The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1913, Image 6

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Non-intervention Plan Adhered
To But Precautions
Are Taken
in i can a mural iKUfHI AT ST. PAUL B0NSPIEL
Washington. The war department
ordered the mobilisation of tbe
fifth brigade of the arm? at Galves
ton for possible embarkation on tran
aporu. The order Is the result of a
onferenoe between President Taft
ad Secretary of War Stlmson.
Although It was emphasised that
the government contemplated no
bangs In its non-intervention policy,
It was admitted that nearly 6000
troops would be held In Oalveston, in
as of untoward developments.
Despite assurances from various
American consuls in Mexico that the
governors of Mexican states are ra
pidly declaring their loyalty to Pro
visional President Huerta, Secretary
of State Knox believes tbe present
quiet In only the calm before a storm.
Net Weight Bill Psssed.
Plain labeling of food pnckiiRPR with
the net weight and routents before
they are sold to the public In required
by a bill iuihmmI by the oenate, which
already hud panned the house. Slight
flim. !:. made by the senate will re
julr a conference committee of the
two house before tl.e measure Is sent
to President Taft for signature.
The proposed law would require the
net weight and measure of the food
produot to be i onsplcuously displayed
OU the outside of each package.
Webb BUI Not to Affect Individual.
The right of an individual residing
In a "dry" state to Import liquor for
bis own use will not be restrained or
Interfered with If President Taft ap
proves tbe Webb liquor shipment bill
which recently passed both bouses of
oongroas. According to the advocates
of the bill, the individual cltlsen liv
ing In "dry" territory will hava all
the ;r lieges he hsd prior to the pass
age of this bill, so long as he does not
attempt to Import liquor for sale con
trary to the law of the state within
which he lives. This being true, as
the friends of the bill assert, this
measure has been greatly misunder
stood (
Womsn Worry Congressmen.
It is a nerlous Job to be a member
of congress these days, according to
plaints that are resounding through
out tbe oapltol. The burden of the
legislators' trouble is tba suffragist
and the anti-suffragist controversy.
All congressmen havs been Invited
to march with the votes for women
advocates on March 8. All have llke
; been quietly Informed by the
antU that close watch wilt be kept
on t'.lr suffrage activity. The situs
tlou cues not bother members from
equal fi'ge states, but It Is giving
tboe from other commonwealths a
lot of trouble to doclda which camps
they will ! or.
Tbe antl .mffraglsts are conducting
"lobbying" campaign at tbe capltol
which adds to the woes of the legis
lators. Deficiency Is Biggest In Many Years.
Preparation of the biggest general
deficiency appropriation bill In many
years was beguu by tbs house appro
priations committee. It will earry
about fS5.000.000, against 17,000.000
last year.
Deficits In appropriations of pen
sion? of 15,000,000 will be Included
In the forthcoming bill. This deficit
la caused by the operations of the now
Sherwood $1 s day service pension
law. Auother huge deficit Is in the
preliminary operation of the parcel
IWth houses listened to the reading
of Washington's farewell message on
Washington's birthday.
The death of the commerce court
March 4th was decreed by the con
ference report on the legislative bill.
High officers of the navy depart
ment have recommended to Secretary
Meyer that the battleship Oregon be
"scrapped," or sold for Junk.
intervention of the United State
government to secure Justice or at
least a fulr trial for fallen President
Madcro, of Mexico, Is announced by
Secretary Knox.
Tho senate Interstate commerce
committee voted to report favorably
the La Follette Adamson bill for the
physical valuation of railroads and ail
interstate commerce oarrlers.
Laurence O. Murray, controller of
the currency, has announced that he
Intanded to stop th praotlce by na
tional banks of paying dividends when
their earnings did not warrant .
Judiclury committee fawirably
..nrted a bill making it a prison
.n., to destroy lrrigstion
and another increasing bonds of U. S.
marshals from 140,000 to $100,000.
