The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1913, Image 7

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Ltl 8( Final Adjournment It
Still Undecided
Jl get.. '"-
Mftnr vr -
t. Retaliate en Senate
!!!, fair ApprpH" peeaed
jZm N Cempelted te Irv.
a.taaA1 the
JJTtt. flul week ef the leglslst-
jTpU" whawtiBJsi 5
T, it dimeuit toUUjni
IT tad ill'""" "' w,n ukm
T, MiMtMilaa virtually
JM NMktl (V ! legislature
TJot lurtiio eesne tack
J, m Prpeee eonslderlag
r, Tui bin , p
r.n,i. for the action of the gov-l-lad
Mi private secretary la
gCgaj themselves fro ths exec-
rftt effleea.
a--. West dropped oat of sight
yurtH and reeslvd no bills from
M legislative b,Jr U WM
jl will receive none mad will not ap
. at the iUU oapltol until after
.7 legislature baa finally cleaned up
Mil lhat OD lna
ir" homes. Thla much became
n from an authoritative source.
Otvtrnor la CrltlCMCd.
fftt "M severely criticised Batur
U bT members of tha senate and
isae, at "H " DT attachaa and am
torts, whose aalartea hare boon held
by bit failure to sign tna general
gemprlstlpn bill.
Tt governor declared during the
auk that Saturday being a holiday,
mmI hthI buuae had no right to
Eajj in tettlon. but lawyera In both
tucliN of the leglalature declare
at it It a legislative day and that
it legislature could work and be well
sum tbs Isw.
It vu believed to be the plan of the
inior, In order to circumvent the
ilature In Its determination to re
am litre until all vetoed bills are
pal upon, to force receipt of nil bills
week. This will make possible
holding of nil bllla In hla offlrt
II Frldav or ttiiturday of thla week,
bt bti five duys on ench bill to
or iIrh or solid to the secretary
m without signature one way or
Houin May be Swamped.
k stent that the governor ahould
I in hit office all of the bllla yet
i bs passed by the legislature, to
ur with those u trendy passed, he
turn In such u bunch of bills
In the week that both houses
I bt literally swamped and In aa
I i condition then aa they have
i tt any time during the aesalon.
aid tht governor do thla. It la bs
I last the legislature will remain
ud art upon all bllla, no matter
' long It takes. That la the ssntl-
ai of many members, who began
I asm a scheme by the executive
'l even" fur their action In da-
to remain here another week.
hWvtd from any standpoint, It la
u thtt a big fight la coming ba
ths governor and the leglala
Mir OrHra ipMat aI llAmkM
IfceUtr UcArthur Saturday threw
- num into a fervor of excitement
1 ItlUtlnf fi.r,nl...l..n (a mnw mAHiluff
km for borne, ordering the doora
uo lumi lining the sergeant
U tO MO fill ultil arraal ahabw
" aaw ws sees sjgsj a ajsasfj a w bbss
bo bad left the aeaatoo with
I (tTBlulon
M" 'roubis started when It waa Cla
" Just berore the 4 o'clock trala
lOUt for l',,rll.,.,1 Ik.l lkM
I bare quorum preeent. Boene ef
aesjben mim u. . mm
- - wv . --,
" U to get heme over Bungay,
ejections to remalnlag aver
' there u io h umIok nt
JJ The house adopted a reaa-
ue effect that any member
the house without tha
Hal of Ua apeaker U U be
Meats irrtt.t. s-. ..
r" " blch hare paaeed the
""Jrty Utereeted win be re-
mi noute. uhea Into tbat
' M 0 P)n the uble tmtU the
arees t0 ,t0p slaughtering
wis. according to am agraemaat
4 & formulakta-dl .tvinntT
P -.- es.v-sj gaj
" bouse membera.
X their pet btUa hare been
14 lap la ii,. ... .k
let...... . "" " " ""'
(, ,n - Plrlt of reUltatlon
UJ holMal ilaughter of house
-euate, tt.e houae Saturday
1 m froBi th .
ltj " uyyer nouae.
