I h DEAD OX FIAT NEWS Nelson Wilber went to Hot Lnke Sunday on business. Percy Little, of Weiser, is ponding a sbort vacation witb Lis fnrciits here. D. B. Stokely has it on good authority that another maiden lady intends to settle here. Mrs. Ira Book is visiting with friends at Weiser. One of the last dances of the season will be given at Mosquito Friday night. Mrs. Alice E. White will re turn shortly to her home in Caldwell. William Yoat, who wm recent ly taken to Ontario, suffering from a severe attack of indiges tion, is now greatly improved. Arthur Price and family, of Valparaiso, Nebraska, are visit ing J. D. Conner. Mrs. J. R. Laagley is with her son at Caldwell for a few days. Charles Darnell purchased a new team last week. One or more members of the Billup family, living west of Bald mountain, are reported ill with smallpox. A dance, well attended and well enjoyed, was given last Fri day night nt the residence of Jesse ,W. Klieufelter. First1 clals jnusic was furnished by ! Kate Harris, Juey Rice and Piok Hawkey. i Mr. and Mrs. August Senk beil and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Book) attended a big masquerade 01 ' Little Willow last Saturday1 night. I 1 Tt seems lo be the prerogative, of the country correspondent to j run a sick list. Following is a partial list of the infirm on, Dead Ox Flat: The Kleinfelter family, the Senkbeil family, the McDonald family, Mra. E. C. Belknap, Mrs. Higby, Jeff Crull. John Taylor, D. B. Stokely. The spring thaw, if it has done nothing else, has made some pretty hard traveling be tween this place and Ontario. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, D. B. Pureed, Plaintiff vs. The Oregon Short Line Railway Com pany, (Oregon Short Line Railroad Company successor in interest) The Idaho and Oregon Land Improvement Company, Jamea W. Virtue, Robert E 8trahom, trustee, and Mary Jane Janney. Defendants. To The Idaho and Oregon Land Im provement Company, Jamea W. Virtue, Robert E. Strahorn, trustee, and Mary Jane Janney, of the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: Vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit by Fri day, the 4th day of April. 1013, or for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded, namely, for a decree forever barring any right or claim which you may have in the following described real property towit: Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 iu Block No, 21, in the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, in the Ontario Argus for six consecu tive weeks, beginning on the 20th day of February, 1913, and ending on the 8rddayof April. 1913. by order of Hon Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge of the above entitled Court Dated February 18th, 1913. C. McGonagill, Attorney for Plaintiff. A Bargain 2.500 fruit trees of the three following varieties: Jonathan. Rome beauty, Wluesup. For further parti oulars phone Mrs. Ooldbaoher. If you want printing of the better class you get it at the Argus office-the price is light. CORN STOVER FOR STEER FEEDING I un mnny or our IMM there In an j aaaeeeesary amount of inbor expended In husking the corn and then feeding I the corn aud etover separately to the I live stock, writes so Ohio farmer in I Natlonnl Stockman. Mm h of this use less iair might be saved. Professor Munifonl of the Illinois station, when feeding steers cloter hay. found shock corn supplemented with ear corn and ollmeal superior to shelled corn nnd oil meal. The result, mibatantlated by common experience, shows that corn need not be husked for the best results In steer feeding, and In somewhat lees measure Dustbane' The Most Qualified B kg sawa sawa As producers of high trad best the Abrdtn Angus breed takes second plsca to no other. Indeed, Judging by the honors won at the International llva stock shows In re cant years, ths Angus Is to ths fore. However, the llerefords. Short horns end Oallowaya sre splendid beef makers, end the admirers of each particular breed and enumer ate points In which their choloe excels, since their Introduction Into this country the daddies have made a great record both In the show ring and on the butcher's blook. The Angus steer shown Is line specimen of this popular breed. this Is true with the dairy cow and with the sheep. Whoever has watched the cattle eagerly searching a bundle of etover for a poaalble ear or iiulilitu which the would lie thrifty farmer has overlooked must he Impressed with the folly of husking the corn for steer feeding. It Is true tust wlw- f1 )a mis way some corn passes through the faille