The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1913, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Remember Our Palm Olive Soap
and Cream Offer. $1.00 worth
of goods for 50 cents.
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
of High Grade Men's Clothes, at
Style Center
For Men
Local News.
Q. Smith li now on the Yule
Local News
I.Hnipkin'g thcici wear better hik!
V. ft, ROBB having been I'oit ln, - Ailvirtlnftiii'iit
innifrrn-l to tta lliintioRton pony.
"" DWMM Mum himI huh htp hi from
D. W. Caldwell ha MOfSd bin .hoe , their RlfBMlda rBBOb. They brought
ajmp frcm the rear of the Freeman In h Dm- baud of horWM It MIL
birP,.,,,.tiire to the room formerly on i ...... , , , .
. ,. ,, i ... , . . (lai-diier. foinn-Hv n Nampa
sniiieillV h uid. berry, on IJichiml '
'"I"1" T ami ,.i,l.i. a MB In ,,.. ... .1...
...... .-,,.., . .. ..i... a in i at l Ill"
local telephone ofltaa. Mr llvilf Iihi
HlMopal em mm will ba bald la ..,,, tranafanad la tta sHit Lata
I . ball Sunday evaatoi t 1 10 ,,,,. M dlatnd manager.
The nta t thiol von ever aaad (to si,. ( f Iha raaldaou of tta Rim
,b. ti, , i-an O'Ctdaf BOp. Yju 'hj,(. n,(,tiu tmtuplalii that hoys bata
iii.. at Radar . baaa btaakiBB down tat iraaaltaN
i . .. ,, i , it i:. atrlaa Ratakaafa it""""' hardly petalbl thai any
I a ara aord tally lavltad In eblld would willfully deatroy pablk
id,. I n.ii. i'. ball WadBsadwy avaa propartj bal ttan laBueh evtdaooa
la BOOB tli iiu.y will TNM ir a
vhI'iuI ' ii- .. i h it r i l-nco linn
llil tta lillVH .li": I I Ip n IIP. to
i i ratbar thm i-tr v thpin.
NOW It tta till ' ii new nil- PM
a bid i baa ii iir
I from.
Il r i Lamp
i . . ,, 1 1 ttai aod ciBt
.in Dl
1 1... bi nl it Radan I '
ur ? I ii ntil'il.
I -. Cypher. Modi I.
Mental A, II. Mot ilo, two
. haalnrai blooh ib daatl
r ii Cat ibm lag 'in Baodai
all' ' lotarlo.
' nr i I LitHci. I. h plot i hi Itt.-r
' ' ' ' ' iter , . , , , , , ., i .
or Knti i ii in roo, dltd at ttataf Hon
t hi tin lllce the . . .
I ... agi i H I.
-i pnllab
ii ii.
Tba aaaMbara ol tl iota Cooii
i I nil trig
tlllat i atata
i Wierdccu, WMh . linn-. Many mm. urea were MBOH
load of ttoff to I n in. i lad ta tin laoialatora
,n bi i lea ban i wa i.
rha in f ii mi i v Mm Iihm aaaaa Ad
i aoar the Will RaaM
Local Items
The IIMaj farmer ha. a Hock of
M hen Thf cxirn expense nnil
trouble to keep 100 hen. would he very
littlp, iiml tin hc hen. cnuld ba Ml HJ BO
lay ooabla tta aoMtaf of egg. by
jiuiiciniih breeding to known, aaji
Bttalaa of tboroaohcrada. Thu would
mean a dig Imbmbbb in tta raloa "1
the egg crop nt the Mute,
Thi PiaaillBIJ. which wan
built In 1910a ha. I n urrhHse I bf
.nini. pfottoal nipn Km i a iii ba opaaad
up. Tta 'ariiwis mi' arranging for
nmrp cowa to pat IhHr altalfa.
A hill tin b B I i i hi tin.
l.liiim Ipuii-Uturu tor 1 1 I.--. at
MntiH-iiale and Niuudii .ir n the
Snake. The hridite al II imdah will
rii n apaali I I lara iboold ap- i.,. t graal i veuieuoe for tin-1
t' tn ynu.
