1 BRIEF NEWS Of OREGON HELEN GOULD Ynmlilll county now has a realty j board. EtiRpne is RolriR to hava n new hlRh I olio.. i building In the near future. H N Foster, a well known citizen of Corvnllis, committed suicide Saturday. The third nnnual show of the ON (on Cat club wus held in Portland Inst week February 12 has been designated a "arth Education Day" for the schools f Oregon The state railroad commission hns crdered a new ralltoad station for Monmouth. Charged with killing nn Ogod trap per In his cabin, .ti rullc-s from Hurn, Robert Shiezr- SM OffOOtSjd Movement In under wa in the irons tir drpartiii'iit to sbollst the OfflOS of tea Inspector at Portland, trinslcr ring this work to Tnronia The best (iiiallty show yet held by ttw I'mutlUa Morrow OOUOt) poultry gggOOlattOfl VII hroncht tO a close Sat urda alior ruiiuii.i: a week. Hepres-'niith S HaWlO) has secured an appropriation of $0i0 In the rivet and harlmi bill for making u correct lurviv of the Coojullls rlTOf, MonitM M i'lati'd Saluii;i bocausp of th actual laying of steel rails through ilic elt) by the Portland, Ku gene & Baattni railway company. William I' llawood. former presl dent oi i lit- Western Federation ol Miners, and at present one of the big organizers of the I. W. V., waa In Portland Sunday. The chamber of commerce of the United States has elected as director for Washington. Oregon and f'allfor nla, A H verill of the chamber ot commen Portland Tli' i public I. iiuls comml'tct has reported favorably the house bill to adjust conflicting claims to lands within the I'orvallls ami Vaulna Hay Military Wagon Koad grant The new ear Is only a few weeks along, but Klamath I'll OlfOOd tUU two elections In tight The first will bt to gdopl a new charter .ind tin- BOXl to vote . the i'i ami drj ll Dame, iiruhn. uportotondonl of the p. iter i id i onst ruction gsng at Mapleton. a- bohOOdod b) I flying ropx The bod) WOi hurleil Into the tluslau rlvor sod carrlod wt Hi towing will be I course ol tud to appear in the PM.'I M Kaloii of Oregon Agri ultural coUago tor the first time T vt II If baud led .1 :! no lit ol sgrotUMB) T. K. York, an Inmate of the Oregon penitent ! refused to ccept a pardon at tin hands of Oover Bor Woat The refusal hafflOa1 teij. i ii Officers who STOro waiting 'o gfflWt hi en on h government charge. All road supervisors of LOJM OOUBt) have been invite. I b tho OOWIt court to attend a OOavonttOO l" Bwgoaa "' ruary 8. alien problem- of road con s ruction and repair will bo dlOOOOOOdl b men expert In road building. Iiundred and tlnris hnslnesi i .. .late, who w. .linn tti. Mi annual OMVOatlou of thai in- toil Merchants I .- itlon ! i ani to i'orvallls I'nduj j nu! ' i ipo lal Ifgln ' I ill the lolli The ; nan CORMlldOtOd societlei Of OrOgOn held llieir slgtl annual OM vent urn in Pori'aml Snal.iy These loolotlos .! ooiupoaod ol " dlfforool gfgaglutlonn loeotod in ratt noa tlonu of tl" state, with a memberhhip Of DOgrt) fttt The f P Mining company of oak land, fal holders of an electric Inter urban franchise ai Me.lford, has OHM ail u deal for tkO purchase of tho f Wait tract. I1 HillOi from lOhuMMl The trait OOBSlStS of 200(1 acres and the price pal. I wa- lM.f40 With lUtborit) -'"''ll 0) M'otnev C.eneral Uickei.-ham Distil. I Mtor h. Md'oiirt at Portlaml the iBdlOtmonta against A l( )o 01 and I ! R DOU ' 1 I " ' do- nd I ttneiii- d under tin ,1 ,, of PrOBOll J M.n.v .luring I , h i amou- land fraud cuses . a Holes, ii well known business nun ,,t OragOB fit, WOO has been ,1ns, sime January II was found i hundred irds ofl tho public highway lea. inn.