The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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Mi tmh -MfflTTnT
ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
(BniatU &rgft.
The Ontario Armis
leads in Prentijre,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 :m-res is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 10
Inaugural Address of the New
pint Obligation of Law I to Keep So
eiety Sound by Sanitary and Pur
Focd Statutaa and Measures Deter
mining Conditions of Labor Taek
Not Mfdy On of Politics.
WnsliiiiKton. March 4. The Inaugural
dilro"s of President Woodrow Wilson
In nx follows:
There has len n change of govern
Dicni. It hegnn two .yenrs ago, when
the home of representatives kMM
npiii"rnitle by ii decisive BSjSrlt. It
has BOW Immmi completed. Tin- senate
about to assemble will also ha IHm
crntlc The olllcea of president and
Tire n-il'-nt have been put Into the
bnii'l of I lolllocriltn. Wllllt does the
etanncc mean? Thnt lit tho question
tlii f i uppermost In our minds tocln . It ilu' question I ntn boIiik to try
to answer, In order. If I may, to Inter
pret tin' ocn.sion.
It DIMM much mora than the mere
iutcss of n party. The auccess of n
parly mt'iina little except when the
nation Is using that party for a large
ml ilcllnlte purpose. No one can nils
t.i.. I lie purpoae for which the mitlon
bow aeeki to nee the Ilcmocratlc party.
It seeks to nae It to Interpret a change
la Ita owd plane and point of view.
Borne old thlnga with which we had
frown r.iniiiiar and which ha4 begun
to creep Into the very habit of our
thought and of onr llres bare altered
their upect aa we bare latterly looked
crltlcnlly uku them with fresh, awak
toed ayes; have dropped their disguises
and aliown thetnaelvea alien and Bin
liter Some new things aa we look
frauklv upon them, willing to compre
hrod their real character, bare cone
to ii--.nine the aanect of thlnga long be-llevi-d
in and familiar, etuff of onr own
eoorlctlona. We have been refreshed
by a new lnatgbt Into our own life.
Our Model Government.
We aee that In many thlnga life
to very great. It la Incomparably great
In IU material aapecta. In Ita body of
Wealth. In the diveralty and aweep of
Ita energy. In the industries which have
been conceived and built up by the
genius of Imllvldtial wen and the lim
itless enterprise of groups of men. It
It treat tilao, very great. In Ita moral
f"i Nowhere else In the world have
noble men and women exhibited In
aiore striking forum iiiu beauty aud
tin- euergy of aytJkpnthj and helpful
tiess mid utilise! lu their efforta to rec
tifj wrong, ullevlute sufferiug and set
tin- weak In the way of streugtb and
tape We have built up. moreover,
lii e. i i-Weill of government, which
bus stood through a long age aa In
uiuii) respects' a model for those who
wek to set llherty RMel foundutloua
(but will endure against fortultoua
ebaii'.-e, against atorm and accident.
Oui Ife lontiilua every great thing aud
contains it in rich Mbiindnuce.
Km tin evil tin a come with the good,
ml iiiu. Ii hue gold has been corroded.
With riches Ima come luexcuaable
mum- u,. i,w. squandered u groat
pari of what we might huve used aud
bavv not stopped to conserve the ex
reeding bounty of uuiure without
which our genius for enterprise would
bate beeu worthless mid Impotent,
coming k, (h, direful, ahamefully
Prodigal us well ua udinlriihly ettlcient
VtV have been proud of our Industrial
CtUevemesta, but we have not hith
erto Mopped thoughtfully enough to
count the human coat, the coat of Urea
nutted out, of energies overtaxed and
broken, the fearful phyeical and spir
itual os( to the men and women aud
children upon whom the dead weight
ud burden of it all has fallen pitiless
ly Hie .veins through. The groana aud
a-01') of It all had uot jet reached
our ears, the solemn, moving under
tone or our life, coming up out of the
mines and factorlea and out of erery
nonie whera the struggle bad Ita inti
mate and famlllnr seat. With the
"real uoveruuieiit went many deep ee
crei thlnga which we too loute delayed
to look into aud acruUntae with can
did, fearless eyes The great goveru
tnent we loved baa too ofteu been
nude use of for private aud selfish
PQrpoasa, mid thoae who used it bud
forgotten the people.
Duty of Americana Outlined.