Unt baflBI rVhruary
of I- I lllll ,11. V
"i, Ka.U-r A Sinn t hint- rur wa. here (Saturday
bMfay la Marab St. An early Hauler with an iaminluK board to try out
i ii:, ludicatiou of an early i the train men located here. Mr
I nu.'.
UtK.ilns .now you the O'Cedar
IbTr ate si-vein I cane, of the atrip
I a.,,,,,.,1 town and aome of The lo,a a. heavy
MB piitH MflOQa, with many
Wanted to buy, atood aeeoud hand.
In dowu wagoii. T W, OlMJatta
naaplaaaoN to mm the O'Cadai l,,an"
M. Take, up the ilunt and leave. Mo.t every day thla week lare
MMh, IVy MM from Kaders I deleiNitione vialtml Vale on account
n HoUavan .Mi
M qulU low.
in -..s-ion. Tta people ftOM tba tOWOB
.Hi h.hI tin- Deal I h'lwt s.oilon
i nly 81.00 llnuk it an out ol the WO? place for a
I J I .in. of Ta.'oma. ii ""'" V "
-i ot Hover BrM Harry Lane MM formally named a.
' ii't'Mt.,1 to iln all lladl BOMMOr M W edue.d.iy.
lOfl a
Tta 1-i'k.iiliit tiii'.'tliiK ol tta Ontario
Woman's olob OBB bald Imiiiiitv 10
it tta BOOM nt Mr.. K. A. Hraser.
Thi if hi a good Bttaadaooa and tta
prograM "i tli nt ii.i i i mi aiih Hitaaad
to w ilh latere. I.
Iii tba abaam i I Mm. Mai left,
MlM .Ml'" .'dull, tt gata mi iiitninial
imII. 1. 1 Bha
:..r vonog
pla in Hi" i at i ii ohiin bi - bi i
partle i ii u i .. "i tta I
i , i BOOll H. which hi I
BOOM in iillluciti'f lor tfi an I nil "V-r II..
BIOI Id Mild III wlllrli lie ! .1 Inel I I
Nimai agpartawai Hta told 1 1 the
OOrk anii'iitf the Indian, mid SmOMB
mid il tin- enthii.ia.m ar, I Hi.'
C. K coiiv.ntniii.. to wlinli deletiate.
ale .fill Ir.nn all parti of tta OOrld.
Mi.. Malatl oloaad oltbaoaanMol
plea for greater latere. t and unity
.,n the youog people of Outai in
and with the hope that the urar tiituie
Ulight ee II union ol .ocle'le. formed
here that would be. of inutuul Ho'tlt.
An iiitcre.tliiat paper by Mia. PaflM
followed. The aubjeet waa " CI1
i Inn .ti Daya in Ka.leru Oreaion"
an J Mra. I'ogue traced the atept tnim
tha time wtieu the llatheud Indiana
in la the trip tn st. Loutagaaktai fa
the Hook ot the (ireat Spirit, which
reiulted in the euergetic mir-i. ...n
work of Jaaou Lee, to the day when
Iha group ot earue.t Chi i.t lau. built
the tlr.l church hi Ontai i.i
The club had Hoped to listen to a
talk OJ le KoBiiig on "Meu'a Clubt
,o, i ttall Clfli Valiif." but he wa.
ah.ent Irniii the city that da.
Three re.olut inu. seut from out
.iilt .inircea were voted upon: One
tn tli. Fonlund BiaolMJ Journal re
qoaatlMJ tlM ,"Utinuain,e of Mi.
Oiaf'l paoM iu that paper; OM '" tbl
legi.lature to urge that Oregou ahoul I
On Saturday OMMlMi February 1 at M) ittJMjll repre.ented iu huiduig.
for the library ball to take place
February lltb were talked oear.
The meeting then ndjourned.
Mid-Winter Excursions to California
lanuary .'tint. Low farea to San
Franci.po and Loa Angelpn with di-
vi i m riiuti Bad limit of April lit.
