The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1913, Image 3

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A Utoney 5aver
Is Mat llw People Call Farley's furniture Sale
This is ;i forced sale to raise money
an, prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
j. H. Farley Furniture Co.
Bicycle Repairing
a Specialty
All Kind 'i 'I mil Bharprtting
lid Grinding, Snw Filing,
Bciwort Grinding. Bknt
ami ,i n Mower Slmi MQ.
iiip ii Bpocialty
Next Door to Library
The Oregon-Idaho
Lumber Co.
f 0 R
A Complete Stock of Lathe, Posts. Shingles.
Cement. Plaster, Lime, Doors. Windows, Glass,
Screen loors, Rubber Roofing, Building Pa
per, Moulding and other trimmings
lA-t us lifjurv four house bill
be the strong point in you?
plumbing equipment.
No order is too small to receive
our careful attention, and nr
order is too large to exceed our
capacity for dependable work.
We supply genuine "Standard"
fixtures. Let us estimate for
2 l....r Runt nf
ll,,.,.. NiliHiM, (O.
Ontario, Ore.
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newentper, blacksmith shop, hotel drag store, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low pikes,
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when theraihoad
ii built into the Harney Valley.
UMEMBBRt Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
alley to have railroad.
Salt Uke City, Utah.
H. M. HORTON, Sec.
Burns, Oregon
Brown & Taylor, Agents, Ontario, Oregon.
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors and Weatherproof Roofing
Lumber. Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal.
The Must Complete Line of Building Material in Ontario.
tagging operations In the Lower Co
lumhia river district tire tied up na t
result of tli.- snow.
Mrs. Sarah J. Grant, one of the pie
necrs of Polk county, died at her hoin
in Kings Valley at the age of 89 year
Representative llawley has recom
mended the nppolntment of F. B
Southwlck .is postmaster at 8alem t
aucceed Squire Farrow.
Frank V. Osburn, 60 yean old. t
prominent citizen and banker of Ku
gene, died at his home there aftm
several months' Illness of paralysis.
W. McCormack of Eugene, with th ,
percentage of .9811 ranks as the toi
notch amnteur trap shooter of th
state of Oregon for the season of 1911
Governor West has granted a staj j
of execution In the case of Bob Mor
gan, who was to have been hanged
for the murder of Miss Vlrgle Hart
at Condon on October 17.
At a rate of 200 a month letters an
pouring In on the Portland commercial
club from people who want to learn
more aliout Oregon anil who contom
plate building homes here.
C. W. M. Near Co., of Chicago
have purchased the $3on,luin bond is
M of the Port of Coos Hay commls
slon lor tMfJTI. The money Is tc j
be good in harbor improvements.
Governor Went and all the member j
of tin tog) I iin, were Invited tiv Sam
Uel Hill lo he his guest at his OSPOBM
on a visit to Maryhlll. Wash . to In
sped his seven varieties of good roads
fUdfC Wood of Huntington, do
ponod hv Governor West and twice re '
looted on petition for reinstatement
by the count) court. Is back on tin,
jcli a n -iilt of the election last No
Astoria Is planning suitable mcin'-n i
los for each member of the life sin Ins
crews for scrvtOM rendered at UM
wreck of the RoooorMM and on varloui
occasions when life ami property war
In danger
When the democratic presidential
elccti rs met at Salem to cast tin ntt
amnions ballot for Wilson and Mar
shall. Until Mi Lain of Coos county ,
ted to convey the official
vote to Washington.
Seiiaton MM I. ane has filed his flnnl
statement ot campaign expenses with
the secretary ot the senate showini
that ss7.M' was contributed to hit
campaign luml and his tpeodlturoi
aggregated IffJ N
With the conli rrlng or the thirty
second ili.'f on fort J ii i audi
dale-., the twenty seventh semi annua
reunion of ItM Siotiish Kile InnlleH ol
Oregon came to an end In Cortland
Over 500 of the hluher degree Mie-oni
were present at the eoreanOO)
A coyote vvilh tWO tails is the latest
animal (leak 10 he il rtm-h-il In I'm.i
i ill:, county. Chris Sianiiull. a prom
ineiit fanner or Cm-. Killed the animal
with the double caudal appendage and
brought Oie pell with the two llllll
attached to the county clerk" to collect
the bount).
John TorKer.-cii. wanted at Vina
Cat, for the murder ol James Miller
while shooting up a store and saloon
Is under arrest at Itnseburg Torger
sen coHfcsaes to having burglsrued
four posloffucs three railroad sta
tloiu and eight stores in southern Ore
gon between December :'" and January
For attempting to save Hay S Ut
ter, a machinist. Irom burning at Hood
Itlver on May Is. lHn, Krnest I Hon
gi SM ol thai ell) has been announced
us one of the winners In the Caruegia
fund (lislriliiition Mr Boggess was
aw.irilel a hron.e hero medal. ItL'D
dls.ililciin-nt benefits and flOOO HI
in-i lit d
For the first tune in ten years an
elei tion was held Monday in the town
ot Clatsop. Clatsop county, in which
five trustees, a recorder aad marshal
v.i. elected Outside ol I'oillhlid,
( latfOP probably covers more ground
lb, in uiiv city in the state. ( In town
Inn tl extending from Seaside to War
ren (on.
