0, ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Cl Interior of Eastern Oregon The Ontario ArgiiR leads in I'rost ipre, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us jrrow vam. The Produce from l ...'MM mm Mi acres is mnrketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME xvi ONTARIO, OREGON, Till RSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1918 SO. 6 wttori0 m ADVISES WOOL KN NOT TO SELL NOW Secretary of State Associa tion Predicts Good Season For Sheep Industry "Sheep IHn "' WOOl gHiwera (if Ml MOtlOII of the country should lot aflfllX0M to eoutract. Ikolf grOffl cirlr lliin fOBf" said i'Mii (1. Hoke, of Medical Spring, seornlniy of thr Oropoo W i'"ii iuM'i noelollost "Thin idea Ol contracting wool M gjj -In '!'.-' hacks at IIiIh time is not t ii .,. into i' it "I tho growori ami ti . ibmilil Mit a while. I am In com- boa teat I in v iHi boyori ami tbi sjaoi tooob with the wool situation lit ihf wool OOOltON and am certain tbat I'rii' l n llttlO later will he good ul tl.a Hi m 000 Imlil off I'm at linn will hitter themselves greatly." Thr I mm rs will lie aftrr m lit tun tpil itock n I tbo friii h will l' HO this I him ni tain. " RESIDENTS IN WEST PART OE CITY m SWQS The n ild oti ot the blooki I OtWOM Mnrlltt. KltlO, Mortnn ami ( lOOMOt BJJBBfll ni . gl . nik' 001 ill lift 0 Blli tary sewer r u ctloii ami it is under- pttltloM win bo proosotod t.i ban' a m 0l dog to a. i. i lodata tbi I..i, ' :..,.. I ,.. I I senrr i i illv toko care of the knll nf V i t iii . i oat Bud i. in ni buu. n , ill 1 1 connected up t lilt, r JOINT LJMmsTTtES APPROVE GELILO DAM Oregon and Washington Dele gations Favor Harnossing Columbia River the Pallet. Or The United State MfOOMOl and tho atutea ot Oretron ind o will each be aaked to I Hi i ii' Hilled Oagh Investigation of the pro) ' i olombtO fiver power proj.il pafl) ! made, ua a result "f w hWBOOtioo made Sunday at tho pr . i,y joint ciiinmit- ni ami Wash- bgton. ii voo roproot otod by Senators U. K. l-ut- I N. Day. of I'ort- bad. i " itOOt t . Appoli n. ni 1 t i .a Honolotooi ,i,, '" u V, Hrw. and . i Q i. Pork4 r Oi i I -urv y. I l.rn. I I tkO . . which al ii iii k4d Senator : of CI re Keprei entath N. 01004.04 " " ooklotoif ooot or Tcon: ,,.,, 0f I i vi-it. Mr II.. al.-v say hi section t'umuil tor ltoherts o4iaVary giucb bondlijoppood by the of the Uulted Slutea OOMOgtcal survey. Ik BOOUOIttOOO from tin two statea hoi tl . (id unaoJoM d) rt "nd ihe approoriOtlOOO 10 their leg 'l:'jre0 und to the government for ' iJUriio.-e of inaki: all OOftt f ' Hit' power project, whose estimated C0H ' I! 10,000, It would take oue ' lOTaOflOOtlOO 'wa Women Declare for Vote. Ciiiiu,.; la. OrtflfloU'a women, In j Peci.d election, voted overwhelni lnt1 man suffrage. Of 738 I khoaa iv ,, visited the polls, C63 were ; vor ol sulfrage and 75 were 50,1 : ml ijuestion, whetKr "X wOUl iota if the right were giv-the'- hired that they would, t"f 4,, dteured against participa- ,l i soUoutod that 80 per cent of , women of Griuuell votei The "ai male vote for governor at l eltsjuou was W46. the BCILW.RD PEOPIf WANT A CREAKERY ESTABLISHED Bofl Rose wbi in from tfao Uoulcvnrtl section this week ami says tlie farmrra cif that part, of tko OOOOty are morn Interested Id the establishment of a r itiiierr tOON ninl that the grange hag an Hereof ground admiral. ly Incat Od for a site. Wliil. Mi fanners blfO nut the cows necessary fa the main tenance of a Otflflfltflry at ii'eaeot, they will gel thi'in wkOflOfOf a cream ery man comes along ivhn will estab lish the plant. The funnel realise tl at the rn.