L " roc''a In III Selection.
t Indulged In a novel pra-
let.i. ireed to allow each
'Ut ri ioci irom
xntt of house bllla, which la
hTV : one b111 o' to N
JL and receive imm--
lV l-w....
k uure itbelf appeared to be
ovel than some of the selec
. " "owa of the bills, which
- or firm iwporl to lb
tore laelnded aneh aa those go.
ernlng the running of stock at large
or providing for expediting the pay
men, of witness or juror feea.
1116 Fund la I17S.00O.
Agreeing to the report of the con
ferenee committee and concurring in
amoadmenU made In the houae, the
aajaate paaaed the rsnama Pacific ap
propriation bill, and Oregoa will ap
propriate for Ita ahare In the cxpoal
tlon $176,000. The senate Intended to
land pat on IZ0O.0O0 and the hoaae oa
1160.000. but from the very aata.e of
the stubborn opposition from both
aldea It waa apparent there could be
ao solution bat a oampromlae.
Jury Duty Still Optional.
Women la Oregoa do not hate to do
yary daty unless they wish te. The
hoaae refused to pass a bill ameadlag
tbe law ao that womea would be com
palled to aenre aa a yary whoa swat
A number of the membera of the
houae expressed the belief that regu
lar yary duty la not for a wemaa u
perform and the measure therefore
waat dowa to defeat
Hoaae Votes Heme fer Olrte.
The Mil for a atate Industrial home
for glrle aad womea went through the
houae and waa paaeed by a vote of
to t. The bill approprlatea 160.000
for the two-year term, which la to be
uaed In eatahllsnlng and maintaining
the proposed home. Women and glrle
are to be aent there aa a corrective.
The bill waa Introduced In the aaaate
and paaaed that branch without a dis
uniting rote.
Report Upholds Prison Policy.
Oovernor West waa upheld as to hla
prison policy and the management of
the atate penitentiary waa praised In
a majority report filed with the house
by Senators Mollis and Ragsdale and
Representative Laughltn. No censure
whatever was given, the nearest thing
being that some prisoners were found
who oomplnlned of having no under
wear aufflclent to their needs, and
thle condition, It waa pointed out, waa
eaally remedied.
Repreaentatlvee Lewelllng and
Smith submitted a minority report,
In which several severe charges were
made aa to the management of the
prlaon, and Oovernor Weat wa con
aured for hla official actlona In a num
ber of Inatancea. The houae filed both
re porta.
Qaneral Appropriation Bill Paaaed.
Without making a single amend
ment, the senate passed the general
appropriation bill for atate offlcee and
boarda juat aa it went through the
Further expediting bualneaa, ao far
aa appropriation bills are concerned,
the senate passed all the University
of Oregon and agricultural college
bllla, 11 in number, iigrr.gntlng $317.
833 for the unnet i u j and $306,600 for
the agricultural achool. theae auma
being In addition to the annual con
tinuing appropriations
Scarcely had the bills been paaaed
before It was announced that referen
dum petition, will be circulated to
keep the achoola from receiving the
money the legislature has voted, ex
oept one bill for each Institution car
rytng an additional maintenance fuud
of 160,000 for each Institution
light Hour Bill Now Dead.
The minimum wage bill, which haa
now been algned by the governor.
played an Important part In the defeat j
of Lawrence'a bill providing for an '
eight-hour working day for women,
with a limit of to hours a week.
The committee returned three re
ports on thla bill, one the majority
report, being tbat It do not paaa. algn
ad by Kiddle, Kay and Wood. They
reported back advereely oa the ground
tbat a minimum wage bill had already
been algned by the governor aad that
this bUl waa unnecessary aad uncalled
for under the oondltloaa.
Revleed Aeeemely la Flan
Under the provisions of a auaatlta
tioual amendment whieh tha leglala
ture la aaked to pet on the ballet tor
the next general ssootloa la a reeolu
tlon Introduced la the houae. the Ore
goa legdetaturu. after 111, woo eea
let of M eenatora, eae rrea
oounty. aad repreaeatatrvtja.