- to vviiiamette. about a halt mil. from tl Willamette Falls rail Wbj doBO U Wool Oregon t'lty He was lying fgOO downward ln eravloe beiweeu two lorga buuluiis ou a rock) Oliff, which overhangs ibe public high way. IVirlnj; tl. . r P"2. accord 'iig to official figure made public by tie de ptutuiesi of OOOIOsOraO ad lab Port laud exported ii,810.L'0 b la ol wheat, valued at MJTtttU com pared with 7.7'i::.0tl bushel Ul lull representing a total valuation of $ii, &70,ui5. TbOM statistics bhow that Portland ranks fourth among tie whuiH expotiing districts for the past year. Tho aarotar) of tat ban '" " fr nlsbed bv (he national government with figure showing the exact dlsii i Outioii ot the timbered area of the state by 0 mutlea. TIW data gro Ob talned by lUo national lOfaat gorvlw and are u. I io ttguHgJ 100 upponion mnt of hi .is aoerulag a the various Motions l iu H.e tun .lUirutlou of, u.e forati land. Tl - ' u,ia4 IdJJjMIJI lYMk v X 'wUk ' . tPBS I If 4ss ; g rj "jtlflBv I Miss Helen Could, daughter of Jay tioul.l, who was married last week to Fmii Bhapard, prominent railroad man. SLRUM IS HELD AT MILLION Physicians Criticise Fnedmann's Atti tude Toward Discovery Herlln.- That t)r Priedmann wants 1, Mt tor the American rights to his tuberculosis serum, is the state uient made here C.erman phv -.ii ians strongly condemn what thev call his "tion ethical nttliude ' Tboj go so far as to sny that he Is more cOBCOraod In the tnotietarv aspect than Hie hU nianliiirlan ol his dtOCOVei v Itr. rrledmatin 1 1 - 0 fat tailed to carry out his promise ol submitting a culture to the government lie has mole various excuses lot not doing this, bin he . I. nies that mercenary mo tiv.-h govern bio at Hon. Floods in South If) mphli ! Tho entire delta .a ol four stales was under water front I to 1'. feel deep and families bj tho thousands were fleeing in bar r..r from I wall of water that Is pour lug through ll gup 1000 feet wide In thO leV.e lit lletllall. MIsS. Ten thOOOaad acres of winter wheat In western Kentucky, southern Mis Olirl lllld part ot Tennessee are sub no tge.i in water and the bus In crops will be enormous Scouts Killed In Fight With Moros Manila A dispatch from Hrlgad'.r (leneral John J. Pershing, command in.; the depart nient of Mindanao, glVOS details of an engagement at Taglitsi. between Moros and delarhmeniH of Philippine scouts and the constabu larv i i.' nn Patrick McNally and six M listed men of the scouts were killed. Lieutenant William Towaaaad ol tho scouts, and l.leulenaut Cochran and l.leut-n.ii.' Whitney, of the constabu lary, and PJ OBllOtOd men were wound -! TAFT OEFENDS HIS POSITION ON CANAL Haltimore PffOOldOBl TaflV speak illg at thO annual ban.liel of the MOJ OhOOtl and Manilla, 'ur. is MOOOtOl SOU, defended the ndoilaistratloa's attitude in the Panama mil disaKi I einent with Kngtaad He declared 'bat its laoi-'ti.iii was nol unpaiiiolic or dis honor :l.le and asserted there was no re. i on l..r ativone lo oppose the pio l, , tor arbitration bv an imartial tribunal "Whether sou :'" " i sahohli oi Mol I am in fOVOt 'l makiliK the r.ii.-s betwooa tin .oast- tbrougb the Paaa m. i .anal lOWl I he aatd "Now the question Is oaa we do that under our iiiiernaiional obligations? I think V0 can, and If you read the authorities I think you'll Bad that we may Hut if vi,- ..i,. hound not to eiempt coast wis. , Is we . mi ugree 10 submit tin quest ion to an Impartial tribunal." I'h. i president l (included his speech with au appeal for constitutional gov eminent, endangered In the last few months he aid bj UsgM 'ho propos ed remedies but who could nol furnish concrete exuinples of their proposed reforms. THE MARKETS. Portland. H heal Club, 8iic; bluestem, 92c; red Russian. !c. oats $:'7 per ton. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, 13. Putter t teamery, 37o. I.'ggg ' . lied, :oc I..,ps P'l:' crop, rOc. ool Rasters Oregon, lie; Wll- lamelle valley, I'S'uC. Seattle. Wh.ai iiiuebtciu. Moj club, 6c; red Kicsian, 8;tc. Mutter Craaaieri Ma. ll-, Timothy, ?17 per i.iu; alfalfs, ll! per ion REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deals in Dirt" As Shown By the Records of Mal heur County. Prank ftwishet, Jr to II A Parks nej swj ne se i ii wj sec '20, tp, 30, r 41 ; 1(50 acres, with water rights; b.r00 Ford Staples to Anna Nichols, half Interest In tract of land at Jordan Valley hco 'J, tp :b. r 4ft ; f 1 .1 B McOhIh et u In Annie Nichols et ul, same as above; 11,000 Ontario Land and Townslt com pany to WilliBtn Pitt, lots ..and ft, blk 7, RrvaraMaadd to OntarlatMOO Ontario Land and TowiiHitn com pany to Maud L D0f? lots II ami U'i, blk :i. Ulversblc add toOutnrlo; 1250 U HA lo Prank llolf, sei sec 3.1 tp io. r 1 7 it'.i' natal Prank A Moll et ux to S V llolf. w lift v. see 33, tp 10, r 47; 1 Prauk A Hotf et ux to Henry Hum root, sel se sec KB, tp 10, r 47; l .1 H Ihiucau et ux to .lames Molloy, Int 1, blk 1, Pioneer add to .lordiin alley; flfl.'i lohu Morgan et gg to II (Iroth tsj swl se sel. sec 2G ; ej M swl see, 27. tp :I0. r 42, with water rights; tTO.OOU L L Nooiicheiterto Alice Noon Chester, lot I, blk 31. Hope Holland add to Vale; 91 Joseph W baa at ux to Leo Schmidt, a half r blk 1 1 a lota 5 nd t, blk 5; lots I to 7. blk I I, Vale: 12 P.mile l.anolr to Albert J Lsnoir, ej sa swl. sec 20. tp I.'., r 12 . 10 acres; 91 I'D lit ton to William H McKav et on. tiact ui swl OWfj, sec '.".. tp 1M, r 16 1160 M I Thayer to p. V Pease, lots hii.I io. blk '.'. NeUcn s tlrit add to Vale. iioo Mt-I.M P., me to D S Spencer, hui Interest to llrexel 1,)iihi claim. I'nitl from Malheur City at a end of Ouari gulch: 1 J P Lssswell et ux todeorge V Scott, uel net sec 10, tp :t2. r 11:9100 Morris Summer et u and Louis Sommer et u to Kruast Hill lots 1 1 to 20, UkMO, Ontario; 11,000 Kdiuiitid Sutler et u to William Sutler, lots 7 to 10, blk H ; lots 7 hii.I H M blk 277. Outaiio; also .' acres in tp 18, r 17: 1 William Sutler et u to Kdinond Hotter, lot ft, blk I, Ontario: alo par eel in sec I, tp 1", i 17; 91 S. It Puuyon to George Huston, Koch placer claim in Moim.ii Pa. Hi; 100 N P Ky company io O W R . N 0o uel nwl sec II . nwt swl sec It I ne uel seo IS, tp 10 r Ml 110 acres: II, 7ii N P Ky couipauv to O W R N Qg seA nej 4 swi ml seo II, tp II r M : 4 uwl se sec 20, awl net uel ""i. s swl uel sel seo 2'd ; sel sel sec :il uel i a swl sec 32; l II r Ml sal swl seo M I lot 1 '"! efi '''I ' '" ' lo1 4 and s m-v1 uel sel swl sec 7. tp 23, I 3H; n ne sec 31; cw! nwj sel owl ,.5 .. see II tp Mi r up IMS, 10 rres . H0,0ll.fl Oregon Valley Land company to Nail Mont, nel nlsec31 tp.'Pl r 40 9200 Dell Knst to Peui-ih I I) Kast. Int I and part of swl ne. sec !), tp It! r 47: IMO II S A to Andre A droves, lit 1 of sec 4, lot 4 of sec 3 tp 24 wi swl sec 34. tp 23 r 37 Kenneth Murray to Adam Murray. wj swl sec II. tp IS, r 37. lot 4 of 0M 3. lot 1 of sec 4. tp 21 , r 37 Andrew A drove to Adam Murray. w4 swl seo 3 1, tp It, r 37 ; lot I of seo I, lot 1 of sec I, tp 2 4 r 37; 910 J B Duncan et u and et al to I B Hayes, et ul lot I, blk 7, Jordan Valley l.dwHtd K Curtis lo James II M. Ciiin. swl nwj sec 10 s4 nel sel tiw) sec 30, IpM, r 40 Oregon Valloy Laad company to ai init n OrotBor, 4 "iwi swl sec 10, tp 33. r 10; MM William K Hay.leti to 0 11 More house u4 sw scj seo l"i, tp 1ft. r I0 i?l 00 ('has 0 Johnson to Martesla Wil hams et al, sel nvv s c 7. tp 32, ill. BETTER FARMS WILL BUILD UP THE STATE AND NATION 1 'urther expression to