The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 06, 1913, Image 2

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If I
Senate Would Limit President
to a Single Term of
Six Years
Washington, A constitutional are
am! mcnt which would restrict the
"" "e uniiea suites to n
Ingle torni of six years, and would
f Woodrow Wilson, Theodore
Roosevelt iiiul William H. Tnft from
eeklng election again, wns approved
by the senate, by the narrow majority
of one rote.
After a throe day fiKht, In which the
Progressives Joined with many Kepub
Beam In opposing the restricted presi
dential term, the senate adopted the
original Work! resolution by a Tote
Of 47 to 23.
Chamb-rlnln, of Oregon, and Works,
Of California, were the only Pacific
Coast senator who supported the sin
gle t.-rni rOMlMMa on Its final pas
sage Tteoei voting against It were
Bomb. 14 ho; Hourne, Oregon; tins'
Jones nnd loindexter, Washington.
.fus, BOO Dm next house will mvlvi
this proponed change In legislation
ennnot be foretold. The vote shows
that It has bOM treated as a political
tBOOttOB l m iiiiinrs. Some of the
inosi Influential Uenubluun senators
voided It and in nil probability the
feeling In the senate that the time has
come when some limitation must bs
put on possible ambitions of men will
move the house to adopt the resolution.
Tariff Hearings End.
The Iioum- ways and means commit
te. has oomph ti .1 nil hearings on tar
Iff revision Mmidny the Democratic
men. 1. 1 ri bepiin framing the new Detn
ocratlc bill which Is to replnce the
P I ' ' ' liw. They will keep
j at the work from now up
uiml the Sixty third cougress con
venes. Probably a few days after the
new house is organised the revision
bill will be ready for presentation.
i In h : cutH, it Is said, will he
made on wool, leather and agricultural
Raw wool, under "Schedule K." the
bigg. I ton of the whole tarlfr revis
ion, it It- stated, will be put on he
free list. This will be satisfactory to
the manufacturers who dot hired be
fore the committee that the present
duty did not now protect them turn
aided wool manufacturers, how
over, declare that the duty Is neces
sary in I'n ti lotenoo.
UOOihor is also due for a revision
downward probably to the free Hat.
Compensation Act Reported On.
A favorable report on the senate
workmen's compensation act, amend
ed to make It apply to employes of
express companies as well as to those
of railroads, and to give state courts
concurrent Jurisdiction with federal
courts In Its enforcement, was agreed
upon by the house Judiciary commit
The proposed law would prescribe
specific amounts of compensation to
be paid by railroads and express com
panies to any employe disabled by an
accident while on duty.
Resolution Aimed at Wm. J. Burns.
Representative Ferris, of Oklahoma,
chairman of the house public lands
committee, has taken steps which he
hopes will result In giving publicity
to the tactics pursued by Wllltam J.
Burns In selecting federal Juries in
Orogon during the land-fraud prose
cutions. Mr. Ferris Introduced a reso
lution calling on the attorney-general
to submit to cougress all affidavits,
charges, corroborative evidence, let
ters and other official documents an
on which was based President Teft'e
pardon of Willard N. Jones, together
with Attorney-Oenersl Wlckersham's
letter recommending Jones' pardoa.
Pension Plan Proposed.
A system of old age retirement for
employes of the postal service ww
proposed by Senator Pearaoe, of
Pennsylvania, In an smendassat ofer
ed to the postofflce appropriation hill.
It would give the postofflce depart
msnt authority to grant 'inderleJte
leave of absence" to an esasloye who
became incapacitated far aataal work
with annual pay at the rata of MOO
Notional CaoMal Brevities.
A bill authorising th osmstswettea
of a a,gM.Mft Llnoon asssasrial torn
pie an the banks of the Patassaa pas
ed tho house
An appeal waa asade by woven to
tho congressional elections oosaaslttoa
far passage of the Mil to give women
tho rtgM to vato far rosnssatsdrvos
la ooagrsss.
