The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 06, 1913, Image 2

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laportant Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Aeeoclatlon Will Take In Grower In
Three Adjoining State.
Botees Artlclea of Incorporation
re filed for what la declared to be
a of the largest fruit combinations
ta the country The organisation will
be known aa the Idaho-Oregon Fruit
Orowera' association and will Include
unite of fruit men In four states,
hiding Washington, Idaho, Oregon
The organization will uae Spokane
M a central diatiibutlng point, and
xpects to have branchea In all the
Important citlea of the east Each of
the nine dlstrtcta repreaented In the
aaaoctatlon la to have two representav
tlTea at the central distribution point,
who will look after their intereaU.
The Spokane office will watch the
astern markets and ship according
to demand, and will prevent the flood
ing of the markets In nny one place.
The Idaho unit will constat, of south
ern Idaho and Malheur county In Ore
gon, and will have Payette for Ha
headquarters. Hood River, Yakima,
Walla Walla And Lewlston are aome
of the other units In the aaaoctatlon,
ml th.'y will all look to Spokane for
blpplnu onlera.
Great Oxbow Tunnel Nearly Ready.
Huntington. Considerable activity
la being ahown at the Oxbow project
of the Idaho-Oregon Light A- Power
company. Between SO and 80 carloada
of material have been sent to the alte
through thla point during the paat two
weeks. Great turbine wheels. Im
mense steel tuhtng, and other material
indicate that work la finally under
way to flnlab thla Immense and costly
work, which means that Rnah river
Is to be lifted clear from Ita bed and
turned Into a tunnel cut clear through
the mountain aide. The river runs In
Ita natural channel aome seven or
eight miles around the base of the
mountain; the engine, however,
have out a tunnel clear through the
mountain, a distance of three-quarters
of a mile only, from aide to side, and
through thla narrow, short tunnel the
wholo of the water of the Snake la to
flow, creating power that will be
almoat Immeasurable when the river
Is at flood.
Hair Tonic
Alias Summons
Bla Log Drive Expected.
KelloKv--The log-drive on the
north fork of the Coeur d'Alene river
will be between 40.000,000 and 60,000,
000 feet, according to John Carter, one
of the largest operatora In the dlatrlct
He reports that while the deep enow
caused aome of the enmpa to shut
down for a time, he waa able to keep
bis crews going throughout the winter.
Land Caae la Finally Ended.
Lewlaton. With the official filing
f the plat at the looal land ofrice of
the Craig Donation claim, the closing
barters were written in one of the
longest drawn-out land casee ever la
the courts of the state. The land waa
donation claim of (140 acres from
the government to William Craig la
1S60. It was acquired from the Craig
heirs by Mr. Caldwell, of Cul d Sao,
whose widow now owns the claim.
The first official survey waa made In
190S and alx different surveys have
slnoe been made. The claim haa beea
la litigation alnce the fifties and has
been through all courta of the state,
and to the United Statea supreme
Case Against Receiver of State Bank
of Commerce le Abandoned.
Viil. . o. The indictment against
Wllllii'ii O. Pierce, formerly deputy
state I i k commissioner and receiver
of the d Timet Flank of Commerce of
thla city, has been dismissed. The
barge upon which l'lerce was Indict
ed by the grand Jury waa for the al
leged embezzlement of 11300 of the
funda of tho bunk while he wi.h m ting
as receiver, the indictment being filed
October 2, 1911.
Cannot Find Outlaw.
Coeur d'Alene. Sheriff A. F. Hally
and Deputy Hurry Sawyer, who have
for aeverul duys buon in tho vicinity
of St. Maries on a quiet hunt for Ed
Sutherland, who entered the home and
attacked Edith Sombs, a 17 year-old
girl of St. Maries, returned to this
ity without their man. He la be
lleveit to be hiding within a few miles
from St. Martea. The authorities wilt
till ooutloue the search.
In the Circuit Ooart of the State of
Oregon, for Malbeur County.
Gilbert L. King. Plaintiff.
W. 8. Osrey and BenJ. T. Ulo,
To W. 8 Oarey and HenJ. T. Ulo.
In the name of the state of Oregon.
