The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 13, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
(ihtfctti 3r0B.
Ontario Arjrus
The Produce from
15,000.000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
5 and Circula
Watch uh grow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 7
i Ai....t and Wntrh
Sum oi !"
jaken-.Robbery Thought
Tobe Motive for Murder
Th.,arODer and sheriff Ml notlfl
LjjnoT -f tM rinding nf R Mf
ri jtti VmI it-y and i owner myst
Ljrt Drown went out on the wrrk
tnio from Vile.
Thff fc.miil the body of I'll nU Toll
Lbont 200 TiirHi shove the rallrond.
as . iitilnilnn on IM MM aad three
Lift Met In 'I"" ,,,v- The shots
A hftn llred win l the man was down
lit blankets over him were nowdcr
LDi iiu watch and money had
taken, hut I 'unit check waa
aipaSM allowing that he had
almonry to Italy A hospital re
liyt atiowod he had paid the first
k ,,! thfl Bonth mid the time check
aiirl he had t 1 1 work only I few
LajtrlMa '" ni" 'i''""'-
lhe Imdy wss brought to Vale t
Ibcld wbileitn liivertlgilion It being
It. Parma Mini club will hold a
tiiann'iit February -'- and It will
llhrtlr.t ev.nt of the kind fur the
, ,. lii if ill he eight eienls
4nnryiil knidlse added aa
LllMnlfrtfl for all of them.
a. A. Hatea la the preaident uf the
lab, J J. I'lowhead. vice president,
B.Riiin, ttcretary ami I''. K. Pink,
Wr wPvP 11
r ft N4kW iy ' j4yBai BaWlvV&ak-
Senate Well Up with Work But the
Lower House is Congested
Tbr suuusl I ill for the beuettt of
litrnrj, was given Tuesday evening
iWbslluf thenew Wilson building.
mtiir Hit NayfttM uf tha Woman's
Tbe hall was deoorateil In the
colon and a smoking and card
bad bean comfortably arranged
the beoftil of thoae wb did out
to daoos.
program began with tbe mud
M by Mih. H. . Whitney and
Ku.i., ii , purtioliwtted in by
Kttuiy roiipl-a. The heat of muaic
lurtiutied by Judd'a orchestra and
I'uUnt supper wet served in trie
"He bauuuet hall by the lad lea of
Uaietory association.
"''J""" expressed themselves .ia
iiftUl with the party and socially
! U Muauoially the library ball
"wiii a success.
10 mil. by AmailCMu I'raaa Association
Fola La Foletta, daughter of tha
Wlaconaln Senator, who aided the gar
ment workera In their atrike In New
Wednesday Night and Much
Husint'ss Disposed of
Traders Day March 15
There waa a meeting nf the t'uni
mercisl club Wednesday evening that
waa tbe heat attended of any held this
.Murcb II wua eel for Tradera dny
and all ure to bun. I fur it from now
In 'int' .
The aeveral commit teca out made
their r puit" and the Indication are
fur aeveral iiiirtiiul luiprovemeiila
over preac ' coudltioue.
Tbe datu of tbe iiutiual meeting waa
cbaugod to tbe second Wedneaday in
Tbe oawly elected ottbvrs Jaud di
rectors ara ua followa: W. II.
O&otlttlc. preaideut: II. C Buyer,
vice preaident; J. I Hluckaby. A. W.
Trow, A. L. Cockrum, U. M. Tatutui',
Ray Wllaoo. K. (X Vau Fetlao uud
I mi. a Radar, directors.
. N. .-Cttptaln Robert V.
mo hit party were overwhelm
' ullril on their return Jour
,rm the souib l'ole, Tha anUre
"total number of deaths Involved
"'amity la not exactly known,
" f ''eved 06 aclentists and safl-
'M their II.
J""1 Ua party reached the
wmt whore Itoald Amundsen
l6 . ru'Aolan flatm at Ka
ww rbej found there tbe hut
,. ttJ u"t Mi behind by Amund-
flPfa . .- . -.-
.. cic recorueu lu ma
Ct fOUIlJ on thn Kruliaa nf tha
" they were recovered.
