The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 06, 1913, Image 7

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Ifc Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
IgOvrBank Your Hunk ? If not, we cordially
invite you to innkn our hank your hank. W
have tho usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault,
Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employees, and do
business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- .;.
Kor the heal bread and pastry in
town go to the Ontario Bakery.
For Halo One span mnren. one
flHu gi Wings. 2 saddle bone g r 1 1 -.
for women or children. Call hi the
Mil It ii' in id in in-
Capital and .Surplus. $80,000
g p, ., (Vnt Net on Time CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT
J. H. COOK, Manager.
Capital Stock 50,000.
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
Uet the Argus, onlv 11.00
..- 1
Local Market Report.
Corrected Fob. I, for the benefit
of Argus readers by the Malheur Mer
cantile Company.
Eggs, per dozen. 30o.
Mutter, per pound, 30o.
Oats, per hundred, $1.50.
Wheat, per hundred, il.CO.
Hay, per ton, 90.
Potatoes, per hundred, $1.(10.
On Inne, per hundred, $2.00.
Apple, per box, $1.00. to $1.6.,
Chickens, dressed, per pound, Is,
Pork, dressed, ! to lOo.
Pork, live, B?4 to 0
Veal, 0 to 10c,
llecf. llo to llr.
Important Occurrences of the
Past Week From Cities in
Our State.
Bicycle Repairing
a Specialty
All Kinds of Tool Sharpening
mid (rinding, Saw Filing,
Boiotori Grinding. Skate
Mini LftWn Mown Sluiip.'n
ing a Sjiccialty.
Next Door to Liltnin
Last Chapter In Boise Contempt Case
Boise. The final chapter In ths
famous newspaper contempt case of
this city, In which the supreme court
of Idaho was accuser, Judge and jury
In the trinl of Itlchard Story Sheridan,
C. O. Uroxon and A. R. Cru.en, owners
of the Capital News, who were cited
for contempt, wan closed when the
newspaper ineu paid their flnea of
$500 each assessed by the court. The
fines wore raised through popular
penny donntlons received from every
state In the union and many parts of
Ilnd It not liriMi for the fear thnt
Hi" court would not occept the sum
In pennies as legal tender, the copper
would have been placed In the ennr''-
hands. Instead, they were hauled to
a legal bank mi drii) hihI there de
posited. Cheeks wero drawn on the
fund b) in' ill HMi'lantH in pay in.
fines. Hie new simper men saving the
court ami BttaOttOS the einhurrusaineut
ni i1, pan files
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
j Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
ana implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices,
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
H. M. HORTON, Sec.
Burns, Oregon
Brown & Taylor, Agents, Ontario, Oregon.
Empire Lumbar Company, Limited
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal.
The Most Complete Line of Buildiug Material in OuUrio.
Celllo Celebration Urged for 1015.
LewlstOtt. The compl'-tlt n of the
CHilii eamil. openine. the '
Snake wnii iw, iv to free navigation
nt II ..I- thnt iln
i -..I.. I It. throws open, In to be cele
brated here in i.i.".. .in. I efforts are
now lienor in. n. in have the liorihwcii
Jinn M ilh lil.iho In IIiIh ohacrv
I bt 1 -i.i Lit legislature Iiiih .i
hill befiiii. it ror i in appropriation of
1$,000 to finance the exposition itnl
eel. hr.ition. wlille Oregon nnd Wash
i law tanker have em h been ask-
I If :m I'pt IDf .ilimi ni H$$ In
I iL Hi. Mil ll in thf in, mix of
Id presents! I ve It. N. Htaiifleld. of
I unit 11 Im cnunu. while Hcpiosonlnlh o
Max M. Neumann, of Spokane, has an
.iiiriiniiilloii hUl nii.lcr his chn;
OlxinpM Theft hi 1 1 all provide I. ii
' tlH'lll llf I'llllltlllMMlolllTH to
manage the expenditure for their
re ,n ctlvs I '
Warm Weather Encouraqea Loggers;
Market la Steadier.
Portland. With the disappearance
of the nun In the timber, logging
camps in the Columbia river district
are gradually resuming operations af
ter a shut down of more than a month.
This will be welcome news to some
mlilmen who in the past month have
run short on logs as a result of the
Rood demand ur the sawed product.
Seme mills, it is stated, will have to
I .'own lor several weeks, unless
the logging camps come to their res
cue shortly.
