The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
((Htfati "Aram
e Ontario Argus
lead in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grrow
The Produce from ,
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
'"' 'I ' i . ' '
NO. 0
Ihot While Being Taken From
The Palace To Prison
Under Guard
Mnlco City. Franclaco L Madero
1 lot Pino Suares were shot and
HI! m a midnight rid under guard
on, die national palace to the penl-
Tho circumstances aurroundlns tha
iKth of the deposed proaldant and
riM president of tha'rapublio are un
kwwa, except as given In official ao
Kind, which do not conforni in all
- The only wltneaaea war thoa
Ktulty concerned In tha killing.
Tha Bfovlilonal president. General
Vhtoriano HuerU. says the killing of
0 io man whs IncldenUl to a fight
MvM0 their guard and a party at-
Miptlng to liberate them.
Two of those aald to have been In
Si party that attacked the automo-
ttli ware killed in the exchange or
Tk minuter of foreign relatione,
fiurlMo de la Harra, adda that the
bontri (tempted to eecape. Neither
aikM a definite statement aa to
tilth ilde fired the fatal ehota. It la
aatlbls that neither knowa. An of
j Belal Invent u. itlon haa been ordered
ud lolemn promlaea have been made
Sit tha guilty will be punlahed.
Not unnaturally a great part of tha
ejbllo regards the official veralona
tlth doubt, having In mind tha ua
hr MBturlea of the notorious "Ley
hH," tha unwritten law which Is In
wktd when the death of a prisoner Is
ImuwI After IU application there
b written "Prisoner abot trying to ee-
WMhlnaton - The killing of Prea
tm I stsdero and Pino Huarea. de
estd preatdent and vice prealdent of
.kaUM, after Provisional President
Mend Huerta had aaaured American
iahueedor Wllaon of the aafety of
Hi priionera from Juat auoh attsoka
smiihI a aerioua Impreaalon In ad
aulttratlon circles here.
When the flint fueling of aurprlae
k4 phc1, It waa realised by off!-
tuli that thla laat tragic event had
tiini grently to the gravity of the
tuition and undoubtedly had placed
u additional strain upon the already
relations between thla govern-
I Mat and that in the Mexican capital.
kill, u Prealdent Tsft himself de
the event In Itself waa not re
al sufficient to demand any
wptrture from the policy of strict
ea-liitirvoiitlon which ao far has gov
rue hli administration.
A bowling team was here Saturday
from Boise and rolled three gamea
with s loosl team, the looala winning
by a good margin. This waa s return
match. The Ontario team did much
better than when st Boles sod the
Bolae team fell down badly, probably
owing to the alleya being strange.
G. F. Bermele waa the high man
with 222, Ontario team average 777,
Boiae 734. At Boise the teems rsugtd
908 for Boiae and 712 for Ontario.
A banquet at the Carter limine Waa
tendered the viaitora.
But No New Developments in Railroad Extension
Plans Definitely Known-Portland Interest Anxious
for Early Completion of Western End of Oregon &
Eastern in Order to Hold Business Supremecy.
Fourteen Uertnnn fnmlllea have
located half aeotiona in the Barren
Vslley end will move on st ones.
They Intend to build storage reesrvulra
and bsndle the seven acollona together.
Tbey are from LoQrand and will
mske a big change In that seel loo.
Secretary Chspmsn reoelved s letter
this week from K. B. Uslley, st St.
Paul, statins that the permanent es
hiblt from thla auction Is attracting
muoh attention and that 110.000 has
been donated to promote the publicity
work for toe esat aad oeotral part of
this stats.
The Portland pspera hsvs hsd much
to any sbout the railroad altnatlon tha
psat week, but nothing definite re
garding the extensions, more tban has
been known for snms time.
The eeotion men are picking np
everything looss around the local
ysrda, loading on cara and hauling
esat. wbloh would Indlcats they arc
getting reedy to turn over the road to
the O. W, B, i N. company st an early
The Portland merebnntaare anxlone
to have the weat end of the Oregon
and Rattern completed before the esst
end to give the Portland people an
opportunity to get the trsds of ths
Csntral Oregon section. If the esst-
ern eod Is complstsd first the trade
will naturally go to Salt Lake. It
ie aafe to aeaome that all preeaure
possible will be sxsrted to beve ths
line from Beod to Burns complstsd
St sn early date.
Burr Wood will mors to Junturs In
a short tlms to take charge of the town
controlled by bla father, Ool. O K.
