0. THE ARGUS Has made arrangements and is giving to its readers A Special Legislative News Service Keeping them informed as to the actions of each individual member as well as laws that are likely to be, or have been, passed during the present term Forj the moderate price of $1.00 You get The Argus for one year VH I T H special equipment The Argus office is now pre pared to do the highest grade of COMMERCIAL & SOCIETY PRINTING BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The Hotel Lerana at Independence waa told to W. P. Stain, a Portland inn The consideration Is eaid to be $30,000. A pressure gasoline tank need In connection with the lighting plant of a North I'lalns hotel exploded, doing considerable damage. Fifteen tons of delayed mall, which ac.riiiiiul.it. -.I ut Portland during the tleup of the Pacific Hallway &. NavW gallon line, have arrived at Tillamook. In a party 20 strong, member of the legislature and state officials Tie It. m Pendleton for the purpose of In specting the Raatern Oregon state hospital for the Insane. To determine whether or not sal mon which have spawned will return to the sea and live, la the subject of a series of tests being mad by the Coos Hay hatchery at ldurshfleld. Grants Pass has bean bonded for a road to the coast and tf this Is built Medford, Instead of projecting a Una to Crescent City, can oonneot with the Oranta Pass road about 80 miles from there. Equipped with pnrt of the machin ery of a hydroaeroplane, Oorst & King, of Marshfield, are making ex periments with an automobilo, which Is expected to aid motor vehicles oa muddy roads. Lumbermen of fiend have receive announcement from the railroad com panies of the lowering of rates oa mill products to the east. 1'he town is given a rate which Is only oue oeut above what Hpokan has. Petitions to the Ashland city coun cil asking that a date be set for a special election In connection with the Interurban and street railway project, have been perfected, and were pre sented to the council Tuesday. The month of January waa excep tionally wet In Astoria. Acordlng te records In Weather Observer (Hi mores office the precipitation during the month was 16 16 Inches, or 6.03 Inches In excess of (he January aver age. Hri'iiklng out of jail in Coquille, where he had oven placed for drunk enness, going to town and getting a bottle of whisky and then returning to jail aud demolishing another cell, was the way a logger there acted when arrested. "Model city" Is the title which North Band Is seeking, and to that end It has engaged u firm of engineers to trulghten out the engineering prob lems Involved In making a "city beau tiful ' and to lay It out aloug metro politan lines. With the transfer of the property af the North Hand Lumbar company t the Bwayne A Hart Lumbar aaen pany, of San Praaetsoe. there eaters Into the latnber industry af Caaa oaae ty one of the largest firms oa the Pacific coast Arrasaaasaaat are asv der way to equip the mrtll with m machinery so that Its capacity will he brought up to 0.0 feat a nag. aai the plans of the new owsvera are said to oontemplste dotfbHog ate af tfce snlil later. Large Apple Crop Assured. Hood River That Hood Klver val ley will have a very large crop of ap ples next year seams evident from the results secured In the blooming of the stuudard varletlea. The Davidson Prull company has for many years followed tin pi. in of forced blooming of the several varieties, which has given It a concrete basis upon which to base cstiiuatos of the annual yield of apples In the valley. The Indoor orchard composed of a large number of limbs takeu from fruit trees and bloomed by steam In cubation, Is now prophetic of what the orchards will be later. The old Spit lenberg trees show an extraordinarily heavy crop. Jonathans are alao very heavy with bloom. Ni wtowns, Winter Uuuaiia, Oregon M4 Hlack Twig, Red Cheeks ami Ortleyi. are alu showing a full crop for next season. The estimate for next season's crop Is about bJIMM boxes. Relief Boat Goes to Nshslem. Portland. As a son of relief boat the gasoline schooner Mirene, Captain Mays, left on a special trip to Nahal etn loaded to the guards with provls Ions. For the last two or three weekt. Nehalem practically ha been abut off from the outside world so far as Iran sportatlon facllltlc , are concerned. The washouts and landslides put the railroad out of commission temporari ly. On the completion of the railway the hi earner service from Portland to Mat uV ''i I ' Conse quently the pagMagU have been IIII sble to get In any supplies reeently It is said (he stares Hi. re have about i, IS kinds of nc Camps te be Electrified. fi. Id l.l" rim. illy operated logging ampi m the plan of the Smith Lumber roaipau) hero. The company Is planing to electrify all Its planus In kdj county In ainliiiou to the work thai Is bow being performed by dee key engines, each camp will be ap plied with a nf electrically saw tar owiUag ueaa, A New Method of Torture By ALBERT T. KEN YON Lieutenant Wlnward of the th I'nit ed States Infantry, stationed on the Island of