The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1913, Image 4

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bitted in thf postoflice Ht Ontario,
Orricon. f,.r timaBM6a tlironRhthe
mail us net-ond-dan matter.
Kdjtor and Proprietor
One of the arguments used to
influence voters to favor the ex
tension of the suffrage to women
was the uplifting influence the
women would have on politics.
Last week three hundred women
teachers went to Salem and
forced the legislature to give
them life positions, the mem
bers not daring to offend the
womun vote.
The Mexicans have been hav
ing a lovely time for the past few
weeks, plenty of good fighting.
The Mexicans dearly love a
fight and when they cannot get
bulls to light they go at each
other. As there are some fifteen
million of them there is no im
mediate danger of the supply
running short.
Brief News of the week
Missouri, Iowa and Michigan legists
tures passed bills for constitutions!
amendments granting suffrage to wo-
Tho police of 8t. Petersburg have
prohibited the display of mortng pic
ture Illustrating the Ufa of the late
Count Tolstoy.
Arrangements are being made be
tween the American and Russian gov
ernments for the establishment of a
remilar wireless service across Bering
Municipal "blue laws" forbidding
butcher shops and moving picture
hows to be open on Sunday were
sustained by the Illinois supreme
The Ohio state senate adpoted the
house resolution ratifying the propos
ed federul constitutional smendment
for the populnr election of United
States senators.
A bill imiklnK It a misdemeanor pun
ishable by a fine of from $10 to 916
for any person to give, solicit or re
ceive, directly or Indirectly, a tip, baa
been Introduced In the Pennsylvania
In a terrible three days' battle be
tween 100.000 Bulgarians and 70.000
Turks ut I.ulatr, euch side I. said
to have lost 3600 men. Knver Bey,
leader of the Young Turks, Is reported
among the wounded.
The United State circuit court of
appeals at New York has handed
down a decision which permits rela
tives of Titanic victims to commence
suits Immediately against the steam
ship company for full damages.
Slity million dollars In bank notes
left San Francisco on the liner Nippon
Maru. The shljwieut Is ssld to be the
first set of bunk notes printed for
China since the overthrow of the
Munchu dynasty and the establish
ment of the new republic.
Mure than 40 hills bearing on mar
riugo and divorce are before the lower
house of the legislature of California
Half a dosen of these provide physical
qualifications for marriage, while the
majority provide new and generally
more stringent requirements for .11
The lower house of the Michigan
legislature hus passed the eugenics
bill, which provides that every person
seeking to marry must submit to phy
sical examination and obtain a certifi
cate of good health before a license
will be granted.
Starting March 1. the ciirfrw In
Junction CH.v will ring nt 9 I. M. dur
ing tut uprlnn mid Rummer.
Plans are holng considered by the
engineering staff of the O.-W. R. A N.
for the electrification of the line be
tween Portland and Spokane.
The dairy men of Smith River and
the Lower Umpqua have formed a
creamery association and have pur
chased the property of the Townsend
Creamery company at Reedsport
The Portland Lumber company has
established a logging camp west of
Houlton and expects to cut 200.000 ft
of logs dally. It Is building four miles
of railroad to connect with the Colum
bia City road.
More than two miles of hard-surface
street pavement will be laid In The
Dalles In the spring, which will bo
marked by much progress in the way
of substantial and permanent Improve
ment In that city.
The people of Canyon City and vi
cinity are fostering an Irrigation pro
ject to put water on a tract of 10,000
acres of fertile land lying west of the
city. The water supply Is to be taken
from Upper Canyon Creek.
Work has been commenced on a fur
nlture factory at Houlton. Concrete
Is being put In for the engine bed and
the building Is being generally put In
shape for the machinery that will be
ready Tor Installation In a few days.
Rolert Walker, the 16 year old
brother of Rev. C. L. Walker, pastor
of the Methodist church of Nyssa, Or.,
whs accidentally killed. Alone he had
gone duck shooting on an islnnd In
Snake river two miles north of town.
Directors of the Lane County Fair
association set September 24 to 27,
Inclusive, as the dates for the annual
fall fair. R. M Warren was designa
ted as the "Lane county delegate to
the meeting of the district fair board
at Roseburg."
The most effective slaughter of rab
bltes ever made In the history of
Lakevii-w was at the drive west of
town, showing the enormous total ot
about 12.000. i The total estimated
number of rabbits killed during the
winter is 82,000.
Tho St. Psul Commercial Club ex
prcMM'M Itself In favor of an electric
line from Aurora to St. Paul, via Fur
go and Champoeg. They believe such
a line possible and want to Interest
President Strahnrn, of the P., E. ft
K . in its construction. .
In a communication from the offices
of tho state superintendent of schools,
the Information Is given that the Port
land Union Stookyarda will give a
Shetland pony to the boy or girl hav
ing the best exhibit of poultry or fsrm
anlmrla at the l.i-' nr:io fair.
James Huffman, who was working
on the A. hi. Tulley ranch each of Wal
lowa, was gored by a bull and Injured
so severely that he died. He bad tied
the animal Into a stall. As ho turned
the bull made a lunge, one horn pierc
ing Huffman's lungs and pinning htm
to tho partition.