Daniel J. K-1 fas resignation from
hta nost as c umlssioner
immigration 1. s been
georfctnry of (Commerce nd Labor
NggOl. In a r. - ort submitt t to Presi
dent Taft, baa-u on complaints ol -jglai
oUttral of
demanded by
s --N i fAStSropS ' sJflsaaSvR
'';: 'fosaH I '-' B
''" U& j'1' r - ;i'i $' si " H
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wm $te ' '$&' l iav 1 1 J 2HlHHLi
3 BggggggggggggggggsBaw "titty fttVf' ABatLw. .. aaaaesaMavaKiMEasalaaMMI?-: atfayyy. $SaJeBaaaaWaal
3T ' t g-gaBpapapaB Wmg' B- . OgV -..JB MJM
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kgg! ggavvJH BgH gghBg LV ILaV egghggvPglavggagBSgiaggaggagVgr J
'vH Bi, gi Hal II M awl ai- Jal sTM Lt
f avB l W dgWv. I aa a "W hBv VStF PJBg
sagaaT l CAgaMSsjgay . HsJ Hfl Rdgal laavw': Ha A
VfcJg fl iasf aBejgaaaafl I
kaavJllfH Bar aW SsassMaT .3 awM a
v5pjsfJCfl LaTB 3 rvS&r
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gar ?VTy .gaYgar , galgagav' jsal ar Vg L aw
aw sv t wp flPSgggkaV afnal sw' aWrtaiB I
4rV5I li -rfl glaOJggJH gejjMjJ
r.mj. Skips sittf hetr
' fram Wlnnli
Ouluth. OranS RspIS. Mlih.. . Paul nd Mlniwll. -K- .
il Trewhy. """ " ""
Tho 20th Annual Donspiel of the North
western Curling Association opened at the
Curling Club of St. Paul, January 14. with
nnks from all over the country being
represented. The 8t. Paul Club haa
twelve sheets of ice and many interesting
Settlers on Bolss Project to Get Pat
ents Soon
Wsshlngton. To sst at rest com
plaints because of delays In Issuing
patents to homesteaders on the Boise
reclamation project under the act of
August 9, 1912, Secretary of the In
terior Klsher telegraphed to Governor
Haines that he confidently expected
to Issue orders this week to ensble
settlers to obtsln patents.
The act referred to provides for the
Issuance of pstents on reclamation
projects upon the submission of proof
of resldonce, reclamation and cultiva
tion and payment of all accrued
charges at tbe time proof Is msde.
Tho Boise proet is one upon which
homestead entries have been made for
a long time and much of tbe land that
has been put under cultivation Is Irrigated.
MtLW. HHfTraVhy.
contents took place. The bonspiel met
with great success.
, The abovo picture shows the Interna
tional Irophv, put up by Louis W. Hill,
Chairman, Iloard of Directors, Great
Northern Railway, which rinks from
United Ststes won from Canada. The
cup stands about four feet high, was the
mot engcrly contested for trophy at the
Third Annual Potato Breakfast
Twin Kails. By far the biggest
evsnt of tbe kind aver held In Twin
Kails was the third annual baked po
tato breakfast given by the commer
cial club In the Rogerson hotel cafe.
One hundred and thirty men paid ho
mage to the famous Twin Kails potato,
through speaking and through aatlug.
An excellent menu, speaking and sing
ing gave spice to the evening that will
long be remembered In this city.
Journeys Par for Marriage Record
Post Kails. With a view or getting
a marrlsge certificate signed by the
wife of the minister who performed
her marriage ceremony on December
26, 1887, Mrs. A M. Martin accompan
ied by Mrs. K. W. Glraud of Spokane,
left for I .os Angeles.
The home of Mrs. Martin was burn
ed last year and with It ths family
lilble, marriage certificate, and the list
of the wedding guests, some certifi
cates of stocks and legal papers. L'pon
learning that Mrs. Beebee, wife of the
minister who performed the ceremony
and who lived then at Rathdrum,
Mrs. Martin determined to get a
new certificate signed by the widow
of the Presbyterian clergyman.
Asylum Under Fire
Boise. Tbe state Insane asylum at
Blackfoot is under the fire of the pres
ent legislature. The senate has order
ed an Investigation of the unlawful
commitment to that Institution of Carl
Machold, a newspaperman of Black
foot, who was placed In the asylum
on the ground that be was Insane. The
special senate committee, composed
of Senators Shepherd. Dsfenbach and
Dunning, appointed to probe into the
Incarceration of Machold, held a meet
ing and decided to laaue summons to
Dr. Poole, head of the asylum, and his
Moscow Marehsnta tart Innovation.
