The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 30, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
ntain .vgns.
IV Ontario Argus
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
lead in I'restijre,
merit, nd Circula
tion. Watch uh Rrow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO, ."
Tension Between Legislature
and Governor Acute.
Tilk of Organizing Two-Thirds Major
ity to Pa" Possible vetoes uover-
nor WIN Draw Deadline on Appropriations--Liquor
Bills Numerous
Widows' Penlon Bill Paitea Houae.
Silftn The only Iniportnnt work
coorai'llHli' ' 'I'iriiiK the I o n d
wwk'i session "I ""' leglslaturai aside
from the elcitinn of Dr. Hurry Luna
to the I'nlted StuleB senate, which wag
i mere perfunctory matter devoid of
Un old time political Interest, wai
thi pMMf f vrJ vetoed bills
( the lHt session over Governor
Willi head. 'I hi- Important bill In-
trodu'-ed thin session are mostly In
tbi rommlttee stuge, or have only
puled one hoiiHe.
The vetoed ml pnsand inciuaea me
Ttnmpon bill, relative to land drain-
Hi, the bill relating to formation of
biw counties, leaving division to peo
li in counties affected, aalnry In-
en-men for district attorney In fourth
ind flflli districts and bill creating
llTHtook Military board and appro
prlatiriK $f."l,n for eradication of con
Uftou diseases.
The lennliiii between the legislature
ind the governor became acute durltiK
the week tad the InillcalloiiH pointed
10 a llvel) scrap between the execu
tire ind Ikt lawmakers. The Incep
tion of the warlare wiih the action of
thihouHe in lining up with the senate
IB pinlllK ' o.mI IiIIIk over IiIh bead.
Thi governor wiih particularly Irrita
ted oxer the prospect of the passage
of (be Warner Lake hill, which he
cltlmed wit:, uot for the Interest of
actual settlers but for laud Hpeculu
tori lb' pyg notice that ha would use
thi veto ax freely on bills. There was
UU unions; iiiembera of organizing the
two hrm lies with u two-thirds major-
Arnold Tschirgl, father of the
cashier of the hank at Progsn. died
auddenly January 16, aged years.
He is survived by four son anil his
widow. The funeral was held Mon
day and the remain, accompanied by
members of the lamily. -1 1 1 . I back
to his former home at Keinhirk, la.,
for interment, beside thorn nf his
mother unci fsther and two brothers.
He was prominent In Maiminc rif
fles Mini also a Modern Woodman. He
was born In Switzerland In lift ,tom
mix to tbe I'nlted States with bis
parents ill lHliT.
'Proposed Line Will Shorten Distance Be
tween Spokane and Los Angeles
Fully 475 Miles
The Los Angeles Paper is Not the First to Map Out the
New Line, But Details, Perhaps, More Thoroughly
the Exact Route Which Will' be Followed Than
Any Former Newspaper Article.
f Ml w
Change in Wool Schednle to be
Fought by Wool Manufac
turing Association
Washlngtoa. vlrtunlly nndlsturb
Itjr to pais bills by the wholesale over
h.t M-tn It was also suggested that
till lewlon might be extended over
the usual firt days, in order to over
ndi the komi nor vetoes.
Deadline on Appropriations
The governor announced that he
toiild draw deadline on appropria
ble siid ihiit notliiiiK shove a certain
mount would receive his approval.
He explained that he will have a chart
Inwn. whirii sin be placed In a con
oicuoui plain in the state house, on
lch a line will be drawn at the top.
! red Ink, anil It will carry In figures
the limit he f willing to go on ap
propriations. This chart will be pre
pared tome time this week, and each
7 the money lulls will be poated on
t Al lliev lieeoniH luua the total
he shown and after (be deadline
U hh n,,. ax W) fttu no matter
bu Ik hi!
Tbe temper of the legislature aeema
to be to tike Untie with the governor,
sd unleK oil Is poured on the trou-
! vaten last will he some fire
ork Before ifta dose of the session.
4 Measures Introduced
"lth adjouriiuieiit at the end of the
Meond week H bills had been Intro-
iced In the house of representatives
ud 153 bills in the senate, or a total
" bill a0 far this session. Last
won at the close of the second
ft ITJ hillai had been Introduced In
u house and IfJ kj the aenate.
Dulag tD .econd WMk of lh iei.
m Hi house bills passed the senate
lo of them were signed by the
'raor. The two signed by the gov
""" bo,b repeal old sections of the
Ift la addition to these two Camp
' hill, relating to the term of of
Ml certain state offlcera; Lewel
" h'll, to abolish the office of state
ieot, ii.itzela bill, relating to
ounner of executing tbe satisfac-
"UI B),,,
lagea and Hlnkle'a bill re
' it ion of Indebtedness for
nets, all house bills.