BaIba C-i ...
" nr uuiity.
Vm dnluaot Boise State bank.
Mad on the charge of falsi-
2 sports of the condiUon of
" to ,h sute bank commla-
w found guilty by tbe Jury.
")ne. cashier ,f tha kimW I
E" tbe saroe charge, wan acqultr
There will bs three auto statfe lines
eUblisbed out of Ontario by tbe
Setfuiue Auto company soon as the
roads will permit. Ooe will be to
Prultlud, another to Payette and tbe
tbitd to Vale, prepared to handle pas
seuiters and freight An auto truck
will be placed ou the street hare for
quick delivery.
Flood of Measures Appeared Last Day
For Introducing Bills Appropria
tions Aaked Reach Huge Total
Compensation and Board of Control
Bills Pass House Oovernor Signs
Widow's Pension Bill.
Salem. The clone of the fourth
week of the leglslutfve kchhIoh found
the retiate . II up i:h It work, only
a few incuKiircH beln left over for a
third rendiiiK and final paaanKe.
The altiintion waa quite different In
the houte. That branch of the iiHucm
hly ia to badly oJogKcd that the tusk
of clearliiK the calendar before the
close of the 40 day period will be a
prodigious undertaking.
The trouble fn tbe house Is that they
have been Indulging In too much ora
tory lately. Unless the talk la cut out
the result will be great confusion dur
ing the closing hours of the aeaslon.
the ii nth of many good measure und
hasty action on others
The Job for the house Ih nspnetnlly
dletrcHtlng. for In that lody Ml bill
hate been presented, utul tin i'IIHIi'
Iiiih already sent over S4 IiIIIh. .i i"t I
of nearly 700 for that wing of the
legislature to act upon l'p to the
present time the house hns passed :
of Its 601 bills over to the taaatn,
and baa killed off or withdrawn nearly
that many more.
925 Bill Propoaed.
The last day for Introduction of bills
brought forth an avalanche In both
the senate and the house that nearly
swamped the clerks. With adjourn
mem 3X5 bills had been Introduced In
the aenate ao far thla session und an
even 600 In the houae, or a total of
92& bill) for the sesalon. Thla la Just
100 more bills than were Introduced
two years ago.
Several Important Meaaures Paaasd.
Among the important measures pas
sing the houae were the workmen's
compensation act and the board of
control bill. Both branches passed
the widow's pension bill und the Mult
nomah school teachers' measure. The
home rule amendment waa defeated
In the houae. The senate passed the
minimum wage bill for women mud
minors, the measure placing all chari
table Institutions uuder state super
vision, the bill amending the direct
primary and the railroad headlight
meaaure. No large appropriation bills
have passed either house. The outlook
(or the paasage of good roada legisla
tion next week la excellent.
Legislature Aaked to Give $8,287,819
Appropriations already asked from
the Oregon legislature, and now under
consideration by the Joint waya and
means commltteea of the houae and
aenate, have reached the huge total
of 18, 287,819.07.
By the time all requests for state
money are In, tbe total may reach
$9,000,000. This will be a record
breaker for requests, but there Is no
reuson to beleve that when the smoke
mis Mown nwny ntul the flnnl talc
has bei i, tohi that thi.s will be n much
more expensive legislature than the
one two .tears ngo, when the appro
priations totaled $, 760,000.
Compensation Bill Passes House
Tbe Lawrence employes' compensa
tion bill Passed the house, after a bat
tle on the floor of 2Vs hours, with only
Muriuine ;incl Cpion toting against the
measure, uml Campbell, I.ofgren anil
Hagood absent.
May Oust Officiala For 90 Daya.
Only four votes were mustered
agalnM the substitute bill by the sen
ate Judiciary committee giving power
to supplant district attorneys, sheriffs
and constables, and the substitute
measure passed the senate.
