The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 06, 1913, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Keep the Moths Away
From your Furs with Our Moth Compound
25 Cents per Can
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Own your own car don't let it
own you. A new Mr. Dooley rises
to remark that there are only two
kinds of cars "the Fords and the
can't affords." You want a Ford
when the season is on. Then buy
it today.
There are more than 220, UOO Fords on the world'a
highways the beat possible testimony to their
unexcelled worth. Prices runabout (ii(i
touring: car $675- town car $872 f. o. b. Ontario
with complete equipment.
Ford Garage
Ontario, Ore.
Money to loan oo Improved Irri
pM farms. W. II. Uoollttls Co.
Onjagf orlera taken at Moore
Igoti'l .Tohu Laud Ingham, resldenoe
laboor 4 2 4
Tbrea lots for aale 3 blocks west
LpoitofllcM at ii hargaio. Inquire at
Lcfai iittlrn.
Ontario Bakery gives you more
better candy for your money than
f ether (ilacn lo town.
gome one niiike me a caah offer on
1 1 and 2 in block 277, Ontario, Ore.
Ma A Junes, 7008 th Ave N. W .,
title, Wash.
The place in iuy first nitrites
it th-"in.r n Bakery.
Now ia the time to get a new rug for
at room while Farley baa a bis; stock
intact from.
For Sal.- Hurley il. 'Jo par buu
0. (0 Keese.
0. 1. C. aw ttie for sale by K. K
lie and J. B. Atbarton Outarlo,
oo. Hume 2 Hi.
L I . Merchant will offer bis botise-
eld irouds hi private aala until March
The aale will inolude stoves,
a, rockfiri, tables, obalrs, plate
pirror, putuiea. stands, also meat,
eto. K' triable add, olose to
L I Akar i .turned Thursday trom
IM to Portland
IW, Me lulloofe returned Thursday
ha-Ki, , trip to Portland and
"llimetu Valley points.
''"Ir II, I. I. ut hurfurrl rixillflula US
'thtukhiy i,,..nv. f.lnnil fur tllnir
reniemi lancfsou bis 73rd birth
M- Mr i. , l.nttu Haanh Califor
having the time of hU life.
It Is reprrted that railroad man are
ookiog over the Jordan Valley sen
t'on and engineers arc Investigating
some Irrigation propositions in tbat
The first public auction aale, to be
known as Trader's Day, will take
plane In Ontario March 22nd and
every montth thereafter on the third
Saturday afternoon of each month.
It was aipected that the first sale
wnuld be beld on March 15, but it was
impossible to make the nrrnngements
In time. Further particulars will ap
pear aext week.
undies tsllnr and dressmaker. Mrs.
Rtts l. ope, In the I amme house, or
nqulre at Cope and Dunnuck
:. P. I .am pk In and wife, of Ht.
Lonla. Mo., wae bere several days
viaitlog bia oonain. W. 1. Lampblu.
Mr. Lampklo Is a wholesale dry goods
man and has been on a Ave months
K. II iiouaely a prominent resident
of Nyaaa was oalllug on Ontario
friends today.
Mlaa Puroeil entertained the t.-.t.n
ers luesday evening
Lester Itlley was placed under bonds
this week for bootlegging among the
Three carloads of heayy boraes
were shipped Monday tiiul two car
loads of oattla will be shipped to
Portland Friday by Iteury Bleckwell.
Tom Profflt, the cattle man of
Baker, Is beie looking over the cattle.
A. B. Maopberson. tbe county
superintendent, returned a few days
ago from a trip through tbe oouuty
ou an inspection tour, taklug in
many nf tbe schools, lie reports
lunch activity lu the county and tbe
stockmen well pleased with the wiuter
Baking Powder
is the greatest of modern
time helps to perfect cake
and biscuit making. Makes
home baking pleasant and
profitable. It renders the
food more digestible and
guarantees it safe from
alum and all adulterants.