Tk amendment afoaaaex to
the whole ayatam of leglelaUee repre
MataUoa. It would plaee It aa a pro
portional baala. with eat aaaaty en
titled to one eeaator aad ae mere, smd
to at Vaaat one ropreeoaiaflvo.
trrloetlee. Bill la Paaeed.
With only alight opfueMHn, tha sen
ate paaaed the big MIO.OSS appropria
tion hill for the Columbia Baathera
Irrigation project la Croak aaaaty.
Thla bill will enable tha elate to take
hold ol the work of raolalmlag tha
lands nnder the original Carey pro
ject, where private capital haa failed
All of thoee who have tried the pro
ject and failed have made Quit claims
to the elate Under the bill the atate
will take over the entire burden of
reclamation, and will get Ita money
back from the settlers In 10 years by
the lnatallment plan after It haa beea
made ready for productive farming
Truat Companies to be Examined.
A senate bill by Kiddle waa passed
by the house regulating trust com
puniea and giving the state bank e
amiiier the authority to lnapect them
uad to have the time jurisdiction over
them aa he doee over elate banks
There waa scarcely any upoolUoo,
May Work Until March.
A resolution pledging the membera
of the legislature to remain la aeaaloa
for 40 "actual working day," aad
setting I o'clock of March 1 for ad
journment Instead of February tl waa
Introduced In the houae.
The houae reaolutloa provides that
legislator, clerka and all legislative
employee shall receive pay for 40
"working daya."
Went Throw Bombshell.
Declaring that no oppocltlor bill
will receive the aanctlon of the gov
ernor unleea it be one absolutely ne
oeeaary to carry oa the affair of the
government, mutual disposition la
made of appropriations te ear for the
ward of the etat. the governor threw
a bombshell Into the legislature.
He aent a meeaage la which he
charged the failure to get the big ap
propriation Mil late the leglalature
to the chairman of the way aad
meane committee.
Lander state that there will ha a
aufflclent number who will remain
over If the exeeatlve I Inclined to bo
intractable to deal with the situation
The ways and mean committee 9t
the house mad a report, replying te
the meeaage of the governor, la which
the member dented delaying appro
prtatloo bllla for political effect They
declared they have already saved the
state $1,000,000 by the pruning pro
cest and eipect to aave a total of
8-Hour Bill I a Law.
Without amendment and but few
dtaaentlng votea, the so-called eight
hour day bill waa passed by the houae
on reconelderatlon. The bill also paaa
ed the senate and waa algned by Oov
ernor Weat.
The bill carrie an appropriation of
$700u for the two years between aea
alonk of the legislature to take care
of the work of the commission which
la authoriaed to have charge. None
of the commissioners are to receive
aalarlea, however.
Minimum Wage Bill Paaaed.
The house minimum wage bill paaa
ed the aenate and now becomee a law
unless vetoed by the governor.
Stated briefly, the minimum wage
bill provldea for a commlaalon of
three to be appointed by the governor,
consisting of one employer, one em
ploye and a third unbiased peraon.
On the commission la conferred power
to fix a reasonable minimum wage for
women and child workers, houra of
employment and rondltiona of labor
The law carrlee an appropriation of
$3600 a year.
The law applies only to women and
children. A feature of the law I that
It requlrea a conference between era
ployer and employe when complaints
are made.
Senate Donatea 1200,000 for Fair
Ths bill for an Oregon exhibit at
the I'anama-I'aclflr Rxpoaltlon paaaed
the aenate carrying aa appropriation
of $100,000. It also provides for the
appointment of a commission of three
to be named by a committee conalat
Ing of the governor, secretary of atate.
tate treaaurer, prealdent of the sen
ate nnd speaker of the houae.
Sterilisation Bill Faaeaa.
With just 1$ votes, the number
needed for passage, the Lewelllng bill
for aterilixatlon of habitual criminals,
moral degenerates and penrerta weat
to victory In the senate.
Dr. owens Adair of Astoria, who
originated the bill and haa lobbied for
It at aucoeedlng sessions of the Isgls
latum, waa a wltaeae to Ma flaal auc
eea, aad aha was invited by dor ernor
West to be present In his office when
he signed It last Saturday.