8. Wood, and others. Tbey expect
the goad to be ready for operating to
.luntnrn by July, st ths Istest. Ths
grading st tbst point indicates tbey
are' going to have extensive ysrda
'Hi- bridge over the Psyette river
Is about completed and tbey have but
one track. The nbutmeuta are wide
enough for two, bnt no move baa been
mads tor two traoks at sithsr spproaoh.
About i0 msn wsrs engsgsd here
Mondsy laying hsavisr steel on soms
of the aide tracks,
alts there, end also of tbs other sites
Ao escareioa was run Sunday from
Welssr to Ox Bow. for tbs benefit of .ko r bom . wth d.U(,hUr
W. S II. Cotton, died at Oofnr.
Oregon, on February 2. He wss horn
in Keg land 84 years ago sod came to
Malheur county 27 years ago. Isaving
bar three yeare ago for Dufur. Ha
served i years aa a soldier dor log the
civil war. Ha left his wife and three
children of the Immediate family,
William Cotton, at Payette. K. T.
Cottoaj at Dufur aad Mrs. J. B.
Ooerlri, of Ontario. Mrs. Cotton will
ths stats engineers of Idsbo. It wss
quits a revelatioo to most of tbsm.
The tunnel Is complstsd snd is ons
quarter of a mile long, while the
natural channel of the river ruoa
around the bow two and a half mllee.
The bottom of the tuuuel ia ten
feet below low water In the river and
with the dam they are bulldlug they
will have a head of SO feet and ths
machinery tbey bavs ready to Install
will develop 30,000 horse power,
Tbs plant Is over belt completed.
Mr. Cotton was ons of those plo
nsers of tbs west who made It possible
for tbs present generstlon to live In
luxury here.
carload of Ford automobile ware
'd by the local agents. Wright
Toenseud a tew dsys ago. The
"'riiiave louger bodies tban tbe
aiodali and a new shape to the
that improves the appearance
mu'-h. The Ford people will
ufactur 200.000 oars this seasou
1 " of the total uumber of cara
'or thi. oountrv. The loosl
" h"Te another oar ordered and
Prospect for a much largsr
" than HHt Jemr
Nstlonsl Memorial to Redman st New
York Hsrbor Entrance
Nsw York. Standing beslda a
I group of Indian ohlefa, In full war i
paint. President Tart dug me ursi
apads full of earth on the top of the
hill at Fort Wsdaworth, at ths en
trance to New York harbor, for a me
morial to tha American Indian, which
will tower 1M fset shove ths highest
Mrs Heisn H. Gardener, publicity l(olnl 0l tM, Motion of tbe Atlantic
chairman for ths Suffragist Inaugurs- co44gt Portland Producs Dealers Pleed Oullty
tlon Parade In Waahlngton. Prealdent Taft's turning of the first Portland. -Fifteen Front street
sawauassssswaaas tod was followed by Chief Hollow J wnoJeairl pleaded guilty of vlolat-
TURKS DELAY ACTION Horn ' on of " 8,0UI leder" l"g ths Shsrmsn anti-trust law before
I In the Custer massscre on ths Little JudM Bean n tne federal court, proin-
Offsnslvs Tactics Absndoned snd ft- Big Horn, digging ths earth with the I ,ged to di-goiT. tne Produce Merchant
The Rsinbow mine, In Mormon
Ussln, In the northern pait of this
county, is turning out one thousand
dollsrs a day in gold bullion. There
aiti many larger mines in tbs world,
but fsw in this state, and as evsry
dollar of thst tboussod represents tbst
mnob wrested from Mother nature,
it is a clssn gsin to tbs bualnsas world.
There ars soms other mines in tbst
distrlot tbst will be turning out a
stream of ths ysllow metal in ths
near future.
On Friday svsning tbs Dreamland
will present reels especially for the
bsnstlt of tbssohool children. There
will be two reels showing rbe Paoama
oansl, ss seen by Presldsot Tatf, when
he recently Inspeoted the work. This
is oonsldsred an eduoetlonal feature
of great Importance to the young peo
ple There will also be a three reel
feature "the Mills of tbsUods,"
which Is alio highly rsoommsndsd for
tbe school children. Tbs tbestrs has
been practically donstsd to tbs school
for that svsning.