At last a vision baa been vouchsafed
u of our lire aa a whole. We aee the
bad with the good, the debased and
iecadent with the aouud and vital.
"Uh thia vislou we approach new af
n'r Our duty la to cleanse, to re
couider, to restore, to correct the erU
without impalriug the good, to purify
,ljd tiuiuuuiae everv urocess of OH
common life without weakening or
sentimentalizing it. Tliere haa been
something crude and henrtleaa and un
feeling In our hiiMe to succeed nnd be
great Our thought hna been, "l,et er
ery man look out for himself; i,.t er
ery generation look out for Itself."
while we r .tired giant machinery which
made It Impossible thnt any but those
who atood nt the levera of control
should have n chance to look out for
themselves We had not forgotten our
morula We remembered well enough
that we bad set up a policy which waa
meant to aerve the humhleat aa well aa
the most imwerful. with an eye alngle
to the stiuidords of Juatlce and fair
piny, and remembered It with pride.
But we were rery heedleaa anil ta a
hurry to be great.
We have come now to the solier sec
ond thought. The scales of heedless
ness have fallen from our eyea. We
have made up our minds to aiptare ev
ery process of our national life ngnlu
with the standards we so proudly aet
up nt tho iH'glnnlng and have alwnya
carried nt our hearts. Our work Is a
work of restoration.
Thinge to Be Aoeompliohed.
We have Itemized with aome degree
of particularity the things that ought
to be altered, nnd here ate some of the
chief Items: A tariff which uts ua off
from our proper part In the, commerce)
of the world, vlolntea the Ji.t princi
ples of taxation and makes the i;o..rn
iiient a facile Instrument In UN) hands
of private Interests; a banking nnd cur
rcney system baaed iikiii the ne.esslty
of the government to sell Us bonds fifty
yenrs ngo aud perfectly adapted to con
centrating cash and restricting credits;
an Industrial eyatetn which, take It on
all Ita sldea. flnnnclal aa well na ad
ministrative, hoi. is capital lit leadlug
strings, restricts the liberties aud lim
its the opportunities of labor nnd ex
ploits without renewing or conserving
the natural reaourcee of the country; a
body of agricultural activities never
yet given the efficiency of great busi
ness undertakings or aerred aa It
abould be through the Inatrumentallty
of edence taken directly to tbt farm
or afforded the facilities of credit beat
eul ted to Its practical needa; water
courses nndeveloped, waste places un
reclaimed, forests unteuded. fast dis
appearing without plan or proaptet of
renewal, unregarded waste neaps st
erery mine. We bars studied aa per
baps no other nation baa the moat ef
fective menus of production, but we
bars not atudled coat or economy ae
we should either aa organlaera of In
dustry i:b statesmen or aa Individuals
Sooiety'e Duty to Itself.
Nor have we atudled and perfected
the menus by which government may
be put at the service of humanity In
anfcKUnrdlug the health of the nati.m.
the health of Its men and ita wouieu
and Its children, aa well as their rlghta
lu the struggle Tor existence 1 his la
lio sentimental duty. The Mm basis
of government Is Justice, uot pity.
These are matters of justice. Tliere can
la no equality or opportunity, the first
essential of Justice In the body politic.
If men and women aud chlldreu be
not shielded lu their Uvea, their very
vitality, from the cousequeuces of great
Industrial aud social processes which
they cannot alter, control or elugly
cope with. Society must see to It that
It does uot Itself crush or weaken or
damage Its owu constituent parte. The
Unit duty of law la to keep aouud the
society It servea. Hanltnry laws, pure
food laws aud laws determining con
ditions of labor which Individuate are
powerless to determine for themselves
are Intimate purta of the very busi
ness of Juatlce aud legal efficiency.
These are some of the thlnga we
ought to do and not leave the others
undone, the old fashioned never to be
neglected. I'uudaiueiitul aafeguurdlug
of property aud of individual right.
This Is the high enterprise of the uew
day: To lift everything that concerns
our life aa a nation to the light that
shines from the hearth fire of every
man's couacleuce aud vision of. the
right It la Inconceivable we abould do
thia aa partisans; It la Inconceivable we
should do It In Ignorance of the facts
aa they are or in blind haste. We shall
restore, not destroy. We shall deal
with our economic system as It la aud
aa it may be modified, uot aa It might
be if we bad a clean sheet of paper
to w.iie upon, aud step by step we
aball make It what it abould be In the
spirit of those who question their
own wisdom and seek counsel and
knowledge, not shallow self aatiafac
tlou or the excltemeut of excursions
whither they cannot tell. Justice, and
only Juatlce. aball always be our motto.