-lng of alfalfa hay i no longer prolltai l since the cattle have boon iklppod oat tadtooj are mbIom to bflffl MOJO mean nho.eliv they , can get ready money Inr what they roloo ami in -in 'in i i.i lishmi ni nt iroonotf wool i aoln that problooi. f Frank L. Chance, new manager of the New York Yankee, who will get $25,000 yearly talary. SHORT LINE OFFICIALS BEING LET OUT BY 0. W. R. & N. Men 000) log In from the work 00 the Oreogn ami Kastitn rcpcii that Short Line official are being let out all along the work aud men from trie o. by, i; v . apinonj being installed. It is agpoOtOd that an announce mi nt will come li.'Ui I'oitlaud in a f,.w da, stat it i,.s ,,t ,....i. tlons uiuler wnici i'ie roan win us ltd. 1. HEALEY OF BONITA IS A VISITOR IN THIS CITY Ihos. llialcy. of Uouita. was in ruad lojal " lllt alley. The vac-ant lands inclu.l. the alternate scetinna mid luiu, in i fa puioboood or Isopwwod and .11. .ni a shelter tor the rabbit which aic so thick thev destroy all If the coin te. we.c left alone 01 ops for a tew rears bko) vould he of great . . beuetlt to the sellier auu muiic ".u by destroying the lahbit. MARSHAL ODELL PICKS UP DESERTER FROM U. S. ARMY M usual Udell picked up lletirv 97, Colbnru here Tuesday, who proved lfl .. Ac...... ... i,.,,.. in., iv h. aituv ,,om tkO Cheyenne post He took him to Un... -ud iu, ned hi... over to , the army people. Colburn said be was glad it was over with ss he ha been ...i... u...... - ulu, -i,,... hadaaerted last I FRANK CHANCE B 181 N 1 NLLe BY THE GOVERNOR Present Session Making Good Progress-Office of State Land Board Abolished-Both Houses Agree to Introduce No New Measures After the 25th Day. SlliomT10 progress mnde oflrftoi the t ti i rl week of the legislative ses wn toooM to lodloot. that BMOlboi or the no an trjrloi to iinc up to their voluntnry pledgea tt got down to sotIoiih work early in the ae top nii'l kOOt at It aid tinu avoid tko ooogootloa of bootoooo wltaooooa diirinu tkO eloalliK botira of prevloiih aeaaiona. Tin early ami dlllRent at n to bOOlaoOO) luiwi ver. line to Home extent been offaot by tho large volume ot iMiaineaa ami poor work on the part of aomo of the commit teca. ooooMltntlng referrliiK book to th many bills. Willi the loRlalntlvo acaalon boll throiiKb, the tin lain ra of both In aa find tOOOOMtVM farther along In their work Hi. ii hOO Ottfkod any tire vIoiih BOOBlon, It la aald The amount of routine oorh Bpoobiprlokod la onor llioua. debplle (rOOOOOl tOOOpy debalea owr tin pa in Inlh- Until 1mm . ha.c a';tcil tO tOTbl the lotroduoUoo of bills after the a il.iy of the a alou. except upon consent of threi tourtkl of th hinlv In which a lull is ottered. The closi l 1 1 e third week of th" ' Bestlon find. 4- senate bllh. pan the senate and 6U house hill. li by the house, with II hills that hm pooo thfoofk both booooi gfpjtoood by the OJOVOnor. So fur there ha hi en no . In the house the total number ol bills presented Is 4.1:1. where two In v. I . . i, rOtOd down. U have been with drawn and 18 Indefinitely postponed, in addition to the f that have passed. In the senate 10 bills have been de i on roll call, eight hava boon awn. 1 indefinitely postponed. i.i..! I p i. . I. oil ot M h troilic d No Bills Crry Emergency Clause : in ' hills curry an enter al d will not b laws until 90 daya alter the adjourn III. al Of tkO pOOlfllnM MMn.l.l. COUNTYyCOURT HOLDS A VhsKi JtiUiSi tSJba&lUiS jviatters of Importance to Malheur County Determined-- Bonds Accepted and Tax Viewers In the mutter ol levying special ttr for tho cities of Vale, Ontario, and Jordan Valley, the following tux.