You and each of you are hereby reqtil
eii to appear and answer the cnmplnlnt
tiled against yon ant ench of yon
In the above entitled ease and mute
in the above entitled Court on or be
fore six (0) weeks from Hie date of
the first publication ol this summons,
which first publication Is on tbs 20tb
day of February, 1913, and the time
wllh.n which yon ahall appear and
answer will expire April 3. 1013, tbls
being tho time mentioned In the order
directing the publication of tbls sum
mona, and If yon fall to appear and
answer said complaint oo or before
aid six wesks, the dofendnnt will
apply to tbe Oourt for the relief
prayed for lo bis complain t. towlt:
For decree and Judgment fore
closing that certain mortgage msde
and delivered by you on tbe 30tb day
of April. 1010. to Gilbert L. King
and given oo Lot number 15 in blook
number seventy -six, la the Oily of
Ontario, Coanty of Malheur. Bute of
Oregon, to secure tbe psyment of
certain promissory note of even date
therewith, for tbe sum of one hundred
dollars and Interest at 10 per cent pr
annum from datu and for each other
relief as Hie Court may deem just and
This summons ia published by order
of linn Dslton Biggs, Jndge of the
Circuit Court or the Stat,- of Oregon,
for Malheur County, whlcb order Is
duted Februsry 13, 1013. snd directs
that this summons be served upou you
by being published once eaob week for
u pei lo I of six (0) ooueeoutlve weeks
In tbe regular isaue of the Ontario
Data of tlrat publication February
20. 1013.
Date of last publication April 3,
Gilbert L. King, Plaiutln.
The best known remedy for all
diseases of the scalp
Take no substitutes
It keeps the hair healthy, lustrous and preserves the
natural color. Guaranteed by the American Druggists
For Sale by all Druggists
C. B. Sanders of Rathdrum reoelved
by parcel post a larga ooooanut wrap
ped only in Ita natural ahell. It was
from Dolby, Fla.. and had 42 cents la
stamps besides the address pasted on
The case of the state against Sam
uel G. Smith of Caldwell, charged with
embezzlement, waa ended when the
jury In the case returned a verdict of
aot guilty.
James J. McBride, deputy game war
den at Bund Point, has Juat r. turned
from trip Into the Priest la l S coun
try to investigate, alleged kl' g deer
out of season. He arrested . Brlgg,
who was fined B0 by Justice of tbe
Peace J. C. Ftiistud at PrUst river.
Jullaetta has agalu experienced frig
id temperutures. the thermometer reg
istering from eight lo fifteen above
aero this VI I '
lu Ihe district couit ut Wallace,
Frank Wilson who wub convicted of
assault with a deadly weapon upon
John Karhu, was glveu un indetermin
ate sentence of from six months to
two years la tbe stute penitentiary.
The uiteway Lee Construetlon
bompany t Bolao weu tho low bid
dors on tl j construct! n of tba -ai
baUdeag at PooaUllo
Iii the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Malheur,
D. B. Purcell. Plaintiff
The Oregon Short Lin Railway Com
pany, (Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company succeasor In interest) The
Idaho and Oregon Land Improvement
Company, James W. Virtue, Robert
E Strahorn, trustee, and Mary June
Janney. Defendants.
To The Idaho and Oregon Land Im
provement Company, James W.
Virtue, Robert E. Strahorn, trustee,
and Mary Jane Janney, of the above
named defendants.
In the nwM of th State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit by Fri
day, the 4th day of April, 1918, or for
want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief therein demanded,
namely, for a decree forever barring
any right or claim which you may have
in the followingdescribed real property
towit: M 16, 17. 18 and 19 in Block
No 21, in the City of Ontario, Malheur
'.... Orairon. ThtB summons is
served upon you by publication thereof,
in the Ontario Argus for si consecu
tive weeks, beginning on the 20th day
of February, 1913. and ending on the
3rd day of April. 1913. by order of
Hon palton Biggs, Circuit Judge of
the above entitled Court
Dated February 18th, 1913.
C. McUonagill.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for Malheur County.
Jacob Prinzingf Plaintiff,
R. M. Reard and Lena F. Beard,
husband and wife, L. A. Corey,
and J. B. McClelland, Defendants.
To R. M. Beard, Lena F. Beard, L. A.