Mo ow The business men of this
city, acting through the Moscow cham
ber ol Commerce, have Instituted an
innovation lu this place lu regard to
subscriptions and donations for the
many different things for which they
are solicited from time to time during
the year. Krom $4000 to $5000 Is be- I
lug subscribed by them, to be paid in :
monthly instalments, which are to an-
swer for all their subscriptions and j
will be disbursed through the trustees
of the Moscow chamber of commerce.
Help Fight the Great Red Plague
Citizen, of tbe state are urged to inform themselves regard
ing this plague which is causirg great suffering among boys
and young men, and especially among the innocent girla and
women of the 8tnt. 1'HrentH tire urged to protect their child
ren, and provide clean, wholesome inormution in place of the
unclean misinforiiiHtion they cannot now help getting.
He nd for any of the following
Young Men
For Circular No. 2 The Four Sex Lies.
For Circular No. D-Sex Truths for Meo.
Older Bors(13 to 18 yrs. of age)
For Circular No. 8 Virility and Physical Development.
Younger Boys(10 to IS yrs. of age)
For Circular No. 7 The Secret of Stregth.
For Circular No. 4 A plain Talk with Girls about Health.
Young Women
For CircularNo. 10 Physical Development, Marriage and
Motherhood. m
For Parents
Circular No. 1 The Need for Education in Sexual Hy
giene. Circular No. 3 When and How to Tell the Children.
Circular No. 5 A List of Books for Use in the Family
on Sex.
Send 2-cent stamp with your address to
Depart meat D
The Oregon State Board of Health
70S Selling Building. Portland, Oregon
Oregon Idaho Lumber Co., Ltd.
Yards East Side of Railroad.
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Parley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying- now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Means Not Only
Time But Money
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the
distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant
and what timeyou save by Telephoning? If your
tune is worth anything you cannot afford to be
without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
40 Acre Fruit and Dairy
Ranch for Sale
20 seres In oss'year olJ apple trees
of a good commsrolal quality. 2
acres of hearing orchard, good
stand of alfalfs sn d bins grsss
mosdow. Full walre right In Owy
hee ditch, good house nod barn
together with out building!. Teams
snd stock go with rsneh. sieo farm
Price 910.000. Tsrms half
cseh, balancs 3 to S years time st
H per cent Interest. Ons snd ons
iiiiif miles from Ontsrlo, Oregoo.
If preferred by purobsser would
sell Imlf of i lc h. on termi to suit
W. H CECIL, Ontario. Orregon.
Rob't O'dell, Ontario.
H H High, Vale.
C C. Morton. ( )ld'e Ferry.
John Msthewe, Weiser Briilge.
J. K. Holly, Kiverrisw
W 8 Hkinner, Jonlsn Valley.
Ftli Wilkinson, Mt'Dernutt
T. A. Barton, Nyesa
For sale or trade- 40 arret ti benob
3 miles south eset of Fraltland: 30
sores in youog orchnrd, 20 screi la
alfalfa. Also 10 sere orchard traot
2i miles eoutb of Psystte. M K.
Cuitis, Psystte, Idsbo.
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut ap to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Springtime-Tile Time To Build-Is Here i
Come in and let us show you some neathouse plans,
and how to save money on your new house.
Our Building Stock is Complete. Lumber,
Shingles, Lath, Sash and Doors, Screen Doors,
Cement, Lime, Overland Plaster, Glass, Rubber
Roofing, Beaver Board, Posts and Coal.
Call and Invest igste Our Bearer Board Depart meat.
Exclusive Agents for "King Coal" Once used alwsys used.
:Stfjj20'-: .EEigfcXc h.V I
R Iff Electric Light
II m Draws Trade
era w .
: pjflffi
HERE'S no excuc for
the small shop to
business because of poor
Poorly illuminated counters
oblige customers to seek day
light either at the entrance or
back window of the store to en
able them to examine the tex
ture of goods. This is a nuisance which most customers wiP not
Intelligent customers the class really worth cultivating,
invariably trade at shops where they can see clearly the goods 'hl'
wish to purchase. '
Edison Mazda Lamps afford an abundance of electric light at
minimum cost. "Light up" your place of business. Our Lamp
Experts will gladly help you on the aA tojmjit.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power