-i made by the town ami approved by the court: Towi) Mi- cjtv of vale rnt v 0f Ontorio City of Nysaa City of Jordan Valley u.u In the matter of levying taxc. i i general fund of the county, state food . . f . ener-, ,...hoo funfi Mml coUlUy 8Chool library fund. 1 1 followmg levies were made by tbi court for the year ISIS: Fund. Ullla, General county fund 7.2 County schoo! fund I.S State fund B.I Library fund Oil Total.... ,...10.0 u0ii -,.aA i., i ii In the matter of the . two road . tor Malheur count., - " - - .- S. K. Copt-land and F. M. Vines ap- pointed I" the matter of the selection of the OM ounty Paper for the year 1,13, " "uv"1" In the matter of the appointment oi school truant otlicer for Malheur county, fl 6 u,..h nf limiHisi innumtsl AR APPROVED Probably tkO DtOOt Important bill ho far a. tkot bolloklBf the office f It r 'umo Import la one pmv nlltiK that a wife deaerter who la convicted ahnll be compelled to work on tin OOOOty lOOdfl for tkO time fur lie hue I ti I. and that the OOOOty Khali pay hla family tl a day for each mi h day worked. A rropriatlona Hava Light Week ropriotioo rOfOJOOti mnde during tin- i! Of the legislative r, alou i total of $647,416, by r the llgbti i vrooh BO far. Thla briDJ tho tot 'I of roqitcHtH up to 14.- , not a ft BOfOJ approprla in hi hni ... a in Bjgkt Thla maket It oortdlu that tin- amount of the re- qOOOta will go well up to the $3,000,- hi n Tbi 'ii b ii the atory aa to may expect In i to appropriations. It should i ml !. Ill tills regard, that appropriation mcasuros are du I iti- .mil house and lh.it bills lutondod to aoalol in i tylim the atnte I vlll he killed. The on Ini t. In any event, must be ,.t Dm lust soaaiou ,.ti tbi lfl trbloh akOOld be e-.e qi ad lfl inletpiatelj inhcrillnjj tho Orogon tt tko Pooo ,.. isitioii mil at Uio San 0 ... '.i I I i or h. Hiding and it on State Printer la Started. The i atato priotof fight has me Only ths ii out. In. i that it . , . i . . Indtoob d h th.- appein ikroo bUkv Iojo ot tkooi Identic. ii, . two diametrically oposed to the third. One, Introduced by bbott, is to repeal the flat aalary law of 1H which la due to become Cm. in. n. d Ml he t page Levies Made Road ppointed 1 the matter of tho official bo . fi, ISIS, same wi rod aa lollows: John P I a nut clerk D. H. I J. Ra!ph Weaver , BOOOty I a-uiei. L. E. Hilt, Boooooor, James V. Miller, county surveyor. K I ). I'm ner. A B. Macphersou, i UMKleilt. J. J It ,. ! -11, justice of the peace far HfOOO dlatrlet. Marry Uuiler, constsoie lor wysaa aisiriei. Z (J. Wii-oti, jootioo ol th. poooo lor Vale district. John F. Jl.llv. j .slice of the OOOOi for B'K BflOd oi-t.i.'t. Lee MOOOSSOI for Ontar. met. G. I.. King, jnptice Ontario district. . , of the pea e for OgO P. FriOOO. UCO ol the BOM lor junction precinct. ....-.... . . m . . I K. U. Wilkeison, justice ol me jieace for Summit prerim t D. T. liree.ilove, justice of the peace I for Browan district. In the matter of the resignation of W. G. T.iomas as justice of the peace for fcnake Kiver precinct, resignation accepted. Continued on oage 5 CHARTER AMENDMENT ELEC TION WILL OCCUR FRIDAY The election to enable the council to iMooiM the bonded lodebtedne.a I !l... ..11.. .. . I I I... I... I.I L'. I.I ... I- ... vno uny win iu nviu riinnj, A ill ll out and v.iteeo the OOOBOll will know how you fed iboot the proposition. WEELS-FARGO PEOPLE BUY TWO CAR LOADS OE HORSES U Stewart, of San l-'i aiiel-ro. who Iiiim the enntiact to f urn lull the We I In kVtflO POOpIO with hoima purcliHucd n cniiplo of car loodi OOt Ikl The demand it for the boOftM nornt, Init he fiurohatrd some of mcilium wciMht. WK. C. EUSTIS X y Willl.m C. Euttis. chairman of the committee in OhflfgO of the ceremon ies to Inaugurate Woodrow Wilson Pretlctent. POSTOfflCE RECEIPTS SHOW COOD INCREASE OVER 1912 'III.