Captain Kdward Anderson, formerly
master of the steamer Sue H. Elmore,
who waa wanted at Astoria on a
charge of forgery, was brought from
Seattle by Sheriff Burns. Anderson
Is accused of forging the name of B. L.
Miller, engineer on the steamer El
more, to the letter's pay check and
then getting it cashed.
Seaside has a new two-story build
ing being equipped with up-to-date
machinery for muklng cheese. Ex
perienced workmen will hsve It In
charge and the cheese manufactured
here, as well as good milk, will be
supplied to summer guests. Milk will
be cold In bottles only and handled
In the most sanitary way.
Lying half burled In the soft mud in
the basin of Young's bay. the body of
a logger, thought to bo named Stone,
a recent arrival from Portland, was
found at low tide by Hans 1-seae
B lilef for eettlen In Wallowa conn- ''
ty In the vicinity ot Enterprise Is
promised In an action taken by tho
general land office, ordering an exam
ination of the township In that locali
ty with n view to their restoration to
sntry because of alleged overlapping
in survey lands which were withdrawn
In 190B, and settlers since have been
denied the right to make entry.
People in the News
Ixnils D. Brandels of Boston, It Is
declared by the Boston Poet on good
autnonty, is to be secretary of com
merce end labor In President Wilson's
Dr. Friedrtch Friedmann. who as
serts that he has discovered a cure for
tuberculosis, has sailed for New York,
where he will attempt to demonstrate
the value of his remedy.
Tho Illinois supreme court affirm
ed the conviction of Evelyn Arthur
See of Chicago on charges of sbdno
tlon. M was tho head of a cult
whloh he termed "absolute life."
Bishop John Joseph Hogaa of the
diocese of western Missouri, died at
St. Joseph, Mo. Bishop Hogaa was
the oldest Catholic prelate In the Unit
ed States, both In years and service.
After sweeping aside all opposition.
legal and otherwise, Mrs. Marsellna
EliRalda, 106 years old, snd Pleasanton
Leon, 86, said to have been lovers for
a half century, were married et Los
Testifying before Governor Suiter's
committee of Inquiry Friday, Dr. John
W. Russell, superintendent of Matte
wan hospital. New York, said $20,000
was offered htm by a lawyer a few
weeks ago If he would agree to re
lease Harry K. Thaw.
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Will rrsctlce in all CcurU
NoUrv Public. ( Hliee over Postomce
Hoara: II U I
Offlice opposite Ontario Hotel
Dm. Hahhikt
Dm. I'ai k Ska io
Graduates American Hchool of Os
teopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephones. Bell HA. Ind. .172
"One of the greatest mechanical
geniuses of all times" a world
famed maker of a high priced car
so refers to Henry Ford whose
great accomplishment is the Ford
car. You'll want the mechanically
perfect Ford this season and to
avoid disappointment you should
get it now.
Everybody is driving a Kord"-more than
200,000 in service New prices -runabout $600 -touring
car ti7ft town car gtfOO with all tsi
ment, f. o. b. Detroit. Get particulars from the
Ford Qtrgf, Ontario, Oregon or direct from
Detroit factory.
Oftlcsinl. O. 0. F. Bldg..
Ontario, . - Oregon
Attornbys at Law
Rooms IS. 1 i, 15. 16, Wi1m.ii llldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Gas with Extractions
Phone. No. 138 x in Wilson Block
J W McCulloch R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Dr. W. G. Howe
Telephone No. 732
First National Bank tildg.
Woodmen entertain u , J1 isy,
March 3.
Muslin Underwear
For One Week at Very Attractive Prices
On account of the big garment makers strike in the
east my shipment of Muslin Underwear did not arrive
in time for my big white sale. By special concession
from the manufacturers I can sell you the most beau
tiful underwear, at the most special prices, you ever
had an opportunity to buy.
Beautiful Corset Covers
25c to 35c values at - 20c
Pretty, new, 50c corset
covers - - - ' 39c
Drawers, 35c values at 25c
$1.25 Princess slips - 98c
ffif. $2.00 to $2.25 Princess
slips - - - $1.48
$1.25 Corset Cover and Drawers
combined - 98c
$2.00 Combination - - - $1.49
$2.25 Combination for - - $1.75
I rtiwiwrw j
75c Ladies' Gowns - 49c
$1.25 Ladies' Gowns - - 98c
$2.00 Ladies' Gowns - $1.49
The most beautiful line of gowns ever
shown in the town
$1.25 Skirts
Beautiful White Skirts
at a great sacrifice
98c $2.25 Skirts $1.95
15c Drawers, sizes to 12 at 10c
50c Drawers, Embroidery
Trimmed - - 39c
35c Misses Skirts at - 25c
50c Gowns - - 39c
50c Skirts, Embroidery
Trimmed - - 39c
65c Gowns - - 45c
V ' if
j) I if
I il '7 ,;
ij i u
fl I i.
This is only a small list of prices. I have the store
covered in muslin underwear and you must wsit tne
store to comnrehend the importance of this SPECIAL
It Pays
Trade at
W. T. Lampkin's