the sentiment In favor of "earth education" that la so sir. me throuehout it. eon today, will be uiven Pebruary 12. which has been made children's dnv in the Conn- I I v LlfO movement. At that time schools ot the state arc expected to phv special attention to tin object of the d.velopment of OrOOgtl'l soil, the miproM-mi.tit of our turins and the beiteruient ol country life generally. The Idea to be worked out everwhere i. that the movement to mske better tin BOOCd tO improve I lie larlli OOSJOI i ( iiiL.,,n s ii ! p that makes lor Ibe prosperity ot all thODOOpIs LlfOOO the larm. It iiiH.le nmre rolltalde, will . . nine inoie attractive and happier homes tneiiii more contented people and tin increased country populatiou. A uiensuti bafgfO the letf'slature I Ians to eten.l the beuellM of the Ore mm Aifrleultiiral college to erery county lu Orenou. Cooperative de mobstration farms will be one of the chief meaiis us.. I Kacb countj or district will be supplied with these lull tut loot and the experts from the o. . c in oharga win u lata tart uersblp with the farmers lu solriua oil problems and m exploltma sari culture to the hunt of its possibilities. It Is only by MOl au arrangement that the aovernmeut tuu.ls can bt ob tamed to further demonstration farm woik in lUasjhwa. HOSPITAL NOTES One tag form sn idea of the need of such au institution as Holy Kosary hospital from the fuel that last week Of less thau four operations were performed lu one day. The Hinas'Us in charue were from tbs d liferent commnultles iu tbls section. Outario. Vale. Payette and Kiuitlaud. Au opt latum fat acute appeudlcitls was pei formed Tuesday on Miss Lulu loiu s. in, of New Plymouth. SAVING TIME fy TELpRftlsip cinJtcX Means Not Only Time But Money Do you ever consider how lonj it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what tiriieyou save by Telephoning? If your time is worth anything you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Butter Wrappers Must Be Printed - are printing more wrappers than any ot her two offices in this section. There is a reason. We ha the machinery, type and workmen necessary and vje take the name care with Butter wrappers that Wt do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of A rpl I S OffiCG Butter Wrappers to the B WCT Bermele's Drug Store Agent for Talbot's (iluaranteed Poultry Medicines "The Standard of America." Our Veterinary Information is at your service. International Stock Remedies Send us your mail orders. W'v prcpuf poslafu1 on all small parcels. 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa. Some buildings. All under fence. Railroad line through tract. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Elec tric pumping plant can be installed for 12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon hi R. S. COOK 4 COMPANY (Off OKI'OKATKU) J. H. COOK, Manager. Capital Stock 50,000.00 Choice Apple and Prune Lands Land and City Property Talk To Our Lamp Man OF course you Inv elaetric liht iii your home, oggoi ami st,. to, I. nt hava you araasjh i it-' li .u grg Him- ordinary Incandescent earboa limps it i-. Mfj " iaggsaa thu yu hava n"t. baciuat the onl) aay you can i; do onough of olet iric light at niimminn est i, by uainf ItM BOOal BOlfaCf electric lamps nt the -'Jth Centur, Edison Mazda Lamps These lamps give from twi t tliric tunes the light et carbon lamps wilhoul incraasinf youi present hghl bill. Tslk 10 our lamp Man about ncent pfOfraM sJaetfk avnpi ond lighting. Ho poailtvaly can show huh the ..".-..'.' nol onl) In tho nuittei ' -ht tor the home, bui ilao ragarding Hag I""1 vt hehl to ilcclop your business Mill ftrflim Liqht A Power Comply OM'AKIO, 0BEG0N T-l