dollar's wui tli pur flhtltd Satunlitv entitles pur 0DM)f to (Hit chance. K- otpiiontl bftrgtitif in Ladle' ainl Qcnt'i Foi uifthlngs. prawiug ttl 9 Wbite Orpiuglou ,. for aale. Kelleratraaa strulu or tine Individuals, l'boue 1042. Ontario. The tuxpayere are Invited to bring their noticea of taxes due. to um aud let ua send in tbeir paymeuts and take oare of the receipta until called for. Ontario National Bunk. For Bent 40 aorea alfalfa, cutting 6 to D tons per acre; U acrea alfalfa, I acrea for crops with email dwelling, and lit acrea alfalfa uud for crops witb dwelling of 4 rooms aud family oicburd. All udjoluiug Nyeea. H. II Houaley, Nyeea, Oregon Tbe taxpayers are Invited to bring tbeir noticea of taxea due. to ua uud let ua send In tbeir ayments and take care of tbe receipta until called for. OuUrlo National Bauk. Trees -Trees -Trees! For Fruit, Shade Trees, Ornament als, Small Fruits, etc. Obtain them at the Ontario, Oregon Sales Yards of THE EMMETT NURSERIES Chas. P. Hartley. Proprietor Emmett. Idaho We have a complete stock in APPLE, PEAR, PRUNE, PEACH. PLUM, NECTARINE and APRICOT We guarantee all trees to be strictly as represented, first class in every particular. Wc can supply Italian Prune trees, excellent stock at 12.50 per 1(, $10.00 per 100 in lots of 500 or more. You are cordially invited to call and inspect OUT nurs ery stock at the local sal s grounds. If you are unalle to personally see the trees, etc , mail orders will receive prompt attention. Ontario, Oregon Sales Yard n i Ik Corner crow from the Carter HouMe CHAS. P. HARUEY. Jr.. Kes'dVnt Representative. P. O. Box 487 - Ontario, Oretfon For Sale Hungarian Millet aeed, pliorie 1513. Kruitland. Ontario Bakery Kives you mm. aud better oaudy fur your muuey ttiuu any other plaoe iu towu. O. 1. C awlue fur aale by K. K. IriKle arid J. b. Atberton OuUirio, Ort-jjon. Pboue 215. Tbe plaoe to buy first olasa caudies ' is at tbe Ontario bakery. Now is the time to Kt-t a new mjk for that room while Parlay lias a bijf atock to selec-t from. i'or tbe beat bread aud mtry iu loan u to tbe Ontario t.Hkery Sate mout'v aud liiiy your trunks nt tin- Kroesfein HaMMIal Jtn Suices ts to K. It. IrVasxjM If you want printing of the. better claas you net it at the Art(u oftV ' '' ,.'.t Let Us Help You Out it' you a iv in doubt tut to where: U muke the most praAtstblt Spring pi. reliu.--.es. We have gone to much expense and troutile to provide for our pa trons the newest lines of Spring articles, and the store is redo lent of Kaster freahness. We ask you to pay us a visit of in spect ion, which, we are sure, will Nad U) purchases when you i ICOVi r the kind of rare .mis that Wfl are now off- . prudent ami far-seeing The Toggery Style Center for Men M.HO LIME PHOSPHATE