- postofih-c 1 1 i-i-l i i fr.r ,1 a unary show a nice increase OOOI tin MOM miiiith last yeai and the Lgat QOOltOI n. m-minu ...,. ....... , that Hie OOOl i gfow , lug In a healthy. obotOOttol " ANNUAL LIBRARY BALL WILL OCCUR NEXT TUESDAY NICHE The Iii i. it f I. .11 th annual root U at in looi.i i for VOI I I much Ifltaroti win iiu bold ii. nut ire hall lu tho WIIOOO bolMifll H ruooooT. r. iitit.iv li Tlohots aro ,n nil- ni ' bt drug tt. I TAX IS LEVIED BY COUNCIL FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY HERE At the i ".ii I ling Monday mgbl OB ordnance AOOOOOtOd iiovid in- lor a one mill tax to aupi it a library boro uotll NOh UoM a the sum lal-t: I uuioiiuts to 1 500 tkOA the kuiplus to go to tin. -.- .eial fuliq. Cornegl I " ' to I, pn.tiuuu n,r maintenance .., , . ; thl, ll0WdlJ, vn.nl. i he m. nc than ,.,, I., for II... Sill IICll I oil. Ill, u eon. - n .Mtsd. OokOfk. need I good bulldlug to bouse the llhi.u v and the ', i I. ... ...I... m st m ..ddititou of a builldug would stitnu late the lutorOOt lfl the lilnuiy mini - . meut. COUNCIL HOLDS ITS REGULAR SESSION Monday Nijrht--Ju(' ,n and I " Clerks Appointe ! For Special EIc tion The rogolot monthlr aeimion of tbo city council wat held Monday eTen ItiK. The I. A I'). liakerv applied for permit to erect a concrete hulls) lug In the rear Of their hakery. The usual liiino In i use- were lt- fliieil The city ctlhi - nni.lc their repnrta. , rooolotloo wan rood doolortflf the lOtOfltlOO oT the lOiin-ll to huilil 14 I." t concrete aldOOOlkl 00 OOflt tld oT ,Mam tlrict fnun the corner of Washiuuton south to Uolorado and Match .1 was set as date of ptei.cn ting ruic mhI ranees. It was ordered that Morton utreet he i ii ti, veil botWOOB Iowa and Wash tflgtOO Hvetiuea. .u OtdJlOODOH was OOOOOd cteatiugn IlkffOry fund and providing for Itfl mainteiianee II. OttOO juilgenand clerk were ap pointed as folio WO i judjcs. , M. Lack. v. W. J. PlOOOJ and .1 l Sleutier: olerks. ('. M. Stearns and L. .1. Chapman. ('I'lincilman I'Vaser suggested an In sped ion Of the electric wiring throughout the city aud the elty at t.irney was insti ucti-.l to gel cnpleo or nrdliuiin N.iiii" such niattura. It wus or. hi I Unit where a tsain la aoiployod to ret tko boot tmob too tire thm th driver he paid 00 OO for 1 such s"ei lee. STEEL IS LAID HALE WAY TO HOMEDALE Much New Territory to bo Opened For Ontario Merchants I I , .ml Is being put doOfl on the I,.,,. I t N i to I! vei y hull laid aud will soon i -ii :i " '" ,'"' Inn, i w ,11 I . pin I i ork lag tin- ti k gad i In : It In S l. ' tbi I limn .lotihiii V II to Of suV..ll I BOt I I bO 1. in -I. 1 ' .. i ho i ivec It tbould ' Bl ri boat i to mu l"' pries no uoo Jordsi Volloy l-- I till will open ne I . V for hants whtcl old not bo in. il 'alluy i i i :. U BUU I iiiiiiiianiis a Wolth going slier I h. mail i ii. g hulll . ' al ! changing eondll ft u'" ago i.li thai tradt to "uia- ilo. thi-u the la.ii .i.i was n ei ' I to Vale ,ii. I 1 1 . iradi OBO spin gOO tied 'he lea I I - 'the trade will again oomo OD Qfll rlO li t hi ii. - . hunts win. to go alt- i it. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TO GIVE THEIR ANNUAL DINNER ihe blgti school girls will give their auijiu.l -linuur on Saturday ii.'in . to H p. iii. iii ttie ro.iin wi it if the M. M uoiupauy gtOTO, formerly occiipioi Bf tOO Annex OAIO A lOOl coorao llnner for 5U Cents is wti i the pupils will hu.. I, . rou. Alii expect you. The guU August. SBBjaaj . -n -