Bellovlag tho Pacific eoast ettiee
will be flooded with Immtgraato whoa
the Panama canal opens. Congress
man Humphrey has asked for aa ay
propriatton of 1 7et.Md fr Isssalgra
ejon station at Seattle
Senator Jackson of Maryland has
Introduced a bill proponing a plaa for
federal cooperation with the states
for highway lsaprovesaoais. too em
would authorise the government to
pay half the cost of improving high
ways used by mall carriers and would
appropriate 10.04KUHM eaaoUr '
New York. Woodrow Wilson ac
cepted the offer of the students of
Princeton University to escort hits
(rotn hiH home In Princeton to the
white house on the day ho Is Inaugur
A century ago Princeton gave its
last president to the nation Jamso
Madison. The centenary will be cele
brated In a unique programme, to
which Mr. Wilson gave his consent,
when Paul F. Myers, a Prtne,,.n .,.
lor, rode on the train with him to I
iNew York and outlined the details oa
behalf of the students.
The Princeton youths will charter
two special trains, of 13 cars each, on
March 3. One car will be put at tho
disposal of the president-elect and his
family and accompanying newspaper
The students, more than 1000
strong, will take Mr. Wilson direct to
his hotel on arrival at Washington.
and will attend the smoker given that
night by the Princeton Alumni Asso
ciation of Washington
Everhart Drug Company
The Store of Accuracy
and Quality
Try our Fernloc Hand Lotion, the best for rough and
chapped skin. 4 ounces for 25c
Orders Sent on Approval
Umcue Weapon Causes Damage and
Leads to Arrest.
Ix)ndon. The suffragettes hnve
adopted the slungshnt as a wenpon In
their cnmpnlgn. With It they hurl
heavy leaden discs stumped: "Votes
for Women." Ilecnuse of the wenpon 's
newness, their aim Is not good, nnd
the damage Hum tar caused has not
been great, hut the disc is said by
doctors to be capable of killing a msn.
An actress named ".lacsy" Melford
wns charged at the police court with
hmiihiirdlng shop windows with one of
these catapults from Hie top of an
omnibus. She was fined $10 or s
month's Imprisonment. Her father
paid the fine. Several thousand let
ters were destroyed In fires set by the
women to the contents of mall boxes.
Prescriptions a Specialty
4th Door S. P. 0.
Phone 131
Addresses Garment Workers; Some
of Her Listeners Are Jailed.
New York. Caustic criticism of the
police was the keynote of a brief ad
dress made to the striking girl rnr
I1KI1 worker:, h I. il. i l.a Follelle,
daughter of Hi alitor Itohert l.a Foi
led. "You girls are much better organis
ed than the police of the city," she
said. "You use better methods In
or work. Von flghl with discipline,
wluli the police " ii liKe a disorgan
ised army. The public's sympathy Is
with you workers und you will uu
doubtedly win this strike."
Miss La Follette's remarks were
greeted with cheers. After leaving
the hall she went again to the picket
line and urged the girls to keep up
their courage in face of drastic action
of the police. Miss l.a Follette ap
peared anxious to get herself arrest
ed, but the police were evidently in
structed to avoid having any trouble
with the Wisconsin senator's daugh
ter. Although girls were arrested
who merely stood ou the sidewalks
and listened to her suggestions, she
was avoided.
Notice of Delinquent Stork Sale -
Notice is hereby given that at a regu
lar meeting of the Board oi Directors
of the Owyhee Ditch Company, held in j
Ontario, Oregon, on the 7th day of '
Septemlier, 1912, for purposes of ,
maintenance, an assessment of I per1
cent waa levied on the par vnlue of all '
Owyhee Ditch Company stock out-1
There is delinquent on nlsive mention
ed assessment the following stock:
Namk Shakes Am't.
American Mortgage
Co. :ih
I Q Armstrong "
Olive Ainswortn I,
K .1 Itarter ft
ieo i 'oleman 31
Kaehael J. Cox M
.1 M Duncan 40
JeoADarr I"
l T Downs 1"
, W F Doane H
iThosDixon I
.1 Daloe 10
W I. (iibson H6
I! Hoxie
i; I, Harris
It II li. .u. lev M
C C Hunt 41
Jerry Hurley 40
Investors Mort'g Security
TJ Johnson
Mrs M J Jenkins
.Marion W Jones
Wm Johnson
II II Kerr
Oscar Klein
A M Lackey
t) A Megorden
Alliert F Moffat
Wm McKwen
Robert Megorden
N J Million
I L Nelson
Oregon Mortgage Co.
Horns Rule Wins In Ulster.