Tbs wool msn sre moon Interested
In ths oontemplstsd change in tbe
wool schedule. Tbey figure tbst ths
proposed change will mean a reduc
tion of 3( oents a pound in tbs price
of domeetio wool in tbs grease, bring
ing It down to about 10 cents s pound
Id ordsr to compete with foreign
wools. If tbs msnufsoturers arc
compelled to compete with the foreign
roadu clothe than ths tublic may pos
sibly gat soma bsosflt by the Importa
tions, but tbs pay roll will no doubt
be cut so that tbe manofsotuisrs will
be able to gat tba same protfla.
"J. did v.,1. ..,- -4 ,-i
un gieuuii a eiouiuK
' ' "'. soft, slippery clay and'
juur tody a.-nniiw. u h.,.i.nn..l
""'on? Am ,1 ....... ..-- ...
. mcu nave a wooie
a lod of neonle iri, .. . i
Mvloe about whst you should
lou bae iben you sre in u
"'"on to fun. ...... .L - ..
-j . .uii inn itteiings
P lWsho ere guests st one
"T eoUDtrV last week. The
lor tLe ujeau tbiiiu .nnn.l
MJih,nhere it .as usosjasar , to get
""I sboul ankle deep and in
'tt a. i.. ..... ..
u Tfy ,0 nuit ths sloping!
BtUi hud JUlt , lo5ey
Ak theni about it.
forts Concentrated on Lines
London. The mission to London of
Hakkl Pasha, the Turklah ex-graud
vlslar, thus far hue had no definite re
suit and the position between Turkey
and the Balkan allies remains un
changed. OiiIuspIii hna refused to consent to
the formation of a neutral sone at , Bulgar Aeroplane Hit by Turke' Shall
Ai.if.nnni.. Therefore the consuls Constsntlnople
thigh bone of a buffalo, the ancient a-aoittUou, u, refrain from further
Iudlan excavating Instrument. riolgtlng the law under penalty of a
Ia addressing ths Indians, President hMVr Mntenca, and were fined an
Taft reviewed their history and apoks agf regale of M.f0. on the recommen-
wlth much feeling of the gradual pass- imlion ot Assistant United BUtea At-
lng of ths racs. Hollow Horn Bear
responded to the address.
and foreigners must remain inslds the
An unceneored dispatch from Con-
While aeroplanlng
r Adrlanople a Bul
garian military aeroplane, piloted by
toruey Johns.
New Electric Equipment ut
Running Smoothly and
Prospect Bright
The mill at the Humbolt mine la
tbe Mormon Basin snd all tbs sleotrlo
machinery ie ranuing like clock work.
Tbe ledge toward which tbey arc
cross cutting nse been encountered
snd 125 ore, moetly free gold, has
been struck at Jt hat depth. Tba de
velopment of tbe Humbolt mine start
ed about three yesrs ago. Several
smsll mill rone hsve been msde pro
duclug about $100,000 In gold, but
tbs attsmpt to nperste tbn plant by
steam power proved too great and
burdensome a task, aa wood waa not
only expensive, but difficult to obtain.
During tbsjjytslx months ths msn
agsmsnt bJPfesvotsd slmoat Its entire
nergg to the Installation (,f elsctrlo
power. At tbe ssms time a shsft was
sank another hundred feeU making
tbs total depth of the property 400 feet.
Ths ors tbst Is now being milled
Is stoped from the upper levels As
svsry Isvcl showsd msrked Improve
ment, both la length of ore shoots,
as well as tba Talus of tbe ore. tba
strike of high grade ore In the lowest
level waa not unexpected.
Prsneleee I. Msdsro, deposed Presi
dent of Mexico, who wss shot snd
killed while being tsksn to ths penitentiary.
.. ... .a j -i.,,. ..I. . n,,i.
over tne ronreea oi auo.uuh.. - - t ,.t,ulu,A trnin ,ha i..uin Hee.l c.m
Purchass Alfalfa Seed by ths Ton
Lewlston. The owners ot orchard
tracts In Lewlston Orchards hsvs pur-
i.untf VnnA i..t.nrffi rt ulfalfn aee.1
Usutenant Nikolas, a Ruaalan officer, j --hi.
. ., . .. ."" . " mv ... .- .
stanUnople received here bringa the , was struca ay a i ursixa " - l)elween the trwM j ue1 for hog
interesting news that the Porte has Inslds the lines. Ths officer was , maao pH1ture and fee(, or dalry ttUto vilili
abandoned the idea of making an of a priaoner, but the dispatch did not wUJ by
fenalve or flanking movement and will state whetner ne euuerru ,uJu.7
confine the ODerutiOUS of IU troops ,
to defending the Tchatalja and Bulal
lines, hoping that Ume will operate In
Turkey's favor either by bringing
about complications in Kurope or the
exhaustion of the allies.