The drastic provisions of the ori
ginal hill, which allowed the governor
summarily to supplant such officials,
were materially softened In the new
bill. I'nder the new bill officials may
b supplanted for periods of 90 days,
hut only after lliet hate been git en a
hearing In umrl and the circuit Judge
doclili's that in h officer has not been
faithfully executing the criminal laws
of the state.
Widows' Pension Bill Is Signed.
With no member but Dlinlck voting
In the negative, tbe widow's pension
measure, introduced by the committee
on health and public morals by re
quest of the Oregon congress of mo
thers, passed the senate, and on being
carolled, wua sent to the governor,
who sigued the bill
Primary Amendment Paassa.
Seven senutors went against the
Smith bill to amend the presidential
pr : rence primary law, but the bl!l
pussed In the senate.
I'uder the presidential preference
law, ua pushed by the people lu ltflu,
an elector can vote for but one candl
date for delegate to u uutlotiul con
vention or candidate for pre.idf nilui
The Smith bill contemplate amend
ing thla by ulvidlng an equal number
of delegatea In each of the congrea
atonul dlsttlcU and the balance at
large. Thua each elector can vote
for the number of caudldatea from his
district and for the candidates from
tbe sute.
Teachers Win Bill
Over 200 school teachers fronj Port
land Invudlng Salem on a special train
and standing at the back of the mem
bers of the state senate when they
voted on Applegren's bill providing
what la practically civil service for
tin' teachers of counties of more than
20.000 population brought au unani
mous vote In favor of the bill, which
bad already paased the house.
Rsfuse to Submit Home Rule.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
senate had sanctioned the auhmlaalon
to the people In 1914 of tbe so-called
' ruU Mmendiuant-oaeH bvtha
Continued on page 8
j PS
.'MlsllsPf,e lPV
General Felix Diaz, who was reteasv
ed from prison by his supporters and
lead a successful revolt against Ma
dero In Mexico City.
Felix Diaz Released from Pris
on Leads Revolt Ousting
Mexico City. Max. The nrmy rose
,n nvolt Sunday in Mexico City, took
possession of the public buih lines, shot
! down federal adherents In the streets,
i released (lenerul Kellx Diaz, leader of
! the Vera Crus revolt, and (leneral
llernardo Heyea, from prison, and, fall-
lug into lino under the Dlas banner,
virtually captured the Mexican capital.
It le belb ted that not fewer than
250 persona were killed In the lighting.
Among the number waa tlenoral Hum
ardo Heyea.
The mutinous troops were led by
students of the military school at 'rial
patn, I suburb. They marched to the
prison to which (ienerul Felix Dim
had been transferred for safe keeping
und released him. Generul Uernardo
Reyea also was freed from Santiago
militury prison, there being no realat
anee In either quarter.
Francisco Madero, preaident of the
republic, led the loyal troops for a
time. I.uter. with membera of la Cab
inet, he took refuge In the national
palace, where they were besieged.
It waa reported that Preaideut Ma
dero and his family had fled from the
capltol toward the eastern coaaL
Armor Lodge, Kulgbta of I'ythiua,
will ii.t- rt.iin tbe grand lodge otftocrs
on Wednesday evening, February. -
Amoug thuee expected are. I. ii. (Jwiuu
graud chancellor, o f Pendleton, and
M. F. Duvia, supreme repreaeutative.
J. W. M.,l..i.ey (j. M. of Ex.. L. R.
Ktluaon, U. K of K and K.
w I S-Ml-! Lr - -SSI r lb
Ei - ----------------------------------------------HrVl------------r iSiV I (ft nCa-alllVapy S ' JF X-r'.-sf
a pjaafc - f-HBRillis 3Pfflfc
JP9 pr -HHBa
1.1 wr iH! r r il r
2-k-ft ... O it
3 fiL f 11 P"l - I J
?SBKilr r MsrM& JSv". 'fv- '"'m'. ' ' ' '
w lv:avo v . . : . i . . Wtortf , ,jw -zs
I Hr i "! m m 1 f ' -- M --
Expect to Increase Capacity
of Plant This Year and
Add New Features
In our search for news this week
we stumbled DOtO a large businese
hii.I we believe there is hardly a scoro
of people here who hate any idea of
its magnitude, simply because It hue
never teen advert itcd.