See 1 1 Bi L Hgiiita for rate, ami fur-
i thcr i artlculan.
For Sale
I food ti'Min weight 3X00 1 l iprloi
tooth barrow i l Jota Daara plowg i
Btodabakti waMMi These mii-t ba
Bold within tlM Bast ten daya. ltapilre
or pbonoa ii. i. r lick oi Rkitard
I ii. . t."i aJfOB amiiially by
tta U in k and Win clul . f( I t ba
BI tta Scholar. hip loan tin ,1. B III
1 'A in. '-lav, January 39 at
.. ' Bf MM II. II. Wlnti B
(ilaM.foid waa in charge,
l.oclipi'k hall at Kurna. waa deM
ti tod by lire laiit week. TbtB WIB
one of the landmarks of the town.
nf the euurta and grand jury botafl
Uje opera houaa me acnunert Mtm ; ,, 9x0bltfl at the Panama I'ucitic
I KlBfbaa bMm to Ontario otaMy club will appear under the j evp,iou lu Sau Frauoiaco iu 1016
1 'I, tin, wek looking after buai- LajMjftoM ami for the benefit af alM L oMMtat to tta legialatuia NOOM
""' lag"l matters. He tetl. ('euietery aaaoototloo. Thia la u
Mat thai when the time awaaaal ffrtftly blf1 fMM musical oyajwtal
c'" b : Bd bf i'reaideiit WiU.ui ' tiou.
"is li'biuer Mi. White, of the White millinery
11 "Md ,i, JojM a few more left ahop will leave tomorrow foi Portland
Lt bl Ira Lumber company yard. : where ahe will purchase her apriug
1 atock ot aloud..
-tiHtiru work by th. Th.- oriuinal Carolina Julile.
llturol ollege, wi, lining BlMJMN "ill bfl at Drcaml.i'i I M FW
--- ot ttjut inatitutiun day eveuiug Januiry !l and the ai
II be realized to u much mi.aiou will be Ml and Sfl MMtB.
... has blttaffta laei, This I. the sicond of the Lyceum
BMMta bill No. 7 la coiirae Hiid the lie au i sbow are
.. I...... i....... aa.i. ....i, ...i ... hr il. I V,., iini Hui.-aii.
'a. , . , ileci-lnii to our lepie.eutative and
11 -. for the :.i.r.r.iiiriui f Olil iieiirn 111 el. i 1 le . plalltutl, II ami
I r 't 'wn"u 'i .-.- - w -
atata and ooontlw ta aoaap Mwaalag aooga of yawl ajowa
I lative field demoiistra the featura.
th. laMBBH theui-
n -i.iliiig a MOCB geueroua BDOfOprla
i u.n to the atota uuiveraity iu oi.l.i
to iuaure Oregon a MOCB advane.
position among tate l. in. in
.he ha. hitherto held
The Widow. 1'eii.ion bill now i
fole our legi.lal hi- waa then lead by
the BaofOtaty and the clul. gnetj the
op urtuuity lu unite with other. t
urge It. I.eiug poaaad. The club wooM
be glad to see the l.lll BOOOMB a UtB
if one or two oi - m I iu i idoiei t
were added to it ool the IBM '
whs directed to write the alub'i
Moi .i .i In i ii 1 1
. ' I ' ,.: .. A. II. LtOOllttla Co.
ale Uui laj 'iiili i ' transit
V. i v lultable lor irrigalli.a
I'ii B o i i . asoiiHidp. Impiir- i,l
Druyiige or I.i. taken at Motira
II' t'l John I.Miid ingliHii , ii .in me
pbooa 19 i
Mil oi lor ule 'i I lock, west
of po.iofll. . at a baigaiu. linpiire at
Aigua ottlca.
oiiieiio Hakeiy gnu. you more
.Old bet lei candy for your money Hi. in
any other place lu town.
For the heal bread and paatry in
town go to the (Intiiiin Hakeiy ,
Tta place in bay Hrt class candle.
la at the Ontario Hakery.
