The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 06, 1913, Image 6

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Many Bills Vetoed in Half Days
Work of Governor
Appropriation Total 15,000,000
Rogue River Bill Vetoed Panama
Pacific BUI Filed Printing Feud
Will End Change Made In Tax
Salem Notwithstanding It had been
rumored that Qovernor West was lin
ing liis influence among hla friends
In the legislature to prevent a quor
um when the legislature reconvened
Tuesday, Saturday evening he Issued
signed statement, urging members
of the legislature, regardless ot their
lews as to the wisdom of holding
over another week, to return to Salem.
i Failure to return aud adjourn in
the ordinary way, It was believed by
many, would cast grave doubt upon
the validity of laws passed, especially
thono which did not carry In emer
gency clause. Moat of the important
legislation enacted did not have the
emergency clause attached. Some of
the leading lawyers of the state held
that should a quorum full to appear
no Daal adjournment could be taken,
hence the laws would fall, because
they could not become effective at
the end of the 90 days provided by
The governor's statement to the
members says:
"It appearing that a grave question
ha arisen as to the validity of certain
measures passed at the recent session
of the legislature, should that body
fall to meet again on March 4 and
adjourn sine die, I earnestly hope that
MB and every member will report
at t!ie BBBOlBtt d hour In order that all
unfiultihcd business may be given pro
per uttentlon, aud by adjourning sine
die leave no doubt as to the validity
of the measures already passed. To
thoac good friends who have stood
by me In the fight during the reeent
session I make this a personal appeal."
This statement on the face of it is
taken as a denial that the executive
has been calling on his lieutenants In
the leglHlutur to Hubmlt their resig
natloiiH that a quorum might not be
When asked as to this particular
feature the governor merely referred
to the statement- which he Issued.
By this move In joining with Presi
dent V..l.'i:.i and Speaker Mc.Mthur
In in hik a quorum to be present, a
quorum was assured.
That the quorum would be present
has been lusisted by organisation lead
ers ever since the legislature took Its
adjournment, but some of the minori
ty members have been reported mak
ing frantic efforts to head off such a
Appropriations are 5.151,226.25.
In the semi-official check on
appropriations made by James K. Al
lison, warrant clerk of the secretary
of state's office, aud Krunk K. Lovell,
clerk of the ways and means commit
tee, which shows that the total ap
propriations of the present legislative
assembly amount to I6.151.2J&.25.
Tukiug Into consideration the fact
that this session asked practically for
l&.oocci'o, with an estimate exclusive
of continuing aud outside appropria
tions of $H.437.819.07. the ways and
menus committees slashed to the fatal
finish and allowed only appropriations
for sheer necessities.
27th Really $4,000,000 Assembly.
This means that the 27th legislative
assembly may be branded aa only a
14,000,000 legislature. The assembly
of two years ago made total appro
priations amounting to 4.98,96. This
legislature can shave from the one of
two years ago practically fl.000,000 In
actual money expended and still staud
In the supreme attitude of having of
fered the beet services for the money
Invested of any legislature extant in
this state, according to those who
have clobcly followed the situation.
For instance, this legislature ap
propriated S45O.00O for the rejuvena
tion of the Ooluiiibiu Southern Irriga
tion project. This appropriation will
be paid back dollar for dollar Into the
state treasury.
Entire Cost Totals W.220,225.75.
The entiie cost to the state in fig
ures, vBiei tttke into 8CC0U,,t
what will come buck to the stute, but
to take Into account the continuing
gunuul appropriations of prior ses
sion for the next biennial period, will
be 16.20,925.76.
While the figures here given do not
show conclusively or finally the offi
cial satlmat of the appropriations of
this session, they are so nearly cor
rect as to vary but a few hundreds of
dollars In one direction or another.
Qovernor Files Exposition Bill.
The governor vetoed the Rogue rlT
er fishing bill and the bill allowing
voters to vote for all candidates aa
.-w,u,u to national conventions or
It was believed that the Pnnhma
Paciflc Exposition appropriation bill
would be vetoed by the executive, but
iiist.-iid he issued a statement explaln
InR hla rentons for filing It and de
claring that he will not participate In
any manner in aelectlng the commis
sion to expend the money and thua
will not be visited with the responsi
bilities which will attach to naming
such a commission.
Among other Important bills vetoed
were those providing for a morals
court In Multnomah county, repealing
state printer flat-salary act, regulating
reonll elections, Celllo Falls Investi
gation and'survey, Increasing number
of circuit judges to 31 in state, re
pesUiag exclusive logging franchise on
streams, reimbursing W. L. Campbell,
relating to appeals In partition-suits,
raising salaries of Marion county of
ficers, raising the salary of school
superintendent of Josephine county.
Printing Feus to End.
With the close of the legislative
session the feud between the state
printer and State Printing Expert Har
ris has subsided, and as a result Ore
gon Is provided with an entirely new
system for having the state printing
done. Under the new law the state
board, consisting of the governor, sec
retary of state and state treasurer,
will have entire control of the print
ing and will prescribe the amount,
quality, etc., to be done. The work
will be turned over by this board to
the state printer on a flat salary of
$1800, who will contract with any re
sponsible firm for the work on each
f.ood Roads Bills Expected to Hold.
The good roads situation as it
standa, unless the referendum Is ap-pii.-ii.
which now seems improbable,
gives to Oregon both a county bonding
act and a state highway act The
county bonding act provides for the
Issuance of bonds up to the limit of
credit as outlined in the constitutional
amendment passed by the people at
the last general election, with the
county courts practically the arbiters
In good roads matter.
