The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1913, Image 6

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Cont I tiffed from pao 1
arnte governtVK noarus.
Thp Institutions Included ar thn
Orocon stat hospital, tho Eastern
' Orr-Kon stat hospltnl. tho state Insli
Itutioii for taenia iiiiiiilcd, thn Oregon
shttp training school, tlio Oregon state
p nltpfitiary, the Oregon Piute school
for the blind, the Oregon state school
for i he deal, the Oregon tuberculosis
hospital, the Oregon state soldiers'
home and the capltol and supreme
court buildings.
The board of control as provided for
Us the bill is to consist of the govar
nor. the secretary of state and tho
stat treasurer The board Is to meet
on the first Monday of each month,
and all Its meetings are to be open to
the pull!!.- H shall be the duty of the
members of the board under the law
to visit each Institution, with tho ex
ception of the Eastern Oregon state
hospital and the Oregon state soldiers'
home at least once In every throe
months, and to visit these Institution
at least oaoe every year.
appropriation bill, which was passed
two years ago in event the McArthur
111 goes through It will virtually do
away with the state purchasing hoard
T placing the duties of that board
wHta the state hoard of control.
The appropriation of $S000 a vear
which is carried for the salary of the
governor's secretary Is practically a
enpllcate of the present cost to the
tate for that office. Now he acts as
clerk of several board of the various
Institution In event the board of
control bill goes through these duties
would be tsttrn from him and his sal
ary dropped to $1200 a year
While numerous sets for the rapeaJ
tag of laws which provide for public
fflces and commissions have been in
troduced, at the same time, for the
first week of a session, It Is fnlrly well
holding Its own as to bills creating
new public offices.
One bill creating the Accident In
dustrial commission provides for three
commissioners. each to rocelva g salary
of M00 n -ar, thus carrylni provlg
Ion In this bill Tor gatarlM alone of
llOtMM a ytvr or 121.000 for I Menntal
nothor Mill which creates a chair
of loMtnfl engineering oi the Oregon
agricultural college, carries with it M
appropriation of 108,000
Mil hll! also been I'ltro.lwecl tO
provide for the examination of rural
cn-dits In Kuropi.m countries which
carries nn appmi i lal ion for the ex
yensch of 'i ' Int est p itori
TaVO Mil prot Mil 'oi i Huroaii of
If Inee end (Jeolog) It practical!) creat
Ing a new bureau, although there Is a
Duff of Mines at the Oregon utrl
cultural college which will be done
aw. iv with if this bill passes
The bill OTtatlni state board of
Control tvnl!' I n i BOU hoanl.
but does aua with a number of old
ones and centralises ami expands
somewhat the duties of the present
stati' board, which Is BMde up of the
governor, secretary of State ami state
Interstate Bridge Wins First Round
Multnomah won the first round in
its battle for legislate e consideration
of an Interstate bridge between Wasli
legion and Oregon over tho Columbia
river when the senate Indorsed a
house resolution providing for a com
Bilttee to meet with the Washington
The resolution provides that a com
mlttee of two front the senate and
three from the house shall meet with
a like committee from the WashltiK
ton legislature to confer on the noa
t Ion of the adnsahllltv of the bridge
anil thO ways and menus to secure the
desired result.
Invited to View Hill's Good Roads
n.-rnor West and all the meaabefl
i. lenlslatlire were iuvlli-1 to Sam
u. :.. le U Ullests ai 01 POSM
it to Maryhill. OVaell to in
H ' ; even varieties ol fOOtl mails.
t i t, unfit law. ruble , nun will
iM i , i,e t mo set for ihi rial!
Is en I iturdaj or Sunday, a lo-ft
Hi.- ... g Ol the session will mil lihol
t,, rioualy uffei lad The legleluture
is a en i be ohotoe ot i a o data lal
tini.i., r. ihi. ii- or nuuday, Kebru
... -
Changes in Oregon System Proposed
The Initiative' ami lelereliililill ami
the oorrupi prectlcea Ml ere being
Bgad i uroa iibjeel ol nu
saorou in aoai i al " I
oiit .- Ion, bin according to Indies.
(i()IIS it,, : ,,i the amendments u iood from a obaractei i ec
,,, ,1,, .. ,. ,,, ,.h. ul) been m d ofi land aloi
Status of State Work Described by
Salem Report of tho progress
maile on the various public buildings
of the state Is in the hands of the
stale printer being prepared for sub
tnU-lon to the legislative assembly
Tlu public buildlnn commissioners.
consisting of the governor, secretary
; ite. mil Mate treasurer, report
the ganaral progrnea made on the state
ttrojecta, commend the policy of em
ploying a state architect ami strongly
praise the work of V (' Knighton,
state architect. In the past two years.