Luzon, Philippine Island, was sent with a detachment of twelvo men to regulate some unruly natives. He found n larger number than ha hid expected, snd. Instead of regulating them, they regulated him and his men. There were about fifty of them, snd they had good arms and ammunition. They drove the soldiers into a sort of pocket, where they killed moat of them and put the rest to the sword, ax. ept the lieutenant, whose leadership had, resulted In the slaughter of nearl.v one-; third their number. Thin ami their hatred for Americans generally decided them to put him to death by as fright ful a menus as could be devised. Itelng near the seashore, four of their number were deputed to take the offi cer to the beach aud bury him to his chin In the sand, where nn Incoming tide would drown him. The four men wero well armed, while Wlnward was defeuselcss. The Filipinos had pos sessed themselves of a demijohn of whisky nnd quinine which the soldiers had brought with them as a protection again! ninliirln. This the execution ers, after giving even man left behind a I'rinU. tool with them, but, being aware of tt.i effect, prudently determin ed to Hlmlnln from II till they bad ae compllshcd their purpose. When they reached the seashore there was it discussion among them which Wluwsrd. not understanding their language, could uot Interpret, but by their gestures he Inferred that, some were In favor of giving him n short time to live by placing him far from the Incoming tide, while others pre poMcd that he should tie plsced nesr It. lie also believed thai tbo latter wish ed to miii.e .ml I. work with him In order to get at the liquor. Ha hoped the: would prevail, since the longer the contemplation of such a death pin ned In ih. i hand the more agonising It would be. A compromise was muds by placlug him at half tide, the waters receding. This would give him till the return of the flood tide to live. A hole was dug lu the sand deep enough to place blm In the proposed position. When they attempted to put lit in lu he made a dcsHrat fight hop lug to force them to shoot blm. Hut, serine hu Intention, they refrained, snd, lielng powerful men while Wln ward was smsll sud slight, notwith standing tbst horror gava blm strength, tbsy hsd uo great difficulty In burying blm. Ills arms were plsced sgalnst his sides snd the sand packed close about blm by the men tramping upon it Ha wss placed with his fsce to the ocean In order that be might suffer the greater mental torture by sjsjgjksj it slowly crawl upon him. No sooner had be Lmniu burled than some of the Filipinos begsu to show signs by their actions that they were In favor of tskltig a pull from the demi john. Wlnward could not sea bow It could maka any difference to blm whether thev were drank or sober. Had the desires of those who wished to drink at ouc prevailed they would hava hud time to get druuk and sober agstu before the lido receded aud re turned to their victim, but there was one who seemed to he a loader among (hum who couuseled dcluy. Why. the officer could not understand. At any rule he was enabled to keep them from the liquor till the tide had turned sud passed half the dMnuce between the ebb and the uiau it was to drown. Then one of the men seised the deml John and look a drink That started the rest. Including the leader, and they all got druuk. W lieu th.- last oue had succumlied the waters had advanced to within a few feet of the hurled mail. The si lence penult ted hi.-, mind to concen trate upon the appr.Nichlug death Ills ilcnpalr led him to muke an effort to free himself, which he knew would lie futile. Slowly came the tide, now and again a wave sdvun. lug nearer bU chin, till at last a i Ipple broke against his month Wlnward was enabled to put off the evil moment by holding his breath ss the edge of the waves rolled past him. Presently he Is-gini to feel that the presine f ii ud against the front of his neck had diminished The water whs washing it away from there and piling It up behind. Koch wave In creased this change. A wild hope sprang within him. Would enough aund In front of him he displaced to suable him to free himself? He could bend forward slightly. The water bad softened the sand aud by doing so he found he could ssslst In the dlsplsce meni It was not loug liefore his IfSJSJ were free. I' lug his bauds vig oroimly, be scooped away a part of the sand, while the wave continued t displace the rest. Ills body was loos eued. Ilv mii effort be freed his legs snd wss saved. 11 Is nrM Met was to possess himself of the n I'l.jM of the I'lllpiuos, aud, re talulug those he could use, he threw i he i I into deep water. Win'.. an bus lie- er told the rest of the story, for he was MNhuiued of It. The luut.illty under which he suffered tciiiwn .irlly mad.- it brute of him The mi in which WMS lo have drowned blui became the burial place of his would be -e. uiioiier-. Hni whether It en gulfed them alive or dead the officer will nut say All he admits is that he wss III..- s wild anlmul and that he in. i di the death of his torturers as ter rible ss