lu the western part of tbe city la
located the ,-ieguinc Auto company,
the agents lu thla section for the
llulck auto. This conieru bus some
-1 o, miii invested lu a plant and stock
tor all kinds nf auto repairs, so that
they can practically rebuild h car
from the many extraa that they carry
and the complete equipment for the
making of i nils
In addition to tbia Hue they have
ahaftlug, belting, pullers, a large
assortment of machinists Hue tools
ami other supplies. 'This concern ia
now arranging to use the ii-rond story
of the building for body building,
painting, varnishing, slip covers and
auoh work.
In addition to a stock of fl.r00
worth of tires and all llulck parts,
they aim curry extras for the Oak land
and K. M. F. ears. This yesi they
figure on selling at least buty Uiiiks)lt)
this llld aud Ite estimate Is conserva
tive in view ot then Ion ing done a
94U,O0O business laat season.
If yuu are intereated in autoa or
machinery go in and look over the
plaut and we believe you will be aa
much aiirprised at Its magnitude an
we were.
The Koeary ia to be produced at tbe
Wheaton theatre in Weiser, on Tkura
day evening aod the manager of
the theatre ba arranged for au excur
sion traiu to inn from Ontario with a
fare of 70 ceute for tbe round trip.
Tbe Wbeaton la under near manage
ment aud they buve aome strong plays
booked for the next few week The
Itosary ia strongly endorsed by the
clergy aa well as leyiueu, for tbe
wholesome lesaous might.
Kdwaid Hose, tbe author, also wrote
the Prlsouer of .eudu, Alice of
Old Vluceunes, Tbe Hpeuders, David
llariim. Kbeu llolden ami many other
successes, probably more than any
other i duyi ight in tbe world. Tbe
soenlo and electric elfeots lu tbe
Koeary are novel aud tbe stage sittings
and costumes 11 1 coauparislon.
WllllAKJ -aTTU.'NKJl A C
Lj, 'ILUIMi'i UlV.alMJ -
rivViYrrFi i t l taj moni
'" w , - - - .- .- . kiL4 . Unur iu.v i uU f nf tt Voiiuir Turk. duiinK a rtot
-. Nm. i Faana, geneiu ileum or tne luraian "., atawa " -. .. . . ---
NeWt Snapb0U tbt ltmtt of ( on.taotlnople. The United State crulaer WbeeUng sailed for Vera Cru. to protect American ritlzens from
M .a. 1T i. Sn vagee o tbe Me lean rebel WillUm Bockefelksr waa noUfled that be would nave to appear before the Pujo money
Of the Weel MMPM SSmmm m -pits of the .Utetment of hU pbyridan that It would I na.ten Mi jleai th MtWM Ml.
- T sm?V5 took ob) at Tarrrtown N X. Tbomaa W Lamont of the Ann of J P. Morgan Oo. teUtted before Um Pu)o
lZ"wlrryi S mSStum Una, atand b, tbe boo, commute, o. Indian afaln.
Some of the farmers li..ui the Ftuit
land lieiii'b were in Ontario Tinsday
and reported taut right of wuy ineu
w.-re uioiiiid buying up right of way
lor a railroad mm the l'ayette Valley
road to the Short Line, connecting
with tbe latlii a abort diatuuee south
of Ontario. This ooullruis the report
tliat have Ihhii circulallug around of
tbe intention of tbe Sboi I Line oltlcl
ala to join the Idaho Northern with
the maiu line at the junction south
jof Ontario, giving tin m a through
water grade route tor the liuu tier aud
oth-r freight bundled aud i iitllug
out be heavy grades betwueu Kinmett
aud Nam pa.
This is but another link iu the
proposition to neutralize I'.e lines at