Wanted Cook, good all round man
want, positi. n. PbOM l"l. Ontario
Pot Sal Set ..I buggy baroaM
good a. new. linpiire of W. D
Hilling. ley, phone lull .
Wanted BcbOOl gill to lake rare
.I child aid help arouii'l bouse.
Phone :iHK.
Wanted A second Land BoBO Hand
I nyel III good Co mill , Ii O. ( i
I. in tin.
Wauled tii Roal Small bum with
-me iuiploMineuta, r .hat..
Sot afraid of work. Address boa 3'JT,
i intai io. Oregon.
Lii.t Lln'e hat pin. Ra
turn to Kverhart Drug Store.
HI lie. oat Carter limine Paunn
114 . dare.
For Sale :i share. Owyhee Ditch
n I any .t. "k. eitliei whole or pait.
a. H Winter, Braratla ffaoh
fartbei i-i.mmuineati a In m
Some Miii. wa. .pent in diiou.aiug
For Sale or Trade l1 acree ou the enleitaiiuient I i the i.n.rlt ol
i . I,, time uiilea.onth .a.t ot rruit- the '. h.darl.i. loan tund. which will
I nut. .lid. rule in leather land. Ju a.-re. in young nrchard. v bi a. liver tea at the home of UM
plaaai rataMo to M w bbbbb to alfBlfa. M. I OortM, 0 aNolBMii M' " M. Wbltaof, ob
BBlBS lewai i .Urio. phoue i:..". rural. . W Januiry J' and plan, i
l.r twin 1 1 V sewing call Up Van
Huren hou.e.
Ml potBfiBi nanlag rtngi la tta
of Onlaiio MUBl "all it tli. ritj mar.
ihal'a ' i alt r & ndai 'i i tti
take out I n it inn SO da'
dug. will I. taken up ami ooaU
and if not cal led tor in i da
Will be kl.
rtobart Odall, Mar.hai.
Baby Contest
$50.00 in Prizes
Limit is 25 babies and none over
4 uears old ean enter.
Cash Prize, Maze $15.00
Necklace, Solid Gold,
by Grauel, the Jeweler $10.00
1 Doz. Photos, Burrell's $6.00
Cane Rocker, Ontario
Furniture Co.' $5.00
3 Piece Child's Silver Set
Ontario Hardware Co. $1.00
The remaining 20 babiei will each MpwfAii'c
receive one pair of shot tVnm lMv- V UM1 o
Mrs. Dunnuckwill beat the theatre from 2 to 5p.m.
starting Monday t receive photosof babies. Bring
photos m as possible so wv ran have si idea
made of th
Entries close Jan. 20 Contest closes Feb. 'JO
Bach a in. --'on ticket ontltlaa bolder to one yota.
Every baby mst he pre&ent on the night th'
contt si clot .
Why is it that girts
always find the fellows in
a fat off town more attractive than
the boys they've grown uu with?
It's for the same reu-.oii that
, B that tta m xl town
atoM of tta mail ardaf tauwa in
tta far off dt) baa tattav bBfafataa
than the home town BtBfB within
. minute aralk. Tbl ) know our
illty ns tta Sbda know tta fjood
solid qoaltttaa Of tta home town
ln.ys but, ou know .I.. i i
Inn, a fascination in tin
the uneeiiain, the unknown.
We Waul You to (u'L Acqainted with Our Skoal
and OUR way of lin Business.
Our store will always give you the newest styles in
Footwear and when you se our prices you'll wonder
how we do it.
Wer .. I'nir of Our (iuar;iiil'-d llusirrv ami Mr Coiiv inn l
1 Trial U Ml We Atk
The Ontario National Bank
United Sta t es Depository
Stale of Oregon Depository
T- Our !' Your I' ? II
V t . I 1. i.i! i
glf I'riMil i' I do
l'H-in. in ;i cuii-i-r . fttj ,,--: : -:-
Capital and Surpli v . I
5 l'n ,-i. i Nvl -ii . . I ;