Londonderry. Ireland. The final re
turns mini the bye-election show that
David C. Hogg. Nationalist, waa elect
ed to parliament, recelvlug -'J'- votes
to "i C for Colonel II. A. Kockenhau,
Unionlat, a majority of only 57 In a
total poll of 6341.
The victory of the home rulers gives
them a majority of members of parlia
ment from the province of Ulster in
the house of commons.
Colonel Nelson ef Kansas City 8tsr,
Adjudged in Contempt.
Kansas City, Mo. An appeal to the
oourt of appeals on a habeas corpus
writ Is the only thing that kept Wil
liam K. Nelson, owner of the Kansas
City 8tar, multl-ailllloaalre, long a
powerful political factor la Missouri
and Kansas and staunch supporter of
Theodore Roosevelt In tho last else
Hon. out of Jail. Nelsoa was feuad
guilty of contempt of court aad sen
tenced to one day la Jail by Judge
J. A. Outhrle of the circuit court, for
publishing an article la his newspaper
which Judge Outhrle decided woo a
kneer at the courts, at the Judges
and at legal procedure." Ms also hold
that H waa "ooota
"open Insult."
Michael O'Brien
R R Overstreet
I'eimingloii Bros
S E Philips
H M I'lummi i
A C Palmer
Geo I Phillips
Mrs rt J Peere
Ceo P Ranaom
C I. Itees
John F Rees
W R Reeves
F S Rieder
H L Ross
Mrs Otto Schweirer
Pete Stam
V B Staples
L C Sutherland
D G Sutherland
John W Snow
Smith D Taylor
H PTietsori estate
Wm Tremblay
R B Thompson
Thoa Turnbull
Title Trust Co Itrustee 2i
T W Thomas
A W Ward
C O Wilson
John A Ward
A I : Wade
H C Wilson
A A Wright
1 , (Ml
1 :i7
2 SO
I.. N
12 -VO
ft) (Ml
2u DO
17 BO
1 50
42 5n
2 7.-.
in oo
20 ro
ft) 7.
:ni in)
1ft IHt
10 i'u
2 SO
2 Bo
4 no
i Ob
1 7.-.
: '
11 SB
2 W
ii "'it
n 25
:; 30
ii 25
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I 00
!l 50
25 (,
1 5ii
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27 50
4.-. on
10 INI
1 .,11
5 00
1.1 00
:; .'si
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1 2ft
1 2.1
17 60
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5 00
11 25
. 1 2ft
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:i 7-1
17 50
74 00
4 00
7 50
10 00
And in accordnace Jwith law and an
order of the Board of directors of tin
Owyhee Ditch Company, made on the
4th day of January, ItH, so many
shares of each parcel of said stock as
necessary to pay said assessment and
expense of advertising and cost of sale,
will be sold at the office of said Com
pany in the Ontario National Bank
building in the city of Ontario, County
of Malheur, State of Oregon, on the
1st day of March, 1018, at 2 o'clock p.
in to the highest bidder for cash.
G. L. KING, Secretary.
Castro Free Per Time.
New York. Clpiiaao Caatre, ax
preaideat of Venesuela, Is temporarily
a free man under writ td habeas cor
pus issues by Judge Holt la tho fader
al oeurt
Irish Hems Rule Bill Up to Lords
London. Passed by the houoe of
commons by the usual government
majority of 110 votes, the irioh heme
rule bill Is awaiting its aeoaad reading
In the bouse of lorda.
I rein Servlc.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregoa Wash Ltd 6 : 15 a BJ
No. 16 Huntington Pans 9:20 a
No. 0 Feat Mali o:lt p m
No. 27 Huntington Peas 6:33 p m
No. 6 Oregon Wash Express 7 :50 p bj
East bound.
No. II Oregon Wash Ltd 2:61am
No. 26 Bolee paseeogur 8 :60 a m
No. 10 Fast Hell 11:24 am
No. 28 Boise passenger 8:60 p m
No. 6 Oregon Wash Express 4 :u p m
Vale train leaves at 9:30 o. m. re
turning at 3 :a0 p. m.
ttm v . mi -.. . - . .