BS Days' Seaelen Urged.
The houae adopted a reaolutloa dt
rectus the aubmlaalon to the vote of
the people, at the next general elec
tion, a eooatltutlonal amendment
lengthening the aeealoo of the legis
lature from 40 to M actual working
daya, aad raising the pay of the legle
later, from II to $4 a day.
The house alao adopted a compan
ion reaolutloa directing that aa am
endment be submitted to the vote of
the people providing that two aeealona
shall be held a tint seesloa of 10
days, then a temporary adjoummeat,
and then aa aftar aeeeton. aad per
Baaeat adjournment Tha reason for
ths two I that it would give legit
latere mora Urn to consider bllla aad
secure the eealimeat of the people
with relation to maaaarae examined.
Referendum Date le Set.
Daya hill, providing for a apeclal
referendum eteeOon. to be held Sep
t ember I, paaaed the senate. It In
voked considerable debate, being ad
vocated warmly by Day. Moser,
Thompson, Bean and others sad op
posed by McColloch. Miller snd Neun
er. The bill carries an emergency
clause to prevent the possibility of
being Itaelf referred.
The object of calling the epeclel
election Is to prevent large projects
like the Panama Pacific appropriation,
the workmen'a compensation bill and
good roods and other Important pro
posals, Irom being held up for two
Bull Moose Are Recognised.
The Bull Moote party will be able
to participate in the primaries before
the city election in Portland under
the provisions of a bill that passed
the senate. This bill provides that
say political P" castlus 20 per cent
f the vote at the preceding electloa
may participate In the primaries.
The bill also carries an emergency
clause which will allow the participa
tion la the Portland prim arise.
The bill was Introduced by Senator
Careon at the request of the Progres
air party committee.
Industrial Old's Heme Favored.
la the face of aa adverse majority
report the Moaer bill providing for
the establishment of aa Iaduatrial
Home for girls paaaed the senate with
It rotes In Its favor. It la amended
ao aa to provide $11,000 a year for the
next two year. The Institution la to
ha Iceated oa ground now owned by
the atate at Salem. If the bill becomes
a law. The Institution la to be con
atracted oa tha oottag plan.
Flrearme Bill I asid.
Perkins' fliwaraxa blU paaaed the
aenate Thla nmandd bill provides
that anyone purchasing a revolver
must have the certificate of two free
holders as to hla good moral character
aad a permit from tha circuit, county
er municipal Judge.
It prevanU the display of revolvers
In windows, requlrea a registration of
number and alao resj aires dsalwd to
make resorts t sheriffs twtee a
month a to sales.
Intereet en Fund In Treeeurlee.
Should H. B. 147 by Paraona, which
baa Juat passed the houae, be enacted
lata law, thousands of dollar will
pour into ths coffers of oounty tress
arer In Interest on county money,
for ft provide that all funds shall be
dsposited with s bank which will give
sound security for Its safe keeping,
and that It shall draw 1 per cent In
tereet. At the preaent time banks
enjoy the use of thla money without
paying interest
Fslrs Left te Countlee.
A bill by the committee on expos!
tlons and fair, providing for an an
nual tax levy of 30 mllla for county
fairs, was passed by the house. It is
said it will do away with any appro
priatlona by the legislature. These
have been very bothersome and many
members wished to leave the fairs in
each county to the counties.
Weet Bill Approved by Houae
Hagood'a bill for a atate wide tin
plate law, similar to that now In force
In Portland, waa passed by ths houee.
It requires the owners of all hotels,
lodging houses, stc, to post s sign at
thslr doors to toll who owns the prop
erty. This Is one of the bills urged
by Governor West. Anothor bill fa
vored by the governor Is one by How
ard of Douglsa, known aa he tnjunc
tlon bill, aimed to curb disorderly
housea by compelling them to poet a
bead with the city swthorttlee. set sx
seeding the value of the property In
Bridge Bill Favered.
The houee BMBBJ the Notta later
Mate brdg kill aad easbllng set In
troduced by the Maltneaaah delega
tloa. Th bill prerides that certain eoua
tlee may issue beads far Interstate
bridgee and may deduct yearly from
the county tax da th state tha In
terest an the bridge seeds aa tha
tote's sortie at the expeaae of the
bridge The latereet wUl total 110.00
a year.