Task Not Merely One of Politics.
Aud yet It will be no cool process of
mere science. The nation has been
deeply stirred stirred by a solemn pas
elou, stirred by the kuowledge of
wrong, of ldesla lost, of goverumeut
too often debauched aud made an In
strument of evil. The feelings with
which we fuce thia new age of right
and opportunity aweep across our
heartstrings like aome air out of God's
own presence, where Juatlce aud mercy
ere reconciled and the Judge and the
brother are one. We know our task to
be uo mere task of politics, but a task
which shall search us through and
inrongn. wiieioei e oc nine to under
stand our time nnd the need of onr
people, whether we be Indeed tbelr
nibasfSM nnd Interpreters, whether
we have the pure heart to comprehend
naiKthe rectlfled will to choose onr
high course of action.
This la not a day of trlnmph: ft Is
a day of dedication. Here muster not
the forces of party, bnt the forces of
hnmnnlty. Men's hearts wait upon na:
men's lire hang In the l.nlance: pien's
hopes call upon ua to say wht we
will do Who Hhnii lire up to the great
trust? Who ilnreu fall (.. 1 I aals.
mon all honest men, all patriotic, ei)!
rorwarn looking men. to my aide. Ood
helping me. I will not fall them if they
will but counsel and sustain me.
Ontario Camp. W. (). W. held
public entertainment st the Moore
hall March 3rd. Shell Ingle was
master of ceremonies and presented
a program of untiaual merit.
A splendid orchestra made the
evening pais along plensunty. Leon
I. Chapman ami llyron Turner proved
themselves real artists in entertaining
the niidlenoe.
B. J. Jeffries BBsUtHllt district
manager acted na chairman and pre
sen ted the speaker of the evening. W.
U. Msnlon, of Denver, Colorado, who
spoke on tbe Order,
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, who will be
first lady of the land and preside over
the White House four yeara.
Many Lawb Passed Which
Will be of Great Benefit
To Thia Section
Represent! ve lloman returned from
Salem a few days ago and did uot
deem It necessary to go back to the
extra meetlns. He stated be thought
the aesalou of tbe legislature was a
good ons and that much constructive
nd beneficial legislation waeeuacted.
There were many measures passed of
direct benefit to this section On
euablee counties to levy a tax to
tluaiioe oounty fairs aud there waa
alto a bill paeaed for atate aid.
Tbe collection of taxee ou traualent
mercbaoidae and stock waa simplified
so that sheep and other foreigu stuff
can be taxed.
Tbe atate was takeu Into tbe irriga
tion business and the irrigated part of
tbe atate will be gireo more attention
In tbe future One bill waa passed
enabling water usera to double up on
the uaeot water, also governing irrlga
tion diatrlots, regulating tbelr elec
tions and levies to be collect, .i by
tbe oounty tax collector, lery to bo
made by tbe directors.
In tbe matter of an experimental
atation for this oountr. It was covered
by a general bill which provides for
state aid in experimental aud demons
tration work, tbe state giving 12.000
for esob tl.000 appropriated by tbe
oounty and this work may be carried
ou In different plaoes in the county.
There were also many atate mess
urea, such a. tbe Workmen's Compen
sation act sud tbe Widow's penaion.
the latter to enable a mother to rare
tor Bsf children and not be compelled
to place tbin in one of tbe state m
stitutlouB, It being deemed cheaper
for tbe tate and better for the child
itn. There were several hundred more
bills t aaatid, but must ot them were
of local uature.
m W
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BTaraTaW ssv
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0 Uss, r Am.rlcan Press Assoc 1st loav.
The President Who Will Rule the Na
tion for the Next Four Yeara.
The Usual Ceremonies Attend
Induction Into Office of
Woodrow Wilson
Washington. No prealdent-elect baa
ever found the capital of tbe nation
wboss destinies he la to guide more
brilliantly arrayed or more abundant
with enthualaam than Woodrow Wil
aen. Mr. Wilson and his family arrived
at 3:46 o'clock Monday afternoon.