The highway commission act pro
vides for a levy of one-quarter of a
mill, for the use of convicts on the
roadii and for a state road engineer,
who will act In a consulting cspaclty
for the county courts and will also
prepare statistics and data which will
be valuable in the carrying out of
road work.
Vital Changes Msds In Tsx Laws.
Changes that are considered of
much Importance in the system of
taxation and collection of taxes are
Included In bills which have passed
the legislature and will become laws.
Home bill 414 chant's the dste of
the meeting of county bourds of equal
isation to begin the second Monday
In September, Instead of the third
Monday In October. It makes the
treasurer tax collector. Instead of the
sheriff. This feature of the act, how
ever, does not go Into effect until Jan
uary 1. 1914.
This bill does away with the t per
cent rebate and also with the 10 per
cent penslty aud 12 per cent Interest
on taxes unpaid prior to the first Mon
day In April. In lieu of the rebate
and penalty and Interest It provides
for a cumulative penalty of 1 per cent
for each calendar month or part there
ot that taxes remain unpaid after the
first day of April.
The privilege of paying one-half of
the tnx charged annlnst any real prop
erty or the personal tax charged
agnlnat any individual prior to April
1 Is retained. All taxes unpaid on the
first day of September become delin
quent, and the same penalty and In
terest now provided by law for delin
quent taxes become applicable. The
sheriff Is to be the collector of all de
linquent taxes under the new law.
Electors to Psss on 7 Amendments.
There will be seven proposed con
stitutional amendments on the next
general election ballot according to
the joint resolutions so far filed in
the office of the secretary of state.
These proposed amendments are as
Amending section S, article n, ef
the constitution, providing that only
fully naturalised aliens may vote
Amending section 7, article XI. of
the constitution, allowing Indebted
ness to be Incurred for reclamation of
arid lands.
Amending section 8 of srtlels V of
the constitution, creating the office of
Amending section 32 of article I of
the constitution, relating to powers of
aasessment and taxation.
Amending section 1 of article IX of
the constitution, providing for uniform
rules of assersment and taxation.
Providing for method whereby cities
and towns may he merged into adjoin
ing citlra or towns.
I'o allow the city of Portland and
Multnomah county to be merged un
der one government.
Legislative Brevities.
Praotlcslly all efforts st amending
or tampering with the Initiative and
referendum laws signally failed st this
session of the legislature.
Cost for the mileage and per diem
of senators and representatives and
for clerks and stenographers of the
legislature totaled $46,416.80.
If you went printing of the better
class you get it at the Argus office the
price is right.
S HI m I fr i
i Isv """'""e'ey
A "SUmLea" Motfon Uxhiuou
Add to your comfort
Adds to your rimvmif
Kiilunccn tlic srl'ing value of your lie
Get the fullest value out of your invetment
by our experience in planning
by our modern method in executing the
and the HSS of "Standard" plumbing natures
ftSm tfeT to Ontario, Ore.
-JL ! LirgyV-1 Vj - J ' iCf iafl L V "" rr V ; U 1
"fJiassPCil IniJseeEL SWVV'I
feJ Lv ' s 55sl
M r
Fjiy t
Electric Light
Draws Trade
HERE'S no excuse for
the small shop to lose
business because ot poor
Poorly illuminated counters
oblige customers to seek day
light either at the entrance or
hack window of the store to en
able them to examine the tex
ture of goods. This is a nuisance which most customers wil! not
Intelligent customers the class really worth cultivating,
invariably trade at shops where they can see clearly the goods 'hey
ish to purchase. ....
Edison Mazda Lamps afford an abundance of electric light at
minimum cost. "Light up" your place of business. Our Lamp
Experts will gladly help you on dstfl to,,
Idaho-Oregon Light k Power
r Oregon
Ontario, - - I
Woodrow Wilson is President
"What's the Odds"
No need to worry or gush. American intelligent
will strike a balance
On this principle the Cash Variety Store is
doing business. We carry a great variety
of goods and it will pay you to look our
stock over. Our window display is mea
ger for want of space. Come in and tell
us what you want, probably we have it,
and the price will be right.'
We are Not "Closing Out"
Closing out sales have thier attractions, but for real
merit the Cash Variety beats them,
quality and prices considered.
One piece is a portion
ml s luscious dessert Preferred Stock Peaches,
from the Highlands of California. ThcM
mountain pencil c are universally conceded to
be tli. finest peaches in the world.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
FhM fbwu it. Sm ar. Sra.
In order to secure extra superior quality and
flavor for Preferred Slock Yellow Dei jcrt Peaches
they are selected, when uat ripe, jui y and spicy,
plucked in the morning, test "wiid-peeled and
canned right in this mountainous, peac-gromiig country.
Purity and qualify guaraulctJ iWtftrrtJ Stok at your Grottr'i
Order Your
Groceries From Us
Our Lines Are the
Best in Town
We make a specialty of Preferred Stock Tinned and
Glass goods, Fruits, Vegetables. Every package guar
Chase & Sanborn Coffee
The Bent Coffee in the Market
Premium Hams and Bacon
All the Best Lines in Groceries.
By giving us "vtr trade you are assured of theberi
Malheur Mercantile Co.
presidential electors, but did I the un-
expected in HIM iu i ""
Bxposltlon approbation urn.