Substitution of a leathers' training
eeheol far anneal sweaty taatltatee Is
eeatempUasd in a bill paaaed by the
Tha boas paaeed a bill requiring
banke to oapitalts te H per
ef th. aaseuat of
WimillL FJOflBT
It i tha Intention of the Fair aa
aoelatloa of thla coanty to bare aa
educational display on exhibit at tbs
next aanoal ooonty fair. Bslisrlng
yoa aad your community to be friends
to education, ae ask yoa to consider
this your privilege to aealst in making
tha work from your reboot and neigh
borhood the beet or among the beet In
the oounty.
We expect at a later data to make
out a full Hat of premiums for wor
don by both the grade and the high
achoola of the oounty. The rural
aohools snail bars our speclsl con
sideration In prsmioms offered, thrs
nsbllng them to compete for prizes
slong with the larger aohools.
We ask your cooperation in tnls
effort snd sny suggestions you may
oiler, will be highly appreciated nnd
used In making tbla a beginning of
one of the beet features of our already
eiii'flesslol count v fair.
If tber is some feature In the
achool work that you would csoeolally
liks to tes eini li-ini It your
si j by offering ths hoys snd girls
pit'tniiim ns an Incentive to brlnK out
i licit bust work aloog tbst line.
Yours Truly,
K Q. Hallsy.
A. B. Nisei, heiiioii,
Kilna liiilllii.
60 share Owyhee dlteb stock for
asle on long time. A. K. tloyer. On
tarlo, Oregon.
For the beat bread aad pastry In
town go to tha Ontario Bakery.
Por Sale One spsn mares, one
span gelding, 3 eddl horses goalie,
for woman or children. Call at the
Multnomah roome.
Local Market Report.
Corrected Fob. 37, for lb benefit
of Argus reader by the Malheur Mar
entile Com pan v.
Bggs, par doses. 2 Be.
Hotter, par poaaJ, 90a.
Oate, par hundred. $1.50.
Wheat, par bandrad, $1.60.
Hay, per ton, $5.
Pototoee, par hundred, flu.
Onions, par hundred, St. 00.
Apples, per box, $1.00. toll.. .v.
Chickens, diesaed, par pound, So
Pork, dressed, 0 to lOo.
Pork, live, ty to6Hc
Veal. 0 to 10a.
Baaf Uo to 12.
A Book Cabinet Made
in Period Styles
dutt Whet reu neve wented: Seve
I felt tKet rou would lihe A Booh
C.binet made In period etr'ee
will meet row meet eertlculee
needt Not necettary to hevt s
cebinet built to order et s'tet
eipente. The stele row detire it
rteoV for delivery.
They Do Not Look Sectional
-but They Are I
W. ,... Use M., n
rou will want . Mm rhn rou
nf awn Ukh ceemett
Ontario Farnitnre Co.
One piece is a portion
and a luscious dessert Preferred Stock Peaches,
from the Highlaiida of California. Thcte
mountain peacnet are universally conceded to
be the finest peaches in the world.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
In order to secure extra superior quality and
flavor for Preferred Slock Yellow Dessert Peaches
they are selected, when uat ripe, Juicy and spicy,
plucked in the morning, snaw Vand-iteelrd and
canned right in this mountainous, pcwkii-grow ing country
hirifjt am J quality pimrantnJrtftrrtd Sink al fur Crtir'i
AJXXN a LXW1S, Wholesale Oiocert, POBTLAsTD. ORBOOg. 0. 8. A
Jahtr Sr F
anw nlaw"-"
Order Your
Groceries From Us
Our Lines Are the
Best in Town
We make a specialty of Preferred Stock Tinned and
Glass goods, Fruits, Vegetables. Every package guar
anteed Chase & Sanborn Coffee
, The Bett Coffee in the Market
Premium Hams and Bacon
All the Best Lines in Groceries.
By giving us your trade you are assured of the best
Malheur Mercantile Co.