a OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. iH H aaaal fsaaafl H aat I aaafl IsaaH The undersigned will sell at his residence, better known as the Cotton place, 7 miles west of Ontario Wednesday, March 12 At 9:00 A. M. ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 Piano, (easy terms), 1 Steel Range, 1 Heater, 1 Sideboard, 2 Dressers, 1 Washstand, 1 China Closet, 1 Singer Sewing Machine; 2 Iron beds, Springs and Mattress, 1 Morris Chair, 3 Rockers and other Chairs, 2 Extension Tables, 1 Kitchen Cabinet, Stand Tables, Pictures, Dishes and Cooking Utensils, 300 quarts fruit, Pickles. Preserves, etc., 60 sacks Potatoes, 25 Boxes Apples, 500 lbs. Salt Pork, 100 lbs. Lard ana other things too numer ous to mention. Implements and Tools 1 3-in. Studebaker wagon with farm bed; 1 Studebaker hay truck and rack; 1 single Bu jgy and Harness, 1 set heavy Breeching Harness, 1 set Breeching Harness, (new), 1 set Light Harness, 2 set California Chain Harness, -1 Stock Saddle, 1 Ladies' Saddle, Bridles, Halters, etc., 1 40-gal. kettle, 2 scoop shovels, 1 cross-cut saw, 4 log chains, 1 Carpenter's Kit of tools, Shovels, Picks, etc., 1 5-foot Fresno, 2 Guns and ammunition. LIVESTOCK 1 team gray mares, coming 4 years, weight from 1200 to 1300, well matched and broke; 1 gray mare, weight 800 to 900, safe for ladies; one brown mare, 5 years old, 1 Ham bletonian yearling filly, 1 bay gelding, 4 years old, weight 1400, well broke; 1 Hamble tonian filly, 3 years old, weight 1100; 1 2 year old filly; 1 Percheon colt, 2 mule colts, 2 yearling mules, 4 3-year old mules, weight 1100, well broke; 1 excellent milch cow 6 years old,, should be fresh by March 12; 1 Jersey Cow, 3 years old, giving milk now, fresh in April, 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old, soon be fresh, 1 Poland China Brood sow, bred; 1 ton Barley. Everything must go. TERMS--$10 and under cash, sums over $10. 8 month's note with approved security. 5 per cent discount for cash on sums over $10. Lunch at noon. J. T. WHITE Proprietor DICKENS & MILLER, Auctioneers. A. L. COCKRUM, 1st NaVL, Clerk JEWISH COLONY STARTED Many More Will Follow to Central Oregon at Once. Portland. The "advance Rimrd" of some 10 Jewish families loft for cen tral Oregon, where already Innd clnln have been filed upon and where tli ' will l i;lti farming. This party will be the first of probably 60 families which will move into central Oregon within the next few yearn. The claims upon which theao OOPst will settle, are betweeu Bend nd Burns, Or. They will Immediately heRln building homea and soon work will he started in getting the soil In readiness for planting. The Hebrew Agricultural society ef Oregon Is harking the movement, which already Is extending over the entire country. This organization haa the united support of all the Jewish societies In the stale. Its purpose la to find homes for the Jow Immigrants where the people may become farmers and I ducntcd km iih in Income use- fiil rltltens. TIMBER CASES DROPPED Last of the Government Timber Cases Dismissed on Advloe. Portland. The government wound up the last of the famous Oregon tim ber cases, In which Senator Mitchell, John II. Hall and other were Indicted for alleged land friiiid. United .States Attorney John McCourt movod, on atlvlre from the lulled States attor ney general, that the cases against Wlnlock W. Strelwer, llnmllton H. Hendricks, Clarence B. Zachary, Adel- bert Q, Zniii.uy. Charles A. WateoO, Clyde i:. CIiub. Hlnger Hermann, John H. Hall, Kdwln Maya, Franklin P. Maya, Clark 1l Loomls and Edward O. Sir. lit. mI be dismissed. In advices from Washington, that emoted Mr . Court In take the ac tion, mentioned. It was stated that this waa one of the cases formerly In harge of Special District Attorney Frauds J. Ileuey, who conducted the Mitchell trial. John II. Hall was granted a full pardon by ('resident Tsft December 111 Will Operate Co-operative Cannery. Orants Pass. The Orante Pasa can nery, which has not been operated for the past four years, Is to be opened again this seuson through the efforts of members of the grange. The can- uery was first built and operated ons season by a atock company, but later the