This report refers to the new Kast
erti OragOfl insane hospital as the best
ami Boat modern plant of Ita kind
wi t ol Chicago
In noun Hie progress made on the
Baa supreme court and state library.
BO Dtaiing completion, Just east of
the capitol, H Is shown that the hoard
looked to the future and has pro
vliled for the Inevitable enlargement
of thOM departments, but that addi
tional appropriation will be needed
for completion.
Mr Knighton's estimates show that
tho girls dormitory at the feeble mind
ed Institute will require an additional
appropriation 0f $n in '.s and also sets
out In detail the expenditures of the
stale funds on the new Insane hospi
tal. Ry this, the buildings ami equip
meut cost the stute $4.17.88105. uud
the land including litigation and Ita
provements $75,806.36.
Bessie Mci (y, tne "Yama Tama
Girl," is returning fo the stage, despite
the objections of her novelist hus
band, Richard Rafting Davis, to whom
she was married a few months ago.
Governor Sulzer of New York par
donel Koike K. Rramlt. rormer valet
of Mortimer T Schil'f. the New York
banker, on the ground that Brandt's
sentence of 30 years for burglary was
Kdward VV Myllus, the French Jour
nails: detained at New York, was or
dered deported by Secretary Nagel, on
tbe ground that in libeling King
George V of England, he bad commit
ted a crime Involving moral turpitude.
riprano Castro, the "stormy petrol''
of Central American politics, was de
nied freedom on bail pending tho de
cision of h's appeal to the secretary
of commerce and labor from tho deci
sion of the Kills island board which
denied him admission to this country.
Samuol Mill, president of the Hoooo
Telephone a Telegraph company, of
Portland, has filed with the attorney
general of the United States evidence
which ne considers sufficient to war J
nint an Investigation of the American
Telephone & T1oi;rnph company. I
which controls the Pacific Telephone I
& T degrees i ompany in this territory.
Continued from page 1.
long report by Consul General Thack
ara at Berlla, sent to coagress by
President Taft. Thackara said 1118
persons have been treated and while
the cure has not yet been accepted by
the medical profession, the results
warrant the attention of coagress.
Charges that Secretary Fisher at
tempted to coerce Osage Indians into
leasing valuable oil fields to tho Stan
dard Oil company and counter charge
by the secretary that the Uncle Sac
Oil company attempted to acquire the
fields, under circumstances which
were threatening proceedings by Attorney-General
Wlckersham were air
ed before the house committee on In
dian affairs.
H. M. Crooks Is Honorsd
Albany. lu recognition and celebra
tloti of his success In obtaining a $JfiH,
ono endowment fund for Albany col
lege. II M. Crooks, president of the
college, wus the guest of honor at a
liamiuet given by the Albany Counter
elal club In the banquet room of tho
Firs; Presbyterian church. Almost
ton persons attended the banquet
Forest Service to Conserve Wealth Wood Waste
Portland Tha United states forest
In opal ii ion Willi various
local interests. Is ph.nillllK to Illlike all
Investigation of ii"- nafiti M wood
distillation as a means toward reiluc
it clearing logged Off
hunt "ui i renting . i . ouua from tho
srood in tlmbnrland .inn la saw-
i urn has approprlu-
'H for ihis work ami agpoota to
how I'onclualvel) tha adaptabllll) of
lion. : i -..i j leldlng ihe arioua
pro.!' ii i '.Hal Ion
The plan la 10 obtain a qitantlt) of
luiiih i river i'1'i all o Imty
.... ro
.,,, .V.M..1 IMIIIIO.H
proposed w
from 1 1
llllellth i
uhiuiiii if .Miion. and an
,,,,, m ., .11 prop. mil kept Of lh viel.l ol llle prod-
initiative lull ha; nceiv
e,i .. m ol bnll ""'
n for period of
0 'l"'
number of bills
hi, . ndator) clan i
( IxpanM is Urged
OH I .: I lie . I
t r 'a bohall
i .in.- nii-.-.siire. to
,: . uumpbli ta ami nawopa
I i., ,... , -ntative HI. in
i Introduced . bill
M hi If pa will
ravolutlonlxe pro. oedlnga a i rani
tion to Inltlatlug no -o uraa d wgoj'
int; oaatpalgna with retetlon to than
The bill, in brie!. nw in
ol dlatlllatlon, such a- turpentine,
tar mis, tar, pyrollgneoua acid and
Employs Aj. icuiturtl Teacher
M- i;nn ill.' I I ' Olbba. Of the
,ii Agricultural . . il t'orval-
lis, baa be. n obtained gS o.-llinlor
in sgrii uliure U Minn villa
guhoola Mi Mi ' "'
iiim ton u lu " "' Iwi orpomti
uliure in tbe school curriculum
Nyssa Has. Cheese Plant
vt ,,. . rbei in. n are starting
a ohaaaa raciorj bara A commodteus
brick building which arga araotod in
l!lii and m ' fOI n liana as a cream
ery has been a ured and .'.ill bo put
that it
. ... . .n I linn Inline liate service .Mils
Shall be uniavviui iui iuijuui ' r-.