Corey and J. B. McClelland, the
above named defendants:
In the name of Ihe State of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitlod suit on or
before the 4th day of April, 1913, and
if you fail to so appear, for waut
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for tho relief prayed for in his
complaint on file herein; the aaid relief
being the foreclosure of plsintiff's
mortgage upon the following described
real property, towit:
All of lots 14, 15, 16. 17. 18, 19 and
20 in Block 168 in the City of Ontario,
Malheur County, Oregou; for Judgment
against the defendants, R. M. Beard
and Lena F. Beard, L. A. Corey and
J, B. McClelland, for tbe sum of 88H),
with interest thereon at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 1st day
of October, 1910, and for the further
sum of 100 attorney's fees and for Jibs
costs and disbursements of the suit;
that a decree may be made for the sale
of the said premiaea by the sheriff of
Malheur county, Oregon, and that the
proceeds of aaid ssle may be applied in
payment of the amounts due to the
plaintiff, and that said defendants and
each of them, and all persons clsiming
by, through or under said defendants or
either or any of them, either a pur
chasers, incumbrance or otherwise,
may be barred and foreclosed of all
rights, claim or equity of redemption
in or to the laid premises; for judgment
against said defendants, R. M. Beard
and Lena F. Beard, for any deficiency
which may remain after applying all
the proceeds of the ssle of said
premiaea properly appucaoie io me
satisfaction of said judgment; that the
plaintiff or any party to this suit may
become a purchaser at said aale, and
that the purchaser le let into the im
mediate possession of said premiaea,
You will alao take notice that thia
summons is served upon you by publica
tion in the Ontario Argus, a newspaper
printed and published weekly at Onta
rio, Malheur County, Oregon, and of
general .-i regulation in said Malheur
County, by virtue of an order of the
Hon George W. McKnight, Judge of
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Malheur County, which order
bears date the 17th day of February,
1913, and by which order it is directed
that thia summons be served upon you
hi nnhlication in the above named
newspaper for six full consecutive
weeks, and that you appear and answer
the saina on or before April 4th, 1913.
The first publication of thia summons
will appear in the issue of said paper of
February 20th, 1913, and the last puo
lioation will appear in the issue of
April 3d, 1913.
Dated this 19th day of February, MS.
McCulloch A Eckhardt.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
Smoke Pleasure and other Pleasures
for the Man Who Smokes
V A n
There a smoke pleasure tn this pure old Virginia
and North Carolina bright leaf. Thousands prefer It to any
other pipe tobacco. Thoroughly aged and stemmed and
then granulated. A perfect pipe tobacco nothing better
rolled at a cigarette.
One and a half ounces of this choice tobacco cost
only Ac, sod with each sack you get a book of cigarette
papers FREE.
The other pleasures sre tbe presents tbst are secured
wltb the coupons In each sack of LiggtU 4 Myers Duke's
Mixture. These presents delight old and young. Think
of the pleasure tbst rou and sour friends can get from a
talking machine, free, or such articles as fountain pens,
balls, skatea. cut glass, chins, silverware.
tennis racquets, fishing
rods, furniture, etc.
Aa a tpmeial offmr.
during Fmbruary
and March only u
will smnd you our
nw illustrated cata
log of presents, FREE.
Just send us your name
and address on a postal.
i . ksLfT'Aj filngv'.' 9
fWSOk rtC,
i i i8
I f l
The Most OuaTmedjS
SlVl IL-.'k.sf iwmAmm
SSHanssCftV H
S fcBHWSMllfB fa
Pronounce Taylor FtlHgo.
StfilKM Ysllow Stone Wblsktr tbf BEIT
rS?Jn LE """"tltlea from
t. B. TETER. Wholesaler,
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - . Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt 'Attention Girt
All Order.
( mi from I'utt i Mi tlutt war S
..MlMil ut, Itom HORSESHOE,
rou Coses t; .. j..h, ,).
An4 tkf .!,! and iuypipnj ttitud kp M.
Premium Dspt.
for Sato
1 motor. 3 H. P. 3 phase 1.700
K. P. M. No. 3 Krough centrifugal
miniD. Pumn and motor are on one
base aud have direct abaft, tiansmis
aion. praotioally new and just the
kind of au outfit for lifting water for
irrigating purposes, mis bsbjbbj uiusi
be sold aud will go at a bargain.
Write or luqulre of R. W. Larson.
Outario, Oragoa.
