II ONI ARIO ARGUS PUBIiiHHKO KVKKY THURSDAY Entered in the postnflloe at Ontario, Oretron, for tranpuiixiiioa through the mails an Reoond-olaiw matter. M. E. BAIN, Editor and Proprietor PUNS MUCH IMPROVEMENT Continued from page 1. the prefeienoe. I'lmi will be aaked from all the architects and when a plan in aoleoted all bide will he asked for on that plan alone, with an under standing that the city will employ a man to superintend the work, other tbao the arehltfct. There are several new residence being constructed now aud tbe lam tier dealer report that they haTa numerous bills to figure no an that II psrts ot tbe oity will make sub stantial gains. The first street work will be four blocks of 14 foot cement walks on Oregon street, then there are m wiv places n.t connected, in some in stances missing in front of one lut, In others half or full block and these will all be connected up. If tbe people will report any street. lamps not burning it will help tbe lighting system and he appreciated. Tbe old plan of sprinkling tbe streets Is not satisfactory and Mr. Kraser is looking up the matter of using crude oil. Altogether the prosneets for Ontario this year are certainly very bright and when tbe railroad improvements are started it will add much to tbe development. 8. H. Kraisler, ot Mid vale, is visit ing with Mr. Richardson this week. Miss. Catherine Knesner nrrived Thursday evening from Rook Springs, Wyoming, to mnke her home with her brother. Mr. Kaesner. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. nli.iimNt.rnin gave them a surprise last Monday when tbey dropped in to help them celebrate tbetr twentieth wedding anniversary. Fred Canady, of M on telle. Nevada, is visiting with bis aunt and onole, Mr. and Mrs. A. Urlmee. The carnival given by the Kruit land school last Saturday evening was decided success. Tbe proceeds amounted to over 150, whiob will be given as a payment on tbe high school piano. Anyone having young oslves for sale, phone 1513. Frultland. For Hale One pinto horse, 9 years old. Oall ... Bill Bontrop. at Alex ander's atore for Information. HAND ITEMS D. P. Donnvao Is now In the valley. He has speot fhe winter mouths in California. B. K. In. n t. 1. 1 bis store of genoial merchandise to C. II. Sargent last week. Mr. Fltob will go esst In a few days to sell apples. H. Q. Shank has rented bis barber shop and will drive one of the school wagons id mi of the term in plsoi of Finuk I'm heal who Intends to work on bis ranch. Ous Davis bought a hunch of cattle last week iu Weetfall. Oregon. Ben Wheldou aod daughter Alice, made a trip to Boise Monday to have ber eyes examined by aspeclalat Tbe Baraoa aud 1'hilathea Buoday school olasses of tbe Baptist oburob enjoysd a good time Friday evening wben tbey met at Mr. Shaw's. About twenty atteuded. Col. James Baruard. of Letha, transacted business In Frultlsod Mouday. B. K. Tusslng iittt.ii. I.-. i tbe North western fruit association last Thurs day aud Friday in Boise. Mrs O. C. Stout Is making prepsra tions to open a millinery store in the building that was used as the Fruit land Tidings priutiug office. J. O. Borltcufleld made a business trip to Boise Friday. Notice of Bond Election Public notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 218. of tbe City of Ontario in the State of Ore gon, and requisite action of tbe com mon council of said city, that a spe cial bond election Is hereby called to be held at Connril rooms In tbe City of Ontario. Oregon, on Friday, tbe 2 lit day of March. A. I).. 1013, be tween tbe boars of 9 o'clock it m. and 5 o'clock p m. for tbe purpose or submitting to all persons over the sge of twenty-one years, who are not aliens, and are residents of the State ot Oregon, and wbo have resided within the corporate limit of tho City of Ontario for at least fix months next preceding ssid election, and has property therein on which be or she psya a bona fide tax exoluslvs of rosd and poll tax. and net otherwise, tbe following questions for tbslr adoption or rejection, to wit: FIRST QUKBTION: "Shall the oommon council of the City lit on tun., in tbe State of Oregon, be authorized and empowered to Issue ths negotiable bonds of said city In the aggregate amount of 18,500, to hear date April 1st, 1913. to provide tor tbe construction of a City llsllY" SECOND QUESTION; "Shall tbe oommon council of the City of Ontario in tbe Slate of Oreirou, be authorized and empowered to Issue the negotiable bonds of said city lo the aggregate amount of 8.r00, to bear date April 1st, 1913. to provide for the construction of a drsln snd trunk rewer vt in wllhlu the said cltyf" Tbs polls for tbe rooeptloo of be I lot oast upon said question will upon said day aod date, and at tbe place aforesaid, be opened at tbe hour of 9 o'clock a. in . and remain open uutll the hour of 5 o'olook p m. exoept for one hour between 12 o'clock, noon and one o'clock p. m. , wben tbey will he closed. The vote at said election shall be by ballot aud tbe ballots shall be supplied to the voters for tbelr use at said election end shall bs as sub stautlally set forth iu ordlnauce No. 218. By order of the common council aud uuder and pursusnt to Ordinance No. 218. passed by the oommon oouucil and approved by the Mayor uu the 6th day of Marob. A. D.. 1913. Harry B. Urauel. Recorder of ths City of Outarlo. Orsgon. (SEAL) Moore Livery 4 Grain Co. Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff, Grain Finest Livery Turnouts in City Come in and give us a chance. Phone 95 W. H. Fiser A . E. Chapman Wing Chong Laundry New man in charge who thor oughly understands the business. Washing & Ironing West of 1st National Bank and Telephone Office. Seguine Auto Co. Ontario, Oregon Auto Supplies We have the larest stock between Boise and Portland E.M.F. Rear Axels $4.00. Oakland Rear Axles $4.40 All Buick Parts Carried Auto Repairs We have a complete shop for repair ing and rebuilding autos Livery We have cars for hire at reasonble rates We are the agents for the Buick Car When a better car is made we will handle it. st National Bank Of Ontario, Oregon Capital, Surplus and Profits $125.00000 Known For Its Strength With tuple resources for all legiti mate Demands. Owned, controlled and managed by local men, who have had years of active banking experience. This bank stands for the development and advancement of Ontario and the surrounding country. We offer every accommodation and service in keeping with safe Banking and solicit your business. "A Good Bank in a Good Country" A. L. COCKRUM, President; T. TURNBULL, Vice President; C. E. KENYON, Cashier, H. B. COCKRUM, Ass't. Cashier C. W. PLATT, Ass't. Cashier A Money Saver Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale This is a forced sale to raise money and prices have been made so low that you can save money by buying now. Be sure and see the stock and prices. In the New Store Room J. 11 Farley Furniture Co. SAVING TIME kv TELEPHONE Vg in tv-? Means Not Only Time But Money Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what timeyou save by Telephoning? If your time is worth anything you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. M J Mi A bbbbbbbbbbA V vir i&tL lk Easter Shoe and Oxford Styles We are showing the new things in footwear, Button Oxfords in Suede, Calf and Tans are prettiest. Novelty Styles in Pumps and Sandals SEE OUR NEW LINE OF . Children's and Misses Shoes In the New Cub Toe Made by a factory that devotes all its effort in making Good Shoes for Gilrs. We FIT Your Utz & Dunn Shoes for Women RADER'S Ontario, Oregon Beacon Shoes for Men aan1