v- In ommotluL' a niessiue or de l 100 cows p IS I I promised.
lawn' j --
feiitine it. save in arguments u
publlolty pampl lal ind lu tha i
papeis This Otltl Off n die"! il,n
oi private literaiuie. and also all other
Uiean.s "' expendil 111' .
Board of Control for Institutions
il in i lie hou-ie I'.v
a bill Introduce
Speaker .i trthur pi"
s for a state
boa I.
i of 0, trol to i;ki over tha man
..... ., ,! :, nairs ol 11 Mate ilistl-
People in the News
i he third trial of Dr aV C. Hyde for
tin- alleged murder of Colonel Thomas
twope, millionaire unelp of afro. Hyde,
started ai Kansas city.
I'oriucr Cougressui
un lal ward C
Butter Wrappers
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necomry and we
take the same care with i hitter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A .,, fGR
Butter Wrappers to the ArgUS OlTlCe
ilM (UI'iK.Ti:ii
J. H. COOK. Manager.
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
BkrJullUMl n UStmi ims B MA IBbi J
1 inn
is Mv Choice of
Duke's Mixture Presents"
Among tin- many valuable prrsenls BOW jjivrn sway
Willi Liii dtMwl )ukr'sMlXtur-lln-revimetlnil'tn
suit tvarf paatar and w tins all-pleasmjr siM-.laiti.iii f
presents ar- .x.i.tlv like the lor all ela-h.-i
of no n like Ihe MP. Ctod Virtfiuia anJ North t aroluia hriUt
leal that you j;et its
Vow tins famous ol.l toh.i-'eo will Ii more popular
than . -i-r- tor it ia now , LifgU .'J -'i " loaoW, uA
la equal Inqualltj to any granulated tobacco jrou nan bn.
it ..u baven't smoked Duka'o Mlituro vdh Ao
... .. ' trt name M the hag tr it now Y-u
ill like it, for there i- no bettor value anj where.
Porea roufrl ..u.- and a Mfouaeea "' eholce irraaulatasl
loaaeco, unsurpassed bj any ia quality, aad srtta saca man )'"
Kri inmk ofcigaretts psperi PBl '
Now About tho Free Preaenta
The couponi ii s packed artth lttgtt & .Vvr" Dukes
Mixture uro s""' ' ' ! "' of tsiusble presents laesa prct
rllti cost you not .... peony. 'Ihe hit indudea not only
r iinokrr.' srlules but
women ami eluldreu riue
fountain penBi umbrrllsi,
cameral. toilet aru.irs,
tenuis i u UetSi .Atelier S
kIotoi and uiaki. etc.
Ai b BBeetal offer during
d-,..,., and January
only, i will nd yom ur
nu dluatrattd catalog
pr.nt FREE. Just .end
oaata and adaraai "u s poti.
Burleigb, republh au,
w.o- ' I'ni
i.-.i Btatea senator by the at. Ina iet;i
ilcli uon I :; ' l.aui.' lu olut uuventlon-
"aaOass- 1 a ;naTT? . ' J
w. H "eaa r.
A&m w r tc
'kttfssiinn-W d
I Horn -' ""'XlUftt
LtAK. CUANCKK iwisi, -p-"
Premium Uspl.
U I.
Means Not Only
Time But Money
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the
distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant
and what timeyou save by Telephoning? If your
time is worth anything y0U cannot afford to be
without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Bermele's Drug Store
Affonta for
Talbot's Ciuaranteed Poultry Medicines
"The Standard nf America."
Our Veterinary Information is at your service.
International Stock Remedies
Send us your mail orders.
We prepay postage on all small pareela.
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric lumping plant can be installed for
sis per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
i i
Talk To Our Lamp Man
- I
lamps .' ti'.
Edison Mazda Lamps
These lauipa give fnmi two t three ttaaoo Ihi
Sjhl "i carUm lauipa without Increasing you praaonl
Talk to our LsUap M m about raeonl MMrooi in
electric lamps and I - . He ptiaitix-ely
you the We ta I nnlj in the matter i I 1 ght
ling tho poi ol Ughl to
develop youi business
Icldho-Oreflon Light & Power Company