For Bala One Perobeou stallion, 2
years past, weight 1500 lbs. Souud
and geutle. A sure foal getter.
J. 0. Fleming. Outario, Oregon.
Vale 0708. Burns 02517. H. K. 447.
Department of tbe Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, February
JOtb. 1913.
Notioe is hereby given tbat Angus
MoOonald. of Vernle, Malbeur county,
Oregon, wbo, on March 30th. 1908,
made Homestead Applioation No.
0708. for NWi. Beotion 6. Township
17 8.. Range 47 K. . Willamette Meri
dian. baa filed notice of intention to
make final three-year proof, to estab
lish claim to the laud above desoribed,
before Harry B. Qrauel. U. 8. Com
missioner, at Outario. Oregon, on the
24tb day of March, 1913.
Olalmant namea as witness:
lieuieu W. Clemeut, of Ontario,
Oregou; Roy B. Kelley. of Weiser,
Idaho; Oeorge Tbiei. or rayetie,
Idaho; A. R. White, of Ontario.
Uiuoe K, Hester. Register.
Administrator's Notice
In the County Oourt of the state of
Oregon for Malheur County.
In the matter of the estate of Clemen
tloe Chambers, deceased.
Notioe is hereby glvan that tbe
the undersigned baa been duly ap
pointed by tbe County Court of tbe
State of Oregon, for Malbeur County,
administrator of tbe estate of aaid
Clementine Chambers, deceased. All
DeraoDs havina claims against tbe
estate of aaid Clementine Chambers,
deoeaasd, are hereby required to
preaent the same to the undersigned
with proper vouotaers as by law re
quired witbln sis months from date
Dated at Ontario. Oregon, this "27th
day of February. 1913.
George W. Cbambera,
Administrator of tbe estate of Clem
eut'ue Chambers, deceased. j
Vale U105U
Department of tbs Interior, (J. &
Laud Office at Vale, Oregon, ftbrarr
20tb. 1913.
Notice is hereby given tbst Mary F,
Wrlnales. of Ontario, Oregon, so,
on August 10th, 1911. made Haas
stead Application, No. 01950, for 1
NEi sad HWJ NKL Heo 17 Tp. 17 a,
Range 47 E., Willamette Meridlas,
has tiled notice of intention to nail
Final Commutation Proof, t, est Link
oliilm to tbe land above describe),
before the Register stid Rsoelver, U.
8. Laud Ottloe. at Vale, Oregoo, oi
the 51b day of April. 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses:
M. W. Jonss, Rorzis K. Jon,
Pearl Crane, of Ontario. Orajros;
Melvin 8. Spaulding. of I'systu,
Bruoe R. Kestsr. Regittsr.
Department ot tbe Interior, U. &
Land Offloe at Vale. Oregon, Fsbrs
ary 13tb. 1913.
Notioe is hereby given tbst Mi
Cornelia Roe, of Peyette, Idaho, wbo.
on April 28tb. 1911. msde Homestead
Application. No 01821, for tbe8WJ
. BWi, Beotion 3, Towiiitiip n
Range. 47 E., Willamette Meridlas,
has fllsd notioe of Intention to mat
Flasl CommutstloD proof, to ssUbllsb
claim to tbs land above describes,
before Hsrry B. Oraol, U. a Cast"
missloner, at Ontario, Oregoo, on U
25th day of March, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. R. Langley. Ed Putoum. C. 0.
Darnell. M. a Spanldiog. of Payetta,
Hru.w R. Xester. HtgTSwm
QSi Market Report
Corrected Feb. 27, for tbs bea
of Argua readers by tbe Malb.or Mr
oantile Compauv.
Eggs, per dozen. 25a.
Butter, per pound, 30a
Oats, per hundred. 11.50.
Wheat, per hundred, 11.60.
Hay, per ton, 16.
Potatoes, per hundred, ou-
Onions, per hundred, W-00- .
Apptaa, per bos, .1.00. toll.-
Ohiokens, dreseed. per pound, ss.
Pork, dreseed. 9 to 10e.
Pork, live, 6 to 64c.
Veal, 9 to 10a
Beef. Ho to 12, .
ni,l n.nara at the Argus offloe
oents per hundred. Just wbst ye
need to line your cabins aud P
under tbe carpet.