The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1913, Image 8

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Several of Mrs Hunter'a nefebbore
pleasantly surprised her Saturday
teniiiH wheotnej drepped in to help
bar celebrate bar birthday. The
guest hv bar a beautiful berry
epoon wbrob aha appreciates vary
muoh Dainty refreshments were
eervod after which tba gaeeta departed
wishing bar many happy return of
the day'.
Mr. Huntington, who" bought Mr.
Manser's farm laat fall, Is remodeling
bla bona into a fine two atory home,
j f Dr. Todd, tbe vloe president of tba
Willamette unlrr.eity, addraasad tba
Matbodlat congregation Monday morn
In.. B. F. Tiiaalng la paoklog a narlond
of apples. Ha aold 14 cars laat fall
receiving 11.10 per box, t. o. b.
Prnltlnod, for them.
Tbe Method lt Laldea' Aid noodle
enpper given In tbe Upwortb hall laat
Friday evening m well attended.
Red and white Imitation batobeta
were given ae aoovenlra. Karl Cot
ton and Mlaa Vallle Oolwell were
draaaad in colonial atyle to repraaant
Ueorge and Martha Washington.
Music waa furnished by tbe Frultland
Earl Cotton had quite an exciting
runaway laat weak. He had driven
the team belooglng to Mr. Flack to
the lomber yard and upon starting
home did not notion that ana of the
brldlee bnd slipped back over tba
horse's bead, frigbtealng it. Tbe
team ran to Mr. Flank 'a l.arn, bat no
eerioua damage waa dona.
Mra. Obarlee Winter la quite 111.
She baa been under Dr. Wrigbt'a
earn far aeveral days.
Mr. Johnaon, of Twin rails, wbo
formerly lived In tbia neighborhood,
la in tbe valley baying boreee.
Several from bare attended the
annual military ball at Payette laat
f'rlday night.
Tbe new Bnptiat ohorob baa been'
commenced They are now excavat
ing for the basement and It will be
large enough for Sunday school rooms
and their social gatherings. The
building will be constructed of con
crete 1 1 locks.
W. li. Vestal U quite 111 with tba
la grippe.
Mr. Howboam. U Lawal, Idaho.
la vlalting at tba Whaaldoa home.
Rev Johne, of Ontario, and Dr.
Todd, of Willamette university, visit
ad tba Fraltland high school Monday
afternoon. Dr. Todd gave a 20
mtnuta talk to tbe pupil, which they
enjoyed vary much.
Tba W. O. T. U. will bold a oonven
tion Wedneaday and Thursday of this
Tbe Fraltland school will give a
oarnlval Saturday evening at the
soliool building.
Mra. H. R. Flack entertained about
thirty flve friends at her home Wed
needay evening In honor of her boa
hand and Mrs. Dalsell. It being tbelr
birthday anniversary. The guests gave
Mr. Flaak a beautiful watch fob and
Mra. Dalaell a berry apooo. Delicious
refreshments were served by the hostess
and all had a splendid time.
Meesra. E. K. Hunter, J O. Sorltcb
Bold, H. J. Gardner and C. H. Bergent
went to liolse Monday on bualuees.
Maze Baby Contest
Good far 5 votes If presented at
Ticket Window on purchase of
one admission ticket. Not good
after March 3.
Voting closes March 4.
Prises awarded March 8.
Misses White will have their
Millinery Opening
Saturday, March 8
with a showing of new spring goods
in tailored and dress hats.
The Ladies of Ontario are extended
a cordial invitation to call.
st National Bank
Of Ontario, Oregon
Capital. Surplus and Profits $125,000.00
Known For Its Strength
With amply rttourOM for all legiti
mate Demand! Owned, controlled
and managed by local men, who
have had years' of active hanking
experience. This hank Htands for
the development and advancement
of Ontario and the surrounding
We offer every aecommodation and
service in keeping with safe
banking and solicit your business.
"A Cood Bank in a Good Country
A. L. COC1 RUM, 1'" :'l1"1;
i . B. KhTi ojn, i newer,
0, vv.
T. TIIKNBULL, Vice President;
II 1! COCKRUM, Asa'l. Cashier;
ri.ATT, Aas't. Caahlar
The Verale school oloeet Friday.
