The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 13, 1913, Image 7

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Articles and Illustrations must not
. r,prlnll without special pvrnila-
ilon )
ToiirW hi CblM "'' wonder nt th
. niiinl'iT unci perfection nt the
rbl'-'kri's. They tuny not know tlmt the
Brnlinu Boddbloti ami toUOWOTI of
gtii)viif fO 'I ,IM'' '.eo-tsoe bellcvo
q.Si fowls 111 HvlMK. movliiK temples
i.. .1.....I1 flu. uoil'ltu of tliolr nn.
wliurcwi u - -I
whom 'hoy worship
for poultry nrid
They ilo not Ml
fcniti:p! for duck.
j ,, I,. i they swallow their iinciw
I bone spirits me to he
wnM I" hi'-1 "" ""' wiiikm or mo
pjn.irr- I" "I '' !l ,M"V reside.
Of Hip "-1 i i . ('IiIiim'h chief chick
w our tiiinl;'rd NCOgnMi the Muff.
PirtrMtfc HI. i' k and White. The
fboto by C, M HiirriltB.
wuira umiiin OO0S.
VUtf. like the otherN. In really a fan
rati fowl. To uit trim t'oihtn shape,
color riuI fi-Mt luMiiiK In nil art
t:.i Iiiivu food utility i "hit, hut
(U't keep up t. the fllMt. IICW breeds
fulhe fowl., like LtffkOfM. Their
NSt lite mentis hIuw iniiturlly, alow
otraiiMit '1'liclr profii-c feathering
Maiit treat feather growth uud mod
MllrrtK oillput.
Ami White Cochin In much Ilk a
M. fluff! KlloM ball.
Thli mtiwdlty la made by tbe eicee
it, MMt downy undertluff. which, In
tpj bred, in three fourtha of the en
0r pluiimKe: the neck, back, middle,
t... breiut. uuderboily, fluff, wings,
WMobyC M lUrnlta.
" feiU'erlu,;, nil of a ahape to make
Ui. ,,f uMutlfol curvea, massive
rtllta ikooM HAn to aklu and
boa itraw color and ticking.
"I Boof helpa uiiicb to
Whites in cidor condition and the
' In OrdOf. Their eyes, face.
. watti.s limi Nr olM.8 BUOUia m
T'MDks and tOM
au irufiu..iv
rich yellow, the
i ivorod with feath
and outer tOM completely
,, , emlt, Tlie (,K.i,i iM ehI)e.
W.T the
l'"ie-si,,inii uiiin's favorite.
llWHi'l . . - ..
i,. "on 'lociora in purlieu-
jrtni I ontle birds.
"H.'H!. tTA , UU) WEI(JMT8
C , 1kj- i-oundi.
" ' I'ullut ... T
to 'ct rich. Short
noatly atealth, and
dicks so allck is
ii work drive you. A
of yoof work and you
lot to shirk. Kurly to
to rtaO will mak you
h and wts
m '' 'he Ha ks tie exposed to fall
Hi: ui u' ,n"k' lu BOt) often means
Ik't lei . , . . .
(ttij,, "T Reason pass without
r.4"" and
f lut l,..tU.
"O't . - ,
r. nat. . . . .
- . ,i.. imckwheat.
kU, "71 ttlere Is much hull about
Allow for
"' Handy for soaking and grt-d-
A lira in on Nome I tgliui :a.
When, on the tWant) i r i.
fui i mi.', m bl .i ' i tjn ,i i . horn chirks
From in , He iiiow hltt . m but nt.
A I "Iv hiii In n Chill h pi
W ith i, stunning Lschorn imnnNt.
1 i snvlous;
I lie mi II Wi I e Stuck Upon It.
"a iiiiy dollar hat I . ,, ,, i,,i,
"i Hi. v. hat ii nil leii dal
If I should liny a hat Ilka that
My husband would to grasyl"
Bui now mmi palii "wimt has thai hen
i .' do with tha Leghorn hat?
And uin.i hnv the nttean Lacaorn chioks
In ilo with n hiii Ilk,, thai-;
Win, Mile, that laily fnl Uaasa , hlrks.
Ami liny I.. i ino ureal Inyen.
She nooii hml inniiev for a liiit,
Kor I etilioi hh are areat piiycrs.
You wlNh n NtuntilnR Lrahnrn h.-it
That will the male folks di7n
Ami llrk the women all around
Into a sickly fra.zle?
Will, now, don't nh your huNbnd'a pants
Nor run him Into debt
Nor linva a bloody family flKht
That LOgkon hut to net.