I , sideni Taft has sent to the sen-
a( the list of Oregon nominations
prepared and endorsed by Halpb Will
iams, national coiiimiticeuiab Among
Do mi are John II. Burgard to be col-
i. i or customs at Portland, Thomas.
Mi usker postmaster, tud K C Kirk-1
patriOk, Culled States marshal, and
L H Arnsou, receiver. The Dulles
land office.
P Is understood that the proposition
of ('oos Bav'to place $lf0.00i at the.
diapounl ofaahe government to assist1
it. the work of enlarging Miner harbor
Ins been accepted by the board of ar
t. - ngineers. The board of arm) en
M has concluded to recommend
practically everything asked for the
improvement of Coos Raj b the deb j
gallon frem Marsbfield
Forest rangers of the Shasta, Kla- .
math, Siskiyou and Cra'er National '
forest, in northern California, ""id
loutkern Oregon have been summon-
.-1 M I convention to he held St M'-d-ford.
Fehruarv IK lo :'l 1 I,. . .,i. stV
tion is not an annual uffair, but one tkal la en held period
to di IUH t.ew WOPl aad Ideas
ot flgktlag flr-s, building trails and ,
, 'ione lii.i t, aud the like.
Impo.tant Occurrences of the
Past Week From Cities in
Our State.
Legislature In Deadlock Over Short
Term Senatorship.
noise. After re-electing W. K. Bor
ah for a second term ns United States
senator, the 12th Idnho legislature
went Into a deadlock In Its second
week on selecting a senator for the
short term to succeed the late Sena
tor Heyburn. Chief Justice Allshle
and ex Governor Brady were the ap
parent favorites, receiving 31 rotes
apiece, the remnlnlng votes being scat
tered. An effort wns made Saturday
night to settle the contest, but these
efforts ended by producing apparently
greater complications than ever be
fore, and the legislature adjourned un
til Monday.
New Marriage Law.
Representative Koelscb of Vila conn
ty has Introduced In the house n bill
regulating marriages, which Is attract
ing widespread attention among the
w omen.
The Koelscb bill provides that In all
can's the marriage license will not be
limited until II days alter the appll
cation Is made with the recorder, and
that during that time the recordet
must advertise the application In nt
leas! two Issues of a newspaper. Also
the applicants for marriage must pro
due" the certificate of a physician that
thev arc not Idiotic, Insane, or addict
ed ID the use of drugs, or the excessive
use ol llipior. or that the) are not
afflicted with any contagious diseases.
Another provision of the law Is the
raising of the age limit ol males to :'1
years Heretofore the law has been
that any person, male or lemale. ovci
is could secure a license. I'nder this
law the i" male limit remains at Is
Abolish Immigration Commissioner.
'1 he abolishment of Hie office ol
slate Immigration commissioner Is
.ou-hl b house Joint resolution No
6. Introduced In the house bj Repre
Mutative la wis id (niivon. The KM
lilt Ion provides that Ibe voters of the
State shall vole Upon Ibe ipiestloll ol
Htm lldlng the state constitution to uc
coinplish Un abolition ot ihe Imuilgra
(Ion omuii: loner's department ai t In
m t general election
Kiev en bills. Nos. lo It, Inclusive,
wen oflered in Ibe UOU00 kj Kepte
senlalive I'alKs ot lllaine iniiiilv Ml
th. Mil pctt. un to amend nts and
changes in the initiation laws of the
stale and are in gOOON llh rOOOM
inelulatlolis made h.v Slate Cn liner
Church ol Idaho county submitted
a bill l nipiest in which an appro
priailon ol .in,iioii is asked lo provide
funds to com ti net s wagon road In the
Thuiidei inouiiiaiu country in Idaho
county to connect with the Grange
vllle Florem e road.
County Oivisien
'I hi- Homier count) d. l-mitlon cnu
cased on the Bonner county division
bill and has precticullv decided to full
the new count) Boundary Valley the
first name suggested, bad been taken
by the Boise county division hill.
Houndarv county will take all above
low M hip II I '' ept parls of two town
ship- west ol I'nesl lake Klinira will
be in OOUBt) and Collin In
BoiiihT count).
Campbell and Mi mi the
universitv appropriation bill calling
for ISI4,MrO
Harcheiroiii- put in a bill lo do awa
with the annual i- latnl I voters,
m.iking o:n- !" i' 1st i. it ion hold as long
as the voter st.ivd in llu- pP-Hint
Ifgtor 1 1 it i Introduced a Mil mp!
i.ooi weei, ,-,. days Imtond
of five il
Judge Holds Side Line Becomes End
Line When Vein Crosses It.