Single Term for Governor.
Line oln, Neb.' lie Nebraska house,
by a vote of 10 to 12. passed a bill pro
viding for I con: iiiutlonul amendment
ggaJting Iks gov e. nor of ths stats to
,.... ( .ii . ; four years.
ths orchardlsts, who will combine
dairying, hog and poultry ratalng with
their orchard culture.'a Prison In Charge of Women
Chicago. Members of the Illinois
Woman's Ucuiocratlc league hae
started a movement for the establish
ment In iliiu state of a penltentlurv
for women. The institution, as pro
posed, would be entirely governed by
women, atu' would be separated en
Urely from ' othf tats prisons.
Telephone Probe to I s Two-8idsd
Seattle. ISwewtlgatlnn ot telephone
companies on tl., begun
in this city by a f I grand jury
Wit M C nfer With Cabinet Members under direction of rney-Oeneral j, ij. c. President-elect Wickersham, will be absolutely lmpar
Wllsoiis tc familiarize himself with tlal and will cover the entire coaat. ,
tha atatwa of tha Msxican and the Employes of the Bell system, known
Panama St j1 conditions at a confer aa the IV sraph
mae with soms of Presldsnt Taft's company, will be exsmlned by tr-r 'c
to ; - . .tJ JM ti qu.Kitors jut as freely as oI(bWO of
I . j ike Independent Hues.
Chicago. Middle western states arc
In the grip of a belated winter storm
that is doing vaat damage because of
its unseasonableuess uud the fact that
It waa almost wholly unexpected. Vio
lent aleet atorms are being followed
by high wlnda and billiards which are
snapping telegraph and telephone
wires, blocking elevated and other
roads using the third rail electrical
power and freeslng Interlocking
awltchea, thua blocking ateam traffic.
Pierce blizzards are prevailing In
Minnesota, Wisconsin and portions of
Michigan, Nebraaka Illinois and Iowa.
Northern Indiana alao la a heavy suf
ferer from tbe storm. Over the terri
tories west of tbe Mississippi and
Missouri rivers a heavy storm Is rag
ing, sufficient In some Instances to
block all railway traffic.
Know la failing in Michigan, Illinois,
Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin. Minnesota.
Iowa, Colorado and Canada, and rain
Is reported in New York, Massachu
setts, Florida. Louielana and Alaba-
The Woodmen of tba World will
give a public entertainment March 3
la I. O. O. P. ball. Ontario W. O.
W. bava an exoellent program and
tbe public will enjoy eome well fea
tured atiiuta, A boxlog bout, mouo
loguea, etc. from tbe best will enter
tain At tba olosa ot tbe entertain
ment. W. O. Msnion, district mana
ger, will deliver a ilmrt addrssi on
Thepuly purpose of the meetlog is
to present the facts regsrdlug polloy
valuation and tall you iii explicit
tsrms bow you may know if your
society is meeting the requirements
of tbe Mobile law.
Tbs W. () W. have met every legal
deuiaml and will not raise their rates.
The W. O. W. ssll you a 11.000
oertlllcate worthtl.OOO ami uot a Cer
tificate of i. pi n .,iu, ii.- value veiled
in "expectauoy" whose face value of
11,000 ie not reached until tlm mem
ber Is 70 years old. We charge you
for a 1,000 certificate and iaeue you a
1.000 certificate Vou do not have
to wait uolil you srs 70 years old
tsfors your certltlcete reaches Its full
face value. Our reservefuud is uow
Our iiioio is invested In tbe west.
We bave SI. 500, 000 Invested in Ors-
gou. Our iuvestmeut In Oregou
alone is greater Lb an the total assets
of many fraternal societies. Do nut
listen to Irreep'joslble agitation. Tbe
W. O. W. do not need to raise their
rates. Ws be eg the oash of SH.500,
000 to meet all legal demands. We
have our license to transact busi
ness under the Mobile lew snd do
not isiss our rates, with
"One huudred fourteen thouaeud
in the west, we are leading ull the
Committee ('amp Ml.
Itepeits f rum tbe lambing camps in
dicatc a Urge crop with little toes. . '"l ""
The Oregoiilau of Sunday gave
Mysterious Morse .Uite a write up.
He has been eugsged fur tint N'.itb
. .trio laagaafoi Ihtasaggssu PTkitsy
McBiide wss also mentioned 11m
two Ban vara with lbs Outuro team.