The situation looks good to the log
gers for the iiiinkct Is steadier than
at any time dm nig the past two years
and prices are better, too. For the
l " i i in1 ruling basis of quotation
Is ST, 111) mid tit, but it Is considered
eo lhte iii. ii l eill be hMed to this
1 I mi I bfuar) 14 when the dollar
ni Mites Into effect
i I. I to, .'vi'f. opinions
.. on this petal union
Water for Irrigation Is Assured.
i- mere snow III 'lie
noiintslns of eastern OrefJN tit the
'l tune iliiiu for years
ntiii Indloatlom are that the
OOmlng I slimmer will see
rate gvailnhto for hrrlgai
ami plai'i r llntal limn there has hern
for ssrsral years. The deepest snow
ii'i'tirii il iroin any of the
Inn i-i twelve feet nt ''a
i re in ih. Sumpicr district, about
7f feel above sen level. At Hump
! i Ih-! luc feet on the level, lit
. ihorn an. i Dourue nine feet, sud
' i he same depi i at I !w oucopla,
iu lite northeast etui of the county.
Division Bills in Legislature May Be
noise. Thai he i SBBe ei hi the
creation of in M counties in Ibis state.
aieepl In such BSsei whore (he pen
pie have been given an opportunity
to express themselves. Governor
Haines has tn;ne known to Ihe Idiho
Ihe official nnno'ineeitieut of the
Igoiernor spell.- doom for the Ada,
I Canyon, Homier and Fremont county
division bills Introduced or to be In
troduced, It is believed in legislative
I circle.
liovernor Haines made Ins decision
known in a message to the house
. In It he announced he had attached
his signal urn to the division bills ere
lining Minidoka and Lincoln counties
, lie assigns his remains for being op
i posed to the creation of new countlee
I because of the Increase of tuxes that
will follow.
The Oversmlth bill giving county
I mutual fire insurance cmnpajile pow
! er to in.iiiit.iiii a fund from which to
I pay losses rather than to levy assess
1 tii-nis with which to pay them, was
The senate indefinitely postponed
the house joint resolution culling for
junketing Mpg of members represent
lug Joint committees of both houaee
to visit sute institutions both north
and south A home rule local option
bill providing for precinct local op
tion, wait i nt rod hi eil lu the senate by
Senator MacBeth. of Cueter county.
Farmers Resent Monopoly.
listen, Wat nil n cnllng the
, ippaiBBl apt i ii egg
in pol) v i in" 10 he plan
Bin i . ; holdup of the
grain grower ot the BOftlureet for
the continn sumuier. local farmers
through i ne count) salon of the rum
ers Coop.i.iii.i .mil I. In
lou are plan. i.i.r. to ask mil Irotu the
lev Mature and from iln national con
i;i. If necess
At lllls Iiiih ilie grunt Ii.ik lirnki Is
are nskllik I I i .'til n for hags fnr lite
Marriae Bill Urged.
If tbs legislature phase the marn
age meaaure now pending In the
house, a physician's certificate will he
necessary before s license may be oh
Uined. Tbs proposed saessurs wss Introduc
ed In the house at the request of the
Federetlsa of Wssssa's Cluhs ta this
MsrrlsBS hstwesa first eouslas la
prohibited, ss ars alllaaees betwssa
white persons and uegroes, muluttoss
or Mongolians
Ths Mil provides that whsrs elites
sriaclpsl has been divorced In tala
state sad (hereafter within S mouth
lesvss this state sad is taarrlss la aa
Sther eute ssd rsturns to Idaho with
la a period if sli months of ths sxsr
riage in ar other state, such s mer
rises is aull sad void aatf will net be
recognised in Idahs.
Halgbt's local option MIL ths prted
pal feature of which is the reejulre
ment thst common carriers shall keep
s record of sli shipments of alcohol
sad Intoxlcsting liquors shipped isto
"dry" territory, peessd ths senate ssd
will be iraijHiiiutoJ to the lower house
coiiiiiik huriesi. This arise is
eil as outrageous b ihe fa in I
iln Itiillai, jute imi this yeur Is re
ported as heavy. It is
pninied inn i .ii ihe II .nt- sef hug
ijiiin.n ion in .M Kivi'ii Ih prhmi
e i.i. uce that the supply of bags is
monopolised. At this time Isat yssr
grain hagg . BfSJ iiiuled ut tf4 mils
A petition containing ths name of
230 residents of ihe Hluslaw forest
reserve and vicinity, asking senators
and memhein gj congress from Oregon
to lake steps to have llm Hluslaw i
sei v. t ei in in d to set i lenient and make
it subject to homestead entry, was for
wtrded from Bugene.
The new city purk site recently pur
chased h Kluinalli Falls Is to Im laid
out and arranged by s professional
landscape artist, acorrilng to plans of
the I'ark Commlaslon and the Wo
men's Civic League, which Is cooper
ating aitli (he board In the develop
tnal of the city's park system
Waitresses Sound Alsrm and Rush
Through Burning Hslls
Sfccramento. Four persons are
known to be desd, two others are dy
ing, 10 others are In hospitals suffer
Ing from hums or broken bones, and
the search for bidlet, continues in the
ruin", of the St Nleholas apartment
house, which went up In flames walls
some of ths guests were st hreasfsst.
and others were still in their rooass.