JiiNt ralNo n Mock of l.erii,,r (,cna
Ami then heholil (he fin,
TfcOM liena Will tto rlitht on lh , ....
And gulck they'll lay you nne
The early hIiou dlrd COtdM the blue
rllilion at the e.irl.i show, i peclnlly
nnionu' breeds that bora big boa .mil
boilles to builil ami touch fcatheiiiiK
to (IiiInIi.
I.echorn Ntyle blnlM in nil rltht
Inter, but llrahiuas, Oochlno, OrplliK
tons. Itocks. DottM ami Hi,, like intiHt
he out In .liiiirluy or I'ebiunry to win
the cup ut rail shows uiul nnmt be
hiinilleil enrerully to thrive It Id
A lilt, hot blooded hen Klmuld be no
Iciled for halclilliK, na most hIiow
hli'.N are hsCObnti'il by helix, and nine
ttP are enouirh for lur to cover In
winter. 8he slnuilil have n comforta
ble ncHt for winter hatihlnt:, for nny
ilainpiieHN or drafts nt auch a time,
when she nits no cIonp, mean eolda and
Instinct teachcH her to Ntlck chme to
the ncNt In cold weather, so keep n pan
of whole corn, water anil trlt chme by
nnd keep her free from lice by fre
quent dilstlui;
Some Net hens nt such a time In 0
warm cellar or heated brooder house
We have raised line birds In this
way. but Invariably a number of the
broodies molted out their winter featll
era on nccxiunt of the warmth, and both
helm and 'hlrks could not for some
lime be returned to cooler ipiartiTN
without rlNk Of takliiu colds iiiiIcsn the
heat wiih urailuully cut dOWl or out
side conditions moderated.
These show chicks should run on
earth nnd be fed on n diet iin near na
ture as possible. Mi'i'l cut outuieal In
a jtoinI starter; then good chick feisl
without much yellow corn, lettuce,
sprouted oiiIn. raw meat, urlt, fresh
water and larcer grain as they grow
older Kxerclse In essetitlal. and they
should be turned out on nin iin aooti as
the weather penults Hiinnlng on
boards meaiia crippled rhloka, too
inii'li meat means overalzeil comba
ami tisi miicb ellow corn makes white
birds creamy
Make the pheasant runs aa natural
na possible. Place aomu spruce and
fir around sides and In the corners.
The timid birds will hide behind them
tor pintistlon from the wind, ami the I
vulnar gaae und nest there In Ual
A rot and simt dealer In I'hiladel
phla, who wiin recent I. nrreNted for
wdlluc-i 'Hen aggs for fisiil purpiises. j
mtoBod fortnalilch.iili' I aal
gal lliild. to dii'tor the putrid piiMluct
Plucking live geeao In now unlawful i
In Kiuhiiid. a London .oiii't K eiilly
(mpOatsaJ heavy tines for the pun tin'
Plucking fat Keene Is still a favorite
puHilme of the HNJsVl frnlernlty.
A subject discussed nt the last Held
n i at the foiinectlcut Aniicultural j
college was "Why Poultr.i nieii Should i
('row Their Own drain aim M"v u
;row it." The poultry"'"11 wh" s,-,s
his flock and their feed grow side by
side need not worry bow prices slide.
If you have a poor tH yield and ymir
henhouHe is Infested with red mites
the hitter la explanation of the former.
i:teriuiliate the miles und watch the
CfJ yield IhhiIii.
Koreans din lure If a man finds an
ajaj luld by a nsjster he will be for
tunate tTOf after, while the Jewa In
.Icnisaleiu believe fortune will come to
the housewife if the brood of chickens
are all roosters.
The Joke Is on some fellows who en
tered the North American egg laying
competition. They have leeii adver
tising their blrilH as phenomenal lay
ers, and the prlOtod records of the con
test show their hena way down In egg
Fattening crates should occasionally
be well dlslnfctcd Hot lime wash
tfoafl with crude carbolic acid Is best
mixture. For a quick, tborooga K
It slioiild be applied with a 000)01
air spfayer.
Of 212 pltreona relensed at Peters
buiv. Va.. f..r a 'Jmi mile race to York,
Pa., only fifteen rcuhel h I ' They
were all young birds. Weakness or In
experience may account for their pfr
HOC lost Persons who find stray rac
ing Homers should their tes
band number.
When some persons can't set egga
they at once blame It on the breed
and at once decide to make a better
layer by tTOOfisa some other breed
with It ami the first bretal may al
ready have blood from the otter lo It
makeup. This Is what make ao many
worth leaa mongrel flocka.
Has made arrangements
and is giving to its
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