- pftaaad the senate. Tbe bouse
I tw p .fd no seuate bills.
n; l quor Laws Proposed
B of the legislature baa
(ion of more bills re-
iuor business and mor-
1 si) for several years past.
''" in taft a majority of
Qsneral Daniel E. Sickles, who Is
accused by tte New York stats author
Itlss of mis propnation of funda.
Militarists Consider EnverBey
Too Ambitious and Plan
to Curtail Power
Constantinople Oravest apprehen
aion of further and more serious dis
orders Is felt throughout Turkey.
There la a well defined rumor that a
counter-revolution was planned to
overthrow the committee of union and
progress that seized the sublime port.
after assassinating Nsilm I'asha, com-mander-in
chief of the army.
It Is u matter of common knowledge
that many of the most Influential offl
cers of the Turkish army are bitterly
opposed to Knver Hey and his bigb
handed methods and the newest revo
lutionary plot is said to have the back
lug of the aoldlers now at Chatulja.
The militarists credited with plan
nlng tbe counter revolution fear the
Influence of Knver Bey. They believe
he is too radical as well as too auibi
! tious. They believe that he means to
make Malawi absolute dictator of Tur
' key. If pobnible, and that pracUcal an
archy would follow the success of bis
Adrlanople clearly Is the paramount
Issue of the Ualkan war In the Otto
man mind, and It Is beliered that re
fusal to give up the city would be Tur
key's eventual answer to the powers
and to the allies, no matter bow man)
revolutions, counter revolutions and
ministers succeeded themselves on the
kaleidoscopic paue of the Ottoman em
pire. London. The Balkan plenipotenti
aries, who have received full power.
from their respective guennneuts, ap
pointed a committee to drait a note to
th Turklah Dlenluotsntlaries, eiplain
I lng why the peace conference must
now be considered broken off.
The following appeared in the Ore
Koniau of the 21th, and a similar an
nouncement appeared Home time bro
under a Spokane date, which would in
dicate thai there was omc truth in the
LOS ANOKI.KS, Jan. M. (Special)
Full Iff mile will be clipped from the
distance between .on Anirelcn and Spo
kane by the proponed railroad to lie
built by the Harriman MsfMftl in the
Loh Allele officials of the Southern
Pacific Railroad declare thai the survey
for the new roatl ha been practically
completed. The length will be 1 170
mile. Thin ia only li milea lonirer
than the shortcut mute between Spo
kane and Sun Franntsco.
Ai 'corduiK to the latest information,
tin proMiHcil line will extend fmm
Spokane to l.evviston, alone, the Snake
Kivcr to the Oregon Short Line, from
Nampu to Winnemucca, to llaxen, to
Owenyo, to Mojave, thence to Loa An-
There arc but two abort stretches of
road t be built to make the connect
ions through. The city of Los Angeles
recently built a water system, taking
! the water from the I iwenn river, and in
order to handle the work and nupplie
to advantage, constructed a road to the
Owen Valley, wis Mojave and Owenyo,
whore they made connection with the
Nevada and California, which is built
through the Owens Valley, along
Walker Lake and joins the main line of
the Union Pacific at The
northern route would be over the track
of the I'ninn Pacific to Winnemucca.
From there to Homedale is a break of
about two hundred mile The line
which is now lietng laid would conned
them with the main line at Nvssa and
there !- a completed line to Homc-tcad,
some iifly miles from Huntington on
tin- Snake. From Homestead to Lew
iston is alaiut a hundred miles and from
there to SKikane and Hritish Columbia
there arc rail connections It will be
Been there are only two short -tret, ft)
to connect up in order to have a direct
through line from Los Angele. to the
t'uhadiun border, saving several hun
dred miles over any present route
Lawrence Faulkner died Saturday
morning; and was buried Tuesday by
Father (ampo. Mr. Faulkner has
been a resident of thi section for 0Vf
lorty years He was born in Ire'and
and came west in l'Mi2, first going to
the Hoise Hasin during the mining ex
citement and later taking up a home J i tariff on the variety of article la
stead oil Willow Creek, where he lived . the flax. Iiniip and Jute Hcbedule wa
up to the time of his .both. He left I Indicated at the tariff revision hearing
brother, Patrick Faulkner, in this city. J before the ftOwM vvavs and means coin
andn niece. Mrs. .Jerry Prosnan. He mlltee. No action will lie taken until
wa 74 years old. the committee considers tbe schedule
In executive session next month, but
John Murray, of Kmmett, died at the m,lllll(,rH nave injCuted that they con
hospital here on Ml unlay lie was Mi ffi most of the duties as already
year old. The body was taken to hll!hlv r,im,,,mv
Kmmett for interment.
l h '.flaTaT
BWWr Bwl BWr
Mm m
Km w
Es Governor James H. Brady, whe
broke the deadlock and was elected
United States Senator from Idaho.
in mated from the lover-
II.. I l,A of mM .k.