uudlgested, but If the hogs are permitted to follow the. CO; there will be 00 loss. Suppose, for example, you are feed ing two-year-old steers. The feeding may begin Just as soon ss the corn Is rl enough to go Into the shock In other words, after the eurs burden, the busks turn brown and while some leaves still remain green. Do not feed Immature corn, as It will be laxative and cause the cattle to shrink, tin the average about Sept. IB la a good time to begin to feed, and In Ave or alx months two-year-old ateera will be ready for market By feeding In the fall the weather la moat favorable, and when It gets too bad to leave the cattle exposed they msy be confined In yarda or pena and the feeding continued. It is now conceded thst stall feeding Is the least profitable for the ordlusry feeder aud that grinding the corn does not pay, especially when hogs are per mitted to follow the cattle. One bog to each steer la about the right number to consume all the waste corn. At first each steer should have about three pounds of corn and the amount be gradually Increased until he la get ting all he will eat The waste of eto ver may be avoided by feeding some extra husked or sjsejjpsi com. Three pou 1 1. is of bran and one or two iund of ollmeal or cottoiiseed meal will In crease the gains materially and thue will brlug the cattle to an earlier fin lab. In summing up we find that (1) this furnishes a good and effective combina tion of grain and roughage aud lower In price than either fed separately. (8) It can be hauled from the ahock aud scattered on the ground to be plowed at low price for labor. (8) The manure Is scattered lu the field without addl tlonal expense. ( The feeding Is done when the weather Is the most favor able. leertomy ef Sheep. Sheep do not require an expensive building. The essentials of such a building are freedom from dampness snd drafts and a protection from storms In the roughest weather. No other farm animal can ever compete with the aheep. A Hock of mands comparatively little labor. The grind their owu grain, another factor aiding the economy of labor as well as thut of maintenance. They are the best grain grinders we have. The weed seeds consumed by aheep sre never known to grow afterward. This Is not true of other furiu animate. Sheep and fertility. The sheep la Just as efflcleut a ma nure spreader as he is a manure maker On hillsides where coarser animal waste would hardly stick long euougn to do the giouml any good sheep drop plugs take the place of a apeclally pre pared fertiliser. took to the tame twe. Catch the lame ewe and see if she Isn't In the first stages of foot rot. Looks like It from here, though It may be that her hoof only needs trimming. It Coxts Nothing to Try It does away with dust on sweeping day You Want It EVERHART 4th Door S. P O. Notice of Deflnquent Stock Sale Notice is hereby given that at a regu lar meeting of the Board of Directors of the Owyhee Ditch Company, held in Ontario, Oregon, on the 7th day of September, 1912, for purposes of maintenance, an assessment of 5 per cent wss levied on the par value of all Owyhee Ditch Company stock out standing. There is delinquent on above mention ed assessment the following stock: Namr Sharks Amt. American Mortgage Co. I G Armstrong Olive A ins worth R J Barter Geo Coleman Kachael J. Cox J M Duncan Geo A Darr I) T Downs W F Oosne Thos Dixon J Dsfos W L Gibson W II Hoxie R 1. Harris K II liouaiey CCHuot Uv Investors Mwt g R jerry Hurley Co. i J Johnson Mrs M J Jenkins Marlon W Jones Wm Johnson H B Kerr Oscar Klein A M Lackey 0 A Megorden Albert F Moffat Wm McEwen Robert Megorder. N J Minton 1 L Nelson Oregon Mortgage Co. Michael O'Brien K It Overatreet Pennington Bros 8 E Philips H M Plummer A C Palmer tie.. I. Phillips Mrs ri J Peere Geo P Ransom t: K Kees John F Rees W K Reeves F S Rieder H LRoss Mrs Otto Schweiser Pete Stem V B Staples I, C Sutherland D G Sutherland John W Snow Smith D Taylor H PTieUort estate Wm Tremblay R B Thompson Thos Turnbull Title Trust Co I truetee M T W Thomas ,20 A W Ward 7, 30 t 41 5 81 25 40 40 10 16 t 10 80 00 5 5 8 19 1 8, 16 22 41 10 80 13 124 i 10 1U 50 8 -' 66 DO 80 3 10 30 2d 7 30 8i 2 36 17 :m 10 22 C O Wilson John A Ward A E Wade H C Wilson A A Wright 148 I 15 20 816 00 8 50 2 87 2 60 16 50 18 ;.o 2 00 20 INI 6 00 17 50 1 50 6 00 42 60 2 7.1 48 88 15 00 80 60 U 7A 30 00 15 00 HO 00 2 51) 2 4 00 0 60 50 1 75 7 "0 11 25 2 37, 6 00 10 00 6 50 11 25 3 50 n 26 5 00 6 00 60 25 1 60 10 00 27 60 45 00 10 00 1 50 5 00 15 00 13 00 3 50 15 00 1 25 1 21 17 50 H 50 18 00 5 00 11 25 1 25 10 00 8 75 17 50 74 00 4 00 750 10 00 And in accordnace 'with law and an order of the Board of directors of the Owyhee Ditch Company, made on the 4th day of January, 1013, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as necessary to pay aaid assessment snd expense of advertising and cost of sale, will be sold st the office of said Com pany In the Ontario National Bank building in the city of Ontario, County of Malheur. State of Oregon, on the lat day of March, 1013 at 2 o'clock p. m to the higheat bidder for caah. m-' G. L. KING, Secretary. for Saw 1 motor. 