Natff W nil ?T lrarrf" """ tMai Htfi eg
Spring Opening Of Farm Implements
There are some things you will be needing on your farm and would ask
you to look the John Deere line over. See for yourself if they are not a
little better made, on more sensible and practical iines and no higher in
price than other makes.
John Deere Goods, Peter Schuttler and Moline Wagons,
Deering Cutting Machinery.
Implement Department
Gleaning & Pressing
I am prepared to do all
your cleaning and pressing
on short notice.
Call at residence south of
library or phone 52 r.
Mrs. Ed. Tremain
For Bala or Trade 80 acres, under
Irrigation; 0 of which la in alfalfa,
oottlug 0 to 0 t'nit er acre: drain
ed by 7 foot .lit. Ii. 7 fset deep, flue
orchard land; 20 acres 10 lu alfalfa
with small dwelling; 20 acres 10 la
alfal'B I room dweling aud family
erobard all adjoining good railroad
towu In Hueke rivsr valley ; will do to
suli dirlde InVo small tract. It Mo
Ktny. caie W. W. Beam. Outarb.Ors.
Fur Bale-Barred Book eggs for
setting, '.' dnz. luquire Mr. K. J.
Miller. Outarlo.
Dr. Prlnzing has gone east to take
a i-t graduate course. The doctor
believes in keeping up to the front of
the profession.
Mm. J. U. McPberanu is here from
Baker for a short visit.
Mr. aud Mra. L. Adnni atteuded the
Payette Lake Club htuquet in Koine
tbia week.
C. K. Kenyon waa a Bole visitor
this week.
For Bale Second band lumber, 10
to 12 per M ; 2000 common brick
at 5 per M ; too red pressed brick at
10perM;l Champion "400" fan
blower. 10; 1200 feet iucb wire
cable ut 2o per foot, and other articles
for aale. Inquire at Argns office
Dr-n't forget tiie bunkrupt sale of
tbe Cruok stock Saturday.
Roy Autou was over from Jordan
Valley for a few days. Mr. Acton
says it look, like they were going
ahead with tbe irrigating of that see
Tbe taxpayers are incited t. bring
tbeir notices of taxes due. to us and
let us send In tbeir payments and
take care of tbe receipts until called
for. Ontario National Bank.
Eugene aud L McCoy, of llainos,
were here this week visiting then
sister. Mrs. O. Defreee. They will
nor bere in a abort time and bare
made arrangements for a bouse.
Do Cut Prices
Year after year, furniture stores announce low price
sales. Are these prices less than furniture is worth?
Then these stores suffer losses in their sales which
must be made up later. People have come to realize
two-priced furniture is not safe to buy. You can save
10 per cent to 25 per cent any day in the year at the
store which has only one price. On chairs like these at
i- I.. -
p" i aasass" '
n V
j l
$1.95 $1.80 $1.85
There is no competition, because we believe in low profits and many Kalea. We
keep our prices low always. We sell a great many, ('.mpu: i-on will convinte
you. Make this store your bargain store. Now while our s!oc ; is eMtylfti
you will find a wonderful array of new spring furnituie at Ion pi
The Ontario Furniture Co.
Charles Becker returned Monday ; K i ICt-nt 0 acres alfalfa, gutting fl la spa sr Bit IiitI I tolling
trow Baker, bre he baa been m the 6 to 0 tons per acre, 15 acres alfalfa. tlcoa ut Ih. due, t ui uid
hospital teoelviug for a r; , , .., j. , , sygtpg ill. HMll tiaetling, let in MBd to Ibell iBjaieuU and
buccle. He i ret. it img siowlf . and 15 anres alfalfa and tori, ptj I . I ' I ' ' I culled
White Orpingtou eg. far aale. J dwelling of 4 room, aud ImMJI t O.iisn- .: Uauk.
KellerMraas .tiaiu o tin. u.hti i .1. All adjolnlug Na K. , , . . i .. t Millet seed.
Phone I'M -J flirarlo
H. Iloualey, Nysaa, Oregon