With them In special trains came
atudenta from Princeton University.
who formed a lane from the train shed
to the president's room In the atation.
where the Inaugural reception commit
tee of senators, representatives and i awaited the Wilson family.
Ofcs of Mr. wnson'a tost sots as a
private oltlaen waa to call, with Mrs.
Wilson upon the president and Mrs.
TbJt The president-elect and Mra.
Wilson were escorted to the White
House booh after their arrival. Preal
dent and Mrs. Taft received them In
the Blue room. All the miliary aud
naval aidea to the president. In regalia
to their office, were present, but noue
of the cabinet.
The program arranged for the pa
geant and ceremony waa virtually the
aame aa that of other Inauguratlona
f recent yeara. The two big featurea
of the dsy were the Induction of the
president and vice president Into of
fice at the capltol and the parade that
followed theae ceremonlea.
Tuesday morning Senatora Crane,
Overman and Uacon and Uepreaenta
Uvee McKluley, Kucker and Oarrett,
comprising tbe Joint congreaalonal
oommlttee on the inauguration, called
at the hotel for the prealdent-elect and
vlos-prealdent-elect. They were ee
sorted to the While House by the
Rsaex troop and tho Blaokatone troop
of the Culvery Military aoademy,
through lines of atudenta from Prince
ton University and the University of
Shortly before noon Prealdent Taft
awaited them and tbe whole party
proceeded to the aenate chamber at
the capltol, where the ceremonlea be
gan at noon with the Inauguration of
tbe vice-president and swearing in of
senators el. 1 1 Theu followed the
presidential Inauguration, the returu
to the White House, where the retir
ing prealdent took leave of his auocea
sor, who reviewed the pageant from
the Court of Honor.
Many military and other marohing
organisations participated lu tbe pa
rade. Tbe Tammany braves from New
York, for the first time In tO yeara.
participated. About 30,000 persona
were In the parade.
Tfioe. Murray, a recent arrival from
Rook Spriogs. Wyoming, has pur
chased a place on tbe bench and la
erect log boildlugs for an extensive
obicheo ranch. He will also have a
few oowe aud - ue bogs That la a
combination 'ur. to win.
Some Tileuiuua oows are earning
over $100 s year for their owners and
tome Mainour cows aie earning ovsr
1176 a year. Still some hesitate
about going into the dsiry busiueas.
San Francisco, Feb. 28 Passengers
on the steamship Ventura, wbicboame
Into port from Honolulu and Australia
last uight, witnessed the beginning of
a battle between two ot their number
as the gaog plank was being put down.
W. W. Concannon, a wealthy con
tractor of Snn Kranolsoo. and William
U. Sanderson, n fruitgrower of Onta
rio. Oregon, were the principals.
The passeugera were crowding to
gether near the gangway, grips and
bodies In band, wheu Coucaiinoti jnstl
ed bis valine against Mrs. Hamleraon.
Sandehion began to expoatula.e, inn
aa ho did a r tho ntuab from behind
forced Coooannon forward unI one
of his grips hit Mrs. Hauderson again.
When Sanderson protested against
thia, Concannon struck the fruit grow
er on the chin. It was a hard blow.
but Sanderson oame back with a
harder one. He bruised his knuckles
ou Conoaonon a tooth and it began to
look like a real white hope battle,
but other patsengere stopped the light.
Thomaa R. Marshall, the new Vice
President, who will preside over the
United States Senate for four years.
New Sidewalks Ordered and
Much Routine Business
la Transacted
Tbe regular monthly meeting of
the council was bold Monday eveu
lng. Mr. Fraaer. of tbe library commis
aion, reported that tbe Carnegie cor
poration required that the site for
proposed library be free Irom debt
and that there was still I7b() due
on tbe lota aeleoted. On motion
1750 waa transferred to tbe library
oommlasiauu. The library urdluanoe
was changed so that a flat sum of
7&0 will be appropriated yearly tor
tbe maintenance of the Carnegie libr
ary, when erected.
Reports of treasurer, recorder and
fire chief read and placed on file.
The liquor licensee were granted
tor tbe mouth. Application waa also
made from Henry Ueler for a liquor
license for the Ontario hotel and the
city attorney waa ordered to draft an
ordlnauoe to permit tbe Issuance of
aald license.
An ordinance was drafted regulat
ing skating rinks.
Tbe returns of the special election
bold February 7, was canvassed aud
tbe amendments declared carried.