8 H. P. -3 pbsse 1.700 K. P. M. No. 2 Krougb centrifugal pump. Pomp sod motor are on one base and have direct shaft, tiaosmls siou. praotlcally new and Just the kind of an outfit for llftiug water for irrigating purposes. This outfit must be sold aud will go at a bargain. Write or Inquire of K. W. Laraou. Ontario, Oregon. For Sale One Peroheou stallion, 2 years past, weight 1600 lis Sound and geutle. A sure f. efr. J. O. Fleming. Outarlo, O ,ou. I Every Boy Wants a Watch! a Sfl&L &(-A We want every pipe and cigarette smoker in thb country to know how good Duke's Mixture is. We want roo to know that eerjr grain In that big one and a half ounce c sack ts pure, clean tobacco a delightful smoke. And row should know. too. that with each sack yea dow get a book of cigarette papers and A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable pres ents, such as watches, toilet articles, silverware, furni ture! and doaens of other articles soluble foi every member of the family - You will surely like Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett 4 Mge Durham, N. C, and the presents cannot fall to please you and yours. A a special offer, during January and February only u0 will nd you our new illuatrated catalog of presents FREE. Just send us your name and address no a postal. Cmfu tn thOti ''" "?Vf mumrfd wi4 Ut horn HORSE iMOI.J.t..TlH5LY,S NATUaAL tSGRAWCtJITWIST, mi Husaa ' wi moHou k pi im cut. imed- 'acAaxTves. cux cica- ES. U jOkf tgi mm iwW r " rrsiyss Uept. IAaj J at JVssatyf afl F KX v Teneae-rjl7rI SaSMteuai''WAJt 'JLK VJBaW mmmmAl ur, uunui cmW.PICK I MONT OCAKEI fcETTES. W lirrrf r ' Presniiu rcjsfjee ST. LOUIS. MO. rjKilW.VMZWAW 1 8 I I Butter Wrappers Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of A 10 US OfalCC Butter Wrappers to the - 6 MO v SSSa taJt afl '8 81 BMl xv bbbv salaWvAsal aVMleS&jV Www . I Pronounce Taylor & Willii Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE In quantities from OneRllonup. and many othsr Good brands, by L- B. TETER. Wholesaler, ONTARIO. .)HEOON Phone 131 Farm Loans On Improved Property At cu.ic.d letes. Any amount For straight term er with In stallment privilege. Thomas W. Clagett Ontario - - Oregon ONTARIO LAUNDRY Leave Bundles at Any Hotel or Barber Shop Prompt "Attention Given All Order. Administrator's Notice in the County Court of the Ststt of Oregoo. for Malhsor County. lu the niettcr of the estate of l)ld S. Lamms, deceased, Notiue is bersby givso tbst tM undsrsianeil baa been appoluted by the County Court of the Btate of Or gon, for Malheur Couuty, administra tor of the estate of David S. Lsiosm. deceased, with will annexed. All persons having claims against raid estate are bsreby required to pros the same to the undersigned wits proper vsritloatiou aa by law requ irsd, at my office id Ontario. Oregoo. with in six mouths from the d ste hereof. Dated this 10th day of January. 1013. O MoOonagill. Administrator with will annexed, of the estate of Dsvld S. Lamae. deceased. Always on the Job If von hsvs a iob of bsuliug yef wsnt done, large or smsll, you SW U. rlenand on John IsniiiugMsl bet uk ready for you. Call him it Moore Hotel- UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ClU'ROt Rev. Rob't J. Davldeou DU fw tor. Services at 1 1 :00 a n aud 7 M u.i.1.11, ...imni at 10:00 a. a Ul Km-v . w- CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass at 8 A II on 1st and rd SosdJ of each month. On all other SunoayJ at 10 A 11. B- H. A. Campo. " fongregdtkJMl Church Notice Sunday Bar v toes, Sunday School 10 a m Preaching Services 11 a ni 0 E Meetiug 7pm Mr.e.ihiuir Services M p m Midweek Lectures every Wednossf j evsnlng 8 o'olook ADVENTIST. Every Saturday Babbatb Sohool 10:30 a m niki. ut..H. 1 1 :30 a m v. ...., mr nlu mnetiua 1 :30 p ivuua i"i" Philip Koeuig, PM Methodists. Sunday School 10 A M Preaching Servioe U M Junior League -3 P M Epworlh League 6:30 P S ..o i -73:0 rH rreaoniug oc... - 'l'h,mu JohUi. PTV .j . ko AruuO ofB eeuts per buudieu. -' oeed to Hue your oabiu "d " under the oarpst.