1 Uot Ihis rine ripe With Liggett
& Myers Duke's Mixture"
All kind ot men smoke Duke's Mixture in all kinds
wptpOS. as well as in cigarrtti sml liny all trll the Mine
story. They like the genuine, nniursl tobnOBB taste of
ljf" ft
Choice bright leaf sged to mellow mildnr, carefully itemraed
end then granulated every gram pure, liij(h-crad tobacco
that's hat you get In the Ltzxttt 5f .) 1 Duke's Misture tack
You get one and m hmlf oiinem of I In- pure, milil. delightful
tobncci), imiurpatsrd in quality, for 4c and with each tack you
get a hook ot paper fro.
Now About the Free Pipe
In erwj sack of Liggtit & Atytn Duke' Mixture we now pack
a coupon. You can exchange tli.-.r coupons for pipit or fur maoy
other valuable sad uirful srticlei. Thuse present cost uot oes
prion There is something for every member of tbs fcmlly
kkatrs, catcher' glove, tennlt rui ket. enmrras, toilet srticlns,
ultcates, caua, umbrellas, and doaoat of other thing. Just seed
us your name and addrna on a postal
aud as a tpmcial of far muring Jan
uary and Fmbruury only mm uiiU
ttnd yam our nw illutratd cata
log urn of pramantt, hHEE of any
charga. Open up sack of lAffiil
. iyrs Duko's Mixture today.
( H from '..- ItiMtun may 4
iNCla TWIST. -
J. T.,
nd i . jKm i ft 0m
U(k tin ifiw u'nMn ).
T PiinunuT mTtr. a
eWAgr lm)i 0r ivam ittusj t.J.
R RU3U i.'a ttm JoutU i
The Most Qualified Jii
Pronounce Taylor & wilUuu
otrnght Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
K,.in'!!!'",l fr,,m-
Gc"br.nd.7 by any ther
L. B. TETER, Wholesaler,
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount
Fur straight trrm or with In.
stallmt-nt privilege.
Thomas W. Clajfett
Ontario - - Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attend oa (iiven
All Ordcrn.
Prauiiuiu Drot.
jLss0rasoeMsji CL
St. Louim,
Administrator's Notice
in ttii t oiiuty Court ot tlic Ktstrof
Oregon, fir Millet County.
In the uisttir of the sutals of 0rld
S Liiniine, deceased.
Nntiii. I hereby uivsn tbl tb
iindsrsigunl has been arolntfi ty
the t'nuntv Court of lis Stste of 0r
KIWI. MM I III III I .1111,1 , IlllllllUltllU
tor of the estate of David H. Lsninir,
deoessed, with will snimxril All
persons hsring rliilin iiiisioit said
estate are hereby required to prsstot
the ssme to tbe iiudersiuned with
proper vsritlostlon a by Isw required,
st niy ..ilti-. iu Ontario, OreKou, wltb
lu six inuiiths from tbe (Into hereof.
Dated this lOtti dsy of Jsnusrj,
C MoOonsgill.
Aduilulstrstor with will snosxed, u(
the estate of Dsvid H. Lsmmt,
Alvvdys on the Job
If you bars a job of bauliug you
want dons, largs or small, you ess
always depend ou Jobu Lsndiugbsa
being ready for you. Call him st the
Moore Hotel.
I or Sale or Trade
Forty acres irrigated uudsr leeei
TOlr, adjoining town, ons bslf wile
from depot, good Improvement pleuty
range. 20 miles from I.srsmie. I'm
particulars write John Kskebeekt,
Hosier. Wyoming.
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Rsv. Kub't J. Davideon D D Pas
tor. Serviofcs at 1 1 :00 a ui and 7 :30
pm Sabt all' school at 10:00 a. ui
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Argus Office
Mass at 8 A M on 1st and Hrd Sandsy
of each month. On all other Sunday
Ot 10 A M.
H. A. Camoo, Rector
Congregdtloiaf Church Notfct
Sunday Services,
Huudsy School 10 a m
PreaobluB Servioes lion
0 E Meeting 7pm
frsaohlog Servloe 8pm
Midweek Lectures every Wedueedsy
evening 8 o'clock
Every Saturday
Sabbath School 10 30 s m
Bible Study 11:30 am
Toung pecplee meeting 1 :'0 p m
Philip Koanlg. Peor.
Sunday School 10 A M
Preaching SerTioe 11 A M
Junior League 3 P M
Epworth League 6 :30 P M
Preaohlng Hertloe 73:0 P M
Thoinae Jobns, P8TOR-