2 came in the
tP " to place before
- -?t(JL:' - the nest semral election
Concluded on page
Wilson Observes Landing of Aliens
New York-Hundreds of aliens,
many of them still clad la the garb of
distant lands, stood before the immi
graUon officials in Ell's Island, seek
lac admission to the country, while
Woodrow Wilson, president-elect, ob
aorved with a scrutinizing eye the
manner of tbelr welcome.
Silver Iropby presented by the Ou
tario i 'oiiiniereial olub for the best
general exhibit of poultry and i i
stock. Kacli bird or animal entered
oouutlng "lie point. Award made ou
largest uuniLer of points L V Patob,
G5 points.
Silver trophy presented by Onta
rio Commercial Club, for tbe liest
display of poultry, cbickeus only al
lowed to compete, to be de
cided by poiuts as follows.
lilue rilibolis count 4 poiuts. Ked
ril I hub couut 2 points. Vellow lib
Dons count 1 point. 13. 00 in caab,
given ftp the Ontario Advanreuient
company, for second best display,
ratal sine as above. L V Patch II
I j KaMfp M
Special Premiums for Pens
i at islMfule Where pieiniumsare
ullei.l forlated bleeds. It IS ent
ed ibst tbe breed must be exhibited
end article not transferable t. OaaM
1'en of White Lcgborus '.'. ftO caab
given by Outario National bank, W
A Crank
Fen of Hrowu Legborns Oue pan
oi meu's ibeB. kiiven b.v Malheur
Mercantile ciniauy, .1 Q Sloan
Pen nt vVbite Km ks Creamer and
sugar art, tftfttH of stock, given i
Combs w'afUwf Haaar. K Sargent
l'n of Paired Locks Stag bundle
carving a value 1.50, given by
Ontario Hardware compauy, C
Pen Mftsssf Jslaud Keds- One
.Moore's Noli Leakable tountaiu pen,
giveu ftp Kverbart Urug company, J
Pen White Wyaudottes- !". rocker,
given by Outario Fuiuituie c.ui iuv.
J 1) baker
IVu Silver Laic Wyaudottes Out
pair I'j.uO wool blankets, given by
Malheur Mcroaulile company. Mrs J
S Tharp
Puff Orpluglous. male Ladles'
leather handbag, giveu by tbe Permele
Urug ooiupauy. Mrs I A Hurrle
Pen Partridge Wyaudottes Ooe bigb
grade all wool abtrt, giveu by the
Toggery, WA Oorbani
Pen White Orplngtous Oneexita
twain y bed tillt, value ell, giveu by
Malheur .Mercantile eiiiupuuy, S J
Pull Orpiugton 10 lb sack of Hour
'giveu by New Vork stifre, A Moote
Pen hint Orplngtous, female, :
eater, giveu by Kadsr Hms, W O
Pen lllack Lsngsliaius If lady win
ner, ?.' akirt, if gent winner, '. hat,
giveu af W A Crank, QaO Mordbotise
Pen guienas pair St ail shoes, given
Py M K Ncwiiiu shoe ature, J Spain
Peu lloudans - Cut glass dish, value
Mi J veil by Hurry POrauel, jeweler,
: K W Parks
Peu baulauiS pair of l van ler'a
j J. 00 shoes, given by M Alexauder,
iuthier. Albeit i. Wbeny
Pen of liamis one 'anadiun ludiau
basket, value IS, SO, given by Ontario
i harm. try. II I. PnoruiH:
.special Premiums for Individual Mini-
Special Kule Pieiuiuina will be
awarded ou highest acores.
Unite Legboru. male oO-pouud
sack Veribest Hour, giveu by Wilson
Bros, grooers, M Q Klebliug
White Leghorn, female -One pack
age each of Talbotts Poultry Kegula
tor, louse powder and roup remedy,
given by Permele Ding company, M G
Liuwn Legboru male Oue pair
ladies' el. M kid gloves, given by Mai
beur Mercautile company, J ( ', Sloau
yondudcl oil pigc a
KruttschnittSaysS. P. Will
Treat U. P. Ah Kastorn
San Kraueisco -Julius Kruttschnltt
of the board of directors of the South
em Pacific company, succeeding Rob
ert who reslgued to take the
chairmanship of the Cnlon Pacific
board, has written a letter to eiecti
tlves of the Southern I'aciflc lu this
oily advising that on February I the
Southern I'aciflc will operate lude
penitently of the. I'nlon I'aciflc in ev
ery way.