Mlta Myrtle Crane recently returned
from Caldwell, where she has been
ttsltlng friends.
James Applegate, tbe U-year old
on of Samuel Applegate. Is serlonsly
ill. Tba boy baa been ta poor health
for years.
Jack Oavle, a professional coyote
trapper, helling from Kona, Idaho,
baa made his headquarters in North
- Back of tba aootbern end of this
flat In tbe hills to tbe north of Mai
hear Butte, is a new settlement of dry
land bomeeteadere. No laae than
thirteen have gone Into tbla district
within the last month.
Jeff Crull baa been appointed agent
for tbe Dr. Kocb Vegetable Tea aom
pany, of Winona, Minn., a concern
handling flavoring extracts, patant
medlolnee. toilet artlclee. etc. Mai
hsur county, with Washlngon and
Canyon countlee in Idaho, will be hla
Tbe aettlrra In North Jacobeon are
about to conatruct a bridge over tbe
gulch near the Benkbell ranch, tbe
crossing at present being both difficult
and dangerous. A large Oil with a
five foot culvert, put In at tbla place
" year ago, waa swept away by a heavy
freshet last summer.
What might he called the passing
away of a pioneer oocurred a few days
ago wbn Rolen Hall's horse succumb
ed to a night of feasting In a grain
bio. While, as Mr. Hall admits.
the intrinsic value of the animal waa
not great, there haJ developed such s
friendship between matter and horse
aa to make tbe oase a patbetio one to
any tbe It est.
There was more then a niokel et
stake over the number of yolks in a
monstrous sgg laid by aa enterprising
ben on tbe Henkhetl plaoe tba other
day. Measuring a good 8 Inobes
around ooe way and 7 J the other, tbe
egg looked aa If It might ooataln
tripleU. it didn't Inside waa found
another egg, perfect In every respect.
All wagers ware calls. I off.
Now that tba annual thaw la on
tbe Idyllic serenity of life on Deed
Ox Plat soon will be disturbed by tbe
bustle aud olsmor of tbe usual spring
time activities. A short week or two
will see tbe abandonment of the hum
drum of winter inaction for tbe com
mencement of the long working ses
son, wben the plow, tbe drill, tbe
sage brush grubber, tbe fresuo aud tbe
jointer will again come Into their
own. In tbe meantime tbe veriest
rounder may possibly turn spring poet,
while tbe bomblest real estate men
will surely turu out and Infest tbe
country side again.
Trade at
Drug Store
and be
you are
what you
call for.
train service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd 5: 15 a m
No. 35 Huutlugtou yeas 9:10 a m
No. 9 Fast Mail 6:15 p m
No. 27 Huutlugtou Pass 6:38 p m
No. 5 Oregon Wash Express 7 :oO p m
Jast bound.
No. 18 Oreuou Wash Ltd 2:51 a m
No. 20 Boise passeugvr 8 :50 a m
No. 10 Fast Mail lttS4
No. 'J8 Boise paeeeuger .'1:50 p m
No. 0 Oregon Wash Express i :40 P m
Vale train leaves al 9:30 a. m. re
turning at 3:?0 p. m.
"Every foot is odd but we can fit it"
Here are shoes for you that combine style, comfort and wear at I
xne same price mat you pay tor tne otner kind, '
Any style, any leather
$3.00 to $5.00
This new Roadster toe is a winner.
Let us show you this new toe in all the
leathers. It will please you. Price, $3.50
n kaIs3
Our new Gink last
shown here is all jj
that the uMan "Wright
who cares" would want. Shown
in all leathers. Price, $5.00
J9 jr
r iiai- a. j yy
We are the special agent for the J. & T. Cousin shoe
for ladies and the Nettleton shoe for men.
Call and see our new styles
Ontario, Oregon,
5 Doors South of P. 0.
$1.00 Shirts
A hobby with us-- a joy bringer to every
man who wears them. The best shirt
value going. A roomy, comfortable and
spiendid fitting shirt at $1.00-value a dol
lar fifty and more, made in both golf and
negligee of soisettes, percales and madras
Sizes, 131 to 181
Complete Showing of the
New Spring Hats
Stetson Make at
One Price Clothier,
Ontario, Oregon