An explosion of fumes of oil which
had escaped from a defective burner
In the basement started the Mrs which
quickly enveloped the building.
That nssrly all of tho 10 persons so
cupylng rooms In the houss were net
burn, d to death was dus to ths heroic
work of Miss Frances Keddick and
stlas Mary Courtwright, waitresses
who ran through the burnlug halls,
awakening everyone ssd assisting
those who were overcome by smoke.
Following are the rules for ths
Declnmatory BSBtOfl which lakes
place nt Nyssn March 8.
1. ThlsHssocltitlnn shall bo known
Si the Malheur County lntercholsstio
Declamatory Contest association
2. The conlestnitlH shall he cm
lined to the lUh. 7th and 8th guides.
3. The meet in,.- place shall rotate
In such order us determined by the
4. The executive committee slmll
consist of the principals of the largest
schools In the couuty and one tenchcr
from a rural school appointed hv His
county superintendent. Tho c mty
superintendent la mini" chairman ex-i-.iii.'io
of i-rtitl hoard.
5. The time of the Hist meeting
shall be some time within the first
half of March.
it Kadi school till, nig purl in tbs
contest shall hear its own expense st
each meeting.
7. The BfBjMfg shall consist of
such additional miniii- us the com
mittee itisv deem mlvlsahle from
Stgfag Ihe schools represented.
tv, Any school wishiOR to enter this
runlet shall tnske ill l test ion to SIIJT
BMgJrBM of the cm, mil. aj on or hcfnrs
the llrst of l'eliriiat. el each year.
!'. It Is umli -rstii ml nii'l agreed thai
this Nittiiiiil contest is crested for the
mutual lien, lit of all fehnols In the
H. Any trophy offeree1 will be held
the following year l the school
winning the gag .-
II. Any trophy 00 Huee llttins In
Hiteee.sloii by the gBBM school estab
llshns an ownership.
It, All n itatlmiN shall ls llitiili il
to e.i n t' 1 1 ll II t 'X.
II, Itirther That the exteoses of
the association shall be borne by ths
school at the whets the contest
Is held.
14 ll is sugg. etc I i i he committee
that each school enter lllln n local
contest to select He' I'litnlidates to
take ph.: iu lite mutual contest. It Is
also uigeii that all 'm I,, ..Is put forth
their best effort to enter Hits contest.
The meetings of the past have lieen
very proilinl Ii and wi gggjg that gyBM
schools be repiesi I, led In Hie Inciting
ol the inline. We also wish the ex
ecutive Committee to feel free to do
such things as mn ln to the herd, In
terests of all tin' gehoolg of the eutinty.
Ml those wlii have taken part in
the contest heretotoie ale iuul iglalile
fur Ibe future contests.
A. U .Mnc'hcrso!i. Co. Supt.
V t wiihalaiidiuK the fact that re
cflpts have lieen light ami compsr
tively few cutlls ollnrs.l to the trade,
prices hjBfe saggeil lullv 'JO .nuts nil
ul.ilig the line, I'rline steels old fur
$7. nil to 7.7.1, cows M.I0 to M.TI
h.ifers 7.00 ami hulls at
111. 00. represent a coiiwervat ive rsngs
Downard lemieuev to the swiue
Unite early in the week beuame chronic
Ii) Thin .day Btgaj BBft light weight
hogs sold at 17.60 hjtl.M. These
prices are twenty to thirty cents lowit
than i. week ago Liquidation has
limn very liberal, CM head of swiue
being unloaded here since Saturday.
Motion values received a Irimmiug
Thursday, dus to the let up iu demsnd
The cattle deollue hss uffected liolh
sheep hihI hog markets and freeh meat
business shows big inseee compared
with early January trade. Choice
wethers are dowu n iusrter st 90.00
to Iu. f ewss gB.OO to 6 16. Lamb
uiatki l rtiady to a shade weaker, tope
7. 00 to 17. 26. demand not ao urgent.
Hulk of sheep offerings during week
only medium uslltv.
Wheat-Club, Use; blueaiem,
red Huaslsn, ISc.
Hay- Timothy, 111; alfalfa, 111
Buttsr Creamery, 87 He
Kgga- Candled, 36c
Hope IK12 crop. Ho.
Wool Lantern Oregon, lie;
UsseKe valley, 20c.
Wheat -Ulueatem, Mc; eluh, Me;
red Russian, Hoc
Kggs -30c.
i , . .. . i 'eaansaeu thi
I l U ' i i-i i I caiuvri J , .
Hay Timothy, Vj per tea; ifaUe.
M per ten. i