establishment passed Into the hands of the First National bank, elnce wblch time Its doors have been elosed. A cooperative compsny Is now being organised, however, stock to he takeu by grange members, snd a competent cannery man will be put la diurgo. The I'liinf Is one of the most complete In western ougon, being equipped tor Ixnli canning and iuwiwii, ill kinds of (rulls sun 'In, as well SS inning vim : factory sad spray factory In connection, Empire Lumber Company, Limited WHOLESALERS OF Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal. The Most Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario. ., . . . Mrst Alaskan Assembly to Meet Always On the JOO Juneau. Alaska -The first terrltorl If vnn h.,.. i..k k.iin. ...... I.i iuiuinnr met Monday. The body M. done, large or em.ll. you can ' to composed of elgrt senators and 16 ..i. .n.l ia remarkable tor '"av upeud ou John Landiugbaui -.. iieuil OU alUUU UUUIUJIUIUI bslug readv for vnu 4 Call him at the Mure Hotel. representatives snd Is remarkable for he fewness of Its lawyer, half of .he members being engaged in mining. For Sale 3 horse power Internation al engine for sale. Inquire of Box 667. For Sale 38 shares Owyhee Ditch company stock, either whole or part. A. B. Wiuter. Kverelt. Wash AMERICAN TROOPS KILL 4 MEXICANS Douglas, Arts. For nearly half an hour Bundu morning a force of 60 Mexican soldiers engaged 16 United States troop of the Ninth Cavalry. under Lieutenant Michaelsoii, on the International boundary Hue here until probably six of tin Mixlcans had been l.lll.l ....l amii,,l. l mill tll.ODS D ftllll'U, i.ii w - - -j and F. of the Ninth Cavalry, arrived to reinforce tho handful of Americans. Four American army officers, walk ing on the iniiiciu Urn- three mile from Douglas were fired on by 60 regular Mexicau soldier, patrolling the border out of Agua 1'rleU, oposite Douglas. Sixteen of the negro troop era of IhO Ninih rasfsOj to the place of the fin. a spirited skirmish ensued. The Mexicans were routed, leaving four killed on the field and o truggllug through the brush nursing their wounds. It is said that the American troops became ao excited that they overatepped the boundary and pursued the Mexicans for some distance. Artisans Form Community. Marshfleld. The Progressive Co ,, v. Prodnoon Is the J"imo of a lie a nmnimion which has been or- , d 101 ' In' PU establish- lug a settlement which will be differ ent from muni anything else In the 1,11,1. 'I here .ire now U nieuitiers lu the organisation but 100 members are desired. The purpose Is to start a settlement which will be operated along a mutual benefit line. 'I he lonltlj meinmiH will take up laud in 1 he l.oon lake district between Coom buy and Hcotsburg and they will I I idv till the soil, but will also , sJfcotatJai pursuits. Ths men who have Joined are most all skilled inechauics or csrpeuters 5000 SUFFRAGISTS IN LINE Crooks Must Leavs Service. Albany, N. Y. Commenting on the Thaw scandal at Matteawan asylum for the criminal Insane, which already has resulted lu the resignation of Dr John W. Itussell, the superintendent of the asylum. Governor Suiter made It plain that all crooked state official, must go. Friedmann Trests Rich snd Poor New York. The widespread atten tion which has been drawn to the tu losto treatment of Dr. Fried, rich Kiledin.inn, the Herman hacterL.i Will he brought to .i 'Minn this week. I -innouucemeut Is made thai Dr. maun will open offices snd foi two weeks conduct a public the poor us well as the rich utll lif. in ..Wei Seven Divisions of Big Washington Parade to Symboliie Fight Washington. Women had a gala day lu Washington Monday, a fete and .1 day 10 spur on 1 he cause of equal franchise. l'laus for u suffrage procession were in .d on an elaborate scale, and 6006 won .11 martflied up l'euuaylanut ave Peace Monument to the treasury building, and then to Cuntln ental Hall, where a big suffrage meet wan held Incidental to the procession, which . division, was M tableau on the steps of ths 11 wl ich were lui- 1 . mmoglai to I , Ckgrlt! Liberty, I I These, at- , l KroUl x Of maiden, who -.ion, ufter which they man h I to the hull, where ths final rally of ths day was held