A sidewalk was orders J built oo
tbe east aide of block 205 and costs
asaeasaed agaiost property liable.
Adjourned to March 5.
V Announcement
TbVKroeasin Harness company wish
to annoBame to tbe public of Ontario
aud vlcliilfVtbet ws bsre purchased
tbe barneass Beul saddlery store aud
good will of F.Na Freeman aud are
prepared to Imprsate his already
highly ettlcient ei-taUdiahuieiil by
selling only tbe beat laWur Hoe and
by using, the best mathflale and
worbmanabip. Uuereuteeialaverery
body a square deal we therefore IsJIokt
your patronage. Kioessiu Haines Co.
V .A.'.eaSaA
P. lor
awawa! S. I ' t m swawT
Lfl Bwasv
Commercial Club to Begin
Advertising Campaign
Spring weather has been with na
this weekend It naturally caused the.
people to formulate plaua for the sea
son. It la generally looked ou as
quiet, from a business standpoint,
throughout theoouutry, but our people
feel that It la only temporary and
that oomlltlouB will soon tome a re
sumption inactivities as of yore.
The (omnierlclsl club is planning
on a good yenr of advertising nnd
progress. Their plans inclnde the
inauguration of n ealea day for the
benefit of tbe farmers But the main
Interest is centered in getting tbe
people started In diversified farming
an that when the price of one com
modity la low, they will have others
to depend on. In case tbay had cattle
now they would be strjetly i.i It aud
It la alwaya tho same, aome of the
farm products ere always In demand
at good prices. Tbe people are show
ing interest and be opening of the
creamery here In a few daya will add
to tblsand stimulate the movement
until many will be getting tbe benefit.
Another matter of vital Interest to
the olnli la the building of a borne tor
their meetinga and tbla will be at-oom
pushed lo tbs olty ball whloh Is
planned to giro them apace.
Tbs passing of tbe ordinance, call
ing for au elootlon to vols bonds for
tbs city hall brings tbla matter op
to tbs people to decide whether tbear
wish tbs olty, Comjnei-olal club, flre
assa and. others to- have a home that
will make them feel that they hare
something to work for, or be com
pelled to go along renting aud giving
tbe world to understand that it la not
well for municipal itles to own any
thing and naturally thia will be ac
cepted by Individuals as equally good
policy for tbem.
Tbe building of a borne for tbe put.
lio library baa oome to a point wbere
It la safe to enuouuoe that work will
be started nt ones and before full
Ontario will be able to boaat of the
best library and building lu thia sec
tion. The ground haa beeu purchased
and the Carnegie people have agreed
to furnish the uioiiry for the construc
tion. Plans are being submitted.
There are at leust two new busiueas
blocks under cousldeiation, but the
men do not care to be quuted at this
time aa their plaua are uot definite.
The drainage of the water from the
low lands east id t he railroad waa pro
vided for at the oounoil meeting Wed
nesday evening and it will be attended
to at once There ia a natural drain
and this will be Improved aud deep
ened to accommodate all the surluco
For tbe weet of the city large Im
provements are bring planned Klrat
comes the nutlet for the drainage,
bonds for which will be voted soon.
The olty will then be lu shape to
take up the draiuage and sewerage
ayatem for the west of tbe city aud
the necessary work for the organi.atlou
of the dlatriot is la-lug accomplished
so that the unsightly ponds will soon
Petitions were also presented to
tbe city council from the residents of
the adjoining additious, aaklug to be
takeu into the city, uud cuing mauy
of their grievances. It appeal that
they have no way of regulating cattle,
borsea aud chickens running at laige
uud their grounds and crops are fre
quently iuvaded aud rulued. They
have no city water, draiuage, lighting,
police protection, fire protection,
sidewalks, or tbe inaur other beuefits
of the citr. still their taxes are as
high as though they hud. The county
court asaesees them four mills fur rOaal
purposes aud takes the money aud ex
pends it on roads away Irom tbem
leaving tbem without sidewalks aud
street Improvements. Tbe city tux of
five mills will give tbem all the olty
beuefits uud tbeu their road tax would
be expended ou tbelr streets and side
walks so that they have everything
to galu by joiniug the it y aud at
little additional expense.
In the matter of oout recta lor the
city ball and other public Improve
menta tbe local people will be gireu
Continued on page 4