Wallace fl4CC W W MtiU, "' lit
li.-li.i I COUrt, reinleied Inn decision iu
r.ivor of the detei.daiiis, the Ontario
Mining company, in ItM "i'1 brought
by the Stewart Miinni.- company, of
which F. August us lleinze is the head.
iieuui utiorui j '- notice tkal l1.i
would mov i- lot g new trial
In his d i lsion Judge Woods said:
"I have determined In favor of the
defendants la H"!- action. Tner
I.- ome little dihpuie about tin apex
of ihal veiu, but tin-re is no ijuebtloli
in in; Mind M IP Ug course and there
is U) iuift.on in my mind as to Hi.
law ol Ii.'- i gjgv
"I hav e a -. Itled ' Ont DtiOUi bi' k
it will lake doelalog oi Iks supVemi
i nun ot the In. ted State- lo lemo. ,
that when a vein crosses a t-ide I.:
on its eonree tkal mil- Una kocotaea
.- and that it ll IkC CPd lr-''
. gnj v. In-re it i io M w t . ..
. r ii crooned botk "- hues or not,
and ii " upon 1 1 I ind Mel '
i rd ike ill i Won io Um def ''
The recent irrigation congress which
MH held in Poi tlai -l recommended . itch
changes and pFOffOM in PW latnatlon
matters as to bring front John II. Lew
Is, state entinei-r. the opinion that, If
recommendations are adopted by the
legislature, the state can stralghtei
out difficulties connected with i"
claiming 1,000,000 acres of land In five
projects, at an approximate average
Of $.'!"' per acre, and thus Increasing
land value, without speculative Influ
etue to IN an acre or a totnl of $60.
0OO.OM added worth to the state, giv
ing home room for 16,000 families
This could be followed by an addition
nl 1,000,000 acres of reclamation st
slightly greater difficulty, but with
equally valuable results.
The attitude of the congress was ex
pressed In resolutions adopted Just be
fore the session closed.
Meilioiii strenuous effort will be
made to have the second woman dele
gate from OeegOtl to th Inauguration
of Woodrow Wilson named from Med
ford The MroUOB. ol Ihe Cicatcr Med
fotil club believe Ihe) are entitled to
recognition as their efforts In Jackson
count) secured the ksfgjcut proportion
al majority lor the measure given at
the recent election. Jackson county
weni lot amendment No. 1 by over
luoo voles.
$2,000,000 GAS PLANT
An immense gas plant, covering 10
in us. vvilh concrete buildings, offices
anil lull iron tanks, which will supply
I'orllaiiil wnli uas until IMP, Is being
buill In llm Portland Gas K Coke com
pan) nl the government moorings, on
the 1 .mill mi load, at a cost ol tJ.two.
c... -ii d'Alono, 'i ne trial of Bo
tbolot.i'V. Mm initio, u rouni Indian
living on the COOOr d'Alene reserve
Hon. who is charged vvilh killing Ills
wire June ::. was atnrtod Monday in
ll.e federal court, tha i. (ii eminent be
i i i. pro ' nieil III the case by I'niled
Stales Mat rid Vilol-tie l.lngenl. Iter,
and the del b) Attorno James H.
Fraler ot Ihla city. The crime Is said
to have been committed seven miles
i i of Tekon, Wash , and the body
of the woman wnt. lernbiv mutilated
! I hen found 'Ihe trial is clouting tsou
kiilciuhlu lloole.,1
Brief News of the week
The equal Kiiffrage constltutluiial
amendineui 1arried in the senate of
South Hakotu with oniv two opposing
Women were excluded llolil prw
ticin:'. law ni the llruish bar by au
nvorwnelmini rote of the bar assmia
don at lis annual meeting in London
New Vori. legislature went on aag
or i oi log I he propom 4 naaondl
n dernl eonatltutloa pro
riding eh. lion ol Culled States sfua
lie people
Thouaanda of women ma have to for Iholr spring ahlrtwal la, man
Ufneturora '), unless nearly to.oeii
list in: gon . vv ho St I III It,
quick!) brou 'iii iii leitns
A i onn pence or pre
I l i .. M Ihe
Pohotna la lo k ki Id In II V ti, wl h
,- .'! ., i j -. ertdge
oi iieii.iu i aa the i Uli i ikei
Tin-:. da) w.i tin- um- hundredth u
trj oi ii.e Mi 'ii "' John C if
moil, soldier, eiplorer, povernor of
California and trlaona and firm cnndl
l date oi ibe republican party for nronl
1 d'-ni of the I'niled States
On ton progressives are kuaH) en
gag. 1 1 111 till elidea1 or to prevent the
i Co... I .i. ' i Oil III I ne I ill n. Il
ai ot Thorn an ktcCueker for poatmna
ter at I'ortliniil, a JiiuuO a year pool
sfeft ' i wi 1. 1 cm '
' Oregon umi algn in.ii a.'i i
A flood ol 1 1 for di a
tl .: uukIi tin losi ol i ;.
;, . ...
from Mrs. Irene Wnlinch '- rrl . iio
Claim! 11,001 000 til lie loss Of lier
ku i undi 1 1 ury B Harrl . Ibenti c.ti
i .iiagi-r. i his is in.- keavieet ' Um
Z,'. i hum. filed i
it U arnod (i i p uui Una
... u v. r,. . ' lb ' a on
F.e He railroad comp . i to uke
over the l railroad
puny I
'',- in
tl . i u Fa