On that date. Mr Kruttschnltt says,
the complete divorce of the Southern
from the I' Pacific will be estab
lished, lu all such matters as rout
lug or shipping contracts, the South
eru Pacific will be expected to consld
er the linoii I'aciflc, it au eastern lino
must be considered therein, on au
equality with aasft roads as the Den
ver s Pio hrainle. I'i efer.-ntlal clauses
in contracts or agreements favoring
the I'nlon I'aciflc will be under the
Southern Funfic ban. It Is understood
A movement baa been .1 mi I id bf tbe
residents of tbe Pig assad Saw Rifts'
View section to have a bridge built
across tbe Suake river neai Liveiview.
Petitions have ftaSS irnulatt d iu
Nyssa. Outario and Vule aud these
will be sent fl the legislature lor au
appropriation from tbe Btate and also
pie. ente. I to the county eouit for au
appropriation from tbe county.
l-'rsnk Miller. Zeke Hrutnl idi. Geo.
Wright aud L. .McOeary were aruiiud
with tlie petition.. There i. a county
ferry luaiut.nued near tbe bridge site,
but Una la out of eouiuilnni.n during
bigb water md when there In ice on
the rifal The briilge Wi.ljl'l aecom
lliodute a l.nge liliti.iai i.f peopli . n. I
teud to dtaw trade to Oregon lown
that uow BOSS to 1 Isb".
The coiiimiitee, which heard tho
testimony of many manufacturers aud
importers on the flax, hemp and Jute
schedule of the tariff, was not dispos
ed to question the competitive charac
ter and luxury classification of many
of the laces, embroideries and other
articles In the schedule. This mdl
cateB that the committee favora re
tention Of a ppi ox i ma I el) the Millie
rales on many Items.
The schedule Is one of the most
profitable of the whole tariff scheme,
and produced last year more than M''.
000.000 of revenue, with duties averag
ing above 4f per cent ad valorem.
Some of these articles will be reduced
to stimulate competition and bring
Wool Schedule Under Fire
The Wool schedule will be under
fire this week, and It is expected that
the woolgrnweis and wool manufactur
ing association will present an un
broken front In their right agalaal any
change In the present rates.
The expectation, however. Is that
the democratic majority both In the
committee and house lu the next con
gress wlU favor the same revision as
Incorporated lu the Uuderwood bill
that passed the house al the last ses
sion of congress.
Knox Sends England Note on Panama
The next move In the diplomatic
skirmish between Ureal llnl.iln and
the United Slates over the former na
tion's object ion to the clause III the
I'ausma canal bill, which exempts
Miorlcau shipping engaged III coast
wise trade from the psymenl of tolls,
must come from Kngluud
Until that time, state department of
fieiain declared, they must refrain
from a discussion of Secretary Knox's
note to Secretary Orey to the effect
that there Is no basis for the llrltlsh
protect. It was admitted, however,
that at leaat two or three additional
notes most be exchanged bSSafS
basis for au understanding could be
reached This makes It practically
I certain that Woodrow Wilson will tin
culled upon to make final disposition
of the quest lou, as It Is considered Im
possible (hut the Taft administration
can effect a settlement before March
fSilll til
Monopoly In Money Denied
Accepting as sn "srgumcui" a long
statement by Henry P. Duvlsoii, of
J F. Morgali Co., deti)lng U list-
ence of a money Ifaal and am ibudiig
Him coopci.nion among MnanelaJ III
terosls 10 the weak banking law,"
the house money trust investigating
committee olSSSe! faf the time being
Its financial BfOaS Tfta DOaMBlttM
will begin within a wc.-k on .idei sllou
of Its report, winch will iiioiumeud
changes III tlo- n.iiioiial bank law and
legal eoulrol ol tariuim Imam lal agen
cies air. Davison's statement was au
analytical srCSaMSl ftasad n the ta
bles aud char's presented to the com
mittee purport lag to nliow i otilrol of
!20,000,000,uoo ol resoiinea ft) 10 dl
rectors Tbe statement denied this conclu
sion and et forth pacifically that thu
firm of Morgan It ' 'o believes there
Is no such thing, either lu form or fact,
aa a money trust."
National Capital Brevities.
Frusldeiit laJt rSffaani to dismiss
tbe criminal anil trust suit against the
BO-enlled "balhtiih trust."
Demo ram manager In tbe senate
have agreed that no bill having auy
refereace to iln- Sherman unti trust
law shall rooolvs eon deration during
the remaiiiilr ol tins session of ceu
Demoiist.. saaton IS euurus re
afflrraeii tbelr dntermlnatlos to permit
none of rreeldeal Taft's nominations,
to be eoiiflriie-il g ini. time, with UtS
exception oi irmy, aftvy and itiplomai
t'uududeij on uage I